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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TTTRF. i 1 John Pay of Cincinnati lias gone ea-t to enjoy tin- racing on the metropolitan tracks for tin- rest of the month. He plans to spend the month of August at Saratoga. Cock " the Walk, one "f the three -year-old stars of 1913, is on the track again after a | orind in the ■ stud. The sen ..f Ieep oDay took hi- tirst f;lst work for the s. as..ii when lie turned three eighths of ■ a mile in :::» at Ague duel Wednesday. -leliii W. Schorr, one of the foremost owners of the racing thoroughbreds in America, passed through i Buffalo Tliiirsd.i.v on his way from Kentucky to Saratoga, whither liis horses bare preceded him. Mr. Schorr is making the trip by motor. Trainer Kendall Mailman, who was taking the . horses Alston and Greenwood from Latonia I" Fart [ Brie, sustained Injuries while on a train which was derailed by the storm. S far as could be learned I by his relatives, his injuries are not aeriean. At the Latonia track the only per sou Injured was ■ Jack Brown, the apprentice rider for the E. K. Bradley stable. He was Injured by the living debris. but net seriously. Tvvi. of tic dismantled stables J were the large barns containing otto stalls each. Another was the large Bradley stable. Emerald Gem, tin- erratic pott actor that Lewis W. Carth -.rure.l F. .1. Coleman, will shortly l.e seen in the steeplechase field, her education having commenced at Fori Brie this week. The mm is somewhat similar to that •! Chester Krum. also a i lad actor at the post. He has developed into a use ful timber-topper. Secretary Edwards, of the Metropolitun Jockey Club, lias ana .lliced that the Jamaica track will be kept open for horsemen until August l. w. K. Mizell has wired for accommodations there lor eleven i horses, including Bobeti Bradley. This -table will I go on to Saratoga toward the latter end of the month, it is probable. II. C. Hallenbeck has no eBgibles in his stable for . tic Futurity this year, but ibis does net mean be , will not be represented in tin- two-year-old class!.-at Belmont Park. Trainer Bd Heffner is on the lookout for a likely candidate for the Futurity, and 1 it is unite possible In- will have at lea-l one to sent to the post on the opening dav of the West Chester Associations Autumn meeting. lhil Ilaiuill. w bo lias I.. ■on eiij.eing some of t he recent meetings on the Canadian circuit, now claims I San Diego, CaL, as his home. He has information , which leads him to think that nothing will conn ol f the late-t plan t" establish a ra.e track at Tia , luaiia. ju-t across the Mexican boundary near San , Diego, hut l.e predicts that before many years a fine . racing plant will be built there and conducted in a high-class urny.