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1 J : ; 1 ■ ; ; : : : : : : : FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Fort Erie Stakes. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling-. 1G044 111 |_ 102. IRON MASK, br. fr, 7 124 Bv Disguise — Royal Rose J. Livingston. Hamton 3 1 l:12%fasl 4". 129 4 11 !•* 5" J Loftos 7 Pan Zareta. Carbide. Kewt 1 20927 l.aionia, 3 I l:ll%fast 9-5 126 1 111* 1". A Molt. T, T. Norman, 1 ...... -i ires 20607 Douglaa 3 1 1:12 good 11 5 122 2 22 2" 3 j T McTag"t 7 hoice, Chalmers, Leocbarcs 20225 Churchill :.. f 1 :ti:,/-,fast 2 112 3 111* 2" A Key I on 8 Leocbares, High Noon, Hodge l.".97fi Ixston r.i f 1 :0fi4f,fast 1-2 133 1 4 3 2" 1" .1 Hanover 7 Y. Notions, . Jones, Hawthora 13687 Juarea 51 f 1 :02%fast 9-10 ISO 2 1 1 1 1" E Taplin I! Pay Streak, Cos-rove, Furlong BOB HENSLEY. ch. e. 4 111 Bv Rapid Water— Mae Erwin E. B. Elkinsl. 2146S PortErie : : hvy 23-7. Pit; E 4 4 4" P .1 Kederia ti Back Baj Voane Recoil 21 S Hamton 1 1 16 1:46 last 4 166 3 111 P l« a Neylon : King Hamburg, Celto, Indolence 101 i.itonia 1 l:46%hvy 7: 10 Pit 12 7. 2 2- 2 V Murphy s S.Jasmine, Bhroldcrr, B.and.Stara 209S3 1-at.mia 3 1 1:13 good 11 W6 E 4 I 9 :". M Garner 7 B.andStars. nawthorn, l.lUi.r ■■ .-• K-iioni.i 11 16 1 :47%mud 37-20 105 1 2 1 1 3 4 •. W .1 OBn !i B.Candle GcrestBoy Petaltelle 20836 Uilonia 1m7oy 1:42 fast 11-6 167 3 3 2 2 P. "■■ .1 Hanover iI..oi:.iv. Pirst ltegn-e, Lilierator « 7 1 1 Douglas ImTOy 1:4 .-.last 17 Pi7 3 3 2 2 2 2 .1 Hanover 1 SJasmine, l..Skoluy. B.Bradley WATER LADY, b. f. 4 101 By Waterboy — Duchess of Towers Mrs. .T. Ar.mir Conght 2 1 UMfedo* 2 116 I 4 4 4 P ; Y Oberi 1 Recoil, Back Bay, Pan "Jar. , 20961 BlueBon. 1 I :l -.iiiii.l II 10 M E 3 2 1 1- P 1. MeAtee is. pel.!. Aiti,|v, Harlianl •" BlueBon. 3 I 1:14 fast 2 1"". 4 42 2- I* v *i«rt 1; Proctor, King Worth, Back iViy 2t«23 BlueBon. 1 1 :39%fast 19-M 166 E 22 2 2 3* W Obert 5 Cmonada, It Cunarder, Shyness 20644 Dorval 2 1 l:13%fast 7.7 lot n E E 41 ]n R Shillinfr ; BveCnnarder Kewessa Dei . it Wdidne 3 1 1:13 good lfi 104 7 7 fi El 3 B Sliillinj, 7 Kewessa, B Bay, Commonada 20321 Pimlico 3 I l:15«fcmud It* 1**1 1 fi fi SJ 2". U Shilling: Ii Montresor, Sarprise B.Cnar.ler iimiico 3 1 l:13-:,fast 43-10 M 7 fi I M1«R Shilling g Wanda Pitzer. Coniean, T.I 1 id VOGUE, b. f. 3 108 By Peep oDay— Clare Russell Gallaher Bros.. I46X 1 ortEric " I 1:24 hvy 171 M2 2, 3 3 31J 31* c VanDun .". Boh Henslcy, Back Bay Recoil Hamton 511 l:061ifast 30 163 fi S s 71 S1- C VanDun 9 I*an Zarcta. SirEdgar, Rd Howard lsou l.atonia 2 t 1:12 last ft 163 8 Post ri.l.r. K Murpliv S Chalmers Ed Crump Grecian 178S9 Churenl 3 I l:l:!!-mu.l 3-2 162 l 11 2* lh j Metcalf 7 Grecian, Annt Josle MissKielder 17546 Douglaa 6* f 1:67 fast 41 166 1 3 3 3** V Y Andresa 5 A. Josle Waterhlossom Filicreu 17471 Douglaa 51 f 1.-61 fast 14 H S 1 2 2 3] !W Andreaall Liberator, Aant Josle. M.Fielder THE NORMAN, ch. g, 4 114 Bv Hastings— Monarka fat B. Elkins. 21 [.atonia 1 I 9 good B-5 160 1 3 1 ! I* l«JF Murphy •". Leo Bay, P. Hermis, F Degree Ltonla 2 1 Pll-v.last lfi o Phi 2 1 i :;- • p Murph i Hodge, Leocbares Benanet . l.aionia 3 I IS H7 •". 4 2 2 2P M Garner : Iron Mask, B.sChoice, ir.s 3 Latonia 3 I 1:12% fast 4 114 ." 5 " 4 41 .1 Hanover 7 II. ODay. Huntress Ilc.-t .l.i in- 20714 Douglas 1 1 ::,:if.iast fil 10 1 12 7 7 H S S i;;J I, Gentry R Dort eh. Fleets belle AY Witch 20609 Douglas 8-4 1:12 fast sr 111 s c, 7, a 2* p Robinsn 8 B.andStars B.HeasIey. B r.lith 20463 Douglaa 3 I 1 :14»4mud 3! 10 104 fi fi t 5- B»* A Moti 0 P.ncnnis, M.Cassidy. G Hu»bea S8353 Churchill I 1 1 :l lfi ill 7 7 ft IJ 1* K Pool 11 Isaethey, Billy Joe. Intone SQUFELER, br. p. 4 105 Hy John F. — Loreta Phillips E. McBride. 1467 FortFSrl lm70yl:." 9 hvy 38-5 166 3 11 1 2* :;s C VanDun I Waterbass, Tactics, M Picture 21 7 Hamton 1 1:46 last 4.7 no 1111 1 ". 1 t Pargton S Rncore, Buraood. Baby SI i.-r 21053 Con ghl 2 I I:i7-,mu.l 1 ill I 3 2 2»* 3] G Burns II Videt, /.in Del. Yengbec 20961 BlueBon. 1 1 : 1 2 .. : 1 1 tn I 117, pr: 3 11 2 2s 2J R Shilling S Water I.a.lx. Anxiety. Harhard I0S21 BlueBon. 51 f l:07%fast 19-10 116 2 1 2 21 3i G Burns 11 Bin Del, Kewessa, Slipper Day 20621 H.deGce :.. f 1 :.*;-.-. fast 8 MB 2 l 1 ] 11, T MeTajjrtlo Acton. Miramlchl. Kewessa ...vie 11:13 fast 3-3 Pfi 2 11] 1* 1- .1 McTagrt 6 Yodel ins, L.Kaghind, Ran. Brass TORY MAID. ch. f. 3 93 Bv Yankee— Lady Bedford S. M. Henderson. 21300 l.atonia 3 I 1:15 slop 7 ml 2 4 4 4= 40, M Gamer ." Mars Caxsidy. Royal Tea, llncarr 21232. l.atonia 3 I 1:12*4 .fast 3 M E I fi 2". |i M earner 8 Hseeit, Miss Declare Tian-il Jos-:: l.aionia 3-4 1:12%fast It". 96 fi 4 I 2- P. ft] Gamer •• D.Larrick, Korfbage Brkthorn 26776 Douglaa 3 4 1:12 fast 28 M 11 S s g 77, B Marco II B.andSaddle. M.Cassidy, D.Crmen ■.0127 Lexgrton 2 1 1 12";,rast 21 Ps 3 3 3 2] 2* B Darter H Kinl.ioi.l, rv, Grecian, W. Witch 86661 Lexgton 3 I l:H,,hvy 36 M3 ! » 9 s- s R Carter 9 W blossom, An.Krnter, P Maid 19814 Juarea 7-8 l:24%fast 2 mo 12 3 3 3- 41 G W Car*!! 5 C.Marchmoat, Kootenay Seneca l!»7",l .luarez 7-8 l:25%fast 3 2 KP ill 1 •** 2jj R Hoffman 6 G. Russell. Lnkemae M. Fielder 13721 Juarez 51 f 1 :07,%fast fi -5 10S 3 3 3 ] 1» T Bice 7 Me. Ine7. P.isal.a PNCORE, h. g, 3 91 Bv Plaudit— Expressing- Mrs. J. Arthur. 21310 Hamton 3 11:11 fast 5 lou 3 4 3 fi s".[ Acton 12 Betterton, Commensia, Bichwood ; . Hamton 1 1:46 fast 3 ss 322 2 :» ; 1. MeAtee s s.pi..cier. Barwood. Baby Sister i BlueBon. r. f 1 :o7-.-.f:ist 13 Krj 7 6 7 8 7* V ....per 11 Ziu Pel. Kewessa, Soueeler 20523 Wditine 3-4 1:13 fast ll.l 83 7. 1 1 1- 1" A Collins lo The Spirit Clint. Ada Anne I Iimiico 3 1 l:15*£mud 46-5 1"! 2 1 4 4- 5*1R Shilling 0 Corn Broom. Buslivllea.l lhena 19608 Havana 5?. f 1 :07:-,fast fi ft !17 4 5 Ill" Y Ural 8 A.N.Akin, Marjoria A., Tig. Jim 19563 Havana 3-4 1:15 fast 4 Sir, r, 2 !• 2- W Ural 7 BriarPatb, CI Iff Field, Crossbun 19530 Havana 1 I 1 :l !•"•-, fast 4J !t4 11 11 l» v Dral S Joe Finn. Briar Path, Colic BENDEL, ch. c, 4 108 Bv Urele— Bremen J. J. Timraerman. HSii FortErli 3 11 ..P. -.hvy 12 122 4 2 11= IP. M Garner 6 Bushy Head. Martian. Masnlk 21470 FortErie 1 1-S 2:ll%hvy -I 112 111 1 l| 2* Y Obert 7 Cnttyhnnk, Joe Stein. Weyanoke 21397 Hamton 1 l:41%mud t 163 2 11 1 P. 1«* W Obert 7 L. Seorge, J.H.Houghtou. Zodiac 212i:o Hamton 3 1 1 :1 i lo.". S S S 2= 1= .1 Acton 12 L. London. M. Waters. J.U llhtoa 21029 Conght 3 4 1. lfi good 4 103 I 4 3 34 2- J Acton 11 laebgahibble. Son. Boy. A.ODay 20S62 BlueBon. 2-4 1:14%fast 25 99 16 11 11 9* M*U Ho.1.1 II The Vil.-v. " CornBroom 20825 BlueBon. 1 44 11110 9 7 S P 9-UV Obert 11 Ienaltv. J. H. Homrhten Klwah 26526 Wdbine 3 4 l:13*ifast 10 MB 7 8 7 41 4V 1 Finch 14 Yorkville, L. London, York Lad VALAS, b. g. 3 96 Bv Puryear D.— Olathe R. B. Stelle. I Hamton 3 1 l:16*£mud 1 93 S 1 1 1- I* .1 Aetna S Peggy L., MlssWaters Mcelicka 21293 Hamton 3-4 :* 104 lo fi 7 •"• E »* .1 Morys 1! Cardigan, Crystal Celebrity 207*9 Dorval 1m7* v Pis last 4 MJ 111 1 *» J* .1 Snivtli pi IlvIIonie. Energetic llerndoa 20751 Dorval 1 1 it; i:49%fasl 9-5 M 2 11 1 P 3* I. MeAtee 8 Jabot. Asa Herndon. Ben I n. is 20616 Dorval inuiy I : i...-.iast 21 lol 8 fi r r. 6* - l- MeAtee 9 Ply Home, S. of Celebrity 20491 Wdbine 1 1 16 1:17-. slow SS-6 SS 4 2 2 1 1* 3*1 J Acton fi Cuttvliiink, Ida Claire Balfroa 26427 Wdbine 1 1-8 pr.p.-.rast SS 109 5 7 7 c. fi". :,-• m Mtbews 7 Commonada, Cllrf llav.-u Boxer S0308 Pimlico 1 l:42*ifasl 63-26 M5 .7 4 4 2 3* 1* C Turner c, o.Mai.l. Tamerlane, I. s-irtu.lle 26296 Pimlico 1 l:45%alow 19 K ! ft 2 2 2n 2" 1; McDottlO Noras, Scbaapps, Lady Brya