Aqueduct Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-10


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! ■ , j j I . , I ■ ; i . : ! 1 , • » ■ ■ i [ , . , , , , . . " - t n ii ,, 0 ,, n ,, • AQUEDUCT FORM CHART. NEW YORK. FRIDAY. JULY 9. 1915.— Twelfth day. Queens County Jockey Club. Summer Meeting of 15 daj ». Weather clear. Presiding Judge, c. H PettlnglU. Starter, Mais Caasldy. Radng Secretary, F. Ribkiiigwi. Ra, ing start- at -:■ « p. m. Chicago time 1:30 p. m.i. *Inilieatcs appreiitiee allowance. 2TJ fT TJ Q FIRST RACK— 5-8 Mile. 08481—50 2—120. 00 Added. U year-olds. Fillies and IO 1 O Geldings. Allowances. Net value to winner 20; second. .0: third, *:; . " Index Horses AWtlCSt 4 % % Str Fin Jockeys Own, is 11 C C S 2149SSPRINT wn IK 2 1 i l". 1- 1-. M Baxton Hiapah Stable 1-0 9-194-and out— 21473»MALACH1TE w ill 4 1 :v- :;• 2« Z c Tuner A Belmont 8-5 7-5 0-5 ont— 21820 ;:i . KBNNA wb 111 1 2 1. 1 3* :;s T M,iagM Hlrsch 12 la 1". 2 — EXCELSIOR wn 191 ■,-■ 14 4 4 .1 McKverQnincy Stable 39 109 SO 8 — Time. 1:00%. Track good. Winner — B. f. by Bock Sand— Sprite, by limn of Navarre I trained by :. M. Odsaa. Went to post at 2:34. At post 1 mtnate. Start g.» d and -low. Won easily: second and third driving SPRINT bejraa slowly, but displayed a brllllaal flight of speed in the Brst eighth and. having disposed of her opposition in the stretch, won going away, then unseated bei rider after the race and ran awav a mile and an eighth. MALACHITE ran wide at the iIIm.w. but tini-hed gamely under urging and easily held FINA KFWA safe. The latter -el I fast pace and saved gronhd when entering the stretch, but tired in tin- eiginii. i:xci:i.sniR was never prominent. 2| pT rj A BECOND RACE 5-8 Mile. 06431—89—2—120. Parse 09. :; year-olds and upward. X. «.J t rk Selling. Net value to winner 90; sec 1. 1: third, 0. Index Horses A Wt PC St 4 Vj ?4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C 1 5 •:il!» INci.i: .IIMM11-; wb 4 109 1 1 1» 1* 1» l* M Buxton T Smith hB5 7-5 9-192-5 ont 21324 NOURBDDIN wn 2 102 I 2 2] V i". _• .1 McCaheyR T Wilson 82] hB5 21447:*HIKER vv .". 07 4 4 :". S" Jl ::■ .1 MeKv.ri: Fending I I 18-59-5 2-5 21478 PATRICK S. wn 7 M9 S :: 1- 4" 4:; !; .1 Bntwell Mrs 1 J Fox i; s s Z c. :, 21490 PEACEFUL wn 4 M9 2 i I :,- ."- :. A NicklausMrs A C Flume 8* W M 12 8 lilt;n NiilllIIKHXER WB 4 119 7 E , 8 8 8 I* Lowder A A Dunlap II 10 N :i 7.7 21S24 DENGRO w I no :: Left at the post. R Troxler M A olton s in io 4 S-G Tiine. 1:00. Track good. Winner — I!, g. by Cncle — Catherine arson trained by ;. M. Odom. Went to pest at :::•:;. At post 5 minutes, start g 1 and slow for all but DENGRO. Won easily; second and third driving. UNCLE .1IMMIF took the lead at once and won all the way under restraint. NOl REDDIN raced In nearest pursuit of the leader and drew away from HIKES when the latter challenged at the eighth HIKER was in close quarter* in the early running and closed up ganiolv. but could never overtake the leaders. PATRICK s. raced in deep going all the way. The winner, catered for 00, wa- i, hi up to 0O and bought by G. Alexandra Scratched- 21 127 Presumption, li.;: 21471»Coy. 109; 21492rWater Lily, 115: 2140B*Prairle. 113: 21034* vM.-inl. Kii: •»14.rj Mack 1.. Fill, auks, lli.t; LU.t Am on. Kill: LI 17 Hoffman. Ill: -i:;!.. Battery, 190. fc 1 PT l~7 pT THIRD RACK-1 Mile. 80370—1:38—3—100. 00 Added. 3-year-olds and apward. dat A. fj I tj Belling. Net value to winic r 01 | second, 00; third. *" » Index Horses AWtIISt% ■. ?j Sir Fin Ji ekeys Owners O II C I S~~ 20995 F. II F THISTLE wn 0 113 1 1 1 2* 2 | 21 13 Q Byrne II C Hallenbeck 3 F II 1 ont 21533-TIAKKY SHAW wb 4 110 1 1 4 1- 1| 1* 2* M Bnxton W Parrj 1 8-5 9 ml t out 21309 STAR GIFT wn $ 111 1 :, :: ,»:;- ;;i ;;•■ :;e p MeTagi I a laee Stable 8-5 2 9-5 2-5 out 21217 ANFFS WB I 110 2 2 2 4 4 4 I J McCain v A Pinkerton 31 49 l» 8 out Tim,. 13. 24. 36. *$%, 1:00%. 1:13%, 1:27, 1:40. Track good. Winner— B. g. by Blue* Wild Thistle drained by E. V. Heffner. Wen to post at :•.:•;•_. At |iost 4 minute-. Start g 1 and slow. Won driving: ■rcond and third the -am,. BLI K THISTLE was saved under restrain! in the early limning, bin wore HARRY SHAW down in tie Bnal eighth and was drawiim clear at the linish. HARRY SHAW w.a- in the bed going for tie- first half but. alter taking the lead, ran next to th rail ;n deep going for the remainder of the way and tired When challenged. STAR GIFT was forced to he pulled up -handy in the tirst quarter, bul closed iip i,-o bi! 1 ill the stretch and was gaining on HARRY SHAW at the end. The winner was entered for ,500; no bid. fc "I PT 7 * FOFRTH RAF 1 Mile. 503T0- l:3S -3—100.1 1915.sh00 Added. :: year olds and uiiwariF da 1 * f i O Handicap. Net value to winner 03; second, 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtRSt j ■■ y, Sir Fin Jockey* Owmrs O II C F S " 21531 -MONTKKSOR WB 5 103 1 I - 3 2] 1 F 1 Mlagrti; T Wilson , 4 f 5 3-2 3-G 21494 c aim: R wa t 114 l 2 3 •",■ :;. 21 2 M Buxton Greentree Stable E E I] 7-5 3 i 21474 Fl.F.F.l.FS wn 3 lis ii E J- l1 ! .:;. 31 C Tamer .1 Butler 21 :: :i I 2-5 21445-F.I KIloRN w c. T1 I 1 1 F. 1- I 4s .1 Futw.ll R .1 Mackenzie :. 1-4 3-5 ont 21238 1 4 li: M. vv 4 IK. 2 8 I 8 :,- • ", ■ .".".I IfcCaheyJ W Mess rvy E 7 . 1 21494 TRIAL RY JFRY wan 3 K l 5 1 ", 21 8 8 i J P Ryan V. B Casaatt 28 89 39 la 4 Tine. 13. 24, 35%. 47«5. 59%. 1:11%, 1:27%. 1:40"-. Track good. Winner— Ch. g. by Monfort Madehen trained by T. J. Healer. Weal to poHl at 4: iL. At |»,st 2 minutes. Start g I and slow. Won driving: aeconri and third the sain,-. MONTRESOB was favored with good racing luck, but ran a g 1 raee and outstayed GAINER at the linish. GAINER wa- in close ueartcm until in the tinal quarter and was forced t pull up several times, but Bnished gamely when clear. PEBBLES showed great -peed in pacemaking, but waa ridden all over the track through the stretch. F.FCKlloRN moved up gamely oa the last turn, bul was forced wide by Ike bailor a id i-.-peale.lly interior. t| with. AMIF M. wa- pulp.-. -id all tie- way. 2-1 pr rj rj FIFTH RACK 1 M-Tc 30370 U38 3 IOO! i 00 Add, d. .l-year old- and npwardT I ♦ • I Maidens. Selling. Net value to winner 00; second, 09; third. 0. Index Horses AWtllSt ..j c. % Str Fin Jockeys Owmrs o II C I S »l lli-i!N vv 5 197 8 I l» l1 U 1- lj J Bntwell J E WIdener 3-5 7-108-8 1 lout 81300 SAM SLICK wsb 3 197 8 2 1 - _; _■ 2s -" . Byrne Cleveland staid, 1 ,; ;, 7-5 3-5 S1409,EAELYN C. a :: b7 2 1 2] Jl 3* Is ■■■ C Fbther B Pfifferling r. 5 G 7 ". :: ", 81S18*MISS McGIGGLE ws 3 190 1 1 6*1 V I". !:1 I .1 McKverH Kites 1", 29 29 •. 2J *o »0 7 i.vnv BIJTTRFLYw 3 105 " 7 7" 8] n ; 8« 5 .1 McTaa;rtB Dorsey 20 39 38 8 1 21490 PRIMARY ws 3 197 7 8 .",. :..:, r,". i;1- M Buxton Mrs G L GinahnrgSO 99 25 1 :: •.l . 7 VAZA vv :: 1 |o I S I* Bi 7- 7- 7 T McTagtF B l.emair,- in Hi 11 -ilbS.":! HABERDASH w 105 I 8 8 8 8 8 8 C Tuner !• Peitner 39 30 38 19 1 Time. 13V5. 24,. 36-.,, 493/. i:00=.-,. 1:13-,. 1:28. 1:41%. Track fast. Winner — B. g. by Yankee— Monarda trained by J. IF LeirbO. Went to post at l:L".i. At post 2 minutes. Strt good and slow. Won easily; xecond and third driving. COIN -et tin pace under slight i.-tiaint from the start and drew away In the tinal quarter to win in . .anter. SAM SLICK raced gam, ly under pressure throughout, but could never pel up. EVELYN C was taken back and raved to the stretch, but failed to respond when called on. The other- wen- alwaya oat-paced. The winner waa entered for *■". ": no bid. Scratched iMinti Gammon, Ki7: 30180 Ventura, 100, Overweights Evelyn c. 1 pounds. a | pr r7 Q sixih RACE 5-8 Mile. 05451 30 2 1300 Purse 00. 3-year-olds aad anward. £ 1 O i O All v. auees. Net value to winner $::Hi: eeoud. XT": third. ;-;». Tad.- Horses AWtllSt , :. ■-, Sir Fill Jockeys Owners O [| C F S 340 QUARTZ wa 3 119 7 1 |« 1- 1 1- .1 Bntwell J Ranford 1 1 9-191-3 oat i •» 1 4 7 I i li !. i:il s wb 3 112 I 1 Si 3" -- • C Fbther li Gideon I 11-53-5 ont 819432YADOPEEP a E nr. 1 8 4 t1 P .: G Byrne Palace stable E 7 8 3-2 1-2 81493C MERRICK WB 1113 a 3 :■ 7- ■"- I vv McD*ottT .1 OBrien M 29 29 •, 2J IKFOi SIFUKMA.Y W 3 119 1 - 2* 21 3j 6» c Tuner .1 Butler 8 1". 12 4 7-5 873 CHANCE vv I no 7 7 • 8 i . M Bnxton .1 K Madden 20 29 28 8 :" -Mlilt." 1 -i.VII. FISH WSIM I :: V "•- V 7 I M TagtJ Kellj M 18 N li 5 KRESLAU a I ,-1 8 8 I 8 8 8 L mi n Parkvale Stable 60 100 100 30 10 Time. 59 eipeil- track record!. Track fast. Winner Br. c. by Rockton -Oriaka trained b. II. Hughes. Winl t,- | at 1:59. At post 1 minutes. Start rend nnd alow Won cantering: aeeond and third driving, oi IRTZ wa- -■ iv and. racing into i long lead In tie- Rtretch. wa* only eaaterlns at th,- liirsii. i-,i| Alli s wa- hard ridden from the start and disposed of RIPBEMACV in the final eighth. VAOOPEEP waa buffeted abonl In the earlj runulna and lini-ln-d resolutely under panhuimcnt. SUPREMACY rposd and was eased up when beaten, rv MERRICK Bnished fast. Scratched 23400 True nt Stc I. 117: Jl;;l Frosty Face, 107: -loJl Antrim. 105; ill7n Two 1U. Overweights— Breslan, 2 pounds.

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Local Identifier: drf1915071001_3_3
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