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: 1 WAPITI WAS BRED IN WYOMING; SON OF GOOD SPRINTER HARM0NIC0N Wapiti, which won at Saratoga last week, was bred by W. R. Coe at his ranch in Wyoming, and is the second of the progeny of Har-monicon to win. Harmoniccii, when owned by Mr. Whitney, arid raced in England, was considered one of the "fastest sprinters in that country. He wiis a magnificent individual when racing and is evidently going to make good in the stud. He is by Disguise Harpsichord. The fact that race horses can be bred in Wyoming and other parts of the northwest is not new, but" it must be a source of .gratification to all. those who Would like to see the horse-breeding industry flourish in every state in the Union. Marcus Daly proved to the world that both thoroughbreds ,and standard-breds of the highest quality could be reared in Montana, and there is little. If. any. difference in Climatic conditions between Montana and Wyoming. .