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WOODBINE PARK TOEONTO ONT SATURDAY MAY 22 1926 Woodbine Park 1 Mile First day Ontario Jockey Club Spring nice ling cf 7 days Weather clear Steward Representing Canadian Racing Associations F Nelson Stewards of Meeting K J Bryan A K Dymcnt C Campbell and C M Hendrie Judges J B Campbell LieutCol K 1C Marshall and W B Hendrie Starter Marshall Cassidy Racing Secretary AA 1 Fraser Racing starts at 230 p in Chicago time 130 p ro W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance 4 QA FIRST RACE 34 Kile Sept 27 1922 111 5 117 Trial Plate Handicap 1500 UAOTtO Added 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 1090 second 300 third 150 fourth 50 Index Horses AAVtPPSt i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 01512 DIGIT wn 0 109 3 5 J 11 IS I Scliaefer Seagram Stable jloOlOO 71C8SGAFFSMAN w 3 112 5 2 31 31 31 2 II Ericksn Seagram Stable t t01512MR 01512MR PEPP w 4 115 7 3 6i 5 4 t 31 J Butwell E F AVhitney 303100 303100OI3C6 OI3C6 MOTHERS SON wn 5 112 1 9 81 74 6 4 C Fbther Carlton Stablo 373100 01588 SPORT ROYAL wn 3 S 1 2 2V 2J 51 W Munden AV J Salmon 123MOO 00488 HOT PEPPER WB 3 95 2 7 41 4s 5s C J Maciver T Francis 945100 39802 KINGS RANSOM w 5 108 4 6 7 S1 72 7J A Abel J R Larocquo 470S100 01650 GLENISTER II w 4 IOC 9 8 51 6 9 S H Thomas Greon Briar Stable 25S5100 6367 CHLORLS w 7 107 G 4 9 9 SI 9 A Claver H B Larvey 2C10100 2C10100tCoupled tCoupled as Seagram Stable entry entryTime Time 23 47 J 114 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Seagram Stable entry 100 straight 410 place 320 show Mr Pepp 310 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Scajfrain Stable entry 150 to 100 straight 143 to 100 place CO to 100 show Mr Pepp 55 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner B li by Ultimus Miss Valens by Valcns trained by AV H Bringloe bred by Mr Hal AVent to post at 231 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow AAon driving second and third the same DIGIT began fast and taking he lead at once won all tlie way GAFFSMAN raced close up and finished well and was not ridden hard at the end MR PEPP began very slowly but gained steadily and finished fast on the outside SPORT ROYAL showed much early speed but as usual tired in the stretch HOT PEPPEK a forward contender in the early running quit in the final drive MOTHERS SON ran n good race raceScratched Scratched 0151tzLieiitenant II 103 01C423VHderncss 112 01472 Token 98 97280 Arno 110 013C9Thistlewood 108 108Overweights Overweights Kings Ransom 4 pounds Sport Royal 1 Mothers Son 1 SECOND RACE About 2 Miles Belter Skelter Steeplechase 2000 Added 4yearolds nd upward Claiming Net value to winner 1460 second 400 third 150 fourth 50 Index Horses A Wt PPSt 4 8 12 15 Fin Jockeys Equir Odds Strt 89772SIRISH JIG w 8 141 4 7 G 5 3 2 1 S Veitch Queen City Stablo 790100 790100OI233HERRIARD OI233HERRIARD ws 7 148 1 f 9587lROKING HORSE w 9 146 5 4 I1 I1 Il 1 3 E Groves Ludgato Farm Stable 10oIlX 64052 AMMUNITION w 11 114 7 1 4 4J 4 4J 4s H McAfee A Cayo t O100 O100013973ROI 013973ROI CRAIG w 10 141 2 3 21 3 5 5 5 ° R H Cfrd R Pending 285100 9 1158 PECCANT w 9 144 3 C 7 7 6 6 G = = P AVatkins Lynmoro Stablo 1035100 103510095628HELSDELITE 95628HELSDELITE w 8 148 G 5 3 C 7 7 7 AV Borgan AV Caso t ttCcupled tCcupled as A and AV Case entry Time 419 Track heavy 2 iiiuliiis paid Irish Jig 1780 straight 390 place 375 show Hcrriard 383 place 29 show Rocking Horse 473 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Irish Jig 700 to 100 straight 193 to 100 place 87A to 100 show Hcrriard 92 to 100 place 47 to 100 show Hocking Horse li7 i to 100 show showAVinner AVinner Ch g by Bcrrilldoii Belle Clem by Contestor trained by C OIxary bred by Messrs AV and I Carth CarthAVent AVent to jmst at 301 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same IRISH JH was saved under slight restraint until in the last turn of the field then came fast and finishing gamely won in the last stride 11KKKIAK1 was barely beaten and was probably the iMst but his rider made several different rushes with him and lost ground with him on the turns KOCKINC HORSK jumped well and showed the most early speed but tired in the final drive The others wen bcalen off THIRD RACE 12 Mile May 21 1921 48 2 115 Goodwood Plate 1500 Added 2 yearolds Maidons Foaled in Canada Net value to winner 1060 second 300 third 150 fourth 50 Index Horses J4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt IISTERINE w 112 1 3 1 1s 1 F Hstings J P AVhito 01478 EVER MORE w 112 C 9 9FLEURDEMS 101 21 2 B Thpson Mrs L A Livingston J733100 J733100FLEURDELIS FLEURDEMS w 112 7 3 3 4a 31 L Schaefer Seajram Stable J215100 J215100r r 112 2 1 8 71 4 R Moore J E Smallman 3495100 3495100ARRANT ARRANT JADE WB 112 It 8 5 6 5 A Abel Mrs L A Livingston t tATTICA ATTICA w 112 13 10 G G1 G P AValls J K L Ross 245101 245101LAXIBONES LAXIBONES w 112 9 G 91 9 71 J Logan J C Fletcher 11905100 11905100EASTER EASTER SIGHT w 112 10 7 7 S S H Thomas Thorncliffe Stable If LADY McNEILL w 113 85 21 3J 91 J D Mney Riverside Stablo GAY PARISIAN w 112 3 4 11 10s lOl II Ericksn Seagram Stable t tCOLLARAICTORTA COLLARAICTORTA w 112 4 H 10 HUH F Smith Mrs C A Muir 2945100 2945100MISS MISS CONTENT w 112 12 12 12 12 121 A Duckers AV II AVrisht 2920100 2920100PERLAPIDES PERLAPIDES w 115 5 13 13 13 13 R Ronelli J C Fletcher tt tttCoupled tCoupled as Mrs L A Livingston entry JSoagram Stable entry ttJ C Fletcher entry entryTime Time 24 50i Track heavy 2 mutuel paid Luterine 1950 straight 1095 place 460 show Mrs L A Livingston entry 840 place 310 show Seagram Stable entry 245 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Listerine 875 to 100 straight 447i to 100 place 130 to 100 show Mrs L A Livingston entry 320 to 100 place 95 to 100 show Seagram Stable entry 22i to 100 show showAVimier AVimier Ch f by Rockville Miss Jean by Dick AVcllcs trained by H Johnston bred by Mr J P AVhite AVhiteAVent AVent to post at 330 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow AVon handily second and third driving LISTERINE sprinted into a good lead in the first eighth but was tiring at the end and had to be hard ridden to outfinish EVER MORE The latter raced well all tin way and making a fast fin ¬ ish was wearing the winner down FIEURDELIS raced forwardly and saved ground on the stretch turn LADY McNEILL showed speed but tired badly ATTICA b gan from the extreme outside and was forced to race wide all the way Overweight Lady McNeil 1 iwund FOURTH RACE 1 18 Miles May 4 1922 151 4 109 SixtySeventh Running KINGS PLATE 10000 Added and 50 Guineas the Gift of Kingr George V 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 7550 second 1500 third 1000 fourth 500 Index Horsis AAVtPPStU Sir Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt TAURUS w 3 112 10 9 4h 4 3 3 3 J Stretton C Millar J630100 95925 DAAENPORT w 3 117 1 1 61 10 Rl 5 4Ji C Lang J C Fletcher JG15100 6365 HERETR1X w 3 112 13 13 lll 9J 4 4 f1 F Hstings C Millar t 95691 PHANARIOT w 3 117 11 11 10 Si 10 7a G1 L Schaefer Seagram Stable t t95746SCLOTH 95746SCLOTH HALL WB 4 127 5 4 71 7l 7s Si 71 C Fbther T Riddell 96288 JUST IN FUN w 3 112 8 7 9 11J Il 10 Si J Logan J C Fletcher 79234 SUTHERN GLOAV w 4 122 14 S 5 5 Gl 9 93 A Claver Thorncliffo Stable 1590100 96231 QRTSINTER wn 3 117 4 2 3 k 3h h G 101 B Thpson Seagram Stablo t t9C365 9C365 IFS AND ANDS w 3 112 9 12 13 12J12 II 11 B Moore J K Smallman 4370100 1 SIBERIAN w 4 127 2 3 Si G 9 M2 12 A Abel J C Fletcher 5 85993 REBUS w 5 122 12 14 14 13s 13 13 13 E Renzetti A E Fair 13760100 95873 HUCKLEBERRY w 3 112 3 10 12 14 14 14 14 R Ronelli AAr Hnnimall 2925100 2925100tCoupled tCoupled as Seagram Stable entry tC Millir entry J C Fletcher entry Time 24 i 50 117 146 159 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Seagram Stable entry 33O straight 233 place 10 show Attack 683 place 300 show C Millar entry 293 show Equivalent l ooking odd nSea gram Stable entry 05 to 100 straight 17i to 100 place 5 to 100 show Attack 2421A to 100 place SO to 100 liow C MiHar entry 47 to OO show showWinner Winner g by Hapsburg I tty LJnd by Quantock trained by AV H Bringloe bred by Seagram Stable StableWent Went to post at 41 At post r minutes Start good and slow AAon driving second and third the same JIAPLITK was waited with after dropping in behind ATTACK on the turn into the back Htretrh and responding gamely when railed on gradually wore the leader down in the last fifty yards biid out finished him ATTACK was rushed into the lead quickly and set a good pace until in the last eighth where she began to tin TAURUS moved np rapidly after rounding the far turn but also tired DAVBNPORT clowd a big gap after being shuffled back on the first turn HKRETRIX and PHA ¬ NARIOT closed big gaps gapsScratched Scratched 4MKU Atwood 112 92732 Ben Hnr 112 95874s Night Off 127 Oh See 107 FIFTH RACE 58 Mile June 2 1906 100 2 99 TwentySecond Running VICTORIA STAKES 5000 Added 2yearolds Allowances Net value to winner 4370 second 1000 third 500 fourth 250 Vi Str Kin Jockeys Owners 01364 JOPAGAN w 112 10 G 9 8 II C Fbther A O AViiston 01400LANDIX RD RDUPSETTA w 114 11 7 21 2 1 2 1 AValls J K L Ross UPSETTA w 103 1 1 1 1 21 3i HEriclsn Seagram Stable 01273VILLIE K w 114 G 8 G C 4 F Smith AV KeatinK 0810SUN LYXN w 114 32 31 3 CJ C I xng AV S Kilmer J5 6 HANDCLASP w 112 2 3 Ch i 41 c k J Butwcll E F Whitney 11586MAID OF ORLEANS w 114 7 9 41 7J 71 7 B Thomas AV J Salmon 01321 TORRENCE w 113 12 10 10J 10 9 i J D Mncy Mrs A R Lawson 01551 POLANTE w 123 S 5 6 SJ S t 9 L Schaefer Nevada Stock Fm Stable 690109 01420 NOON w 111 9 11 11010633AAANDING 7 ° 10i 10 A Abel J Fricker 4211W 4211WIP 010633AAANDING TIMES w 111 5 4 4tBLOOMTIP IP 11s 11 11 F Hstings G McSweeney 1230109 tBLOOMTIP w 10 105 13 12 12 = 12s 12 1212 12 = ° J Maciver AA II Wright 1S363109 1S363109SIR SIR HARRY w 112 I IS ISjOmitlcd 13 13 13 13 H Thomas Seagram Stable t jOmitlcd from entries tCoupled as Seagram Stable entry entryTime Time 24i 49 liOSi Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Jopagau 10113 straight 4335 place 51S70 show Landlord C40 place 100 show Seagram Stable entry 395 how Eqiivalent looking odds Jopagati 5107 to 100 straight 20C7 to 100 place 833 to 100 show Landlord thowAVil 220 to 100 place 100 to 100 show Seagram Stable entry 197 197j j to 100 thow AVil ler BIk c by Transvaal Dance Spirit by Rock Sand trained by R Mitchell bred by Mr Thomas Clyde ClydeAVent AVent to post at 453 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon driving second and Ihlrd the same JOPAAN began slowly but improved his position rapidly on the outside and finishing fast and gamely got up to win in the last stride LANDLORD was hard ridden all the way and made a game finish UPSETTA set a fast early pace raced well and fought the race out to the end AVILL1B K closed a gap SUN LYNN tired Scratched 01383 Over Lord 111 009S8 Fly Hawk 109 013C8 War Cold 109 01230 Colored Oml 111 Sanabar 109 109Overweights Overweights Handclasp 1 pound Torrence 2 fg C6T SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Sept 27 1922 111 5 117 Carleton Claiming Purse vf JLOtPJL 1200 Addod 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 905 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses A Str Pin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 01327 BLACKSMITH WB 4 117 8 S 6 4k 4 11 H Ericksn J I Smith Smithiv 89178 ENSILE iv 3 93 4 4 I1 1 2i 2i AV Munden O F Burkart Burkartw 01099 = CAArE AVOMAN w 5 114 1 5 2s 31 31 3 B Thpson f Sullivan Sullivanw 01590STRIUMPH w G 117 G 2 4i 6 G 41 J D Mney AV C Trover TroverVB 00787 CARE FREE VB 8 119 73 31 21 l k 5 R Ronelli Mrs A K Alexandra Alexandraw 01590 FORELAND w 3 109 3 6 5h 5 i 5s G V Stott J M Collins Collinsw 96285 AENIZELOS w 7 114 5 1 8 8 8 7s J Mann A Loukides 4433100 4433100968C7 968C7 LISAB w 3 lOt 2 7 71 7k 7s S R Moore N Miller 2t93100 2t93100Time Time 24 50 116 Track heavy 2 mutnels paid Backsmith 4110 straight 1420 place 033 show Ensile 1793 place 770 show Cave Woman 395 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Blacksmith 1955 to 100 straight C45 to 100 place 217 to 100 show Ensile 797 to 100 place 285 to 100 show Cave AVoman 97 G to 100 show showAVinner AVinner Br c by Aulcain Ualautu by William the Third trained by E J Furman bred by Mr Charles A Stoneham StonehamWent Went to post at 524 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driving BLACKSMITH began slowly anil was outrun to the head of the stretch then came fast and passing the tiring leaders in the last sixteenth won going away ENSILE showing the most speed from the start raced CARE FREE into defeat in the first half mile and withstood a challenge from CAAE AVOMAN but tired The latter saved ground when entering the home stretch but tired in the final drive TRIUMPH dropped back in the early running CARE FREE tired after racing into the lead in the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 01403 Tarnhelm 101 00803 Berkeley Square IOC OC923 Links 114 97314 Harp of Proph ¬ ecy 109 SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles May 27 1922 145 4 115 Barrio Plate 1500 Added 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1050 second 300 third 150 fourth 50 Index Horses AAVtPPStVi Vs Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 01587 REDSTONE s 3 i i5 i i 11 B Thpson Seagram Stable 01552 AVAR MAX w e 122 5 1 2 21 2 2 2 A Claver AV C Trover Trover3nk OOG143AILLAGER w 4 111 7 9 910 5 t 41 31 31WB 3nk p Walls Mrs B McEachre McEachre4s 97471 ALTISSIMO WB 5 110 10 6 6 t 7s 7 4J 4s A Hunt G C Brenton 01498 RLDS REQUESTw 4 114 9 8 5s GS G1 5 AV Munden R E AVatkina AVatkinaG 01589 MARTINGALE vr G 115 G 5 3i 3 5 t 7s G J D Mney S Albrecht 795100 01573 = BLUE HILL WB 5 124 4 7 4 4 3 61 71 L Schaefer C Fcrraro 415100 01034 BYRON w 5 110 1 3 81 9 8s 8 Si J Mann J H Shea 4480100 01432 FLEETWOOD w 4 101 2 4 10 10 S 9 ° 9 V Stott R Pending 3605100 89879 DANDIPRAT 3905100Time WB 5 119 8 10 7i S1 10 10 10 1 Gaines Lynmore Stablo 3905100 Time 24 50 116 143 151 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Redstone 300 straight 385 place 320 show AVar Man 1030 place G40 show Aillager 470 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Redstone 150 to 100 straight 12 to 100 place CO to 100 show AVar Man 415 to 100 place 220 to 100 show Aillager 135 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner Ch g by Decision Aunt Maud bj Uncle Mac trained by AV H Bringloe bred in England by Mr AVilmotJAVent R AVilmotJ AVent to ix st at 557 At post 8 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and thinl the same REDSTONE sot the pace from the start and drew away into a long early lead then saved ground on the last turn but tired and had to be ridden out through the last sixteenth AVAR MAN raced in closest atendance on the winner all the way and finished gamely AlLLACER closed a big gap and finished fast ROWLANDS REQUEST raced wide ou the turns MARTINGALE ran a good race for threequarters 01552 Pixola 111