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Supreme Flash FlashTURF TURF WEEKLY WEEKLYSingle Single Issue 35c Ten Weeks 300 300SOLD SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS NEWSSTANDSMONDAYS MONDAYS 500 FREE CODE CODECHURCHILL CHURCHILL Jan8262416 Jan8262416This This horse can run over the moon Showed ter ¬ rific speed worked threequarters in 114 gallop ¬ ing the other morning and connections handling this one seldom go wrong Please do not muff this one Have your B R riding strong strongSupreme Supreme had plenty winners last week The weekly is at your service for WINNERS You do not have to hunt through this weekly to find win ¬ ners Every issue has a batch of them Some last weeks winners winners3IEDDLIXG 3IEDDLIXG 3IATTIE 1600 Won WonCLOISTER CLOISTER V S1000 Won WonTKAY3IOKK TKAY3IOKK 780 Won WonDAK DAK 1C PJIAXT03I 680 Won WonSAIIIXK SAIIIXK 61 Won WonTIGKIt TIGKIt GLOSS 61 Won WonSOLID SOLID GOIU 41 Won WonVELEKO VELEKO 61 Won WonAND AND MANY OTHERS OTHERSThe The now issue No 31 hot off the press has al ¬ ready put over overKING KING XADI SI 100 Won WonGAY GAY HALLIE 1180 Won WonGOLD GOLD 3IIXT 1210 Won WonLV LV KY 3IISTAKK S1IOI Won WonPHIDIAS PHIDIAS 860 Won WonEAGER EAGER SOO Won WonCAMILLA CAMILLA 71 Won Won3IASTK11 3IASTK11 WILLIAM 61 Won WonBy By all means get the new issue as it promises to be one of the best as yet produced by this organization of real dockers trackmen and live connections who possess years of turf experience experienceAre Are you following commission horses on the bottom of page 6 If not start immediately and get in tha WINNING WAY WAYFOUR FOUR IN A ROW WON ON THE 100 DAILY WIRE WIREGAY GAY HA ILI K 1160 Won WonGKKKX GKKKX 1UAES 60 Won 1 HY 3IOOX 720 Won WonCLAlTJtU CLAlTJtU 75 Won WonMONDAYS MONDAYS 100 DAILY WIRE comes to us labeled Extra strong ready to win at box car numbers MONDAYS 200 DAILY WIRE WIREOne One that wo have been waiting Tor the longest time and 101 is tha price expected SPECiHL TERMS TERMSFive Five dollars for six days tervice for 100 daily Wire money by Wosterr Union or Postal Tele ¬ graph City clients call callSupreme Supreme Pub Co 799 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY