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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesWOODBINE WOODBINE PARK MONDAY MAY 24 24AVEATIIER AVEATIIER CLOUDY TRACK HEAVY The figures under the heading Rec in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1925 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track con ¬ ditions SOS7 IS FIRST INDEX OF 192C 011SG IS FIRST IXDSX OF MAY ISaiins starts at 230 p in Chicago time 130 0 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner iFair mud runner M Maiden Apprentice allowance allowanceThe The following abbreviations are used to designate trucks at wliicli time records shown in entries were made madeAkron Akron Akn King Edward KE KEAqueduct Aqueduct Aqu Lagoon Lag LagAurora Aurora Aur Latonia Lat LatBelmont Belmont Park Bel Laurel Lrl LrlBlue Blue Bonnets BB Lexington Lex LexBlue Blue Grass BG Lex Colored FairLF FairLFBowie Bowie Bow Long Branch LB LBBrooklyn Brooklyn Bkn Maple Heights MH MHChurchill Churchill Downs CD Marlboro Mar MarClarkiburs Clarkiburs Cla Miami Mia MiaColumbus Columbus Col Mobile Moi MoiColwood Colwood Park Clw Mount Royal MR MRConey Coney Island CI Niagara Falls NF NFConnaught Connaught Park CP Orlando Orl OrlDado Dado Park DP Omaha Oma OmaDelorimier Delorimier Park Del Phoenix Phx PhxDevonshire Devonshire Dev Pimlico Pirn PirnDorval Dorval Dor Raceland Rao Dufferin Park Duf Reno Empire Emp Salt Lake LakeErlanger Erlanger Erl Saratoga Sar SarFair Fair Grounds FG Tampa Tarn TarnFairmount Fairmount ParkFP Tanforaa Tan TanFort Fort Erie FE Thistledown Tdn TdnHamilton Hamilton Ham Thorncliffo Thf ThfHavre Havre de Grace HdG Tijuana Tij TijHavana Havana Hav Timonium Ti TiHawthorne Hawthorne Haw Toledo Tol TolHuntington Huntington Htn United Hunts TTH TTHJamaica Jamaica 7am Wheeling Wbe WbeJefferson Jefferson Park JP Willows Park WP WPJuarez Juarez Jua Windsor Win WinKempton Kempton Park KP Woodbine Wdb WdbKenil Kenil worth Ken Youngstown Ygn YgnWoodbine Woodbine Park Mile Track TrackFirst First Race 4 12 Furlongs FurlongsVictorious Victorious Plate Purse 1200 added 2yoarolds Maidens MaidensTrack Track record May 25 1923 33 2 117 117Today Today Inrt norseAPostPnri wt Rec AWtnan 010011 Millenium 7 112 730 00988 Fly Hawk 9HdC 110 533 412 720 011591 Theresa Joan 12 IldO 100 55 112 715 01510 KJa C 15 Pitn 107 35i 112 715 984711 Montello 14 112 710 01235 Heartache 1 112 710 01510 Courting OHdrt 113 53i 112 710 01368 Itobliy Jones 10 HdJ 110 33 112 710 01475 Point of Honor 4 t Pint 113 57S 103 705 705013G8 013G8 AVar lold Srim US 53ti 112 703 00373 Spring 115 700 99505 Keisli Nun 13Mia 115 34 i 112 700 700Flo Flo 2 2 Lillian L 5 H2 Sanabar 11 112 112Second Second Rice 1 116 Miles MilesKend Kend Or Plate First Division 1200 Added 3yearold and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record May 27 1922 145 1 113 01395 Kins of Fortune Fortuner r JP 103 l4 s r H3X730 012871 llalu 7 MH 10S 140 8110X725 01514 Ilucklins 11 Mia 97 148 4 4 101x720 01549 Marial Barton M 1 Lcr 89 14R 3 91X715 MM fchanshal 10 Mia 113 148 4 98X710 97499 109X71096368s Asa Jewell CIIdO 113 l48 l48s s 5 109X710 96368s Lampus 4 Win 10l 147 8 111X710 01294 llelpre 2 Mia 115 147 4 111X705 00378 Delusive 8 Mia 105 147 C 120X705 96588 Devonite 3 Mia 103 150 7103700 01342 Lord Kenfrew t Hav 101 147 s 4 104 700 700Third Third Race About Z 12 Miles MilesFortieth Fortieth Running Woodbine Steeplechase Handicap 3300 added 4yearolds and upward upward94603s 94603s Carabinier 4 7 138 735 01793 730S6568 Gun Boat 2 4 140 730 S6568 Guinfcanip 5 9 147 725 015093 Le Vignemale G G 136 720 01847 1eccant 3 9135X715 71001046s 01847 liocking Horse 1 9 130 710 01046s Another Star M Fourth Race 34 Mile MileWhitby Whitby Plate 91200 Added 3yearolds inCanada and upward Foaled in Canada Claiming Track record Sept 27 1122 11175 5 117 963631 Gallant Greek 4 Win 107 113 4 120X730 01099 Paddle 1 Mia 117 113 7 122 725 91371 Thornton 8 Win 1O1 113 5 112 720 96363 Catamaran G 5 120X715 120X715S6286 S6286 Pankcta 10 Wdb 100 114 4 118 710 96159 Goldlands 5 4 115X710 96091 OTriggcr M 7 7M0 Wdb 83114 3 101 703 22 M0 ns 1oy M ll 5 1M70G 97068 Benorion 9 Mil 89 116 4 120X700 Oh See 2 3 94 Hecate 3 394 Miss Gaiety H12 3 99 Fifth Race 1 18 Miles Thirtyfifth Running Toronto Cup Handicap 10000 added 3yearoldu and upward Track record May 24 1922 131 4 109 01366 KDLSTO 8 Lrl 112132 4 112X750 01587 Joy Smoke 5 5 120X740 120X740G 01366 General Thatcher 1 Tij 109 152 G 113733 01642 Wilderness gAtju 110 l50 s 0 112X730 01394 Harrovian 4 G 112 725 01471s South Wind 7 3 90X720 01846 Mothers Son M M01732s 5 10G715 01732s Boil Chaib MC 5 103 710 01846 Kings Kansom 3 3I I BK 107 133 5 102703 Sixth Race 34 Mile MileKideau Kideau Plate 1200 ClaimingTrack Added 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Sept 27 1922 111 5 117 01645 Talladesa lMia 110 112 3 111730 72500863s 01577 Taudlane S CU 104 114 4 114 725 00863s Golden WandererO 3 98 720 01515 Powder 12 JP 108 114 3 100X715 01486 Martha Koos 9 Orl 104 l22sy 3 10CX713 99570 Leser 7 Mia 112 112 3 103X710 01284 = Chula Vista 4 Tij 101 115 4 114X710 97042 Warfare 5 CU 100 114 4 112710 01438 Dentaria 703White 11 JP 107 l14Ji 0 109 703 White Caps 2 3 90 700 01852 Dandiprat M 3 5 119 700 96364 Blue Tony lOWdb 100 114 G 111X700 111X700Seventh Seventh Race 1 116 Miles MilesIlend Ilend Or Plate Second Division 1200 added 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track ClaimingTrack record May 27 1922 143 1 115 01561 Grans Maid 9Thf 112 130 G 103X730 01280 White Marsh 1 JldG 99 147 4 101 723 01583 Modo 10 FK 107 147 7 103X20 01514 Subtle 2 Tij 98 147 4 105X715 Tiber M 5 4 100X715 01504 Norseland GTam 109 147 5 108X710 96923 Linku 8 Lex 103 147 0105X705 01589 Sea Kairy 4 Ham 90 148 4 104X703 01397 Sand Ilock 3 87612 The Student M 7 KG 101 150 115700