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LATEST TRAINING GALLOPS 131 AURORA AURORA III May 22 Todays training gallops here included the following Weather cloudy track heavy Weather clear track fast TUREEEIGIITIIS MILE MILEHawk Khick Doer 45 45Cleos Hawk Eye 41 Postlude Cleos Rochester 41 40 Intake 4 4Miss 95 Poison listhcr Weidcl 44 Miss Emmerti 40 40ONEHALF ONEHALF MILE MILEMauna CS rttiddic Urown Mauna Ix a 17 17Maude Norman Jagger Maude Harvey 58 58FIVEEIGHTHS 127 Pure Dec FIVEEIGHTHS MILE MILEGrace 73 Habc Garrctt 112 112Might Grace Johnson 111 Sure Fire Might 110 TIIHEEQ17AHTERS MILE MILEGipsy Attorney Muir 131 Gipsy Light lnO Lumber Jack 130 120 Arbitration 125 Lighter 130Lighter 14 Solomons Kilts 130 123 Fiienza 1 0 111 Huon Pine 125 S8 Treasurer 131 131CHURCHILL CHURCHILL DOWNS LOUISVILLE Ky May 22 Todays training gallops here included the following Weather clear track fast THREEEIGHTHS MILE 328 Aurus 37 123 Our Gains rS 122 Shades of Night 129 All My Own 37 3712C 124 Precious Stone 7 712D 127 Wayward 12C Col Board 3G 12D Porridge 35 12S Wind Through 124 Dixivay rC 12 Peacemaker 3S 121 Watch It 127 Malcolm H Jr 3 122 Rose Mist 3G 121I Wood Cricket i Miss Carew 3G 121 Sea Scam i OXEIIALF 3IILE 117 Ali Khan 120 loan Hagor 50 127 Sixty 123 Hrumfield IIS Joan dAlbret 49 1 2 Serious 127 Huttross 127 Prickly Heat TiOri 128 Sturgis 124 Capuchin 125 Prevail 50 121 Storm Along 123 Eden 12 Russell Cave 50 129 Thats the Time 121 Forest Nymph 128 Sun Altos 4S 127 Waterson Trail 125 Oh Min 125 Sincerely 51 128 Kous the Second 120 Irresponsible 127 Step Along 5 FIVEEIGHTHS MILE MILE12G 130 Bob Spaldingr 103 103Creek 12G Kittle Jim 103 128 Queen Lillian 105 Creek Indian 102 10212C 113 Mrs Moore 102 128 Tilka 105 12C Cupids Curse 103 129 Myrrh 103 127 Three Sixty 102 124 Dr Maxon 104 129 Mahap 104 122 Thirteen Sixty 103 127 Finnster 1OG 116 Mary Beverly 03 129 War Franc 105 130 Fire Chief 103 127 Mary 0 100 128 War Pagle 103 128 Helens Babe 1OG 121 Pitchfork 104 118 Wild Notes 104 121 Superfrank 100 120 Penuinbria 104 104THREEQUARTERS THREEQUARTERS MILE 127 Ada Blackjack 118 128 Penman 116 130 Pyroot 115 128 Breast Plate 115 109 Imperial Eagle 116 126 Peekaboo 116 124 Brier Hill 115 11512C 124 In Bounds 115 128 Red Banner 1 1G 12C Cruzern 113 130 Jeb 116 128 Steinway 1 16 128 Climax 116 124 Lucky Drift 115 127 Smacker 118 127 Conway 117 128 Mally Jane 117 129 Take a Chance 117 120 Diomed 119 128 Mib McGee 116 126 War Winner 119 128 Ed Burke 114 130 Polly Wale 117 117SEVEXEIGHTHS SEVEXEIGHTHS MILE 128 Capt Haney 130 126 Florence Mills 130 127 Pav Sand 136 124 Fast Time 131 122 Mike McLuke 130 ONE MILE 122 Buz Fuz 141 130 Drone 142 14212G 12G Parco 147 147itoml43 125 Boot to Boot 141 12G Dark 1 Phantom itoml43 1 43 12G Precious Lulal44 130 Bubbling Over 141 119 Day T Trap 144 127 President 143 143i 129 Christopher 151 125 Lady J Myra i 143 127 Tractor 145 129 Champ De Mars 50 128 New C CHelens Gold 144 129 Valley Light 144 144Brier handilyDark Helens Babe galloped very handily Brier Hill and Lucky Drift were on Dark Phantom was well under re ¬ even terms termsBuz straint straintEd Buz Fuz worked attractively attractivelyMary Ed Burke did an impressive move moveBubbling Mary O displayed excellent speed speedTake Bubbling Over galloped a good mile Take a Chance was cantering DOUGLAS PARK Weather clear track fast THREEEIGHTHS MILE 128 Appearance 39 121 Krick 37 128 Sunny Hour 1 39 107 Eight Sixty 38 126 Margate 37 37OHEHALF OHEHALF MILE 126 Brunswick 53 124 Marconi 53 Thistle Peggy 50 50FIVEEIGHTHS FIVEEIGHTHS MILE MILEChiva 119 Candy Rock 107 Chiva 105 127 Gold Mint 104 104 Col Schooler 105 126 Candy Lady 106 Wild Weed 105 105THREEQUARTERS THREEQUARTERS MILE MILEDry 121 Bookbinder 122 Dry Nation 122 129 The Badger 119 119OKE OKE MILE 123 Flames 149 121 Post Dispatch 154 128 Uncle Parks 150 114 Lucent 151 128 Parole II 145 145BELMONT BELMONT PARK NEW YORK N Y May 22 Todays training gallops ovar the New York tracks follow Weather clear track fast THREEEIGHTHS MILE 129 Beatrice Noyes 36 129 Dumbeath 37 129 Mars 129 Catankerous 37 129 Goldpiece 3G 129 Nomad 129 Club Steak 36 129 Hoot Mon 36 36ONEHALF ONEHALF MILE 119 Accomplish 48 129 Danby 49 123 Nurmi 117 Bostonian Ill Dungannon 52 126 Rock veal 105 Bumpkin 121 East Side 52 122 Ragweed 129 Crossfire 118 Jarvis 52 Vixen Lass 129 Color Sergeant 129 K Solomons Sl 50 50FIVEEIGHTHS 129 Wichmount 121 Donnavideo FIVEEIGHTHS MILE 126 Friedjof Mansenl 08 THREEQUARTERS MILE 126 Applecross 125 Helter Skelter 1 1G 129 Priceman 129 Borderland 124 Hot Time 114 129 Pompey 129 Deviner 127 Hamadan 118 122 Papa Blinks 129 Dress Parade 129 Light View 117 129 Question 125 Flat Iron 126 Lissoy 122 129 Sabine 129 Flechita 118 Laddie Buck 119 128 Voltaic 129 Gamble 127 Nedana 114 129 Zuker 127 Green Dragon SEVENEIGHTHS MILE 123 Kock Man 135 126 Ritola 131 129 Croyden 129 Blondin 128 128ONE ONE MILE 130 Brush By 144 129 Flyman 146 129 Mosque 130 Banton 143 127 Hayward 141 129 Macaw 122 Blue Spectacle 149 124 Hardwood 142 127 M Washington 130 Cartoonist 142 129 Irish Marine 144 122 Senalado 126 Coolagh Boy 144 125 Lingard 143 126 Washakie 117 Delhi Boy ONE AND ONEEIGHTH MILES 122 Nicholas JAMAICA Weather clear track fast THREEEIGHTHS MILE Addition 38 101 D and Drakes 38 127 Romany 38 128 Avila 35 129 Hecuba 35 ONEHALF MILE 128 Baalbec 127 Hullabaloo 51 12G Mite 49 128 Costigan Harris II 51 127 Nero 47 119 Everglade Molly Mayhill 52 128 Queens Follv 52 124 Fresco 130 Martins Caddy 4 49 94 Torcher 48 126 Green Back 103 Mungo 4 49 126 Tipperary Mary 49 128 Glenning FIVEEIGHTHS MILE 127 Bill McCabe 105 127 First Hour 103 129 Red Harvey 104 129 Brose Hover 103 129 Haut et Bon 103 121 Sox 102 102Thracian Dublin Shoals 102 10212S 127 Kilter 104 Thracian 102 12S Kndor 104 129 Mayne 101 129 Vagabond King 103 127 Fraternity II 104 127 Porto Blo Gold 102 129 Watch On 105 TH R K tiJ II A KTE US MILK 127 Anna Mrone IL122 130 Dossier 116 130 Merry Monarch 1 20 128 Apostle 116 129 Ever Bold 126 127 Red Pennant 118 128 Bluemont 116 121 Gnome Girl 114 130 Sebaya 120 130 Charming Bride 116 128 Guilsborough 117 12 Silver Song 113 130 Clent l15 l15s = s 128 Golden Argosy 116 130 Simpler 132 130 Cannae 132 128 Margaret St L 121 = 5 5ONE 130 Transfer ONE MILE 129 Belphrizonia 14575 127 Sherman 119 112 Voshell 129 King Jimmy 143 ONE AND ONEHALF MILES 130 Brig ODoon 159 1 130 Grand Pre 159 159ly King Jimmy galloped easily ly Brig ODoon and Grand Pre were to together Scorcher ran well gether Apostle was not extended getherSilver Silver Song had an easy gallop Gnome Girl looks and acts good Nero as usual worked good Mavne showed good speed Weather clear track AQUEDUCTONEHALF AQUEDUCT ONEHALF MILE 127 Cork Elm 128 Gareth 48 48Grace 122 Mazetta 127 Euclid Grace H 51 127 Opperman 129 Feysun 114 Johnny Campbell 50 130 Splinters 129 Friday 13th 130 Liane 48 48FIVEEIGHTHS FIVEEIGHTHS MILE 128 Alkali Ike 130 Kit Carson 105 105THREEQUARTERS 124 Tempesto THREEQUARTERS MILE 121 Cinema 102 Highwayman 119 125 Silver Finn 128 High Ball 129 Sauge 116 116SEVENEIGHTHS 128 Upton SEVENEIGHTHS MILE 129 Cloudland 124 Sepoy 129 129ONE ONE MILE 128 Captain Martin 128 Gold Bug 146 127 Kumonin ONE AND ONEEIGHTH MILES 12S GoadNight WOODBINE PARE PARETORONTO TORONTO Out May 22 Todays training gallops at Woodbine included the follow ¬ ing Weather clear track heavy THREEEIGHTHS MILE 127 Adria 42 Meerschaum 38 38ONEHALF Ugobkugo II 127 Hijo 3S 3SCourting ONEHALF MILE Courting 50 50Eda Lady Catherine 5G 127 Lieut Farrell 55 Eda C 51 51Gallant 115 Leonard G 54 54FIVEEIGHTHS FIVEEIGHTHS MILE Gallant Greek 107 107 Tillic 106 106TimEEQUAI TimEEQUAI TEKS MILE 119 Duckling 126 12612S 127 Lemnos rl20 121 Modo 124 12S Doc Gaiety 124 130 Legir 123 129 Pixola 120 120Tricky 128 Fairbank 122 128 Lavana Fair 124 124ONE Tricky Take Off 124 ONE MILE 130 Beau of the Westl50 12G King ol Fortune rtunel53 1 53 125 South Wind 146 121 Goldbeater 14S 129 Punjab 156 122 Tattling 146 146rl 129 Hillardo 146 128 Royal RoyalSouth Pearl rl 154 129 Wilderness 147 147Punjab South Vind went handily handilyTattling Punjab was under restraint restraintBeau Tattling and Hillardo went handily to ¬ Beau of the West was under a strong gether pull pullGoldbeater getherWilderness Wilderness went handily Goldbeater went handily