5th Race [5th Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1926-05-24

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5I sl l ° Yards Dixiuini 1urse 3jearolds Fillies Allowances Jlay 30 1019 141 4 110 DisTime Tr Odds WtSt i StrFin Jockey Started Order of Finish LAKME b bTrainer f 3 107 By Troutheck Istar hy Von Tromp TrompOwner Trainer G Brooks Owner E Cebrian Breeder E Cebrian IU810 CD S4112 ft 71 102 3 3 21 2 J Kederis 11 UVisitor llORothmel llOnofTomw 102 7204 CD 34 IrlSXca 31 HO 5 5 752 7 II Meyer 10 Ianton 112PMistrcss 102 rondDad 108 9 034 Lat 34 l12Aft 1 lit 3 2 3 3s S Griffin C Hostlire lllClmaKO 114 Eric 102 5129 Lat Si f l07 ft 9 111 4 3 3J Ink II Myers 12 HnsBabo 107PMIstrs HSWildwd 111 S4C44 Bel 34 me 1 13sy 10 lit 10 10 8 S J Maibcn lOTaps 11JKosol e 114Asiuia 114 J4525 Bel I ij fmel0 ift 7 113 2 5 2s 2J H Meyer 8 Sablne llOPatrieiaJHSUosebec 110 93097 CI 5jri06 ft 7 109 G 1J l K Noe i Pitchfork 112LyStone I09LdTnlian 112 92G33 CI 51 1W ft 14 SS 3 C J 4 L Canfield S Zeppelin 1001at lOOCollicr 100 FLORENCE KILLS b f 3 110 By Sir John Johnson Wa er K by Waterhoy WaterhoyTrainer Trainer W Perkins Owner J L Knicht Peeder a W Scott 01713 CD ll3STjft 2S5 111 3 3 2J 21 J Hcupcl 10 Dark Phantom 111 Pareo 107 Teak 111 111O1G14 O1G14 CD ClflMSvft S 110 C 4 2 L E Legcre 11 Dark Phantom 110 Teak 110 Parco 107 01471 CD 34 ll2 ga 233 103 2 2 5 i 3 ° S Steele S Teak 09 South Wind 102 Laveen 107 107M0998 M0998 Lf x 1140 BI 12 121 2 1 i H E Legere 10 11nsBalw 121MarvO 121LyCVlyn 110 98803 FG 51 f lOS7 sd 115 11014 3 4s 51 E Pool C MsPy Wy 102ThShr 104BrotAVd 106 98749 FG 1144 m S5 SS 3 2 2 2 S Hebert 4 XetSwp onUMItoute OSPcttibocker 102 10298G87 98G87 FG 34113 = ift 1 100 2 3 3 3 S Hebert 10 LVisitor HOUmbling lOOMyBtGirl 90 98489 FG 1 I41gd 16 95 4 1 1 1 S Hebert S BgainDay 9SCheroLec 114Dentaria 105 98412 FG 34114 gd 32 109 3 4 G32 7i E ool 11 Lombardo 103GolnMac lllMcTinhle 111 111y y 2 FG Cjri07 = igd 10 HO 1 4 41 31 AV FronkllMaryKinkeadIOSTeakl20AileenP10S PAECO ch f 3 105 By Omar Khayyam Parthenis by Ajax AjaxTrainer Trainer A Baker Owner A B Hancock Breeder Belair Stud StudHI713 HI713 CD 1 l3S3sft 115 107 9 7 5s 3s E Legere 10 DarkPIiantom 111 FlorMills 111 Teak 111 111OIG14 OIG14 CD CJ t llS ft C 107 S 8 C l 4 1 W Smith 11 DkPhantom 110 FlorMills 110 Teak 110 110i i 1 286 Lex fc 0 llobby lUODPhantom llOLadyStone 10t 10tl 1 K jgd 133 103 5 5 4s E Legere l 927 CD 34113fisl 5 107 5 5 4JJ 2 EPool 9 lloscbcc 115FlorMilU 112Dlhtoin 113 113li8 li8 iO Lat 51flOShy 95 IOC 5 5 4 i 3 1 E Pool G Wvvood lOOSympy lOGChrMorng 110 110ir ir 228 Lat 31 l12vift 1910 112 4 1 1 1 EPool 12 SpshLay 1151yLynn 112KidBoots 115 115SM399 SM399 CI 5jri07ift 20 112 S 5 2h 2 E Pool S IVdyAnne 1121andy 112ByBmhill 112 IN BOUNDS b f 3 107 By Fair Play Couscous by St Bris BrisTrainer Trainer A D Steele Owner Kecneland Stable Breeder J E Widener 01740 CD 34 l12ft 13 93 2 1 lh 21 D Dubois 10 Panic 10S MayfaSr 101 Tractor 100 100t412 t412 Lat 24112 ift iftWO 7J 112 1 4 51 5 B Harvey r Uhink HOrluePeneil HOMj Colonel 10S1 10S1WO WO 1 9 Lat 5 f 111 h hy 22 109 1 2 3 35i B Harvey 10 Devon 112AVildwood lOOKyrock 112 93070 Kac 34 1lVris 1lVrisJI2SG9 1lVrisy 710 106 1 1 1J 2l H Hay 3 ItlowIIorn 11 JPanledda 102 102lfl07V JI2SG9 Pac Dlfl07V ft 3 112 3 1 1 in C Hworth 0 TaChanco 122BMcGw 113OGams 112 112i 92240 2240 Pac 4i i f 5rsi 5 103 4 2 1 I7 C Hworth C McTinkle 112LitCook 112MabclSeth 112 91528 Bac 12 4S ft 21 112 4 3 2 1 = 1 H Elston 12 LitCook lirFkAttaek 112TanpC112 0959 Lat 58 l02 m 10 113 7 S 73 7 A JItcnsnl2 Hostbee 115AileenP113Mjssnume lla KARY 0 ch f 3 105 By Friar Rock Stick Pin by McGqe McGqeTrainer Trainer J C Milam Owner J C MilanO Breeder J C Milam 01347 CD C f 120 ft 3710 102 3 6 GH C E Eenham 7 Botanic 10ft PriucessPan 102 Allcghan 11 01285 Lex fc l10 gdll10 97 4 4 3l 2l L Pichon 8 Huntsman JSStarbcck HSEdBiirke 100 00998 Lex 1140 gel 15 121 4 5 3 = 1 3 E Scobie 10 FccMills 121HelensBabe 121LC lyn 11G 7128CD 34 llChy 31 112 3 10 9 8 S Griffin 10 GenHost lloCrdKing 113Indian lis 11 11J7030 J7030 CD ll401isl 29 10613 7 G11 5 S Griffin S Devon 1121anton lloAVildwood 113 6927 CD 24 l13 sl 72 107 3 S 6s 5i G Noel 9 Iloscbcc 1131arco 107FlorenceMillSll 107FlorenceMillSllJ5347 J5347 Lat Slf 107 ft 41 112 1 8 9 911 K Noe 9 Percussion 112HBabe 112PPan 1L 1LJ5230 J5230 Lat 341l2 ft 4 109 1 4 Gl G l K Noe 9 Khinock 112MalvinaB 109prone 109 95129 I it 51fl07 ft 8 109 G 7 7s 7 1 H Stutts 12 Lakme lllHnsBabe 107P tMistress 113 11394G54 94G54 CI 51 f 107 ft 85 112 311 1 H Stutts 9 Pandy 112UeckyBrmhill 1UL ylyun 11 BARBARA b f 3 105 By Wrack Monarchia by Gleneiky GleneikyTrainer Trainer T P Hayes Owner Coldstream Farm Stable Breeder A B Hancock Hancock0158LCD 0158LCD l70144 ft 32 SO 2 C 6 4 E Benham 9 CupidsCurse 88 Superfr k llo Lolton 1U 108McmBJrI13 DIh torn lOb 97434 Lex FC l10 sl 39 103 12 12 12 12 G Noel 12 Kosebec 97400 Lex FC l2hy 9 112 5 7 7 G AV Fronk S GtSport 113Massillon 1151ml napol is 11 97378 Lex 1 l44 hy 15 101 S 2 2 2 G Noel 7 Nocturnal 112Bolton llOSpanlsliLay 10 97337 Lex FC l10Hft 45 103 11 10 llilll L Pichon 12 FlMills 107MalcmBJrlOSA ildw d 109 97128 CD 34116hy 7i 112 7 4 53J 4 W Fronk 10 GenialHost 115GKing lloInd apolis 11 11J J G927 CD 34 l13isl 91 103 4 6 7 l G Johnson 9 Kosebec 1131arpo 107FlorenceMills 11 91981 CI 51fl05 trt 8 109 2 8 6 i 7 i D Connlly 9 MWashton 112Roscbec 112DyAnnc 104 LADY CAROLYN blk f 3 M 102 By Escoba Alice Warfield by Orison OrisonTrainer Trainer C B Dailey Owner Hartings Richardson Breeder J D Carr It Bro 01809 C D lTOlMl ft 9 102 3 4 4i 4 J McCoy 4 Uclectn 111 Pcussion lOSi Btanic 10 00998 Lex 1 l4o gd 127f 116 9 1 5 4 D FrogttelO FccMills 121 HclensBabe 121MyO 121 97199 CD 34I14 sd 42112 1 S 7 S H Meyer 11 Mayfair 1121oaehes 112Shcnanisan 112 97055 CD 7Sl32 sy 17 112 S 7 714 G E Martin S SixSiity 112Pnc d nce 112MliTfn 112 1129G409 9G409 Lat 1 l47 m 21 109 6 5 5l ° 4 D Connly G IdMcise 112JooKdlph 113JBrdAxe 112 96351 Iat ll 3im 18 10412 10 9 J 5 G Collins 12 LyLynn UOPitipnce nSSKebepca 101 96151 Lat 1140 ft 29 10311 6 Si 5 G Collins 11 DandyAnne 99NctSp 104SpnhlJiy 102 95982 ITt 34 l13ift 5 116 8 7 C 6 1 AV AV Tor 9 lOaODay 1151recedence 115noseII 115 91311 Lat 51 f 109 si 9 11210 7 7 1 611 G JohnsonlO Musician 115BBeauty 112lndplis 112 BLONDE BEAUTY ch f 3 M 102 By Prince Palatine Kille Fleurs by Ballot BallotTrainer Trainer AV Covineton Owrer Parkview Stable Breeder Xalapa Farm FarmO1713 O1713 CD 1 lri = Vrt 15S 10310 10 10 = S R Jones 10 DkPhantom 111 FlorMills 111 Paroo 107 01614 CD CjrilS = trt 4 10110 10 10310 = 3 G Johnsonll DkPhantom 110 FlorMills 110 Teak 110 91311 Lat rJfloa si 31 112 S 2 2 = 2l B Harvey 10 Musician HSIndpolis 112Oabor line 115 115911G8 911G8 Lat Oifl07sd 3S 109 5 C i 6i II Stutts C llosebec lOSDollyBay llOHelsBabe 113

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926052401/drf1926052401_8_1
Local Identifier: drf1926052401_8_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800