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MOUNT ROYAL PARK ENTRIES The figures under the heading Bee in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1925 no matter where it finished In case where record was made on other than a fast or sood track abbreviations chow track con ¬ ditions 01186 IS FIRST IKDEX OF MAT 9S887 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1926 Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 Mount Eoyal Park 1 Mile MileTint Tint Race 5 12 Furlongs Tursc 500 4ycarolds and upward Foaled in inCanada Canada Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Aug 23 1110 100 3 107 107Todnya Todnya TodnyaInd Ind nnrKeJtP M tPo Wt Re AAVtHtn AAVtHtn90892s 90892s Leaside Thf 112 I OSf 7 115 725 86616 Kellys Queen Tbf 100 l09 f 7 113 720 01853 Golden AnswerMR 101 110 4 113 715 01853 Cnlhampton 7 110 710 95351 Dependence I 108X705 01853 Flora Thf 10 100 5 IOS700 85079 Jack Shrine CP 113 109 109Second S 1 10 700 Second Race 34 Mile MileNational National Purse PursePurse Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Allowances I Track record Aug 25 191C 113 4 103 96535 Arendal NF 117 115 C 114X725 114X725G 01407 Carlos Knrique SfH 113 112 G 114X720 01122 AAorthman fi 114X715 01563 Bay Dingle 4 112 710 94307 Salome MR 10011814 9 112 710 01857 Sentiment Thf IOC l18m 4 112X705 0 Gilbert Cook M HdG IOC 115 5 Shepherd of the theI I Hills Ham 115 115 5 109X700 77548 Radical 7 114 700 Third Race 5 12 Furlongs Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Aug 23 191C 1OG 3 107 01485 Banker BrownMH 113 107 7 11672 96893 Avion MR 109 110 10 116X72 97214 Golden Floss 10116X71 95441 Faith AAr MR 111 108 114X710 01854 Star Court Hav 113 108 9 110X710 94507 Flying BeautyMR 111 107 7 111 705 01620 Maudina Tdn 107 108 4 11 4 705 01377 Miss Leggo Mia 112J1OS 5 114X700 01618 Xavisco Aur 100 lllm 7 109X700 95439 Father Uamicn S 110 700 Fourth Race 5 12 Furlongs Puree 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Aug 23 1910 100 3 107 00501 = Black Ruler Htn 109 107 5 110X725 01619 Sagamore Hav 113 1118 0 110X720 96368 Aelma M Thf 105 109 0 114 715 96794 Lady Felix 10 100 710 81456 Jim Jam M 5 110 705 94382s Prudence MR 104 109 7 114 705 00875 Henry of New Newkirk kirk M Htn 108 l13MiU 5 110 700 01855 Pandinc MR 111 109 0 114X700 00904 Rags MR 115 108 Ji JiColmar 5 114 700 Colmar 101 Fifth Race 1 Mile Aictoria Handicap HandicapPurse Purse 800 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record May 23 1922 1395 5 110 11001656s 01656s BRUNETH Tij 99 139 4 115X730 01857 Frank Fogarty 8 118X720 01589 Trajanus Bel 109 140 7 112X715 01859 Goldmark Tdn 109 141 5 110 710 01857 Be Yourself Lrl 115 l44sy 3 100X705 00823 Avispa 7 112X05 01857 Uncertain Tdn 107 1 40m 5 110 700 01857 Starbright CI 1011139 4 114 700 700Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Aug 25 1910 113 J 103 01380 Jimson JP 100 114 5 111X725 01855 Froth MH 107 113 J 110X720 01373 Red AVecd 5 110715 j 01654 Sir Glen Mia 110 113 5 115X710 01346 Ixml Darnley Hav 107 1135 4 110 710 96368 Aendor 7 110X705 95321 Lady Gaffney 5 11O700 01657 Pentecosts Last 7 109 700 700Seventh Seventh Race 1 Mile MilePurse Purse ClaimingTrack 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record May 23 1922 l39i 5 110 01855 Noko 4 109A725 01854 AVida 6115X720 01858 Dr Huff MH 109Jl45 s 4 114X715 01623 Nettie May BB 105 141 111X710 01854 San Hedron 115X7a I 01864 Blue Brush BB 108 114 112X70 j 00663 All There Tdn 114 l4l l4ls s 9 111 705 01855 Sand Uueen 113 700 99846 Brush Boy 115 700 01593 Orphclin FP 103 l4Gs 4 109X700 S5472 Hearts of Rock RockM M 7 99 700