untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1926-05-24


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GENUINE INFORMATION PROPERLY CONNECTED CONNECTEDYou You know every day horses are winning at big prices that have hidden away in their previous s so they pay big prices when they are out to win We pay plenty of money every day to toget get this kind of information direct directThe The following results speak for themselves themselvesMONDAY MONDAY MONDAYGranite Granite Ware 480 Won Comrade 900 Won WonTUESDAY TUESDAY TUESDAYJohn John Marrone II 41 2nd Krick 1460 Won WonWEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAYHuntsman Huntsman 780 Won Gold Mint 1240 Won WonTHURSDAY THURSDAY THURSDAYIndianapolis Indianapolis 2920 Won Ticker 2020 Won WonFRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAYGay Gay Hallie 1180 Won Lady Raglan 51 Won WonSATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAYIrish Irish Jig 1780 Won Mabel Seth 940 Won WonWe We want to extend our clientele If you are the kind of man who appreciates genuine infor ¬ mation and willing to pay for it we want to do business with you youWe We will furnish this information to you by telegraph either the night before or early the morning of the race Out of every 500 we win for you by your playing a 5 parlay to win each day we want 100 commission Most commissionMost of our clients do nothing else but play the races If you will be square with us your financial worries will be over for the rest of your life but dont bite the hand that is feeding you Play fair with us usSERVICE SERVICE IMMEDIATELY CITY FOLKS PLEASE CALL CALLWire Wire us 6 to cover overhead and show good faith and we will wire you two horses every day dayCOUNTRY COUNTRY WIDE PUB CO 140 WEST 42ND STREET NEW YORK CITY ROOM 3H a

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926052401/drf1926052401_19_9
Local Identifier: drf1926052401_19_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800