untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1926-05-24


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THE SPECIAL ATTENTION OE STUDENTS OE EORM EORMis is directed to the method of indexing the charts The index shows each and every start of all horses that have raced with firsts sec ¬ onds thirds and track conditions designated on the occasion of each and every start By means of this innovation it is possible for the user of the Form Book to instantly determine a horses ability to run on any sort of track concerning which information is desired as shown in the following example CALCUTTA ch c 3 by Colin Jamma by Delhi O R Allen AllenrC7JSh X rC7JSh 67520 C7584 G7818h 67901 1 681 33m 68191 h r6S20S r6S20SFULL FULL MOON blk m 5 by Dick Finnell Caller On by Oddf ellow J McGinn McGinnIG75111 X IG75111 sG734C cG7630 G7G79 67805 67833 67933 h 6795711 cGSOGOli JGSOS7 bCSIilm ooioim OSlOOra 6S242h BEST PAL br h 6 by Helmet Fadula by Layeno S N Holman x G7S41h C7G7 6777i 67901 87065 CSJOC rCS2S3 MIDIAN b h 6 by Meridian Veneta Strome by Ben Strome J Sice 1 67451 67573 67617 MJ7673 67ST ifiTS 67872m 67S9Cm s 7933li cOSOOOm 1680205ra eSOSSli wuoon knsir knsiriCS222 k0819Sm osi osiN iCS222 m e JS241h N X BEAL ch h 9 by Glorifier Puritan Gill by Yankee H T Farmer FarmerJC774S JC774S 167915m 67981m ° 07997m i CS041li iii iiwi OSlSGh CS304 6S341 aUECREEK b g 5 by Huon Jessie Woodson by Scorpion Summit Stable ROISTEREE ch c G by Ethelbert Rozanna by Hock Sand C E Groves X XrG7930li 167622 r67G76 0G7728 PC7803 PC7803GS059h k07S95m rG7930li GS059h rCS083 1GS128 J6S303 08318 GS3I5 GS405 r68lGS r68lGSEDWARD EDWARD GRAY blk c 3 by Von Tromp Bonsetta by Masetto J Jones G76S4 67SS1 167980 G820i1 PCS323 SUN BRAE ch c 5 by Sundridgc Sweet Briar H by St FrnsqninW A McKinney McKinney3G74GS X 3G74GS J67590 67635 3G7G9C 1 C7795 C7795JC79J1 G7S45 JC79J1 GS17G 168231 Indcr numbers in parentheses Indlrato winning races seconds and thirds are desicnntnl hr n t ngurps and the condition of the track is shown by the designation following tho index nmiT follows a for slow sy for sloppy m for muddy and h for heavy When not cn designated fast or good track conditions prevail S indicates that the horse has run in etecnlprl 1 hurdle races Fair mud runner XGood mud runner Superior mud runner Imported tDisiualiU ° U Index figures in italic type cc299h indicate stake race Before each race number in the index below an alphabetical sign is prefixed which shows the distance at which tke race so numbered has been run The key to those distances is given below 14 and 38 Mile 3 12 Furlongs 12 Mile 100 Yards O t 12 Furlongs 1 11C Miles P 58 Mile I 18 Miles Q 5 12 Furlongs 1 316 1 14 and 1 516 Miles B 34 Mile 1 12 and 1 38 Miles S 6 12 Furlongs 1 58 and 1 34 Miles T 78 Mile Z to 3 Miles U 7 12 Furlongs 3 to 4 Mile V Annual Racing Form Formhas has been oversold for the past few years and the attention of pros pective purchasers of the 1925 edition is respectfully called to the desirability of placing orders early earlyPUBLISHED PUBLISHED IN TWO VOLUMES VOLUMESPrice Price Per Volume 10 10Copies Copies by mail must go as registered matter with an extra charge of ten cents for registration Not responsible for books sent as regular mail mailDaily Daily Racing Form Publishing Co 441 Plymouth Court Chicago Illinois 157159 East ThirtySecond Street New York N Y YCincinnati 320 East Third Street Cincinnati Ohio OhioNew 305307 Decatur Street New Orleans Lai 50 Richmond Street East Toronto Antario 2014 Miami Court N W Miami Florida

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926052401/drf1926052401_8_4
Local Identifier: drf1926052401_8_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800