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SEVEN STAKES AT WINDSOR j Increase in Number and Total Value of Events General Thatcher Will Try to Make It Three ThreeStraight Straight in Frontier Handicap Total TotalIursc Iursc Distribution 80000 WINDSOR Ont Canada May 22 There are seven stake events down for decision at the forthcoming summer meeting of the Windsor Jockey Club from June 29 to July G embracing the Frontier Handicap the Pro ¬ vincial Handicap the Canadian Handicap the Windsor Handicap the Sandwich Claiming Stakes the Walkcrvillc Claiming Stakes and the Ojibway Claiming Stakes StakesThe The total value of these events 34000 shows an increase of 14000 over the value of the stake features of last summers meeting meetingThe The list is headed as usual by the Fron ¬ tier which is to be contested on the opening day of the meeting This event will have its twentysecond running this year and the starters in the race will probably include the Nevada Stock Farms General Thatcher which won the event in 1024 and 1925 Trainer Burch has signified his intention of starting the popular son of Sweep in the Frontier He is at present quartered at the Woodbine with several others belonging to this stable which arrived in Toronto from Pimlico recently and will likely be campaigned over the Canadian circuit circuitThe The juvenile feature is the Provincial which will have its sixth running this year The other twoyearold event the Walker ville is an addition to the clubs stake races this year The Canadian Handicap for Dominionbreds is regarded by many as the race determining the Canadian champion ¬ ship for the year This feature will have its eleventh running at the coming meeting and will doubtless attract the cream of the Cana ¬ dianbred horses horsesTWO TWO XEV STAKES ADDED ADDEDThe The Sandwich and the Ojibway are two new events which round out a most attrac ¬ tive program The value of the seven stakes listed plus the value of purses for the over ¬ night events will make a total of approxi ¬ mately SO000 to be distributed to owners at the approaching meeting meetingFollowing Following are the conditions of the various stake events Frontier Handicap 10000 added for threeyear clds and upward handicap One and oneeighth jnilcs jnilcsTrovincial Trovincial Handicap 5000 added for twoyear olds handicap Five and onehalf furlongs furlongsCanadian Canadian Handicap 009 added for threeyear j olds and upward handicap foaled in the Dominion of Canada One and onesixteenth miles milesWindsor Windsor Handicap n000 added for threeyear olds and upward handicap One mile mileSandwich Sandwich Claiming Stakes 000 added for threeyearolds and upward Threequarters mile mileWalkerville Walkerville LliimitiK Stakes 0X added for twoyearolds Five and onehalf furlongs furlongsOjibway Ojibway QaiiuinK Stakes 000 added for three yearolds and upward One and onesixteenth miles