untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1926-05-24


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Parlay Sam SamA A prominent turfman amongst turfmen for the past thirty years 1140 Broadway Boom 1406 New Tork City 25 DAILY 125 WEEKLY WEEKLYAgain Again LayersAND I Bombarded the Layers AND HAVE FULFILLED ICY PROMISE AND SHOWN ICY LOYAL FOLLOWERS THE NET PROFIT PROMISED IN LAST ADVERTISEMENT 2500 YESTERDAYS PARLAY PARLAY9V 9V IRISH JIG 1780 Won T BLACK MARIA 71 Won All clients on my books who did not remit part balance of my weekly terms do so at once onceNOTICE NOTICE TO ALT FUTURE CLIENTS CLIENTSAgain Again for the benefit of small investors I ani going to reduce my terms for this week To all future clients who subscribe immediately sending 10 by Western Union or Postal Telegraph will 10 Special Reduced Terms Week of May 2431 15 Days Service Two Horses Daily Sometimes One 10 Your subscription must bo in my office Monday May 24 at 1130 a m in order to participate in this special feature and to get immediate service serviceFor For the benefit of the racing public I give below my record for the past week released to clients clientsFRIDAYS FRIDAYS PARLAY PARLAYGREEN GREEN BLAZES 560 Won LANCER 440 Won WonTHURSDAYS THURSDAYS PARAY PARAYINDIANAPOLIS INDIANAPOLIS 2920 Won EAGER 800 Won WonWEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY 3 PARLAY PARLAYGOLD GOLD MINT 1240 Won KING NADI 1100 Won WonTUESDAYS TUESDAYS PARLAY PARLAYLUCKY LUCKY MISTAKE 1100 Won CAMILLA 61 Won WonAt At the expiration of fifteen days playing 10 daily parlay YOU SHOULD HAVE A NET PROFIT OF 1500 FLAYING 10 DAILY PARLAY After I have shown you the above net profit I will expect you to remit the balance of my terms or I will positively refuse to accept renewals of subscriptions from thoso who fail to live up to theii obligations SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE Immediate service No waiting No alibis No excuses If you have been misled by fakers here is your chance to recover your bank roll and get even evenDEAL DEAL WITH PEOPLE ON THE SOUARE SOUAREIf If interested rush your subscription of ten dollars for 15 days by Western Union or Postal Tele ¬ graph immediately with correct name and address including your phona number so that your message may be telephoned by the telegraph company companyAddress Address me PARLAY SAM 1110 Broadway Room 1400 New York City CityDEAL DEAL DIRECT WITH THIS OFFICE DO NOT BE MISLED BY IMPOSTORS

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926052401/drf1926052401_19_6
Local Identifier: drf1926052401_19_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800