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WINDSOR WINDSORJOCKEY JOCKEY CLUB CLUBSTAKES STAKES STAKESFIRST FIRST SUMMER MEETING MEETINGJUNE JUNE 29 to JULY 6 ENTRIES CLOSE WEDNESDAY MAY 26 1926 I Frontier Handicap 10000 Added AddedFOK FOK TIIKEEYKAItOLDS A D UPWARD By subscription of 20 each 100 additional to start 10000 added of which 1300 to second 1000 to third and 500 to fourth Weights seven days before the race Winners of 5000 after publication of weights 3 pounds extra Acceptances through the entry box the theHnv Hnv day Imtnrn before the fia I race on l lv by v in 10 ft n m rWX XE MILE TTT 1 AND 4 T A FURLOXG r T n T k Provincial Handicap 5000 Added AddedFOR FOR TWOYEAROLDS By subscription of 10 each 50 additional to start 3000 added of which 800 to second 400 to third and 200 to fourth Weights two days before the race Acceptances through the entry box the day before the race by 1030 a m FIVE FCJ1LO GS A D A HALF HALFCanadian Canadian Handicap 5000 Added AddedFOR FOR TILREEYEAROLDS A D UPWARD foaled In CAXADA By subscription of 10 each 50 additional to start 5000 added of which 5800 to second 400 to third and 200 to fourth Weights two days before the race Acceptances through the entry box the day before the race hy 1030 a m mOXE OXE MILE AND A SIXTEENTH SIXTEENTHWindsor Windsor Handicap 5000 Added AddedFOR FOR THREEYEAROLDS AND UPWARD By subscription of 10 each 50 additional to start 5000 added of which 800 to second 400 to third and 200 to fourth Weights three days before the race Winners of 1500 after publica ¬ tion of weights 3 pounds extra Acceptances through the entry box the day before the race by 1030 a m ONE ZIIILE ZIIILESandwich Sandwich StakesClaiming 3000 Added AddedFOR FOR THREEYEAROLDS AND UPWARD By subscription of 10 each 50 addi ¬ tional to start 3000 added of which 700 to second 300 to third and 100 to fourth 7500 Weight for age 3 pounds for each 500 to 4000 Starters to be named through the entry box the day before the race by 1030 a m Two or more horses can he named by the same nominator hut only two In the same interest can start though the starting fee must be paid for all named namedSIX SIX FURLONGS FURLONGSWalkerville Walkerville StakesCIaiining 3000 Added AddedFOR FOR TWOYEAROLDS By subscription of 10 each 50 additional to start 3000 added of which 700 to second 300 to third and 100 to fourth 6000 122 pounds 3 pounds for each 500 to 3000 Winners of a Sweepstakes to be entered for 8000 Starters to be named through the entry box the day before the race by 1030 a m Two or more horses can be named by the same noml nator but only two In the same interest can start though the starting fee must be paid for all named FIVE FURLONGS AND A HALF HALFOjibway Ojibway StakesClahning 3000 Added AddedFOR FOR THREEYEAROLDS AND UPWARD By subscription of 10 each 50 additional to start 3000 added of which 700 to second 300 to third and 100 to fourth 7500 Weight for age 2 pounds for each 500 to 3500 Starters to be named through the entry box the day before the race by 1030 a m Two or more horses can be named by the same nominator but only two In the same interest can start though the starting fee must be paid for all named ONE 3IILE AND A SIXTEENTH George M Hendrie HendriePresident Walter 0 Farmer FarmerRaring President and Treasurer Raring Secretary P O Box 129 Dominion Bank Building WINDSOR ONTARIO