6th Race [6th Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1926-05-24

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nfrt IxJJirf 1 I I 1 l 0 Yards iks Hold 1ursc 3yearolds and upward v AVC4VV 141 1 110 Allowances May 30 1919 Index Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt 51 StrFin Jockey Started Order of Finish OVERALL b p 4 111 By Peter Pan Frillery by Bromstick BromstickTrainer Trainer M Goldblatt Owner H P Whitney Breeder H P Whitney WhitneyUlf84 Ulf84 CD 111G1MG ft 24 107 6 6 C i 5 E Benham G CapnHal 124 rnvetn 93 Moonraker 1101 01108 I x 1116 iMSliliy 2S 300 4 1 I1 1i E Benham 7 Iteming HOChittaRs ICMllothermel 110 H09U9 Ix 170 1 43 = iEd 19 103 C 2 2M3 E Benham S Marconi llOChittagg lOSJIiuUutlPr 112 Jt 381 Mia l014 ft 4 4 44 4 i G Ellis 4 Stanwix lOOSuperfrank lllIMsionary 107 220 Mia 1 1S 1 Sltift 41 107 1 9 7J 7 J Maiben 11 Drstorm HOISCpanion IMStanwir 107 1079I20 9I20 Mia 1 11C IMWgd 39 109 a 4 4s 2 S Griffin C UCompanion 114lluck llSOol Spire 110 88C2 FG lllClM7ft 6 10919 19 1S1C J Dillea 21 Nurmi lOlScratch lllDazzlcr 112 112SIXC8X SIXC8X KG 170 l = ft 2310 IOC 2 2 11 2 W Garner C UngCloud OSHopeless lllOCurrent 103 103y y 377 FG 1 11C l471igd 1S3 IOC 3 2 2 2 W Garner 5 Scratch lOOOcnCurrent lOGBrilliant 110 PRESIDENT b h 5 107 By McKinley Fribble by SundridRe SundridReTrainer Trainer W Hurley Owner Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable Bred in France bv A K Maromber 1740 CD 34 l12Vt 2910 111 4 9 8J II Meyer 10 Panic 108 In Hounds 05 Mayfair 101 01470 CD 31 lli7sK l 11319 11 13I41211 II Meyer 14 DIhnntoin 9fiSMvMan 1041P ofWalis IOC 01039 Icx fcl0 ift 11 110 643 3 J E Blind 12 PnWingllOSRMaxwell 112HyTop 100 10997 I ex fcl10HBd 10 101 7 8 7s 7 i L Craver 8 TSJordan 1121itAisitor 107A ready 113 99915 JI 111C IMCfcft 910 109 2 1 2J 3 = 1 G Johnson S GdenMac 110Chokeel oe lOCTaucara IOC IOCi9770 i9770 JP 170 l43 = ift 43 105 3 1 1s 1s G Johnson 4 lilancSeing 112llilary UliSptyMcCce 104 9519 JP 1 11C lK tt 710 107 2 2 I1 I1 G Johnson 4 15gainDny 103 Volt lOSGuest ofllonor 109 PANIC b c 4 113 By Peter Pan Miss Hamburg by Hamburg Trainer A D Steele Owner F Musante Breeder H P Whitney 01740 CD 3 l12fcft 51 108 1 2 2 1J J Ileupel 10 In Bounds 15 Mayfair 101 Tractor 100 OIH45 CD 34112ift 10r 11515 15 14 H = 1 II BurkelT IofAVales 107 DlyUay 4 Momsltoy 100 S7424 Bow C5fl21rift 10 113 9 10 10J10si T Finn 13 CarrFrce 112Ix onardG 113 TenSixty 10S 4823 Bel 3 l12ift 7 109J 7 7 5 J 5 i J Kellum KitCarsou 112StoTinKiiiK 117 Julie 100 3815 Sar 7S 123 ft 10 112 4 4 6 i C J H Meyer 8 AVampee lOOolSpSre lUCTKolllall 10S 93280 Sar 1 l41 m C 11 1 2 4 i 4102J Kellum 4 Watts lOSKingJiinmy lOSKlumes 115 115OLD OLD SLIP b c 4 111 By Brown Prince II Blume by Broomstick Trainer W A Crawford Owcer L T Coonerl Breeder W B Miller 74 CD 1 lCS = ift 4 110 4 1 2 3 J E Pool 4 AmnSon 10rLijhtCbinc 102Coronntn 110 01074 Lex l70144 ift 125 113 6 7 71 713 K Noe 7 CITkeeIee 1071JkwtCake 105McTkln 07 07r 99758 Mia 1110147 1 32 113 4 4 499G7G 31 4 K Noe r Stanwix 112KsUsom llORlklart 105 99G7G Mia sl f l05 = ift 1C 1 6 7 7H9454 7 3 7s K Noe Noe5i 7 Arcady 120S51vcrSouj lOIHrnsfrm 115 H9454 Mia 34 112V H 4710 114 5 3 5i 55 K Noe C Artady 115AVorthmorc 120I5rnstm 113 99309 Mia 34 111 sy 21 11G 2 5 4 4 1C Xoe r Kunsd IMArcndy 115F13K ofTnicc 100J 99030 Mia 170 l42 ft 1S5 114 2 1 I1 Pkr liidenSpire IIOFK ofTrVe 107J 98972 Mia 24 l12tft 2710 115 1 1 1J 1JU885G 5 Dudley 113MyOvn 112I o8tillion 100 U885G Mia 1110143 ft 2 112 7 5 II Stutts S Iickctcr 107lJuck 112MyOwn 119 MIKE McLUKE ch c 3 97 By Luke McLuke Aunt Josie by Ogden Trainer A D Steele Owner Keeneland Stable Breeder Leona Farm O1C50 CD CJ f ll f ft 93 1 3 S 7 CJ1 C11 E lionham 9 SandyMan 0i KingXidi 11 Arcidy 112 112011S5Lcx 011S5Lcx l701451isl 41 110 3 C C 31T C HVvth 7 Kaccnbcse mBarcolo 1101orctsellO 99829 Mia 1 11C l47jft 10 103 5 2 C1 4 J Callahn 7 Cloister 114 Clique 114Il ckiart 1 M 9r41 Mia 1 11G l47rift H J9 2 2 2 3i J Callahan 5 SouthUind 111 Cloister 114 Itrons 101 99310 Mia 170 l47 sy 10 S3 1 1 I1 I3 J Callahan C KssUansom 112Lanius 112MIpaion 113 991 17 Mia 170 l45 KdC10 110 5 1 1 1J J Callahan 8 Delegate 110gnate HODrone 112 88974 Mia 170 l13 ift 14 01 2 4 4SJ 4 J S Steele 10 Harass 98 1icketer 118 Token HELENS BABE b f 3 90 By Brown Prince II Helen Barbee by Pcen o oDay Day DayTrainer Trainer W Curd Owner H P Headley Breeder H P Headley 01335 Lx llSl4 ft 7 121 3 3 37 3 S Griffin 4 BblingOver 12CBtoBoot 12CAlIechan 12C 12COllORLcx OllORLcx HlCl4S hy 6 1 7 s 5 L Pichon 7 Overall 100I iiins llttChittasoiiK 10J 00998 Iex 1 l 0 Ed 71 121 3 2 21 23 M Garner 10 FceMills 121MyO 1211yCrlyn 11C 11C974C2 974C2 Lex fc l ift 12S 11 11 4 43i 3 AV AV Torll FofTime 127liibn Ovtr 1271tliinork 127 97099 C CD D 1141 hy 22 119 C 5 5 5IZ D Connlly 8 Canter 122Flisht ifTiiiip 122Uhinock 122 2 C 71 S Griffin I1 Chieaco IKUanraster 112ltlockh ad 119 96283 I Iit at it ll3S tft 19C 1011 1 J 95347 at Cl f 107 ft 95 112 5 2 21 2s S Griffin 9 Percussion 112Plaii 112CMorninu 112 95129 at 5J f l07 ft 12 107 5 C 1 2 t S Griffin 12 Lakmo lllPostMistross 113Wildwood 111 M231 at rlfl07ift C5 109 S 2 3s 4 F Sharpe S MyraM IflnDileoLiKht lOSStellaKIiiK 100 91108 at M f l07 Kd4710 113 2 2 2 3 W W Tlor 0 Ilosrlwc lOSDollyllay llOranKStar 10S OCC8 at S 102 hy 32 110 3 2 2 2 F Sharpe 0 Darklhantoin IOOSvancc lODInlds 103 HUNTSMAN b c 3 97 By Jolircn Sylvan by Disguise DisguiseTrainer Trainer M J Beaucharnp Owner C Wissinger Breeder H P Whitner 01741 CD 170145 ft 13 10 109 0 1 1 = 11 AV Garner 8 SpanishLay 107 Marcnxo 102 Finnstor 100 100OIC45 OIC45 CD 34 l12Hft 38 100 7 13 9 i 5 1 L Fischerli PofVales 107 DlyBay 94 Mumslioy 100 100O185 O185 I Lex ex rclilOXcd 41 98 C 2 11 I1 D Dubois 8 SlarvO U7Stiirl ick llSEdllurki 100 01202 Lex fc l09ift 27 99 9 2 2 2 D Dubois 10 CrVillase 103MuIdn HOOcottrii 103 1039 Lex fc l09Hft SSf K E 9 8 6 D Dubois 12 PnWiiiKllOSKMaxwrll 112rresidt 110 060C2 JP 111C l491 in 193 91 3 1 I1 Il G Johnson 4 KingTiit lODlInrlnn lOoJSpyilcCoo 100 99805 J P 51 f l07m 115 110 4T W Garner 7 AileenlMOIMiukeyFreo lOIClioire 107 99743 J P 341157isl 14 11310 9 7 1 7 S J Dawson 10 TomPllOSilverSpur lOODreaniUaddy 08 99617 jl 51fl07Lsl 10 101 7 6 41 3s J Dawson 7 Orostesll lOlltutton 10Triilitt 102 98414 FG 170 l47sB l 6 109 1 1 6 C E Pool 10 Torcher 109MrsMoore 10SLadyIynii 102 98217 FG 34 118 hy 335 9710 11 1111 A Mtcnsnll Lawless I03Kondelli lOOShark 105 COUNT SPRACK b c 4 M 105 By Mount William Wild Countess by Count CountSchomberg Schomberg SchombergTrainer Trainer B B Williams Owner Bloomfield Stable Bred in England by C S Clarke 99008 FG 111C l4Eit 220 309 4 2 33i 31S K Chiavta IfdictVow HOKd Cray 10C4mni r 110 98517 FG II I l03 ft C4f 112 S S ll U = F Chluvtall Tester 112TSJordan lllfhcVintnir 11

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926052401/drf1926052401_8_5
Local Identifier: drf1926052401_8_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800