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BELMONT PARK Copyright 1926 by Daily Racing Form Publishing Co NEW YORK N Y SATURDAY MAY 22 192G Belmont Park 1 12 Miles 6 14 Feet Second day Wetchester Racing Association Spring meeting of 20 days Weather clear Steward of Meeting J E AVidenor R T Wilson and AV S Aosburgh Steward Representiti the National Steeplechase and Hunts Association A II Higginson Judges E C Smith and C Cornclilsen Starter Mars Cassidy Racing Secretary Ar E Schaumburg Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p in AV indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and isht carried Ipdicates apprentice allowance f QOf FIRST RACE 78 MUe Oct 16 1906 122 5 126 Amagansett Purse Pursa 1000 ULO O 3yoarolds Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AAVtPPSt Vi V Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 01C05 SANDHILLS w 110 10 7 3l I1 I1 Il I1 AV Smith N S Hurd G 10 10 4 2 99914 TEA BALL w 109 G 4 81 7J 3 31 2 A Schngerll S Bowns 15 13 10 4 S3 01703 AGNATE WB 107 2 8 9 S 71 71 3 H AVakoffG A Marshall 20 20 13 5 2 01555 KOREAN WB 110 8 5 5 k SSC1 6 41 J CallahanK E Hitt G 10 10 4 85 01 7HRASQUAISE WB 112J 4 2 1 2 21 21 5 L Fator Rancocas Stable710 43 35 13 1G 1Gni67 ni67 ni67sLIHOLIHO sLIHOLIHO WB 111111 10 10J 91 41 41 64 G Ellis C A Hartwell G 8 G 21 G5 00414 TIFF WHO 31111 10l 9h 9 k 7 L McDottMrs P J Lavin 50 60 60 20 10 01757 MICHAEL B WB 101 5 9 71 6i 81 8 81 S Hebert F Bambara 30 30 20 S 4 4O1757JBYAVAY O1757JBYAVAY WB 109 1 G 4 4k 5 5J 9 F CollettiMrs A Swenko 12 12 10 3 S3 161 01 OLYMPIC WB 117 9 1 6l 11 11 11 10k T McTagtNewtondale Sta 15 15 13 G 3 01703 HAPHAZARD WB 104 7 3 2 S 10J 10 11 F CatroneW L Oliver 100 100 40 20 20Time Time 23S 7Vi llZVs 127 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner B c by Meridian Little Horn by Migraine trained by F AVhite bred by Mr N S Hurd HurdAVent AVent to jK st at 250 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving SANDHILLS raced into the lead soon after the start and racing BASQUAISK into defeat out finished TEA BALL gamely TEA BALL came with a rush through the stretch and outgamed AGNATE The latter began slowly and closed a big gap KOREAN was ihuffled back after the start BAS QDAISE set the pace briefly but was in close quarters when entering the stretch and tired tiredScratched Scratched 017COTraveller 120 01759sPheasant 105 01194 Highwayman 107 01G74 Lonesome 103 01G77 Hillside 113 01757 Hot Time 104 104Overweights Overweights Tea Ball 2 pounds Basquaise 4 Liholiho l i Byway 2 Olympic 4 SECOND RACE About 2 Miles Good and Plenty Steeplechase Purse 1500 4yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 1100 second 250 third 150 Index Horses A Wt PP St 3 7 10 12 Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S Ol I92 = BARLEYCORN w 5 141 7 2 3 2 Ink l 1 D Byers J E AAidener f2i 135 2i 710 13 13IV 1 3005 BOATMAN IV 7 138 10 6 l k 11 31 2 2 C Mergler Brookmeade Sta 68 8 3 85 85w 90754 ISIS w 7 139 2 7 5i 51 4 3 3k AV MoneyL H Congdon 15 15 13 5 21 21w 014SJMINATA w 10 142 6 10 9 8 7 5 4s C Snioot Mrs F A Clark 4 7 7 21 65 65w ei50HCONINGSBY w 5 132 1 1 4 35 2i 41 5 AV Green J E AVidener 21 135 21 710 13 NOCK DARGENT w 6 154 4 4 2 4 i 6 61 G T Moran AV A Read 20 20 20 S 4 CHKRKI w 5 132 3 9 8 7s 7 7 AV Bethel Somerset Stable 20 20 20 S 4 4O1043SMAKT O1043SMAKT SINNER w 6 130 S 8 10 9 9 8 S J LambertH R A AVest 20 20 20 8 4 01004 AUTUMN BELLS W 6 151 5 5 71 6 5 L riderAA Hunt Korshaw Stable 85213101214 9 1393 RAVEL W 5 131 9 3 Cl Lost rider L FranklinBrd Hollow Stala 15 10 4 2 2fGiupled fGiupled as J E AAidener entry Time 350 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner B g by Light Brigade Five Aces by Disguise trained by J H Lewis bred by Mr J G Mils m mWent Went to post at 314 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driving BARLEYCORN jumped well showed much speed throughout and taking the lead when called ii won going away BOATMAN raced in close pursuit of the winner overcame interference and stayed well to the end ISIS ran a good race all the way and made a game finish MI NAT A closed a gap with a rush CONINGSBY jumped well throughout AUTUMN BELLS lost his rider at the eleventh jump and IJAAEh at the fifth fifthScratched Scratched S5G41sCourteous 130 130Overweights Overweights Coningsby 1 pounds Cherki 1 f4 QOO THIRD RACE 4 12 Furlongs Widener Course May 21 1926 54 2 117 Fiftieth UJLo lO Rnnnine JUVENILE STAKES 5000 Added 2yearolds Net value to winner 16150 second 1000 third 500 Index Horses AAVtPPSt Ji Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C 1 233 31 lh I1 J Maiben G A Cochran 21 4 155 63 35 35017S 017S SWKEPSTER w 113 16 CJ 41 21 L Fator Rancocas Sta t2 2 321214 01537SAXON w 115 10 1 21 21 31 G Ellis Grecntree Sta S 10 S 3 85 8501707CHARADE 01707CHARADE WB 112 42 in 31 4 S Hebert J Butler 5 7 7 21 75 75Ofi79CHEOPS Ofi79CHEOPS w 118 12 5 61 6 5 k A JohnsonRancocas Sta J2 2 321214 32121401553JCASTING 01553JCASTING w 117 510 101 8 6 k T McTagtA C Bostwick 6 10 10 4 2 01041 THRACE w 112 11 12 9 = 101 7 R Carter Greentree Sta fS 10 S 3 S3 01734 RECREATION w 109 8 9 Sill3 8 E Barnes J S Cosden 15 30 30 8 4 01734 SAFTERGLOAV w 112 14 4 4i 5l 9 L McAtee H P AVhitney tfla 15 13 6 3 3CHANCE CHANCE SHOT w 112 2 11 II1 91 101 E Sande J E AVidener 10 12 12 5 21 1 71 11s G Fields Brookmeado Sta 30 40 40 la 6 6JAMES JAMES A FARLEY w 112 13 13 131 12 12 D McAffeJ E Madden 30 40 40 13 6 01731 MARYLANDER w 112 614 14 13s 13k f smith J S Cosden 15 20 20 8 4 40175K 0175K AVIUSKERY WB 112 7 S K 14 14 J ChImerslI P AVhitney ftls 13 15 6 3 3ICoupled ICoupled as Greentrec Stable entry JRancocas Stable entry 5L S Cosdeu entry ftlL I AVhitney entry Time 53 new track record Track fast fastAVinner AVinner Ch c by North Star III Marie Odile by Star Shoot trained by II Duke bred by Mr Giffnl A Cochran CochranWent Went to i ost at 343 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow AVon handily second and third driving DKACONIS close up from the start passed CHARADE when called on and outstayed SWEEP STEIi in the final drive The latter moved tip steadily on the inside and finished gamely but tired right t the end SAXON ran a good race throughout CHARADE showed the most early speed but tired in the stretch CHEOPS had no mishaps CASTING and THRACE made up ground The others were eascl up when beaten beatenOverweights Overweights Cheops 3 pounds Castin FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Sept 3 1923 135 3 113 FiftySixth Running LADIES HANDICAP 2500 Added 3yearolds and upward Fillies and Mares Net value to winner 3175 second 600 third 300 AAVtPPSt U 2 vi Str Fin Jockeys 0 H C P S 01325BLACK MARIA wn 3 120 5 G lji 1 J 1 Ill3 L Fator AV R Coo 4 7 7 21 63 63O1112 O1112 EXTRA I UY WB 4 113 2 3 V 61 4k 2 2 E Sande L Rosenberg S 10 3 3 73 OI3T t RAPTURE w 3 122 7 7 7 7J 6i 4 Z J ChlmersH P Whitney 83851 2313 2313Olfil4 Olfil4 KTIIKIJKAL w 3 116 3 4 V 4 2t Snk 41 J Maiben R T AVilson S 10 6 2i 65 01321 PATRICIA J w 3 107 4 2 2 5 51 5 C S Hebert P F Joyce 56621 56621OI703 OI703 FIRST AID wu 3 110 1 5 41 21 31 61 6 J CallahanK E Hitt 15 20 20 S 4 4O1031 O1031 TAPS wn 3 124 G 1 S 3U 7 7 7 A JohnsonGlen Riddle F S 3 6 6 2 1 Time 23 47 l135i l38i Track fast fastWinner Winner Itlk f by Black Touey Bird Loose by Sardanapale trained by AV II Karrick bred by llimyar Stud StudWent Went to i ost at 113 At post 1 minutes Start pf or and slow AVon easily second and third driving BLACK MARIA running in greatly improved form raced into the lead in the first quarter and hclil it t the end without difficulty EXTRA DRY made up ground and finished fast under superior riding RAITlRK raced far back and sluggishly to the stretch but made a fairly fast finish ETIIE RKAL ran well to the stretch and tired PATRICIA J finished well FIRST AID and TAPS showed speed but quit in the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 01325 = Insrid 122 0143C WhatH I Do 112 4 ktf Q91 FIFTH RACE 1 116 Miles Sept 7 1923 142 VS 3 100 Broomstick Handicap U JLOO 1500 Added 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 1245 second 200 third 100 AAVtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys O H C P S 01555 GOLDEN SPIRE w 4 US 1 3 4 4 3 21 lk G Fields Sunnyland Sta 3 311304323 OI OI42SCHERRY 42SCHERRY PIE wit 6 126 3 1 21 2 1 1 1 2 G Ellis Greentreo Stable 21 135 21 4313 974 ACROSTIC w 3 114 5 4 3 3 4 31 31 L McAtee H P AVhitney G 10 10 3 65 65Ol Ol 511 XBY HISSKLF WB 4 112 2 2 1 U 21 4 4 F CollettiW Jeffords 365 S3 35 953 IS QUATRAIN wn 4 123 4 Left at post E Sande F Johnson S5 2 334313 334313Time Time 23 47 i 113 = 139 l45i Track fast fastAVinner AVinner Ch r by Golden Broom Gloryniaid by Glorifier trained by It A Smith bred by Mr and Mr Walter M Jeffords JeffordsWent Went i iHist at 440 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow for all but QUATRAIN AVon driv ¬ ing second and third the same GOLDEN SPIRE was outrun to the stretch then moved up rapidly on the inside and got up to win in the last two strides CHERRY PIB ran a good race and made a res ilut finWi ACROSTIC tired after making a challenge when entering the stretch BY HISSKLF tih we l the m t early speed but tired and quit QUATRAIN wheeled at the start O SIXTH RACE 4 12 Furlongs Widener Course May 22 1926 53 2 122 Rosebud lOJL Purse Purse 1000 2yearolds Maidens Fillies Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses i Str Fin Jockeys O II C P S BONNIE PEN PENBE CT 115 9 3 21 2 1 L McAtee H P AVhitney 3 5 41 2 1 BE FAIR 113 14 1 13 ink 2 E Sande J E AVidener 1i 133 21 G5 33 33rJ 017 7 TIGRESS TIGRESSEMMERS 113 3 4 rJ 31 31 G Ellis Greentreo Stable ID 10 G 21 G3 G313s EMMERS 113 1 13 13s 10 41 G Powers G D Widener t 13 13 6 3 OKIOHARUSAN OKIOHARUSANSHOPLIFTER 113 f r 31 41 5 F AVeiner G AV Loft 5 5 3 63 33 SHOPLIFTER SHOPLIFTER1COLANT1NE 115 12 2 41 71 6 J Kellum B Fisher 40 40 13 6 1COLANT1NE 1COLANT1NECHAItA 116 4 7 8 = 61 71 T McTagtG A Cochran tS 12 12 5 21 CHAItA 113 S U 121 H1 S O Bruder O A Cochran t 12 12 5 2J Y 113 11 i 6 55 9 R Carter H K Hlis 46621 46621liu 01707 ACQUITTAL liu S Iflu K Barnes G D AVidener tS 13 15 6 3 3tl O1755 GMAINE C CVELOT w 115 210 tl 9 llh D McAffeJ E Madden 13 3 LS S 4 01 OKJ79 71 WEI HUNG BELLS w 115 1011 14 13 12J s Hebert T Butler 2V 20 13 G 3 YKLIXW JACKET w 115 13 fi 7 12 13 J CallahanK E Hitt 15 20 20 S 4 410t MAKKA w 115 15 S SOlfidfl 10t Il Hl W Smith AV Xiegler Jr 13 20 S 4 Olfidfl MISS ROCK vr 1H 71 15 15 15 H Long J A Harper 100 100 100 40 20 20tOiipIed tOiipIed a G D AVileiir entryTime entry JG A Cochran entry Time 52 i new track record Track fast fastAViniuT AViniuT Ch f by Pennant IVinnie Kroom by AVliisk Bro m II trained by J Uowe bred by Mr Hsrry Payn Whitneyl WhitneylWVnt WVnt t t at 5 5 At i ist 3 ininiit Start good and slow Won handily second nml third I driving InXME PENNANT raced is Nt up friin the start and finishing resolutely passed the tiring pj iuik r aiil w gtiins away at the tnd KK FAIR showed tin IIIIMI early speed aml finished gamely T1GKESS i a n nH in I hid no misha in th running KMItKUS ran a race racesrit srit lil 017 7rraniiy 115 OIVl Fireside Tales 115 v r Vipit Ksiantine 1 iH i id