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= VOLUME II. ANNUAL RACING FORM FOR 1925 NOW ON SALE ANNUAL RAONO FORM THE INTERNATIONAL AUTHORITY ON AMERICAN RAGINB Circulating in the United States, Cuba. Philippine Islands, Canada, Mexico, England, Prance, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Australia, India, Argentina, Chile, Peru, etc., etc. THE SPECIAL ATTENTION Of STUDENTS Of fORM is directed to the method of indexing the charts. The index shows each and every start of all horses that have raced, with firsts, sec-onds, thirds and track conditions designated on the occasion of each and every start. By means of this innovation it is possible for the user of the Form Book to instantly determine a horses ability to run on any sort of track concerning which information is desired, as shown in the following example : CALCUTTA, ch. c, 3, by Colin — Jamma, by Delhi O, R. Allen r r67J18h "675203 "G7584» »07818h »C7901 J68l53in ■68191 1 h 68206 FULL MOON, blk. m, 5, by Dick Finnell— Caller On, by Oddfellow J. McGinn x «67511* «6754C f 67639 107679* KC7803 »67S «67933»h «C7957b *68060u 168087 "es151lD »«8190»m looimum 68242»h BEST PAL, br. h, 6, by Helmet— Padula, *y Laveno S. N. Holman * •67841h »676*7 »67771 »67901 "67905 rififlioT; tooztoj p 68283 MIDI AN, b. h, B, by Meridian — Veneta Stroma, by Ben Stroma J. Bice + S67451 M57573* •676171 667673 »67802 «fi7872m • 07896m PG7933h «58000m 168020m heSOSSb bftsios™ ooiuom " 68222«m *68241h N. K. BEAL. ch. h, 9, by Glorifier— PuriUn Girl, by Yankee H. T. Palmer a J67748 167915m *67981m »67997m "08041 Hi "1111" "WJiJI •68186h »68304» 168341* QUECBEEK, b. g, 5, by Huon— Jessie Woodson, by Scorpion Summit Stable s x J68079 »68255 168272 "68311 J58354» P68376 •BOISTEBEB, ch. g. 6, by Ethelbert— Bozanna, by Bock Sand C. E. Groves . . J67622 PC7076* "07728* P67S03 "«7S05m P67910«l. »68059h P0S088 J6S128 J68303 "0831S ~ l "WW4j •68405 P684C8 EDWARD GBAY, blk. c, 3, by Von Tromp — Bometta, by Maaetto J. Jones •67684 "67881 167986 »68204» p«8323» » 68389 "" ♦SUN BRAE, ch. g, 6, by Snndridge— Sweet Briar II., by St. Fnuquin W. A. McKinney ... * 1G7468 J67590 "67635 167G9i» JC7795 .„-„ 167994 68170 168234 u,S4j Index numbers in parentheses indieate winning race*; sooonds and thirds are desicnnteil h» figures and tlie oondition of the traok is shown by the designation following the index ii K1P llo, follows: V for slow, "sy" for sloppy, "m" for muddy and "h" for heavy When "" nor n designated fast or good Iraok oonditions prevail. S indioates that the horse has run in Bteeoleei erw"e hurdle races. *Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner.- ®Snperior mud runner. "Imported tDiiuhud Index figures in italic type *G2943h indioutc stake- race. Before each race number in the index below an alphabetical sign is prefixed, which show* »h. -11 ,. at which the r«se so numbered haa been run. Tbe key to these distances is given belowT d,st*™« 1-4 and 3-8 Mile * 1 Mile 3 1-2 Furlongs B F« m 1 Mile and 20 Yards to 1 Mile and 1-2 Mile D lfl0 Yards Q 4 1-2 Furlongs * * !-16 Miles * 5-8 Mile 0 1 1-8 Miles .........".... " .Q 5 1-2 Furlongs S 1 3-16, 1 1-4 and 1 5-16 Miles R 3-4 Mile J 1 1-2 and 1 3-8 Miles 3 6 1-2 Furlongs * 1 5-8 and 1 3-4 Miles T 7-8 Mile * 2 to 3 Miles ................ "" .TJ 7 1-2 Furlongs si 3 to 4 Miles — » . PUBLISHED IN TWO VOLUMES Price, Per Volume, 0 Copies by mail must go as registered matter, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. 441 Plymouth Court Chicago, Illinois 157-159 East Thirty-Second Street New York, N Y 320 East Third Street Cincinnati, Ohio 305-307 Decatur Street New Orleans, La. 50 Richmond Street, East Toronto, Antario 2014 Miami Court, N. W. Miami, Florida