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WELL KNOWN VETERAN DEAD NEW YORK, X. Y.. June 17— Turfmen at Aqueduct were sadly depressed by news of the sudden death of George Brett at Armenia, N. Y. Brett, lovably referred to by many veterans as "Drake Carter" because of his association with Pierre Lorillard at the | time when that sportsman campaigned a great thoroughbred of similar name, had been associated with racing for over fifty years, according to John G. Cavanaugh, Edward H.-ffner and others. An unassuming little man of never failing immaculate appearance. Brett had earned the right to be known as the dean of clubhouse i commissioners at the time of his death. During his more youthful days he acted as agent and commissioner for Pierre I .orrillard, the first master of the Ran-cocas Stud, the pic- i turesque Charles Read. Ge rBe l.orrillard and later in club circles as associate of the late Honest John Kelley. While not a creative artist. Bretts pen leopiaa of such artists as Charles Dana Gibson and others were widely praised, as were his reminiscences of intimate association with famous American turfmen of the last half century. The deceased was active until the end of the Jamaica meeting, after which failing health prompted retirement to his upstate I farm, where his widow now reclines in grief | that is shared by all turfuom.