Fairmount Park Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1926-06-18

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FA1RM0UNT PARK ENTRIES Probahililics: Weather clear: track slow. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time. 3:001. Fairmount Park Mile Track. First Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: June 12. 1926 1:11% —i-124. Todays Tnd. norsoAPostPos. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 03043 Crevstone. ll.J.T 110, 1:14% 3 99.. 725 02344 Lily D., 10 ..Hav 97 1:14% 3 94X720 C2901 Shining Cold. 7. Haw 107 1:13% 5 108x715 02834 Clarcoal. 3 . . I 105 1 :13%s 4 113x710 02687* Iriplett. 9 ...F.P 92 1:15 3 9S..705 97158= sMk Spalding M, 13 3 104V7OO 02901 Dukedom. 0 .DP 99 1:13% 4 10S. .095 00485 St. Charles. 1F.P 111 1:13% 4 108x695 94388 Watereo. 2 8 113. 090 02228 Delysia. 4 . D.P 104 1 :15% 5 103.690 02864 Sjlvanus. 5 . .J.P 102 l:15%h 3 101. 690 02778 ; mancipation. 8.. F.C, 10SS1 :15% 3 94.090 02725 Tailteann. 12 .Tij 109 1:12% 4 113.. 690 02898 I,ittle .ipsy. 14.. C.I 95 1:12% 4 10SX09I Second Race— 5-8 Mile. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Track record: June 10, 1926— 1:01 2— 116. 02560- Shasta Negra. 6.. F.P 113 1:04% 115. .725 02166 Shasta Dawn. 5.. 115.. 720 02653= Prevail. 3 ...CD 115 1:01% 118.715 02450 Foretold. 4 . ..K.P 108 1 :04% 118. .710 02663 Colden Top, SK.P 113 1:05% 115.. 705 02663 Chappie. 7 . . .K.P 116 1 :05% 118.. 700 02667 Captain Applejack. 1 K.P 115 1:01% 118. .695 02663 Commotion. 2.K.P 113 1 :04% 115.695 Third Race— 1 1-4 Miles. Purse ,100. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Ovt. 24, 1925—2:15% — 4 — 109. 02840= Blarney Stone. 3. 8 109X725 02840 Hunan Rouge, 1 11 j 102 2:06% 7 112X720 02775 lice Adrin. 4 5 107x715 02730 Marsdale. 5 ..CD 105 2:12%,sy 7 110X710 C284C Koulscap, 0 4 105x705 02835 I ntried. 7 6 99X701 02730 Chuinpigr.ol. 2 J.P 105 2:17%h 4 109x095 Fourth Race — 5-8 Mile. Purse ,000. 2 lear-olds. Claiming. Track record: June 10, 1926 1:01 2 116. 02959 Poretop .M . 6K.P 112 1:01% HM..725 02897J Sweepover. 3 .K.P 106 1:01% 104. 720 02897 Ilmraince, 5 ..F.P 114 1:02% 108x715 02728- Tempter. 4 ...K.I1 112 1 02 118. 710 02897 Shasta Rock. 1K.P 106 1:03% 108. .705 02839 Pair Name Mi. 2 F.P 107 l:04%m 100. .701 Fifth Race— 1 Mile. Orants Farm Purse. Pu-se SI. - HI. 3 y.ar oicls and upward. Allowances. Track record: june 10, 19J6— 1 :3»% - 5 — 112.1 I 02838 DB. CARDK.NAS.7 3 105x725 02772 David B.. 1 . K.P 100, 1 40% 3 105x715 02o89 Childs Play. 4K.P 111 144%s 6 109x710 02727 Irinccss Pan. 3.. CD 107 1:41% 3 97x700 02962 Ali llaba. 5 ..LM 108 1 V2 3 102x700 02838 Dawn o Virginia, 2 3 105 .090 02452* Mike Mclike. 6.. 3 108.. « K Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: June 12. 1920 1:11% — 4-124.1 ! 02588 Cool Times. 1 Tij 112 1:12% 7 10s 7j;, I 03045 Odd Setb, 5 ..Tij 107 1:12% 5 103 1 720 ! 02834 Joy Pride. 7 I 100 1:14 3 Mx719 i 02896 Stay On. 10 ll.K; 104 1:14% 4 I12X7M 02834 Pore Iady. o Pim 101 1 14% 3 98 to", 02834 Botarian, 14 ..Tij 105 1:13% 4 113 7«J I 02835 Herbert. 8 CI 114 1:15 3 101 » 090 I 02896* Turner, 9 F.U 90. 1 :PJ 3 99aH95 03015 Princess Darrcll.. 12 Tij 100 1:13% 3 99.690 02724 Realist. 1 K.P 97 1:13% 3 103 085 02834 Bush Buck. 3 J.P 109 1:15% 5 1086o5 02896 Eleanor W.. 4.. D.P 94 1:14 *i 4 103. 085 02834 „„„„ .Northern Star. 11 B.B 106;1:14% 5 108x685 96248 Brown B. M, 13 4 113.. 685 Seventh Race — 1 Mile and Seventy Yards. Carrollton Purse. Purse ,100. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: June 5, 19l!tj — 1 :43— 4 — 1:*. 02775- Bathrop. 1 ...K.P 111 1:45% I 103x725 02775 Batsman, 5 ...Tij 93 1:44.-, 5 110x7-0 02775 .reat Buck. O.Pij 98 1:43% • MSX715 02902 Meddling Mattie.7 5 106x710 02838 Cettyslxirg. 9. .J.P 104 1:44% 3 105x705 02902 Battle Kield. S.Lat 95 1:44% 4 108x700 02666s Over Kire. 3. .Jam 109il:44 5 108X09O 02726 Bittle Glory, 2... 3 95. .090 02902 Bama. 4 8 106690 a

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926061801/drf1926061801_17_3
Local Identifier: drf1926061801_17_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800