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Honest, Bona Fide, Reliable Information ■■■■■■gggggjjggjjjgiggijgjigj COL RICHARD MITCHELL I K L VI 1 9 f J| flTI f 9 f 1 Purveyor of Sensational Turf Information mm I Wm I I I L W llll 11 H ■ ■ TEEMS AND CONDITIONS: ONE HORSE A DAY FOR SIX DAYS FOR THE NOMINAL SUM OF 0— HB I A V .— ■ I B m L. J . «™. J B I ™1 H S six days for 0 HHlHllHiHiHHilHHHHHlHkHHBHklHHBBHHl THE COLONEL PUT OVER FIFTEEN daily specials, .00— occasionals. .00— at newsstands NOTE — Owing to Wednesdays FREE CODE being scratched Al Gem* sent up the following: GOING STRONGER THAN EVER SPECIAL FREE CODE TODAY __ __ __ _, ., mmm mm „. _ _ _ _____ _ .. «. ___ LATONIA — Dayton-Petard -Lease-Toil-Launch Comes extremely strong and THEYRE BETTING TODAY. My clients are thoroughly convinced that there is one man left who could give them what they were looking for — winners — and plenty of them. ■_■ ■_« ,___w ____wa n___w ,_flK_ .____, At — UHT PlW f Once again my clients bombarded ■ I LW ■ ■ _Wm%. AtLv 1 their bookmakers bank rolls mu* mm* mu* mmum — mm Tneir bookmakers are being t.-ken like Grant took Richmond, and before they knew it their |A| LJ II I IB I L BC IC I M 1 1 I M it ll I 11 I bookmakers will become clients of the Colonel and play my information themselves. ■■ IB LA I LA I | l I Ig II I I r #AI *MI II LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! WE HAD YESTERDAY ON THE DAILY .00 SHEET. LOOK! What I had yesterday. Isnt this sufficient proof to doubting Thomases, skeptics and critics —-»■—»!»*■ *"tLl!JL Yesterdays w » Adv. * « Special *■» ■ LADY BRAXTED 3.90, Won And this is not aU. by a-ny moans, of what I intend to do in ths future. Really, Mr. Pliyer, I VV 1 1 * W iP B C "1 Cf MM ■■■ am not started yet and when I get warmed up you may believe me or believe me not. but all I can HH [ ■ __ _ IB S %l | W mm ■ I siwiff «" ■« say is that the Colonel is prepared to break all rocords for producing long shot consecutive winner- Itfl *1 ||*i|lfY1 W 111* i I fck 1 ■■■ and I am going to demonstrate my ability by releasing a horse to my clients today that is going to 111 MM 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 I I U all m mm I II I ■ H V ■ ■■■■ WW I ■■ I 0.00 for .00 is the price we expect today. Hf X Never was there a better proposition offered to the racing public than the one that I have got Yes, sir, this one was the BIG ADV. SPECIAL that we begged you to get in the 5TH RACE at to offer you today and remember. Mr. Player, that if you fail to take advantage of this opportunity LATONIA. And to ADD MORE SORROW to the LAYING GENTRY we slammed over the ONLY today you will reget it as leng as you live. OTHER SPECIAL WE GAVE — I warn you, Mr. Player, not to overlook todays proposition. — — _ - - # - _ m _~ Under no circumstances should you fail to take advantage of it. as you will regret it as long as / I C VwlTl fl I intClJl ■■■4t fa ixflf* you live. So do not hesitate, but rush your subscription fee at once and you will enjoy the winnings ■ ** V*A 1 © yl fc|«Jv*.IC*A * I M.M. 1UVU of my greatest release. - _ -l WW~ DO NOT BE BAFFLED — DO NOT BE MISLED L~ I fl* | / %3 M MflLf BEWARE OF IMITATORS XlTl /• AV A I IT it I / XI WflTI TTse Colonel Mitchells service. It is a service that is worthy of every consideration. Today will be . Ill ■■ ■T™ ■ DfB V •■■ I M U ■■ ■ WW I 81 I a gala day. Rush your remittance- at |lllVvl JA f A **!/ JL 9 0J J % f I VII My previous transactions, and notice the caliber of my information: qf J I / . . WEDNESDAY S ONE HORSE: From COAST TO COAST the GANG is SHOOTING for the MASTER CLOCKEB. Get ready for SHASTA BlTTE 4.60, A on TUESDAY S ONE HORSE. IHM _"_v V. *HV F GEO. GROOM 7.60, Won W M kW m J X MONDAY S ONE HORSE: ■ fl B H MM MMl PJF CUPBEARER 6.20, AV..n V W M J*m ■ FRIDAYS ONE HORSE: m AW mAW L m mV ™ m " milllll 2.20, Won THURSDAYS ONE HORSE: MALLARDS MEMORY 5.40, Won % *m L *m fl| SENATOR NORRIS ™™*Y.*.?".f.°"E. 1.80, Won AtlATnAV III I VhAT -ones ito8b"soeh.ome: „ on /illUUlci 1U"1 JlIUl If you desire this service, if out of town wire ten dollars by Western Union or Postal Telegraph, or if in city, come up to my office, open 9:30 a. m. to 4 p. m. - w w » RICHARD MITCHELL, Room 1218, 1480 Broadway, New York City iSt tva.CC— LandtOlllcl _ mm »_ —i.— — — ■ is what we expect to put over. Here is YOUR CHANCE. I tell you we GOT THIS ONE FOR THE . ■ LIMIT. Rnsh right now to your newsdealer and ASK FOR the UADVEV AMCC I™ daily master clocker n II l If Ml W tm III P llll AT ALL NEWSSTANDS IN PRINCIPAL CITIES. MAILED 2 WEEKS. I 1 fl It V | a 1 r |f I | ■ II I I I la Address: 440 S. Dearborn St. CHICAGO ** Xmam f MA M, AM. AIM. MA KJJ U1V« 1 week for Bargain Offer: Both Occasional and Special mailed 0 earle bldg. broadway at .2D st. new york citt DETROIT — For Sale Only at I CHICAGO — FOR SALE ——— — —— Triangle Newsstand. . Griswold and Lafayette Blvd. I NEWSSTANDS. . .Corners of Madison and Clark Sts. — — _ — .— — — — i— -— — Family Theatre Newsstand Cadillac Sq. NEWSSTAND. . .Wilson Ave. "L" Station, evenings ST. LOUIS — Wm. Laser. 711 Market St. j DRUG STORE Randolph and Clark Sts. _ _ _, — m ST. LOUIS— Foster Book Co.. 410 Washington St. HIGH BALL NEWSSTAND. . .Ouincy and State Sts. %ji/|VT W OMAHA. Neb.— Myer Coien. 1411 Farnum St. TURF SHOP ".4 W. Van Bmon f%f m JF I 1 CLEVELAND. 0—0. Schroeder. 212 E. Superior St. NEWSSTAND 4"th St. and Indiana Ave. ▼ ▼ taA • INDIANAPOLIS— Marcus, N. E., cor. Illinois and POST OFFICE NEWS— 84 W. Madison St. Market. ! BRUNOS and MIKES — Newsstand, State and Van """■~™~~""~~~~~~~~— _____________ ~ HAMILTON. 0— Halperin. 339li Hieh St. Buren. « -m - 4 £-** _ m TOLEDO. 0.— St. Clair News, front old Post Office. AND AT ALL OTHER NEWSSTANDS ■ IHHC J I m J ■■**■ 1 KANSAS CITY— Foster. 6 East Ninth St. EVANSVILLE— Tyers Newsstand, Third and Main VyUUO fc* JL tarf LVf ■*- MILWAUKEE— Reid News. 304 Sycamore St. Sts. . ,,,.._.,_., AKRON, 0.— Swartz Newsstand. AURORA AND ELGIN— At Lisbergs Newsshops. Tn«»r /%Ti/Mi »» J .i i ■ • Yesterdays "HARVEY TRANSACTION," and the only horse ad- L_____ _ vised, won easily at odds of 2y2 to 1. This is the sixth "HARVEY _ TRANSACTION" to win consecutively. Needless to say none of them w v*q v| « w A k y w W"*| w V were favorites. It requires plenty of money and the best of connec- I W. W- 11 A |L I 1 1 kf tions to make a record such as the above possible. 1 1 M* 11 A I | I j 1 NOTHING WILL BE ADVISED TODAY as this office never guesses or substitutes. SPECIAL TERMS!— NOTICE!— SPECIAL TERMS! " Harvey Transaction " | mr 5.00 for 15 parlays SATURDAY Room 316» 117 North Dearborn Street Chicago, III. Subscription, 00.00, in advance, by telegraph or in person. MIGHTY yesterdays parlay: 3 20 Won Saturdays "HARVEY TRANSACTION" is an assured good SMOKY DAY $ 9.4o! Won thing, especially pointed for this event. The result should never be in! MrPrr Wednesdays parlay: doubt. Our ads state facts and not illusions. Deal directly with this ?ANGARA 5 40 Won AINUA A office and avoid unnecessary regrets. Early subscription is strongly Tuesday s parlay :* " urged. MASSILLON 0.00, Won ATOSSA $ 9"2° W°n TELEPHONES: CIRCLE 2591-2592-2593-5749-1434-1435 monday s parlay: ■— COBWEB 3.80, Won fi/F,cTjrF y CCf OCTC fT* f* F D Eacb and every onc cf thc above horses aro iefritmatc v*™- * * 0 T0 WIN PARLAY To°AY n a r*iir r»rnnr mm Jt m f lIm m f I f f I fi Send your name and address correctly and I M4RSMll VJ J» V/ MMS MA wjh maii you a little booklet "free of charge," RELEASED TO OUT CF TOWN AND CITY SUBSCRIBERS A PICTORIAL OF THE TURF which contains valuable information on thorough- Two wieners today. Bona fide information. No guesswork. Subscribe today for these two re- pnnnsHFl rUULIbHtli FVFRY tvtttx I mil/Ax RIDAY , t- - . — . . leases. Do not miss this big limit win parlay under any consideration. Parlay released to all out of breJs that are belng. popped in Kentucky for town and c:ty subscribers. No waiting, no delay. WEEKLY RACING GUIDE is sold strictly on its merits as a publication that picks the winners. Its cary act. on. mmm—mmmmtmmmm _______________ maSatSSST ctXanumSZi!* best This ,ittIe tooklet is a eooi mMt for the douU PARLAY RELEASED TO EVERYBODY WORKOUTS. TIMELY PICTURES. DAILY CODE flil- Address I SERVICE an ot ler va ua ata or race o o*8" . - • nArTnO Subscribe to this office. Receive a fair and square deal. Fifteen dollars 5.00 pays for fifteen ON SALE AT ALL LtAUlNO NLftbMAMlb ■ yyt f I II mW* K 1 parlays a losing parlay does not count. Prompt and courteous service to everytodj . If in city, call in FREE CODE SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY: ** A» 1WUU1U person; if out of town, remit 5.00, via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Office open 9 a. m. to AQUEDUCT-Judge-Gallop-Paddock. 24 EAST 60tli STREET COVINGTON, KY. 4 p. m. FAttSuiMaAU ================= LEE HANLEY, Room 316, 117 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, III. WEEKLY RACING GUIDE N. ROGERS — — === 25 Cents a Copy TURF WEEKLY FREE! BSUHUIflUSIttKUIUia DAILY RACING CHART, InC. r°r SalT0°DAYS FREECCDE35 CWU -THE SECRET OF BEATING THE RACES." NttM Weekly 35 Cents Per Copy 1M Ill.lMlllts FAIRMOUNT— Asia-Wood-Rubber i a 16-page booklet of real inside informat.on, Ten Weeks Subscription WOO li7 East S2nd Street Ntu York, N. Y. AURORA— IUly-Singcr-Water i ty a retired turf speculator. No charge. Sira- ply mail this ad and 4c postage to J. K. TOTiAVR iuuay B rwr-r. FREE rnr. CODE. r—r i Willis, Box 1066, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. LATONIA-Tack-12-11 Sporty McGoa... 3.20 Lucky Drift * I g" AURORA— Spade-12 -11 n/lll uaili Y RAPINfl nMUiiMU fllilDE uuiuc Kajaba 2nd Prince of Wales. ..2nd ______ ____ — _J ~ — ___«__ were BiTen Wedne,dlly 0ne BeBt Nort Bcst and — — - =gj HAS THE WINWERS tBVmfiMVandmm and8?-M FOR RESULTS ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY RACING PO?kM