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MACK GARNER BREAKS LEG LATONIA, Ky., June 17— Jockey Mack Garner, on.- of the oldest and best known of the Jockeys riding in Kentucky, is in St. Elisabeths Hospital. Covington, suffering with a fracture of his left leg just above the ankle. The injury was received when an automobile Garner was driving Wednesday-afternoon on the Madison Pike about three miles east of Independence, studded and overturned. Two Other men. friends of the rider, were witb Garner at the time, and one of them sustained three fractured ribs, while the other fortunate! rec.-iv. d minor bruises and was able to summon assistance and bare the two injured m.n removed to the hospital. Th.- accident may terminate Jar-nets ridlBsT career. He has a wife and three small children living in Covington. Gainer is under contract to Pete Coyne, who is seeing that lie receives every attention.