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AKRON ENTRIES Tho figures under the heading Rec. in the entries below show the best time of each horse at tbo distance since January 1. 1925. no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fait or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 98087 IS FIRST INDEX OF 192C. •2188 IS FIRST INDEX OF JUNE Racine starts at 2:30 p. m. ihie:igo time, 2:30. Weather clear: track heavy. ® Superior mud ronner. x Hood mud runner. * Fair mini runner. M Maidens. • Apprentice • I Iowa nee. Akron 3-4 Mile Track. First Race — 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00 ."! year elds and upward. Clainiinp. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 01593 Ilnran. 2 J»110y725 OWH* Little Ial. 3 4 110X721 96893s Ureen P.riiir. 5... 7 109x715 02927 Search Light III.. 10 Bow 115 1:23% 10 105x710 03062 l aliind:i. 14 10 107 X 700 02930 late, l | 10SX705 02926 Chief Tierney. «.. BMP 103 J 1 :2T.% 4 105 . . 705 03062 Krlanper. 4 €.110x700 01624 Request. 8 4 111.700 03067 Mike Morrixsey, H 5 105 X 705 02987 Bncle Velo. 1 ■ tatXTM 01597 Fame. 7 7 110.700 01412 Oarish. 10 4 103x701 03062 Mad Kin. 11 4 105x700 02092 Sn-nr lx .if M. 12 3 101 . .700 02988 May Prosper. 13.. 6 107x700 Second Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3 year -olds and upward. Claiming. 02925 Tease. Jt CP 115 1:07% 5 100® 725 02926 It Trueman. 10 6 113x720 01592» •Sinvona iHl, 3 Aiir 111 1 :OS% 3 99 715 01349 Kitiax. 2 . . .Hav 100 1 :0H% 6 106x710 02866 Wine .lug. 5 M.ll 100 1:07% 4 111X70T.J 01415 ;uss,.. P., 11 Ilav 104 1:07% 5 114X700 02866 Met. 12 C.I 99 1:07% 3 99:!:7O0 01415 1mm, II C. 10C • 700 96795 Sleigh Pells. 7.. 5 109. .700 01522 B..val Jane I Mi. 4 3 9!.. 700 95839 Mm Kox. ■ .Tdn 107 !:•*% 4 109.. 700 028GG Wandering Belle M. 8 C.I 111 1:08% 3 109X700 O. Mae B.. 1 4 109 Third Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3 year-ods and upward. Claiming. 029871 .lagger. 3 Hav M 1 :15% S 109. .725 02»88» V«s; Point. s.Mia 110 1:14-. 3 10S..720 02864 Bdith Clifford, 2. Aur 1and5 1 :15% 3 103 X715 02864 •|«.r.i Butt, 0. Mia 101 1:14% 4 103x710 02927 Jlory. 5 Mil 105 1:13% 4 108.. 705 02928 Hectors Alley. 4 Tij 98 1:14% IW..M 02968 •Billy Wall Ml. 1 K.i; 101 1:16V. 4 105x700 03064 Necklace. 7 .Ilav 105 1:21 %li 5 103.. 700 Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 02927 Briar Sweet. S Mia 102 1 :!.-.% 5 108x725 02925 •Crcstwood y,o . | Ilav 100 1:13% 7 109x720 028G2 Jim Sanda. 1 F.»J 108 1:15% 5 110. 715 02989 Cottager, 3 Hav 100 1:13% 4 114x710 02989 Soutlieni Pacific, « M.H 107 1:14 5 110x70.-, 02800 Sam In. Pansy. 5 Hav 110 1:13% ft 110x700 02927 4 ..Hav 103 1:14 9 108x700 02968 7 Hav OS 1:15;, 6 108x700 Fifth Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs, lurse 00. 2-year-old*. Claiming. 02924 VBBNo.V 5. Mia 100 :54% 113.. 730 02924 Affectionate Mary Ml. 1 Aur 109 :55% 101. .720 02924 Mary Hausman.. Ml. « Orl 106 1:00s 108x715 00777 Silver Map!.. 2Tij 106 :.r 0 110 .710 01451 AtrojK s M. 3.. Mia 115 :55% 109.. 705 93789 Usa 1-ou 1M1. 4 Mia 109 :50% 111. .700 Sixth Race — 5-8 Mile. Plash Purse. Purs. 1926.sh00. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. 02340- .ledhurgh Abbey. 4 Aur 115 1:00% 4 109X727. 02117= Iife M.. 1 .Tdn 112 1:00% 6 104x720 02866 Why. »i 4 104. .715 02867 Utdy Classen, 3. 4 108x710 00458 INsaN-lla. 2 ... 4 104x705 02180 Vacutioii Time. I liflt 110 1 :00% 3 106. .700 03077* Poostinc. 5... Kin 111 1 :02%sy 3 104x700 9286. Cre|K I.. M, 7.. 3 100. 700 Seventh Race — 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 1926.sh00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 01454 HerBertus. 5. . K.P 115 1 :49% 5 111. .725 02and9U Brown Umt, C... K.P 100 1:48% 3 9Sv720 02805 Val.uc. 1 . . . Ix 91 1:40% S 9S. .715 02867 Marpar.1 Cant. 3 Hav 93 1:47% 3 96x710 02081 loll Montez. 2Tij 98 1.48 3 M .705 02867 •Bally. 4 Brl 111 1:54% 7 108 700 ♦