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P. T. CHINN S APPEAL WINS LEXINGTON, Ky., May 5.— Phil T. China today received a telegram from A. Hersh-fi-ld of the New York law firm, Hershfield, Hayes and Wolf, advising him that he had won his appeal on the suit brought by W. A. Shea of New York against P. T. Chinn and Him-yar Stud. The telegram stated that the Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court at Albany had unanimously reversed the decision of the lower court and that the case was dismissed. Shea sued for large damages, alleging that Chinn had deprived him of the use and possession of the stallion Tea Caddy and a couple of mares and their foals. The suit was brought last August, a few days before the sale of the Ilimyar Stud yearlings at Saratoga. a