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I Key: B — Breezing-. D — Driving. E — Eaandily. H— Handily. 0 — All Out. U— Eased up. 169 LATOXIA. Ky., June 19— Yesterdays training gallops were as follows: LATOMA. Tuesday afternoon. ■Weather clear ; track good— 1-2 MILE. MO llligitimatc . :4SSb 5-8 MILE. 167 Ante Jl.-li;im.l :01 b 1*1 Applau 1 1:02 b 3-4 MILE 104 Buer Mgntl:tf%fc l.l Nellie Custis.l:l.".vsb 104 Mount Logan l:16%b 1C7 Oui Monsieur 1 : 15 Hh ■ 1 MILE. l»r, 1:43 ib liw Tu.« Cboctaw.l:44 h 160 I.e Klore 1:44 ti I 1-8 MILES, ltil Kos- of Sbnl:.".! d Tiie above trials recorded were traversed between races Tuesday afternoon. The move of Hose of Sharon was a stand-•UL jrm HOME WOOD. 111.. June 19— Todays training gallops included the following : WASHINGTON PARK. "Weather clear ; track fast — 3-8 MILE. 107 Betsy Jayne. :36 h 10s Jaboulay :37%d ].,. H-Uy lirett. :30t3 1 113 Judge Sbath. :SS b Mi Pa. kt.ilk :3S7ih 161 Kitty Ml.-tlly 4C%b ■MMH Pencil.. :36 b I.abe 48% b 104 Bourainville. :.! "-,fl l.VJ Little Uutnpus :3s4.-,b 167 rofton :36,5h Make Believe :3S%h 361 Mfnsa. :31 r.b 150 Monir.i Xorine ::ir d 165 Pony Polly... Mil Natality Eye. :?, d 160 Pflmoniio ... iM%ll 165 Outer Ilarbor :." o d US Earl of NVik :.M b 100 Mysnjfc :38S£h 166 Fiala :38h 161 K:ir :384r,h 163 Fireproof ... :35»jd Kim Buddy.. :36 d 157 Flattery :38 b 168 MMN :38%b 15i» Golden Prince :-J8%b 1« Sir Harry SM h 161 Co Atvar :4 Vsh 163 Sir Argo £T%n MtBcaa Hardes JSlfcJl IMHtt Lens :36 h 105 Inn tall :3» d 167 Tea Cracker. :36 h 168 Irene T :36h 169 Tyrol :36 h 166 Ida ODay... :.TT*ih 154 Walter It. . . :37%b IS MILE. 164 Bnnnie East.. : 48.1 Mint Sweeps :48V 149Blevawav .. :51r,h 155 Monanhist .. :W„ 1 109 Ben. i-h Way :4»U.b Hw Morsel :52*;b 161 Chaff :49*d Mt M - ;onifrle .. :51f.b 157 ontinsent .. :.Vl-,h 163 Mansfield ... :54*ib 169 Columbus ... :50V5h Most Unruly. :50:«sh lyde C :50 h 15.1 Paula Shay.. :52 h 143 Catherine S.. jM h 106 Bed Face *t%h 167 Kntuc Edwd :SO b 141 Ko.val lluby. :53 h 16!» Fire King :50%b 160 Biff Baff... :48%d 359 John Maekler :52rsb 161 Sun Mary :49 d 159 Kitty Keane. :51%d 150 T. S. Jordan :51%b Kennedy Oli 157 Trippinc T«e. :5»l-li 164 Khara :50Vsh 167 War Buddy.. :49%h 161 I.iL-i l-mi p . :49 d 5-8 MILE. 167 Boot land 1:04.U 169 Mandolette ..1:06 h 169 Belle Hire. . .1:04 jh 164 Mao IIoi;an.l:u3*andu 165 Billie Birek. 1 :04~,b 160 Mi Compaaerol:02 d 161 Color Blind. 1:05 Sjb 107 Power 1:05 h 169 Capture l:02 .-.h 159 Patroness . ..l:03%b 163 Edna-Bale .1:06 h 16» likes Peak . ..1 :05 h 152 Frank Keane. 1 «•%■ 165 St. Mattheusl :05 h 109iny Fra7.icr.l:0Jh 104 Suitor l:04%h 1 I7 Illinois 1:0l-r.h 163 Theorist Janel :« •_• d 1«2 I.ady Va Va.l :04.-,li 105 Windy City.. 1:05 b 169 I.iiikr Nancy l:047sb 162 Zevesgold ...l:047sh 3-4 MILE. 367 Afterglow ...1:16 h 164 K* of tbeSpal :15 h 155 t«.ld Cream. 1:18 d 169 Mowlee l:15%b 160 Camp Boss. .1:19 b 164 Ma-.iy Jane. .1:14 b 304 Fannie J l:l«%n 164 Marshall N»yl:19 b l Wi;rand Prince. 1 :19 d 160 Pree Athelingl :19 b 357 Cctldrn Brn. 1:17=1 120 Prineely l:l J%b KM John Peel 1:19.1 1KI Snectre 1:17 h KILE. 158 Blood Royal. l:48Hb 169 Royal Maar.l:45 a 169 Jap Lae 1:44 u Golden lrince worked with Kentucky Babe. COLLINS VI L.LE. 111.. June 19.— Todays training gallops were as follows : FAIRMOUNT PA UK. Weather clear ; track fajt — 3-8 MILE. 164 Altura Mia 147 Islam :36«f,d 107 Al Stehler :37"-b 105 My Dandy... :.t7 ,h 165 Broomoney .. :40Vandb 166 Nevermore .. and•%■ 167 Due tor tilenu. ::K:V.b 161 Perjury :35%h 123 Forefather .. ::!8b 167 Toreher :41 b 165 Creenoek and3%b ITT TTIIIril :-i -i,h 100 IP ii rv Smera :.;7..h 144 War Grail... :37%h 1-2 MILE. 148 Blar.e t. Trail :50 h 165 Nsery Rmes JVUft 141 Coady :51*ih 165 Po,ket Blouse :51V4h 1 » Carok r :53%h 75 Bio Panehita. :50 h tiiH .laek Haskell. :49Ssh 167 Sister Ship... :48Hb 339 John Greener. :49~h 104 Stampdale ... :50 h 107 North Breeze. :52?sb 73 Traveller :522ib 5-8 MILE. 157 Babylon l:05%h 106 Lonray l:02h 1«» Bljek Bob... 1:03 h 109 I. Coin Plaut .1 :03"r.h MHm l:05=ih 107 Money Order l:0.V~b 366 Cadet lMb 104 Perfect ModeIl:«2% 348 GoTnor Peay.l:05 h 160 Patsy FI l:ft6Vf,b 364 «;|. n CanopylKJh 119 Pagan Laddiel :08b 167 Ja. k Craine..l:0.:»ih 3.J6 Siro.ip l:055h 167 Lane Allen... l:05«.-.h 167 Well Turned.. 1:05 b 3-4 MILE. 162 Adams Applel: 17 4b 407 Top Kick 1:17 d 148 Pmili-alh ...l:22*ib 162 Watehword ..l:17*r.b 149 Ethel G tiger. l:22i-,b H". Webster l:22%h 1 1-8 MILES. ICOI.ady Br dcastl :54=Sb GEAUGA LAKE. Ohio, June 19 —Todays training gallois included the following: HAlNBKlDt.E PARK. Weather clear ; track fast — 3-8 MILE. 163 Col Board... «%b 151 Prince :36«h 321 Cap ns Bter ::«h 163 Petrnrhio ... :30%b 107 Biuks :.t7-i 108 Pan. hi. :37 b 354 Carish :37 d Mi Reveille Boy. :::7 -,b 147 Harmony .... ::yj--,li Trudgeon ... ::;0-.h 162 Mrs. Foster.. :3-tib 147 Trapland :38b Partner :40 b 1-2 MILE. •162AsVr harlie :50 h 109 Pardee :50 h WMMW ... :49 b S.ilvage :52 I | 301 Corn ne D :50 I 15S Top i , ok :50*f,b 161 Flora SI :52 b l Ui Waponoea ... :54b 5 8 MILE. WCkmaM ...llMVfe Old Boy l:04Sfeh 163 lIou-to:i l:02-ih 147 P My FUbertyl 04 h Kn e Olader.l :04 b 104 Star Fa!, on. .1 3W%b 100 Mar Fugle. . .1:03 b lT.Sandv Hatch. 1:04 b 3-4 MILE. 167 Acme 1:16 b UT ■«■■ 1:21 %h 162 Bu. hoa l:13«b 156 Merry Pal 1:16 b 167 Dextrose t:M%| 1 MILE. »1 Atla l:45Sb 162 C.rass Maid. .1:45 b 169 Chrysler . . . -1 :44 -r,U 100 K. Sols Se«!.l:43 h 163 Grd King. . .1:46 h Tutaemer ...1:50 b LATONIA. Ky.. June 19.— Todays training gallops! wcie as faBaws: LATONIA. Weather clear; track fast — 3-8 MILE. 162 Another Kisa :.".0i-b 162 Hot Shot.... :36 h 147 Bonny Basil.. :30b 138 IPeorer andT%M l.M Itnir Mint... ACM MBtbjl :37*r.b 1 iX Buffer UW d 163 Kenneth W.. :38%b 167 Babble :35:.d Kings Pal... :::7-.l B.-nito :40~h 162 Kri. k :■: -,h 163 Bnsy Klo :5.-, d 107 L-:ih Jine... 4T*4b 358 Boh Bl kburu :30Ld 105 Lady Skolny. :3s;1 u 309 nil. m|-:i :.9 1» 107 .. :.:0 h MBObMd tup... JMbi MCLuaaeO* :30id 3 W I uoora ::i6th 107 Lady Fingers. :JS%h l»r. Tneker... ::r7«*,h 107 I.rl Bdalne :36 b 367 Dr. Parrish.. :34S«! Miss Pat :38 b MT Ell -Weir ... :37 b Ma Mo :37b 102 Floriau :3S*.b 163 Nun t.Nvoipb J5%h 143 High Spirited .Mb* 10 Nicaragua ..:36 b 167 Neddie :39%b 16S Shannon Rose £3%b 136 Our Own :3S=ib 105 The Show Off :37?f.b Tals Bride .. :r»*e.b 168 Tlie Okah :35*sb 165 Pompon :34»id 162 Truly Movin. :38Vsh 142 Polity :37 b 109 Pptime :36:V.h 168 Style Show.. :38 b 167 Imbn Pes. :35 -r.h 167 Susans Str :352r,d Woodfire ... :37 b 161 Sis Agues... :38«r.l Zoom :37:?ib 1-2 MILE. 130 Aspinwall GT :54lxb 167 Minervus ... :49ih 167 Agitator :48%d 160 Pals M d«». :52-r.b 164 Busy Fairy.. :48 h 167 Sis ONeil... :50*f,d 107 Calvados :50%d 158 Spg Willow :51 h 124 IHstinKuish .. 161 Skip Weidel. :48%h 165 Eseondida ... :49i3h 165 Snper Toy... :50Sh 167 llerrick :50«f.b 169 Value :5» -.-,l loOLndT Witt... :48V.,h 161 Whiskwin ... :49.,b 166 Mae Moore... :52*f,d 168 Workless :49%h 167 Morgana :48l;h Wbiskflower . :49%d o-8 MILE. 167 Boys Prefredl:054sb 161 Keeping Timel:02%h 167 Berniee Van.l:03=«sd 169 Major Tom. . .1 :02 h 167 Bounce Avayl:03 b 164 Pessimistic ..l:02d 165 Broadside . . . 1 :02-..h lta Pigeon Hole.. 1:05 d 167 Carry Me 1 :05%b 163 Purple Light 1.02.b 165 Cotooel Bell..l:91%ti 167 Bins True. ..1:01 *id 167 Concert 1.04%h 165 Rip Field l:02%b 106Chelys ltlfcb 167 Roy l:02*ib 167 Deluge l:02%h 168 Southld Prcel:02tid 10S K-s.ire l:03%b 161 Spanish Jaekl :03VBh Emulator ...1:06 b 100 Southed Cb"fl:02»td Galnt Knightl:04 b 167 InRrateful ,.1.M% 167 Clvcine fcM%ft 102 Vesta l:02%b 167 Golden Cloud. l:02%h 3-4 MILE. 107 first Chance. l:14id 157 Old Times. . .1 :14 h 162 Grge McCrnl:14Ssh 166 Polly May. . .1 :18?4h 167 Gold Handle. l:15*bb 169 Platoon l:16%h 167 Golden West.l:16%b 159 Perfect Alibi l:14%d 162Irfaneh 1:15 h 1G7 Royal On»ar.l:15i4h 166 Junior C l:15*f,b Rattle l:18%h 167 Ketchup l:18Vab 165 Stolen Kiswesl :18Vih Mil —llll 1:14 d 169 Sun Lynn l:I5%h 167 Little Jimmyl:18*sh 167 Stld F,reverl:16%h It" Marge Collinsl:17 h Sporfg Kingl:17%h 161 Mdens Trystl:14*f.b 164 Take Off 1:15 d 167 Miss Pejrsy..l:16Mih 106 Wisdom 1:16 b 108 My Word 1:17 h 162 Zurich l:15%h 77 Niek Cullop..l:20*il 7-8 KILE. 159 Disturb 1:30 h 167 Kelnot 1:30 h 167 Jake Sher 1:30 h 169 Little Scout. .1:30 h 1 MILE. 167 Brown Flash. l:43h 166 High Moon. .1:43 h 155 Capt. Jack Jr.l:45%h 156 Kiidiak l:45%h 166 Capt. 1— fUjl Hi 167 Longchamps l:514ib 162 Bar-Fur 1:44 h 167 Peggy Mac..l:43:Sh 104 Doll v Seth...l:42%d 169 Plumbago ...l:40%h lOSElizaleth ...1;M% 167 Sharon 1:46 h 152 Eter Storkgsl:43!V.b 164 Wolfy l:455ih 150 Fairy Mdeu.144 b 111 MILES. 159 Ben Machree.2:10?ib MONTREAL. Que., June 19. — Todays training gallops included the following: BLUE BONNETS. Weather clear ; track fast — 3-8 MILE. 169 Amen-Ba ... :37 d 168 Pious :37 d 169 Best Bonnet. :36r-. l 165 Snowy :36%h 1-2 MILE. 16S Air Chief tM%4 Eyelash :54 h 125 Blade :50 h 162 Skid :50 b 158 Everytime .. :492fie 5-8 MILE. 168 Evergreen ...1:04 h 163 Kathleen B.. .1 :04 d 137 First Edition. 1:06 e 130 Munning l:04%h 3-4 MILE. 169 B. o th Wtl:17 d Ix vera 1:17 d 169 Ever More. ..1:17 d 159 Boyal Pearl. .1 :1S d 1 MILE. 151 Mad Sketch. .1:49 d 156 Thomasine ..1:49 d 161 Prairie Girl. .1:50 e NEW YORK. N. Y.. June 19.— Todays training gallops over the local courses included the following : AQUEDUCT. Weather clear ; track fast — 3-8 MILE. 165 Anne Boleyn.. :36 d 108 Lady Fair. ... :38%b 100 Dixie Dremer :37 d 168 Panchio :38%b | 162 Flying Mar.. :33f,d 168 Pansy Walker :37 b 100 Herbier :38;bd 107 Bex Moore... Sb 108 Indianapolis . :39 b 10S Boyal Ford.. :38»jb 108 Lucky Mill... :.°.CV,b 108 Whack :39 b LindyLon.... :387tb 107 Wedunit .... :33 d 1-2 MILE. 165 Alhey :52%d 105 Morsnuff :50 h 108 Flamintf :50 h 128 Bulberneek. .. M%i Morpat :50 h 105 Vulture :50 b 165 Merry Andrew :50 b a-8 MILE. 168 nornpipe 1:04 d 168 Bouge Knightl :07i£b OJ Hard Tack.. 1:04 d 105 Spear Maid.. 1:03 b 105 Jodhpur 1:06 h 168 Treck 1:04 d 7-8 MILE. 102 Papyrograph 1:34 b 1 MILE. 105 Distraction ..1:52 b 108 Stretcher ...1:46 b 155 Golflex 1:48 d BELMONT PARK. Weather clear ; track fast — 3-8 MILE. 164 Billy Blake.. :36%b 162 The Beasel... :38 b 100 Old Dutch.... :37 h 152 Violence :35 b 157 Polygamoua . :33 b i-2 MILE. 162 Ahpet -.50 b 108 Keep On :52b 103 Bud Broom... :53 b 108 Kopeck :50 b 169 Bigot :48 h 168 Lawyer :52 b 168 Brown Ruler. : 48 h 154 Lukes Crown. :4» h 152 Pick Mammy :52 b 168 Long Par :50 b 97 Coronation .. :47?sb Orions Sword :50*-ih 164 Curate :51 b 108 Beereation .. :47%h 166 Creeper :50»ib 168 Rueful :471ih 168 Captain Hook :51 b 108 Sumair :47%h 168 Collapse :50 b 168 Son of John. . :47?jh 109 Dark Polly... :51 b IIS Sublina :50 h 168 Guide Bight.. :49 h 168 Sweep Out... :51*i,b 132 Fox Bolt :50 b ltV Vito :50 b 168 Gotoit :48 h 168 Vagrant :49%h 100 Jar :51 b 108 Zahn :50 b 5-8 MILE. 168 Click l:01*-sh 168 Partisan 1:05 b 157 Eddie Aheara. 1:09 b 168 Sir Johren. . .1:07 b 100 Glen Oak.. ..1:05 b 168 Swinfield 1:03 h 168 Grey Abbess. 1 ttlb 118 Sublina 1 MM h 165 Imperial Air. 1:02 h 169 1rapuiar 1:07 b 107 Nellie Wood.. 1:02 h 168 Water Fowl..l:01%h 106 Perfect Play. 1:04 b 3-4 MILE. 105 Algernon lfl% 158 Merit l:16V.h 108 Atlantis 1:17 h 108 Our General. .1 M b 108 Autumn B!ml:14 h 166 Rinaldo 1:18 b 166 Bnie Khyaml:15 h 153 Sun Hatter.. .1:22 b 106 l.aron 1:18 h K5 Turf King. . . 1 :19?ih 165 Comsto.kery .1:16 h 108 Tantivy 1:17 b 168 Honker 1:17 h 160 Wonderful ...1:17 h 103 Igloo l:15- h 1 MILE. 108 Charlemagne 1:47 b 117 Mantonian .. .1 :53 b 109 Cyrano 1:43 b 109 Mint Friary.. 1:46 b 165 Dail 1:43 h 164 Princess Tinal :40 h 160 Kinir 1:44 b MSMalMag ...1:42 h 100 Holiday l:43%h 158 Sunvir 1:44 h 163 Herodionese .1:44 h 168 Siml.a ll.:.,h 165 Ironsides ...1:45 b 168 Talebearer ..!:■"" b 165 Le Bey 1:42 h 169 Truncheon ...1:45 b JAMAICA. Weather clear ; track fast — 1-8 MILE. 168 Chang :37 b 89 Grlzel :.TS b D» lemence :37 d 105 Marie S :V *-d 150 Col 1 Esterd :37 d 107 Minted J*t%i 107 lairdine :37 d 131 Starpatic ... :39 b 127 Flimsy :38 b 150 Speedy Shaw :37 b 167 Grey flawk.. MH Dniester -:37 b 1-2 MILE. 130 Ai o*Me :5ol.-.b KM Roman Blaze :501 16S Buddha :50 b 16T. Bogues ;old. :55 b 168 Fix It :48.-.lj 108 Snr Va Blo :"sT-,b 104 Little Miner d9%k 151 Shimmer .... :.".:-. b lOOMild :49 % h 157 Wiggle :5.-ib 168 Onine... :5 J b 5-8 MILE. 168 Crash 1:08 b 1 4 J Bassvlaa ....1 02 b 168 ldn Pnantl: 5 h MB TOBM I Wtjl 108 iAjrd Broom . 1 :"_ .li 3-4 MILE. 10S Anthony 1:20 I. 1 |s Lehigh Valleyl 25 b 167 Ciiattahchie l:M%b DUi Letalone 1:16 h 168 Chester 1:16 b Ml iurtnrrship .LlN-h 119 David Bone. .1:11 b Kr.» Paavo l:M%h 126 Friedjof N"senl:16 h 107 Seabrlght ...l:I6Vh 7-8 MILE. 168 Astron l:32%b 1 MILE. I 168 riyimr Sweepl:52-ib 1«8 Swt Verbeual :51 -V b