Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1930-04-23

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Key: B Breezing. D Driving. E Easily, n Handily. O All out. TJ-rEascd up. 112 AURORA. 111., April 22. Todays training gallops included the following:- -AURORA. "Weather clear ; track heavy 3-8 MILE. -Aunt .Del ... :42 h 303 Mat Maney. :42 b , Frk G. Mke. :45b 82 Paul Revere . :435b Gracious Me. :48VSb South Town . :45b. 102 Golilmark ... :45ib 10S Simon Lgree. Ml b t 102Jlmy Brwn. MO b S7 Torch :45b a 107Lyda Mac ..:44b 1-2 MILE. 57 Graceful ... :38 b 87 John T. D.. :58V1 "V 5-8 MILE. 108 Balt Girl . l:15b 3-4 MILE. 108 Bridegroom .1:27 b 105 Queerquill ,.l:27jb 3 7-8 MILE. 100 Alto l:42b The track was frozen up during the early 3 hours. Queerquill went very easily. Simon Legree showed a liking for the go- i ing. HAVRE DE GRACE, Md., April 22. Todays training gallops were as follows: HAVRE DE GRACE. Weather cloudy ; track fast 3-8 MILE. Blue Diaraond :3S li Jmie Jingle. M0 b 00 Clear Sky :37 b 27 Le Blanc...: t:s7ih 102 Domina :39 h 99 Peroxide :31 h 1 40 Drydock .... :Zih 10G Summer Day. :37 h 10C Expedite ... :38b Sctcli Lassie :38 b t 108 Pair Lark... :3Gh 10.", Squab :37 h .105 Fair Jimnie. :3Gh 109 Snow AVhie. . :38 b G7 Imaginary .. :33 b 10S Young Kitty. :39 b t I- 2 MILE. 109Allezvite .... :49h 108 Miss Pnt :50 li 100 Dounay M9 h 109 Particular .. M9 h Exalt MStsIi Sweet Call... :49h 101 Eager 1lay... :52 b 10G Skirl :4Sh 97 Ebuford .... :31 h 10.", Strongheart . :31 h Float :50li 100 Squabbler ... M9 h lOOGallion Gold.. M9 li 109 Tltcstylis ... :52 h 105 Her Grace... :50 h 10S Zahn .... M9 h 5-8 MILE. 107 Annapolis ...1:03 b 57 Sun Meddler. 1:03 b. 101 Bucky IIarrisl:03 h 3-4 MILE. lOOArcturus 1:10 li Merry Mack.. l:lG9h 111 Full Dress... 1:13 h 109 On Her Toes. 1:16 li 101 Flimsy l:15h 111 Shipmaster ,;1:15 li 109 Good As GoldlUG h 103 Torrence 1:20 b 101 Mary McNeil.l:20b 100 AVhileaway ,.l:17li 109 Murky Cloud.l:15h 1 MILE. lUAlita Allen. . l:47h 100 Star o Morn. 1:43 b 100 Kosciusko ...l:4Gh 111 Spdy Prince. l:40h 109 Merry Mount-IMS b Seapest 1:37 b 109 Ondora IMG h 100 Turf King. . .l:43"sh 93 1layabit ....1M9t5Ii S3 Trudgeou ...IMI75I1 109 Rockdor 1:43 h 98 Wrench 1M5 h Murky Cloud and Flimsy went handily together. Her Grace was breezing. Exalt went easily, has a nice turn of speed. Merry Mack fit and looks good. On Her Toes was under restraint. . Full Dress and Shipmaster went handily together. Good As Gold was under restraint. Star oMorn is in his best form. Bucky Harris and Sun Meddler went handily together. LEXINGTON-, Ky., April 22. Todays training gallops included the following: IiEXI"GTO. Weather clear; track fast 3-8 MILE. 109 Afrost :36h Magic Flute. :3G d . 108Billie Buck.. :3G1 109 Miss Bess-.... :37 b Ben Tlain :38 li .106 My Carolyne. :3Gh 71Bloodltell ... :3Gh 308 Overboard ... :37b Bill Orange.. :38 h 107 Niato :38b 109 Big Bo .. :38 b 110 Bandeau :38b 110 Chief John... :30andb Patricia Kelly :41 b 10S Caroline S. . . :3Gb Prce Tokalon :37 b HOEUice :3Gh 107 Ray Blades... :3G d 107 Golden West. :38b 110 Supryse :33d Gulliver :3S h 10G Star Play :3S h 110 II. Hardies.. :3G li 109 Scatch Maid.. :37?b 110 Honey Locust :3G h 110 Sorio Brcdle :37 b 80 Hades :36 h 109 Sky Hawk... :38b 10S Howtiz :39b 109 Shining :3G d 103 Hamilton ... :33 h 103 Stars a. Bars Ml-;b 103 Indus :3Gb 109 Tack :33d 108 Japheru :38 b Three Inarow :3Sb 109 Klair :3Sb 85 Transgression :38 b 104 Kincsen :39 b 107 Vicksburg ... :3SVh 108 Long Bun :37h Watch Box.. :3G"-3h 110 Lord Johnson. :3G h S3 AVeideleen . .- :38 b 111 Lynette Stone :37 h West Virginia :39 b 10G Little Rummy :38b 1-2 MILE. Blast :30h 109 Foot Mark... :5G73b 83 Black Paul.. :30 b 88 Haramzada . . :51b 109 Brushing .... :30 h 10S Hiram Kelly. :32 b 109 Clear Wing.. :32 h 110 Lady Dean... :54 b 100 Chatr Black :52?3b Lilla Bunting :52?h 103 Dick Weidel. :30 b Miss Kate :52 h 109 Da Vinci :30 h 110 Mad. Emelie. :51b 103 El of Wwk :3173b Pcs Promise :53 b 10G El Cidio :3Gb 109 Stealaway . .. :51b 100 Florida Gold. :52 b 10G Uncle Matt.. :30 b 5-8 MILE. 103 Golden Bu...l:03h 108 Nevermore ..l:03h 110 Donn Bon l:05b C3 Pompon l:04b 108 Double 0 1:08 b 109 Piuk BIossoml:05 b 111 Elstar 1:04 b 40 Pcs Carolyn.l:05 b 109 rfntsc Edwdl:10b 10S Ilcyal Tryst.l:035h Jack Bauer. .1:00 b 110 Stimulant ...l:03b Jovial Friar.l:03b 103 Star Coaler. .l:05b 110 Moon Phase. .1:04 h Sister Maggiel:0Gb 3-4 MILE. 103 Aye Beady. ..l:lGandb 107 John Speed. .l:18b 111 Gge McCrannlMGVib 109 Netie Febbles.l:18b 103 Facility l:18d 109 Unr t. Bosel:lGb 109 Irfaueh 1:17 h 309 Yumuri l:lGandb 1 MILE. HlAlvin Rshawl:44d 103 Pigeon nole..l:42andh 111 Happv IIanly.l:43 h 111 Beigh 01ga..l:4C h 109 Jean Lafitte.l:43 b 10S Sandy Shore.l:45 h 109 Jean Valjean.l:47 b 109 Silver Cord. -.lM83f.d HOIallady 1:51 b 105 Tchadar lMGiib II- 8 MILES. 103 Dedicate l:5SM;b 103 Sour Mash. . .l:34b LOUISVILLE, Ky., April 22. Todays training gallops were as follows : CHURCHILIi DOWNS. Weatlier cloudy ; track fast 3-8 MILE. 109 Anton Cermak :39 li 109 MdCp Mvin :31 b Alfred Trude. :38.h 107 My Sheik ... :."!8 b 108 Dolly Polly.. :3Sh Midsolea ... :39 h Flat Iron M9 b 109 Nghty Eye.. :38 h 109 GTnt Knight. :33h 109 Outr Hber . :38 h 109 Ida ODay... :37 h 109 Schlaf Wohl. :37 h 109 Karl Eltel.... M0 b 109 Toman :3Sh Le Sport .... :39 h 109 Who Win ... MO b 1-2 MILE. 109 Big Doug :51 h PeeWee Valy :30 li 109Bster Twist. :51 h Spanh Play.. :51 e lOOMkey Shes.. :51vIi Vagnt Sou.. :30 b 109 Old Tuck :51 U 5-8 MILE. Ill Buddv Basil. 1:03 U 108 Pce Atlielingl:OG h lllHerendeen ..l:03h 109 Play Ball....l:0G h 108 Old Cally... .1:00 b 108 Pcess Vinia.l:04 h 3-4 MILE. 109 Broomshot ..1:18 li 108 Make Haste. .1:1GU SI Cuddle ......1:18 li 108 SthTd Belle.lMO li Dixie Dreessl:17 li The Choctaw. 1:18 b 109 Marcel .....1:17 h , p .. 1 MILE. Maudlin 1M4 b Beighburn ..1M7 d 107 Playtime 1M4 h Suitor 1:55 b Jl RiT Julian.l:K!b-109Tisbybo XMiil:0S U t a "V 3 3 i 1 t t 11-8 MILES. Brdway Ltd.l:377ih Broadway Limited, joined by Dixie Dream-ess after the first three-eighths, set down the mile in 1:43 and finished determinedly. Playtime, improving daily, went smoothly and toyed -with pacemaker. NEW YORK, N. Y., April 22. Todays training gallops over the local courses were, as follows: JAMAICA. Weather cloudy; track muddy 3-8 MILE. 109 All Columbia. :37 h Nisty :37andb 109 Ceyln Prince :38 b 1-2 MILE.. 110 Brocal :34 b 105 Little Nap... :52b 108 Force ;54 b 110 Xassak :52 b 5-8 MILE. 110 Anger l:03h 90 Jge Caverly.l:07h 10G Aslhorelian .l:0Gh 110 Sunny Star. ..l:05ih 3-4 MILE. 107 Allege 1:19 b 105 Jolly Pal l:17bh llOl.osky 1:2G b 110 Morton 1:21 h 110 Fantad 1:26 b 107 Recede l:2lb Indian Scout. l:22b Kassclas ....l:22"7ib 7-8 MILE. llOMerito l:31li 1 MILE. 110 Comet IMG h 107 Negotiator ..l:52b 110 Dim Bay 1:49 b 111 Prince Toy..l:4Gh No good moves were noted on the muddy track this morning. BELMONT PARK. Weather cloudy; track slow 3-8 MILE. Bubng Out.. :37h 100 Madder .... :30h 102 Flcho DAnt. :39 b 104 Norse :33 b 105 Kings Tree. :37h 10G Please :3G"-3h Kildare :39 b 110 Valley :39 b 1-2 MILE. . 105 Bird Catchr.. :53 b Moutauk .... :53 b 105 Cock Robin.. :49sd Milkman .... :52b 77 Captive :52 d Phalanx .... :52 b 110 Desert Light. :49h 111 Snap :49 d 107 Enduring ... M9h Sun Edwin .. :52 b Guffaw :31 b Scapegoat .. :51 h 107 Goose Egg .. M9h Sun Shadow.. :53 b 107.Thang :52-7ib Sandy :55 b 103 Lovely Girl. :53 b Spice :53 b 5-8 MILE. 103 Blk ranther.l:09 b 105 Hilaria 1:09 b Chicleaf ..,.1:09 b Outlaw 1:08 b High Step... 1:09 b 105 Valenciennes 1:03 d 3-4 MILE. 111 BPk Mammy.l:20v5h 110 Hd to nd .1:23 b 105 Blk Majesty. 1:21 b 110 Lp BlacR ..1:24 b 301 Boise de Rosel:2l b 102 Lativich 1:2G b 101 Billy Blake.. 1:19 h 105 Maya 1:19 h 105 Camp Meade. 1:19 h 105 Nile Maiden. 1:18 h 105 Curtsey l:15h 105 Scots Grey. .1:17 h 97 Cesare 1:21 b Sunny Morn.. 1:25 b Cadilla .....1:25 b 105 Taos .l:17li 111 Chianti 1:21 h 111 Tasman 1:21 h ICfi Fair Ball...l:2G b Tomboy Pat. .1:21 b 103 Friarbell ...l:18b 111 Wrestler l:18b Golden Anger.l:24 b 1 MILE. 105 Gone Away .IMG h 307 Sir Johren . .1:47 h 104 Ironsides ...1:4875b 105 Spinach 1:43 b 107 Marlboro ...1:49 b 110 Skedaddle ..1:47 h Spinach looks and acts good. Curtsey showed a good trial. Desert Light went from the barrier. Sir Johren was well in hand. Lativich and Fair Ball were in company. AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track slow 3-8 MILE. 110 Irish Holiday :44 b 107 Ral Antelope. :37 b 1-2 MILE. 105 Attamart ... :53 b 110 Jack Capbcll :51 b Crushd Stone :52 b 310 Sandy Ford.. :54 b 110 Cane Heart.. :51 b 302 Sea Craft.... :33 b ".11 Diavolo :52 b 110 We Dun It.. :53 b llO.Flylng Max.. :53 b 5-8 MILE. 100 Dress Ship.. .1:11 b 108 Grey Gull 1:07 b 107 Ellen Ptricial:05 b 105 Boman BIaze.l:04 b 111 Flag Day 1:04 b Sun De Meur.l:0G b 3-4 MILE. 301 Candy neart.l:19b 79 Morsnuff 1:21 b 107 Dunlins Elk. 1:23 h North Breeze. 1:20 b 109 Dwing Boardl:19 b 10G Reutiva l:19b 102 Ellen ..1:23 b 100 Rex Moore... 1:25 b 107 Fred Whithml:20 b Sea Romance. 1:22 b Indn Itose II.1:19ts1i 110 Triskette ....l:197b SI Morpat 1:23 b 1 MILE. 102 Clearance ...1:31 b 109 Sepoy l:47b 107 Lillian M IMG d 105 Steadfast ...l:10h COLUMBUS, Ohio, April 22. Todays training gallops were as follows": BEULA3I PARK. Weather clear; track fast 3-8 MILE. Adorable .... Mlb Ima Fox :39 d 110 Ann Grogan.. MO h 309 Kington Lad MOysb 309 Bob Spalding :3973d 02 Kilby :39 d 309 Bellarion ... :42 b Ituthie :4l7b 309 Belle Fronk. Sheriff Seth. Ml h 2 Copper :39 d Sporg Editor Ml d Declare MO d Unlucky .... M0 b 110 Gden Locks. :39js1 1-2 MILE. Cavalry :57 d 110 Southn Pacc :34 b 8G Corbeau :55 b 110 Shasta King. :57 b 109 Drastella ... :.r375d 14 Speak Easy.. :55 d 10G Kin Folks... :527f;d 101 Uncertain ... :53h Loreen Boy.. :54 h 109 Yorktowu ... :5273d Mayes Lutz. . :3G b 5-8 MILE. 109 Dixie Dan... 1:08 h 109 Teter Decoy. 1:10 d Lothario ....1:0773d 1 MILE. Gotham .1:53 b Red Blaze. ..1:53 h 100 Pat 0Cnor.l:527li 110 Wrack Bay.. 1:49 d

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