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THREE DS NOMINATES FIVE . Most Heavily Engaged Stable in i Debutante Stakes. Wonderful List of Entries for Thlrty-Sixth llunning of Popular Spring Fix- 1 ture at Downs. , f- LOUISVILLE, Ivy., April 22. Considerable interest is being taken here in the initial starts of several two-year-old fillies now at Lexington because of their bearing their races will have on the result of the ,000 Debutante Stakes, which is one of the early fixtures : of the spring meeting at Churchill Downs. Several of- the Lexington starters, including Reverberate, a recent winner of the Greentree Stable, are included in the nominations for the Debutante. This list of nominations was made public today and it contained 108 names. In addition to Reverberate, Mrs. Payne Whitneys Greentree Stable nominated Spring Cleaning, a Broomstick filly. H. P. Whitney nominated Untamed, by Wildair Stamina, and Modern Girl, by Headstrong Bridesmaid. The stable most heavily engaged in the Debutante is that of the Three Ds Stock Farm. The five nominations are Marjory Nell, Rough House, Donna Mine, Canfli and Winning Hand. Several other owners have as many as three in the list, which follows : isela Basil, cli. f, by BasiH-Carric Moore Basil Manor Stable, rcaco Lady, b. f, by Peace Pennant Lamp Post Basil Manor Stable; Miss Way, cli. f, by Midway Cousin Martha Bradsby. Frank W.. Wild Child, b. f, by Oojah Blackflight Caldwell, Rogers. Clover Bottom, br. f, by Hourlcss KUlala Cald- . well, Rogers.. . . La Fille, b. f, by Ilourless lliraculous Caldwell, Rogers. Sewing Girl, eli. f, by Hornless Spinning Wheel Caldwell, Rogers. Unnamed chestnut filly, by Craigangowcr Brun- hilde Camden, J. N.: Marsala, b. f. by Light Brigade Anchorsholme : Camden, J. N.. Bagiel, b. f, by Peter Quince Golden Feast Cam den, J. N.. Sis Esther, ch. f. by Ambassador IV. or Campfire First Witch Canale, A. 1.. High Temper, b. f, by Bunting Spider Car-rick, J. I... Stimulant, ch. f, by Stimulus Moon Gleam Clark, It. S.. Freshet, b. f, by Chatterton Dark Water Clark, It. S.. - Cackle, b. f. by Chatterton Silent Trincess Clark, R. S.. Fair Missie. ch. f, by For Fair Old Miss Collins, R. W.. lona Ruth, ch. f, by Dozer Whitleather Crump, William It.. . ...... Ruth Marie B. or br. f. by Thunderer Nuit Blanche II. Crump. William It.. Sophia D.. ch. f, by Baffling Bamra Denemark, Mrs. E.. Josephine I., b. f. by Harpenden Gulf Girl Dene-mark, Mrs. E.. Nan D., ch. f, by Infinite ratsy D. Donnelly, P. ID. Wigrose. b. or br. f. by Wigstone Spanish Rose Dreyer, Mrs. Joseph.. Tea Gown, by Tea Caddy Oriental Dress Dreyer, Mrs. Joseph. . Jeanne D., br. or blk. f, by Thalaros Pretty Politician Dudley, W. S.. Miss Eleetra, b. f, by Blink II. Ida Claire Dudley, W. S.. Presume, ch. f. by Wise Counsellor Beulah Stone Frnkcs, R. C. Spillover, b. f. by Upset Dublin Mary French i Lick Springs, Stable, T D. Taggart. Aurilla. br. f, by Thunderer Sarnia Furst, Sam. Sugar Kiss, br. f, by Morvich Sweet Mary Furst t and Jiauer: .-riumage, b. f. by Ballot Glyn Gallaher and Combs. Black-Ivory, br. f, by Chicle Accelerate Gallaher r and Combs.. - Betty. Derr, b. f, by Sir Gallahad III. Uncles 3 Lassie Gardner, HerGert P.. Bewitching Eyes, b. f, by Whiskaway Bewitching ; Goodloe, W.C. Chicago Girl, ch. f, by Ladkin Regatta Grahner, , F. M.. Grer Kitty, gr. f, by Royal Canopy--Etowah Grabber. F. M.. , , Our Iet, blk. or br. f, by Noah Dicks Daughtet f Grahner, F. M.. Cherrv Mav, b. f, by Ladkin Epsom May Greely, , Jl J.." Ilelen Virginia, br. or bit. f, by Tryster Flitting ; Miss Greely, J. J.. Reverberate, ch. f. by Thunderer Flora McFlimsey Greentree Stable, .Mrs. Payne Whitney. Spring Cleaning, b. f, by Broomstick Ravage e Greentree Stable, Mrs. Payne Whitney. Ilidgeviow, cli. f. by Prince of Umbria Dangerillo i Hausnian, W. F.. Scotland Faery, b. f, by Paicines Attilia nay, C. W.. Belle o Scotland, b. f, by Paicines Belle of Stonewall . Hay. C. W.. Scotland Lady, br. f, by raicines Nancy McKay j Hay, C. W.. i 1 , : . i t r 3 ; , f , ; e i . j Cazanova, b. f, by Bunting Great Waters Hayes, T. P.. Banner Miss, b. f, by Pennant Distinction Hayes, T. P.. 1 Betty Niles, b. f, by Altawood Night Shade Head, C. Biuce. Regal Lady, ch. f, by Supremus Regal Roman Headley, Hal Price. 1 Unnamed bay filly, by Supremus Manon Headley, Hal Price. . Marching On, b. f, by Light Brigade Hasty Chick Hickman, B. O.. j Diaquri, b. f, by Golden Broom Chanteuse nick-man, B. O.. Sheen, b. f, by Sun Flag Palladium Hickman, , B. O.. Soria Bracadale, ch. f, by Bracadale Soria Hieatt, C. C. and G. Y.. . Mary Cobb, ch. f, by High Noon Auntie May Hupp, W. D.. 1 Bubo.a, ch. f, by Bubbling Over Mazola Hupp, I W. E . Bubble On. ch. f, by Bubbling Over rhoto Hupp, W. E.. . - Meg Merrilies, b. f, by Baigueur Result Ingram, W. M.. Cloimar, b. f, by Cloister Marie Virginia Jones, It. A,. My Margaret, b. f, by Donnacona Anna Gallup Jones, Shelby. Martha Jones, ch. f, by Wise Counsellor Luzahra Jones, Shelby. Irritation, ch. f, by Actuary Little Bit Kelley, S. J.. Silver Beauty, rn. f. by Stefan the Great Jeanne Bowdre Keeneland Stud, J. O. Keene. Marilyn K., ch. f, by Donnacona Broken Blossom Kcssen, Mrs. n. B.. Bell of Bourbon, b. f, by Aga Khan Clintonvillc Lair, Matt. Alfayc B., b. f, by Supremus Margaret O. Marsch, John. Busy Betty, blk. f, iy Westy nogan La Patrie Marsch, John. Lady Marsch, br. or blk. f, by Paicines Plum Blossom Marsch, Johu. Margaret Mc, ch. f, by. Lucky nour Fulminate McGovern, John P.. Mina F.,: ch. f, by Lucky Hour Dream Girl II. McGovern, John P.. Outburst, b. f, by Messenger Brocatelle McLean, E. 15., Running Girl, ch. f, by Messenger By Play McLean, E. B.. Blanche Brooke, br. f, by Easter Bells Las Flores Meadowbrook Stable, Johu. McKeon. Oro,, ch. f, by Golden Broom Green Fruit Mid- dlebmg Stable, Mrs. William Ziegler, Jr.. Phantasiiiie, ch. f, by Star Master Phantom Fairy Middleburg Stable, Mrs. William Ziegler, Jr.. Sunnie. Lassie, b. or br. f, by Sun Flag Scotland Yet Middleburg Stable, Mrs. William Ziegler, Jr.. , . Gradiset, b. f; by Upset Diamond .Grain Morris Dan T.J.Tennessee Gal, b. f, by Upset Play Fair Morris Dan T.. Head First, b. f, by nourless Terrible Miss OCon- neil and Batcmau. Ursula Wee, b. or br. f, by Chilhowie Ursula Emma Offutt, M. Webb, rriuccss Promise, b. f, by Upset Green Pepper Oots, Howard. Alyssum, b. f, by Supremus: Escarpoleftc Parrish, J. W.. . . 4. Town Limit, b. f. by Chilhowie Gossip Avenue Parrish, J. WO. Pretty Penny, b. f, by Dress- Parade Scramble Parrish, J. W.. Purple . Lady, br. f, by . .Supercargo Sanctuary Pelleteri, A.. . Michigah Girl, b. f, by Rire aus Larmes Omnipotent Pontius, John.. L.. j Weideleen, b. or br. f, by Paul AVeidel Blemished Prichard, E. F.. Unnamed chestnut fil.y, by Colonel Vennie Fleeta- belle Respess, J. B.. Patsy Carter, br. f, by Sweep Lady Eastman Rucker, Eugene. Fib, blk. f, by AVesty Hogan Hyperbole Schwartz, A, C. Usetta. ch. f, by Upset Dixie Bird Smith, W. E.j. Real Pardner, br. or blk. f, by Blotter Pardner . Jewell Southland Stable, Charles Bacharach. Sweet Mathildo, ch. f. by Bachelor Bird Hester Southland Stable, Charles Bacharach. Nancy Jane, ch. f , by Peter Quince Faleo Stall-ings. A. J.. Witch Way, ch. f. by Whiskaway Gypsy Blair Strauss Bros. and Tracy. All Girls, br. t, by Tryster Mazda Swikard, Mrs. E. L.. Selka, b. f, by Bracadale Let ner Fly Tarlton. J. L.. Marjory Nell, ch. f, by Phalaros Francaise Three Ds Stock Farm Stable, W.. X. Waggoner and Sons. Rough House, ch. f. by rolymelian Disturbance Three Ds Stock Farm Stable, W. T. Waggoner and Sons. Donna Mine, ch. f, by Donnacona Annine II. Three Ds Stock Farm Stable, W. T. Waggoner and Sons. Canfli, b. or br. f, by Campfire Flivver Three Ds Stock Farm Stable, W. T. Waggoner and! Sons. Winning Hand, b. f, by Peter Pan Winnie Melton Three Ds Stock Farm Stable, W. T. Wag goner and Sons. Unnamed brown filly, by Supreme Lady Dorothy Warm Stable Mason and Hanger. Unnamed chestnut filly, by American Flag Cheap-side Warm Stable, Mason and. Hanger, Charlotte II., ch. f, by Campfire Hurry Home Watkins, Griffin. Shy Julia, ch. f, by Colonel Vennie Julia L. Whitehouse. W. IL. Overlay, ch. f, by Colonel Vennie or Busy American Lillian Shaw Whitehouse. W. II.. Unnamed, b. f, by Wildair Stamina Whitney. Modern irl, I, f, by Headstrong Bridesmaid Whitney, II. P..