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BEULAH PARK COLUMBUS, OHIO, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1930. Beulah Park 1-2 Mile. Twelfth day. Beulah Park Jockey Club. Spring meeting of 19 days. Weather clear. Stewards, J. T. Ireland, II. 1. Shepherd and AV. Dangman. Judges, C. Stand, AW It. Norvell and J. T. Ireland. Sarter. G. R. AVingfield. Racing Secretary, AV. R. Norvell. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, 2:15 p. in.. V indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse atd weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. A TCfc FIRST RACE 4 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to Tt i winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. 3Iay-2-30-Ucu Index Horses AAVtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 470533MAYES LUTZ w 101 G 5 3" l3 1 L Toamino E Lutz CC0-10O 46934 LOS ANGELES ROSEw 101 5 7 2" 2 2s S Grnberg P Huddleston 2030-100 47053SOUT1IRN CLOUD w 104 3 2 53 31 3 AV Clevley F P Letcllier 330-100 47053 THE FRCH ROSE w 109 7 4 4 5 41 G Seabo AV P Little 90-100 JOLLY BEARCAT w 105 1 G lh 4 5 J OMalley J Bronnenberg 2360-100 4G719 BLACKAVELL w 107 4 3 G3 Pull.up.E Fator J B Respess 2050-100 BROAAN GOLD w 10G 2 1 7 Pull.up.F AVstock C E Hudson 1270-100 Time, :58. Track fast. r- DONATIONS PAID-, , EQUIVALENT BOOKING MAYES LUTZ 5.20 $ 5.60 $ 3.20 660100 180100 60100 LOS ANGELES ROSE 15.00 4.40 650100 120 1GO SOUTHERN CLOUD 2.40 20100 AVinner Ch. f, by Polymelian Prairie Bird, by Harmonicon trained by E. Lutz; bred by Messrs. AV. R. Coe and C. E. Marvin. AVENT TO POST 2:17. AT POST 2i minutes. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third the same. MAYES LUTZ raced up fast on the outside midway the back stretch, took command and drew away decisively thereafter. LOS ANGELES ROSE saved ground on the first turn and held the others safe. SOUTHERN CLOUD was carried to the outside fence on the first turn by BROAVN GOLD, which ruined his chances, but he gained much ground thereafter. THE FRENCH ROSE and BLACKAVELL were also carried to the extreme outside on the first turn, forcing both to pull up to a walk, but the former raced after the others. A F7i y 4 SECOND RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs out of chute. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. t 4 Jlp" Claiming. Net valuo to winner 25; second, 0; third. 5. Claiming price, 00; 3Iay-2-30-Ue if for less, 3 pounds allowed for each 00 to 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 4G385 SUSIE PAL w 4 115 2 1 3 5i 2"k 13 E Martin AV C AVeant 190-100 47028ANTIQUARIAN wn 8 101 5 8 S1 G"k 41 23 S Grnberg Mrs C R Pierce 600-100 -15329 SUN ROCK wb G 108 1 3 7h 7h Gi 31 J Guerra J Hoskms 2230-100 46972 3 STUARTS DRAFTw G 107 4 2 lh 2i lh 4nk E Gdrich Dr A J Gcrlcko GlO-100 47027 DINGO w 9 10S 10 7 G1 4 5 5 F AVdstck C Adams 2920-100 47000 ADORABLE w 8 103 9 5 2 l"k 31 G1 AAr Clevley J Mussallo 640-100 38409 AVAR COURT wn 4 10G 7 G 4h S1 S 71 G Seabo II Simmons 2910-100 47025 GUY CLAYTON w S 108 8 4 5nk 3" 7 81 E Fator AAalkcr and McDaniels 4560-100 4G833 GRIERSON wn G 1101 G 10 10 10 10 91 T Shaw Mrs C Middleton 2020-100 4G935 GOLDEN LOCKS w 8 IOC 3 9 9 93 9 10 J OMalley J Bronncnberg 550-100 Time, 1:10. Track fast. r- DONATIONS PAID , EQUIVALENT BOOKING , SUSIE PAL $ 5.80 $ 4.60 $ 3.60 190100 130100 80100 ANTIQUARIAN 5.00 4.60 150100 130100 SUN ROCK 8.80 340100 AVinner Ch. f, by Prince Pal Yalta, by Aandergrift trained by J. Diebold; bred by Mr. AV. C. AVeant. AAinner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 2:46. AT POST J minute. Start good and slow. AAon driving: second nnd third the same. SUSIE PAL finished fast on the outside of the leaders on the stretch turn and, after taking command, was ridden out in the final stages to earn the verdict. ANTIQUARIAN finished fast and gamely in the stretch. SUN ROCK finished fast in the final eighth nnd easily disposed of the others. STUARTS DRAFT raced ADORABLE into defeat and both tired in the stretch. DINGO ran a fair race. AVAR COURT went wide on the first turn. Scratched 38G21 Great Beginner, 103; 47027 Roseling, IOC; -IC071 Skipaway, 101; 40975 Kilby, 103. Overweights Antiquarian, 1 pound; Adorable, 2; Grierson, 2J. Corrected weight Golden Locks. 100. AF7tQt THIRD RACF. 5 1-2 Furlongs out of chute. Purso 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Tt r J.U JL Net value to winner 25; second, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming prica, 00. May-2-30-lleu Index Ilorses AAVtPPSt A Vj Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 40939THOMAS PATCIC wn 107 1 2 41 3 3l IS S Grnberg B Baughtnnn 430-100 43835 ALICE AMINE w 1011 G 4 1 1 l1 2 E Goodich I S Shafcr 1170-100 4C998JOHN GREENERwb 102 2 1 21 23 2 31 J Mattioli S Gorbct 2SO-100 4G9033LADY STING w 105 5 5 - 5 41 41 43 AV Clevley J Bartlett 640-100 10998 DOCTOR T. wb 102. 3 7 7 51 Gl 5 L Toamino T P Barnes 25S0-10O 4702G3MARIE STEArENS w 100 8 8 Si 8 Sl 61 F AVstock M. J Daly 1630-100 4G927REGUR BROOM w 107 10 G 61 C Ci 7"k J Futrell AV AV Loncy 270-100 467G0 GODIVA w 105 4 10 JO 91 9 S J OMalley A N Sacro 2320-100 46998 IDA LEE wn 110 9 3 33 71 71 9 E Fator Mrs F Sheldon 9400-100 40998LUNACY w 95 7 9 9 10 10 10 T McDott Mrs D Hicks 9500-100 Time. 1:09. Track fast. r-52 DONATIONS PAID, , EQUIVALENT BOOKING , THOMAS PATRICK 0.60 .40 $ 4.80 430100 170100 140100 ALICE AMINE 10.20 4.60 410100 130100 JOHN GREENER 3.40 70100 Winner B. g, by Goaler Requiram, by Tony Faust trained by-P. A. Norrls; bred by Mr. M. J, Barrons. AVinner entered to be claimed for ,100. WENT TO POST 3:16. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good and- slow. AVon driving; second and third the same. THOMAS rATMCK, close up throughout, came fast in the stretch and, overhauling the leaders, won going away. ALICE AMINI3 set a fast pace to the stretch, but tired slightly when challenged. JOHN GREENER had no excuses and was unable to get to the leader at any stapes. LADY STING ran mi even race. DOCTOR T. gained some ground. IDA LEE -went wide on the first turn. REGULAR BROOM was bumped sidewise as the start came and could not get up. Scratched 47087 Ima Hat, 110; -12010 Ineubite, 105. Overweights Alice Amine, 1J pounds; Marie Stevens, 1; Regular llroom, 2. "TJyifQO FOURTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs out of chute. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. 4 JLOf Claiming. Net valuo to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. Claiming price, Mny-2-30-l C0; if for less, 3 pounds allowed for each 00 to 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt x Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 40999 DR. CHARLIE w 7 106 4 2 GJ 5s 2J 1 E Goodich B D Runs 200-100 46972:THE FCII GIRL wb 5 10G 5 1 2l lnk lh 2 G Seabb AV V Littlo 290-100 4 7023MISS SIIANDALE W 4 103 10 G 5 G1 5 3J AV Clcvley Miss O E Meyers 37S0-100 42953 LIGHT ODAAVN wr. G 10S S 3 1H 2U 31 4 E Fator C Foster G10-100 4 68G9 MAY BRUEN wit 10 109 7 4 4 U 4J 45 51 J OMallcy J Bronncnberg 2260-100 47003 PATERNAL ws 5 117 2 7 S 71 61 6 F AVstock M J Daly 780-100 4G902 HOLE CARD wn S 114 9 5 31 3i 7 7 E Martin Mrs H E Lamport COO-100 4G5G8 CLEVE PIERCE w 4 10S G 9 71 S" Si Si J D Colns It B Banner 4000-100 4G868IMA FOX ivn S 101 3 8 91 9 9 94 D McAlter AV II Carrier 1S40-100 47000PET CAT w S 107 110 10 10 10 10 J Futrell F Wink C0S0-100 Time. 1:10. Track fast. - DONATIONS PAID, EQUIVALENT BOOKING , DR. CHARLIE ? 7.20 $ 3.40 $ 3.00 2G0 100 70100 60100 THE FRENCH GIRL 3.80 3.Z0 90100 60100 MIES SHANNONDALE 8.G0 330100 Winner 15. g, by Aurum Miss Orilene, by Waldo trained by C. Pyle; bred by Mr. P. Hale. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 3:46. AT POST 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third the same. DR. CHARLIE came fast on the far turn, wore down TUB FRENCH GIRL in tha stretch and won going away. The latter displayed good speed throughout, raced LIGHT O DAWN into defeat, bat failed to withstand the winners challenge. MISS SHANNON DA LB steadily improved her position and finished gamely in the- stretch. LIGHT ODAWN had no mishaps :ind tired in the final eighth. 110LK CARD vent .wide on the far turn and tired. Scratched l9GlSaratoga, 103; 4U970 Shorty, 109; 42517 Rhubarb, 109; 4G900 Wilmont, 101. Overweights Miss Shannondale, 2 pounds; Pet Cat, J. Corrected weight Light o Dawn, 10S. AfS FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Wright Players Purse. Purse . 1-year-clds TC 4 JLeCandO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0, Claim- :May-2-30-Beu ing price, ,000; if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 00 to 00. Index norscs AWtPPSt 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 4G9713IIULA w 4 103 3 2 21 3U l1 Ill1 E Goodicli AV A MclCinney 230-100 47031PAT OCONNOR. w 4 103 7 G 41 21 3 2J 2 S Grnocrg A L and B Stable C40-10O 47059NUCKOLS BOY w 4 10G G 5 51 51 5l 51 3l J Collins K S Cleveland S50-100 47031 OTTO wn 5 103 5 3 Z- 4h 41 4" 4 W Clevley E Murray 600-100 4G97G IMPOSSIBLE av 9 110 4 1 li " 11 21 31 5 E Fator AValkcr and McDaniels 1410-100 47001AAARBLEIJ w 4 103 2 4 G BJ 61 GA Gh J OMallcy W J Mailman G30-10O 4G974GRANDMA G. w 4 1021 S S 7". S S 71 7nk L Toamino II Scnak 1030-100 4 GO 74 EMPLETTE wb 4 103 1 7 8 71 71 8 S E Bcrnier Mrs C Garrigan 1010-100 Time, 1:49V. Track fast. DONATIONS PAID , EQUIVALENT BOOKING . HULA ........ $ 6.60 $ 4.80 $ 3.00 230100 140100 50100 PAT OCONNOR . ... 4.60 3.40 130 100 70 100 NUCKOLS BOY 5.20 160 100 Winner Ch. f, by High Noon Keepsake, by Delhi trained by W. A. MclCinney; bred by Messrs. Gallahcr Bros.. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 4:16. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. HULA followed the early leaders closely and, taking the lead after going half the distance, held it safe in the stretch. PAT OCONNOR came fast and gamely in the last quarter, easily disposing of the others, but could never get to the winner. NUCKOLS ROY made a resolute challenge in the final eighth and finished gamely. OTTO and IMPOSSIBLE displayed early speed, but both tired. The others were outrun. Scratched 1G932 Clodomir II., 101; 47029Ver.i C, 101; 4G977Don T., 108; 4G905 Bruneth, 102. Overweights Nuckols Boy, 5 pounds; Grandma G., 3. A F7i O A SIXTH RACE 3-4 Mile out of chute. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claim- 4t 4 JLOtc insr. Net valuo to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0. Claiming price, 00; if for Mny-2-30-I less, 2 pounds allowed for each 00 to 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 4G93G 3 LD VALENTINE w S 110 4 3 31 4 3 1 S Grnbers R Clark 7CO-100 470013VEGA wb 5 100 G 2 21 21 2 2 E Bernicr Jones and Keating 1700-100 4G93GDRY NATION wb 7 115 2 1 11 l1 l1 3U OMalley J Bronnenberg 700-100 46895 KTCKY COLELw 5 107 1 7 7 75 51 41 J Futrell W AV Loney 400-100 47029 "LUCKY PLAY w 9 104 7 G 6 6 7 5" W Clevley S Gorbet 2C0-100 47002A. P. CANALE w G 10S 3 5 41 3 4 G E Goodich J Oran 400-100 47028BIG BL TPSONwn 6 111 5 4 5 ol Gh 7 E Fator V Cloud 500-100 4G901 FOXY PETER avsb 6 10G S 8 S 8 S P. up.F Wstock Miss F B Nigh 7030-100 Time. 1:15. Track fast, ,- DONATIONS PAID- , EQUIVALENT BOOKING . LORD VALENTINE 7.20 $ 6.20 $ 4.60 760100 210100 130100 WEGA 16.60 6.20 730100 210100 DRY NATION G.2C 210100 Winner 15r. g, by Honeywood Neva S., by Astronomer trained by R. Clark; bred by Nevada Stock Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,300. WENT TO POST 4:50. AT POST 4i minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. LORD VALENTINE came fast on the outside in the stretch and in a game finish overhauled the leaders and won going away. WEGA forced the early pace, finished -gamely and outlasted DRY NATION. The latter displayed fine speed, but tired in the last sixteenth. KENTUCKY COLONEL gained much ground. A. P. CANALE showed early speed, but tired. The others were outpaced. Scratched 4CS05 Panama, 10G; 47029 Jasonette, 109; 47055 Bounding Rock, 109; 47090 Lower Five, 100. Overweights Kentucky Colonel, 1 pound; Foxy Feter, 5. Corrected weight Big Bill Thompson. Ill flfyiQEH SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net TC 6 iOlJ value to -winner 00; second, 0; third, 0. Claiming price, 00; if for less, 3Iay-2-30-Beu 2 pounds allowed for each 00 to 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt ?4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 33339 ROSEWOOD II. w S 107 5 3 21 11 11 11 11 F Wdstk A Tempest 9210-100 47058MISS PARADISE w 4 103 1 1 11 3A 2" 2 25 AV Clevley E Lutz 420-100 4705G1QUEEN EMMA w 7 100 3 G 5nt 4 5 4 31 E Berhier Mrs M E Thompson 180-100 47030 "DEARBORN wb G 103 7 4 3h 5 31 31 41 S Grnbers T McKeon C90-100 46097 HIGH SKIP vr 8 107 6 7 9 9 71 5i 5 J J OMalley Mrs J Burks 460-100 47056 ST. CECELIA wsb 5 103 8 9 7h Gl S1 S1 G J Danher Mrs T Moran 5400-100 47031 BROAVN LEAF w 7 107 9 5 4h 21 4h 71 7nt D McAllr G Stewart 2GS0-100 46905 BUCADO w 10 107 4 8 S3 71 G Gnt S1! E Fator Mrs C J Champlin 3170-100 46972CAVALRY wb 7 102 2 2 G1 i- 9 9 9 J Futrell M H Jordan 500-100 Tims, 1:54. Track fast. r- DONATIONS PAID- , EQUIVALENT BOOKING , EOSEWOOD II 36.20 1.00 0.00 9210100 2450-100 400100 MISS PARADISE 5.20 4.60 160100 130100 QUEEN EMMA 3.20 60100 AVinner B. g, by Ponimern Rose Willow, by William the Third trained by A. Tempest; bred in England by Mr. A. F. Basset. AVinner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 5:17. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second and third the same. ROSEWOOD II. displayed good speed throughout and held on gamely in the final drive. MISS PARADISE was in close quarters on the inside most of the way, but came fast between the leaders in the stretch and finished gamely. QUEEN EMMA closed well in the last eighth and outlasted DEARBORN. The latter raced on the outside of the others for most of the way and went a trifle wide entering the stretch. niGH SKIP closed some ground following a slow start. Scratched 1703S Clarence Le .Bus. 102; 1G872 Uncertain, 110; 4G753 Jake, 107; 4G90G El Monte, 102; 47055 Clearing, 104. Overweights Miss Paradise, 3 pounds; Dearborn, 1J. Corrected weight Bucado, 107.