Work Outs, Daily Racing Form, 1930-05-03

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0 , 3 Key: B Breezing. D Driving. 13 "Easily. II Handily. O All out. U Eased up. 122 AURORA. 111.. May 2. Todays training gallops included the following: AURORA. "Weather clear; track good 3-8 MILE 110 Ai Garnet.... :42,b Mganxs Hor :37 h 120 Battle Ax :39 li 114 Nigh; Run... :45b 120 Brbara Jane. :39 h Olilla ... :30 b 119 Bumpsie Kay. :3Sh 120 R;idio Srvicc ::K7r.h Cloifome .... :37 li ! San Antonio.. :41u 119 Chester ..... :37U 72 Snn ISonitn.. . -.: h 120 Favorit II... :37h 114 The Tartar... :40b 120 First Mission :35h 119 Watergap ... :33b 110 Gibbons :39b 1-2 MILE 11C Blameless ... :52 n 117 Katharine "V. :49h 120 Big Brother.. :54h 117 Leller Bunny. :57b 120 Chtie Flgan :51h 120 Miss Ramsey. :53 b 121 Delmonico .. :53 li 120 Peter :52Jh 5-8 MILE 121 Roys Pfcrredl :15 b 80 Prospect 1:13 b 120 Blue Canopy.l:12b IIS Tink 1516sm.l:07 h IIS Donna Santa. l:05-andh 118 Kaymd Lalel:07h : 119 French Lane.l:ll b 117 Itoxie Weidel.l:15 b 120 Gov. Christic.l:15 b 121 Tommy Lad..l:01h 120Jniys Pride. 1:15 b -120 Toman l:0Sb 120 Lawyer 1:15 b 117Wingo l:07h llGOpn Go Shutl:10b 120 Walter R 1:10 b 3-4 MILE 110 Alfred Trudel:23U liailtlia FIorecl:24 h ISunnie East..l:21b 120 Mart Bunch.. 1:25 li 119 Brunswick . .1:21 b 110 Mino 1:2C h 120 Don F,nando.l:23,,f.b 120 Xostaw l:20li 119 Da Vinci l:29b 118 Bitter 1:1U." HODolIv Tolly.. 1:24 h 119 Schlaf Wohl.l:20h 114 Easter 1:19 1andh 120 Turquoise ...1:2C 115 Facility 1:1S li 119 Theo. Red. ..1:23 h 120 King 1al l:2Gb 7-8 MILE. 120Rrk of Dawnl:35h 1 MILE. i 121 Valence 1:52 li Willing; .....l:5Cb The track was quite slippery during the early hours, hut was drying out fast. Tanist fell while galloping this morning. Schlaf Wohl and Bunnie East worked from the barrier. Turquoise and King Pal were in company. PIMLICO, Itfd.. May 2, Todays training gallops included the following: rmxjco. "Weather clear; track fast 3-8 MILE Camp More.. :37 h 111 Mad Hattie.. :39 b 119 Gillie N :3Gh Poinciana ... :3Gh 91 Elizth Bolla. :3S b 120 Sunsard .... :39 b Enid :3Gh 113 Sortie .. :37 h 113 nermitage .. :33li ScdoNotg . 3Sb 117 Leucite :3G h 115 Uluuiu :37 h CI Lady Hogan.. :3G b 1-2 MILE. 115 Blind Lane . :50 b 7S Rock Candy. :5l b 109 Cudgcller ... :51h 119 Rosevolt :50 h 12lDahDidUpt . :54 b Sol Gils :48 b 119 Dublin Show . :51 h 121 Tnckahoe ... :54 b 120 Flimsy :49h 103 Voltear :50 li 114 Knorosan .... :33 b 119 Wayfarer ... :50 b 120 Murky Cloud. :49h 5-8 MILE. 119 Cagliastro ..1:03 h 114 Porphyry ...l:04b Gray Coat ..1:03 h 94 Ryl Fnly.l:03h 10S Gerard 1:01U 120 Speedy lce.l:0i h Lillabelle ...1:03 b 119 Shady Lady.l:01h 3-4 MILE Cky Cptn.l:19 b 10G My Scoop ..1:19 b Elegant 1:20 b 121 Mucker 1:19 b 120 Flyer 1:20 h 113 Battler 1:17 h 121 Honey Grve.l:20 b 120 Ulvcrston ...1:22 b 119 Lt Rusl ...1:19 b 70 Wrackeen ...1:18 b 1 MILE. 11G Angry 1:32 b Beelzebub ...1:49 b Author 1:49 b 120 Ldy Caplet.l:45h HO Bobashela ...l:43h 113 Naylbr 1:44 h 113 Bagpiper ...l:45h 1 1-8 MILES. 113aSolace 1:38 h 114 Sir Harry ..1:58 b " 11-4 MILES. 119-B. o the Wst2:18 h 119 Swt. Sement.2:18 b Bbbashela was eased up. Lady Capulet was uuder restraint. Solace was breezing. Sir Harry pulled up lame. Sweet Sentiment and Beau of the West went easily together. Naylor was eased up and appears in his best form. COLUMBUS, Ohio, May 2. Todays training gallops were as follows: HEULAH PARK. "Weather clear; track slow 3-8 MILE Apopka ..... :45 h 110 Lafayette ... :45?b US Adorable :42rh 119 Mainsail .... :45d 110 Blue Caddie.. :44b 115 Torto de Oro. :44h 118 Bellarion .... :41d 101 Smacker .... ;42!andu DS Brown Chief. :44b 120 War Man.... :42d Firebug :43h 111 Zan :43d 119 Grand King.. :45ih 1-2 MILE 110 Bea :5Candb 70 Garrison :r,C,H 117 0. T. Wgton :55h 11G Prerogative . :54 h 110 Grierson .... :55 b 3-4 MILE. r9Coqnina ....1:20 b 111 Rock Trap. . .1:20 b US-Jake l:24h 1 MILE. 119 Gotham 1:58 h 48 The Coach. . .l:5Sli HOLady Chertonl:58 li NEW YORK, N. Y., May 2. Todays training gallops over the local courses were as follows: JAMAICA. "Weather clear; track slow 3-8 MILE 120Atptoe :40fib 19 Mockery .... :39.b 114 Black Shirt.. :3h ICO One Grand.. . :38 h 117 Joanne E. . .. :30h 120 Pat. sic McKira :3Ch 12QMardi :37h 120 Williford ... :37h 1-2 MILE HOJdge Cavcrly :53 b 112 Mcrito :507b 119 Morton :5G b 319 Sign Off.... :33b 5-8 MILE 119 Cornish Lad..l:07b 119 Euclid l:07b 119 Dim Ray 1:13 b 119 Xegofillc ...1:01 hi ; 3-4 MILE 117 Comet 1:19 b lie Ifaway Lass.l:19 b 7-8 MILE. 119 Brn Wizard. l:31"Mi 1 MILE. 121 Dabster l:49b 120 T. Freshmanl:485ib No- good moves were noted on the slow track this morning. AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track muddy , 3-8 MILE 120 Best Man :3G h 117 Martis :39 b 119 Dwing Board :::8"-5h 117 Prize Heart.. :37 h Moronge .... :3Gh Reiortress ... :37 h 115 Merry Vixen. :."!8 b 118Konald Grey. :38 b 118Morish5on .... :37 h 118 Silver Canopy :39 b 1-2 MILE Brucoil :52 b 120 Trlskette .... :48h 115 Tancred :52 b 5-8 MILE. Chaser 1:09 b 118Dail 1:07 b 118 Begorra 1:07 b 120 St. Hcnell. . .1 :01ili 121 Calamity 1:04 b 3-4 MILE 118Alaycr 1:17 h 119 Benllva l:10li 113 Candy Heart. 1:17 h 118 Sea Romance. 1:19 b 117 Jn Cavanaghl:20 b lie Sea Going 1:17 h 1 MILE. 12LWood God... 1:14 h St. Henell showed-a liandymove. " Martis went handily. Wood God showed speed in the going. Rcportress went handily. Triskette went a handy half miie. : i Rentiva vvent handily. John Cavanagh went- an easy six furlongs. IIEI.MOT PAJtK. Weather clear; track fast 3-8 MILE 114 Ream :3G h 119 Lativich :37b 118 Chianti ..... :38 b Mr. Trick.... :40 b 119 Ccsarian .... :307f,h Stamen :30h 119 Caruso :3Cj5h Twenty Grand :37 b lOlVriaress .... :3Gt3Ii 119 Taos :3Cv3h 119 Fair Ball.... :37b 110 Tripping Toe. :3Gh I- 2 MILE 119 Aldcrshot ... :50 h 119 Melodious ... :51h 119 Blk Majesty :52 b 120 Mombasa ... :49h 120 Cutlers Boots :52 b 117 Petee-Wraek :48 d 118 Gasp :53 b Rinaldo :52 b 11G Gypsy King.. :54 b 120 Son o Battle :4Sd 118 Holiday ..... :48 d 119 Scapegoat ... :51 b 120 Ironsides :49 h 120 Shannon Star :54 b 11C Kings Tree.. :50h 120 Unbelievable :51b 120 Madrigal II.. :53 b 113 Xeuofol :52 h 5-8 MILE. 119 rennant Lassl:0l b 110 Valley 1:0-1 b 3-4 MILE US Collapse l:19b 119 Prince Bonniel:18 h My Cavalier.. l:17h 121 Spearhead ,.l:19b 7-8 MILE. 120 Iollan 1:32 h 121 Ladala 1:34 b 1 MILE. 115 Canterbury ..1:48 b Gay Knight.. 1:48 b 114 Gold Brook. .l:45b USTorendor II..1:48 b 11-4 JULES. 120 Laufjunge ..2:19 b 1 1-2 MILES. 118 Ravel .......2:43 li Holiday had all his speed. Ironsides went from the barrier. Pennant Lass and Valley were in company. Petee-Wrack is rounding to form. LEXINGTON, Ky., May 2. Todays training gallops included the following : LEXlGTON. Weather clear ; track fast 3-8 MILE Ardrie Lass.. :37 b 10S navcrilla ... :37 b US Alvin Rshaw :35d 119 Jack Bauer. . :37 b 11C Apple Brandie :38b 119 Judge Hay. .. :3Gh Blue Middy.. :3C d 113 Kindness .... :XP,andtl 119 Bill Morris... :37b Long Gone... :3Cd 119 0. Van Uuscn :37b US Lucky Dream. :37 b Coll Schooler. :38b 121 Material :38 b 120 Clog Dance... :37Jib Pattie Kate.. :37 h 119 Don Leon :3Gfeh 119 Pagan Laddie :3Gh 55 Demon :37b Royal Officer :30b Final Degree. :35d Sister Sallie.. :37 b Flashg Lady. :37 h 118 Sporting Miss :37h 120Glenno ...... :39b 115 Sugar Kiss... :35andd 119 Gradiset .... :35 d 117 Sharon i :38 b 120 Gentle laid.. :37 h 108 Tensee Girl. :35 d 11G Uidn Thots. :38 b Veiled Priues :37 d 1-2 MILE 11G Arrowlike. ... :50 b 110 Kittyhawk ... :51 b Ada Epinard. :50 5ib 118 Lady Sweet.. :50 b Broken Sound. :52 b 109 Miss Chilla... :50b 121 Col. Bob..... :49 b 121 Panza :51 b 120 Chief John... :50Tf.b 120 Tatricin Kelly :51 b 120 Donnez Moi.. :51b IIS Shoestring ... :51 b 120 Elstar :47d US Si Relief :53b 119 Fonde :51 b 119 Silver Lace. .. :50 b 120 High Temper. 51b 120 Silver Beauty :50b 120 Iliram Kelly. :51b 117 Taystec :50 b HOKlair :51b 6- 8 MILE Abeth 1:05 b 119 Racketeer ...1:03 b 119 Gge Marshl.l:03 b 11C Swt Adelaidel:07id Happy Lad. ..1:07 b IIS Sancho l:03b Juel Jean 1:00 b 119 Trentonian ..l:03b Keeping Timel:03ff.b 119 Wisdom 1:00 b 3-4 MILE 111 Chelys l:19b 120 Prc"s Carolynl:19 b 117 Lady Consul. l:105h 119 rarnVjuouium 1:15 d llSjkliss Matt... 1:18 b 120 Pompon 1:19 b 119 Moon Phase ...1:15- d 119 Princp Zelda.l:14h 119 My No l:18b 121 Thistle Star.l:14h 113 Marne Manorl:22 b. 1 MILE, 119 Ltt Mansfldl:40 h 112 Ray Blades. .l:42andh 109 Lawley .....l:50b Ray Blades worked impressively. Elstar had a good speed test. .t Pandemonium and Moon Phase worked in company. Lawley looks and acts good. Alvin B.anshaw finished his trial under a light drive. LOUISVLLLE, Ky., May 2. Todays training gallops were as follows: CHURCHILL UO:W?S. Weather clear; track fast 3-8 MILE 120 Aquaplane .. :39 b 117 Hogan Play.. :37 h 119 Billy Champ. :41 b 120 Mnrtie. Flynn :39 b 110 Buddy Basil.. :39 h 120 Midsoleo .... :41 b 118 Cleo Marget :30 h 119 Percentage .. :38 h 119 Candy Hill.. :41 b 119 The Nut :41 b Downcast ... :39 h 120 Tarrydiddle" . :38 h 1-2 MILE 75 Brown Flash. :51 h 119 Forn Exnge :49,h 119 Congo II :51 h, 119 Misstep :47h 103 Fire Under... :51 h 5-8 MILE. 119 Blackwood ..l:03li 120 Ly Brdcastl:03 h 119 Easter Boy... 1:03 h 107 Ly Partridgel:03 b 118 Hot Shot l:03h 3-4 MILE 119 Black Dancerl:23 b 11.0 Pcs Virginial:lCd 119 Bobby Powersl:23 b 11G Southland Boyl:19?ib 111 Dark Entry. .l:15b 11C Southld Bellel:lCd .110 Duelist .....1:28 b 71 Sland Prince. l:19b 120 Hamilton ...1:19 b 7- 8 MILE. llOSuifor ......1:33 h 1 MLLE. h 119 All Upset l:45d 120 Tishybo 1:51 b 119 Big Sandy... 145h lid The Southnerl:45 h 119 BIevaway ...1:49 b UG United Army .1:53 h 119Pse ad Pryl:44h 121 Whiskwin ...l:4Sh 119 Photos Star.l:51 b II- 8 MILES. 121 Bway Limedl:57h 121 High Foot l:57h 121 Kilkerry l:57ih 1 1-4 MILES. 119 Playtime 2:12 h The four Derby colts Broadway Limited, Kilkerry. Playtime and High Foot performed their tasks well. None of the four approached the sensational, but their efforts were solid and will greatly advance them toward their determined goal.

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