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OAIIJT RACING FORM s and, II. the II. A 4t """- AURORA . - - 1 ic AURORA, ILL., FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1930. 1 Mile. Second day. Exposition Tark Jockey Club. Sprint; meeting of 21 days. Weather clear. -lli i Stewards, M. Nathanson, C. I... Trimble and C. F. Henry. Judges, A. Blanchard, F. 1". Dunne and 4 C. J. McLennan. Starter, Harry Morrissey. Racing Secretary, C. F. Henry. 43 . : J ltacing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, 2:15 p. in.. AV indicates whip, S spurs. It blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. A -A FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. Queen Towton, May 21, 1929 1:11 7 111. Purse ?8C0. 4Jfc 4 JLAi3 4-year-olds and upward. Fillies and Mares. Claiming. Net valuo to winner 25; 3Iay-2-30-Alir second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,000. Mr. Index Horses AAVtPPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners. Kquiv. Odds Strt 4C8!5 LUCKY DRIFT w S 114 4 3 3 3l 3i 1 E Warden W Mikel and Son 286-100 46763 MISS LESTER ws 7 114 3 1 li IV 1 2i AV Moran C B Irwin G72-100 t, the 4G763SADDLE SKIRTSwn 4 114 5 4 4i 5 5 3" E Level S Polk 192-100 tl 46373 SAILOR MAID w 5 114 1 7 Si 9 Gi 4" W Colvin J AV Johnson tlS20-100 In but 46418sDOLLY BAY w 7 114 12 G 2 2- 2i 5" R Ayraud W C Morris 814-100 46443 NAMA wb G 114 11 10 71 4i 4 6 T Romano J McXamara 7205-1C0 A 4G071 BALLOT GIRL wr. 4 114 10 12 10 8i "t- 7 J Bollero Lyons and Ross 7800-100 45851 STURDY STELLAwn G 114 8 8 Gl 7J Si S" C Cotton Irrepressible Stablo 1310-100 1 46225 ZELMA ONEAL wsb 4 114 9 9 5h C" 91 9 J Mooney Battle Axe Stablo t 4G122 MONA wr. 7 114 7 2 HiU1 1010 J Redding O Klotz 1S0G-1C0 - 46384 IIU-OX TIME wb 4 114 2 11 12 12 11 ll J Leyland A Brenkcn 4D12-100 4i 12280 POSSIL w 6 114 G 5 9 10s 12 12 P Rennie II J Enzcr t 4 4 tMutuel field. Time, :25. :50. 1:16. Track slow. 4 46 , MUTUELS PAID , , EQUIV ALNT BOOKING ODDS-. 4 LUCKY DRIFT $ 7.72 $ 4.12 $ 3.22 286100 10G 100 Gl 100 4 MISS LESTER G.78 4.22 239100 111 ICO 4 SADDLE SKIRTS 2.88 , 44100 4 AVinner Ch. 111, by Iluon Drift, by Fataud trained by J. D. Mikel; bred by Mr. J. L. Rives. "Winner entered to be claimed for .0tiO. WENT TO POST 2:22. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good out of machine. AVon easily; second and third driving. LUCKY DRIFT, following the pace closely and saving ground where possible, took the lead in the B last eighth. and scored handily. MISS LESTER showed the most early speed and, while not able to C withstand the winners rush, was best of the others. SADDLE SKI UTS finished fairly well. SAILOR M MAID closed fast. DOLLY RAY tired badly. IIU-OX TIME and NAMA were shut off after the start and the latter showed a fine performance. J Scratched 13557 Sincerely, 114; 46337 Facility, 114; 4C931 Ella Bank, 114; 4G739 Aalence, 114; 37203 Ateasa, 114: 4G403 Shasta Lady, 114. A fJ-A -A rs SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. Queen Towton, May 21, 1929 1:11 7 111. Purse 00. 41: 4 JL JLU 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Not value to winner S625; sscond, S1C0; third, i May-2-SO-Aur 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,8C0; if for less, 1 pound allowed for each 00 d to ,200. Index Horses AAVtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 403005 MOTHERS CHCEw 3 99 3 2 G" 5" 5 l1 J AV Fryc Mrs J II McCoole 23S-1C0 4G3!8DON TINKY w 3 109 4 G 7i Gi 4" 2s J Redding J J Felix 722-100 j 43G40SIR JOHN IC wo G 112 2 3 4 4 2i 3i G Kidd AVlieaton Stablo 99S-100 4G323SOLUS w 3 107,1 G 1 1" li 1" 41 P Keiscr Mrs F Farrar 1S02-100 - 4G!30 rLATOON wb 4 10G 10 7 3 2i G uj C Stranski AV II Gardner 1C06-100 45035 GOLDEN COLNA w 4 J14 7 4 Gl 7 S G1 J Leyland L D Odham 3106-100 f 46843GREY GULL w 3 101 1 10 9s Si 71 7 F C Smith Superior Stablo 240-100 40368EA"ERLASTIXCJ wr. 5 10G 8 5 2h 31 Gi S! M Dupuy M B Cohn 4S06-i0O , 4600GSTANGRAM. wb 5 107 5 9 10 10 10 9i J Boucher Mrs II Neal 1214-100 r 303Gli PANDECT wb 5 112 9 8 Si 9 9 10 D T Carter AV J Brown 4S10-100 - Tim;, :25, :50, 1:15. Track slow. , MUTUELS PAID . .-EQUIVALENT BOOKING ODDS MOTHERS CHOICE $ G.76 $ 3.76 3.20 238100 88100 GO 1C0 - DON TINKY 5.68 4.06 184100 103 1C0 - SIR JOHN K 4.38 113100 AVinner Kr. f, by Paul AVeidel Flavin, by Under Fire trained by J. n. McCoole; bred by Mr. E. F. Priehard. AVinner entered to be claimed for ,800. WENT TO POST 2:43. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good out of machine for nil but Grey Gull. AAon driving; second and third the same. J MOTHERS CHOICE, racing close up and escaping interference, came fast in the streteli and won . under mild urging. DON TINKY moved up fast approaching the stretch turn and gained in resolute fashion. Silt- JOHN K. came to the outside in the stretch and finished well. SOLUS tired after setting the pace. GREY GULL began poorly and had no chance. GOLDEN COLNA was racing well when she was sharply shut off on the far turn. EVERLASTING was blocked on the stretch turn. TAX GRAM " was shuffled back soon after the start. Scratched 1G9G4 Hoatzin, 10G; 45770 Penguin, 112; 4G42G John T. D., 10S. Overweights Solus. 1 pounds; Grey Gull, 2; Pandect. 1. Ar7t i 77 XHIRD RACE 4 1-2 Furlongs. Peggy, May 5, 1928 :53 2 108. Purse 00. 3- . TC i Il year-olds. Ma-dens. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; 3Iay-2-30-Aur fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,000. " Index Horses AWtTPSt V Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 4G859 PUBLICATION w 110 9 G Is l1 Is 1 AV Colvin AV Mikel and Son 1320-100 " 4GGG4 MISS JOAN w 107 2 3 3: 21 2 l 21 AAr Moran C B Irwin 702-100 4G377 ALLEGRETTO w 110 G 5 5! 55 3i 3 AV Rideout Valley Lake Stable 120-100 4G442 SHASTA MELODY w 107 5 2 4i 4 4 4t T Romano A T Sansonc 1712-100 46021 GOOD FRIEND wn 115 3 4 G1 GJ Gl 5. E AArardcn T P Hayes 140G-100 4G300 MAXIE BINDER w 112 11 2h 3l 51 J Redding C E Davison 638-100 46341 RED TAM wc 107 4 7 7l 7 7 710 P Remilrd AV AAr Finn 1042-100 4521G MERYLN S. w 107 8 9 S S S 8s P Keiser Mrs F Farrar 5201-100 GARDEN WALL, w 115 7 8 9 9 9 9 W Crees AV Bray 1110-100 Time, :244J ,:49V. :56. Track slow. , MUTUELS PAID , EQUIV ALNT BOOKING ODDS-. PUBLICATION 8.40 2.12 $ G.44 1320100 506100 222 1C0 MISS JOAN 6.50 4.06 225100 103100 ALLEGRETTO 2.73 39100 AVinner Dr. c. by Publisher Mary II., by Elkhorn trained by J. D. Mikel; bred by Messrs. AV. Mikel and Son. AVinner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 3:12. AT POST 4J minutes. Start good out of machine. AVon driving: second and third the same. PUBLICATION, fractious at the barrier, dashed to the front soon after the start and, racing well, held sway throughout to win handily. MISS JOAN was a factor from the start and held on well. ALLEGRETTO met with early interference and raced wide in the stretch, but finished gamely. MAXIE HINDER tired badly. GOOD FRIEND was shut off in the first quarter and raced wide in the stretch. RED TAM was shuffled back after the start. Scratched 17075 Royal Tent, 112. A rf-t -J Q FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Queen Towton, May 21, 1929 1:11 7 111. Purse 00. TC 4 JL JLO 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, G0; third. 3Iay-2-30-Aur 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,800; if for less, 1 pound allowed for each 00 to ,200. Index Horses AWtPPSt Yi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 46430 ANACONDA wn 7 114 G 10 11 8: 5" li P Rennio C D Pryor 53G-100 46385SSANDY IIATCIIwsb 10 10G 8 9 T1" 4h 3U 2 AV Carroll J C Ellis 330-100 4G890 LELLER BUNNY wu 3 108 7 4 l1" 1H 1 3 A Colvin R E Bisi flS02-100 4G263THE ABBOT w 8 112 10 5 2i 21 2i 4J P Keiser Battle Axe Stable 1201-100 4G095 : PRIArATELY w G 112 3 2 r.J 5i Gi 5h J Boucher F Nancolas 1207-100 4G6 IGKENTUCKY BABE w 5 101 9 11 9i 7J S Gi J Mooney J Lee 1410-100 47074KIT CARSON ws 8 10D 11 1 4 3J i- 7J W Moran C B Irwin 110S-100 46964 TIMEKEEPER wc 5 10G 4 7 10i 11 7s S8 C Stranski II C Rumago SS2-100 4 G991 GRANITE DUST w3 91 2 G S" 9i 9 9s E McLalin AV M Ingram S42-100 46991 BRUSHING wr. 4 111 5 8 0 G 10 10 L Geving Paradise Stock Fm Sta 220S-100 37051 OLD MARK w 3 10G 1 3 S1 10J 11 11 J Redding II C Connell t tMutuel field. Time, :24, -.49. 1:15. Track slow. , MUTUELS PAID . r-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS- ANACONDA 2.72 $ G.2G $ 5.72 536100 213100 186100 SANDY HATCH 5.56 4.64 173 100 132100 LELLER BUNNY Field 6.32 216100 AVinner 1J. g, by Donnacona Hyola, by Mexican trained by E. F. Ogden; bred by Mr. J. II. AAhite. AVinner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 3:40. AT POST 5 minutes. Start good out of machine. AVon driving; second and third the same. ANACONDA, away poorly, was outrun for a quarter, then came fast and, finishing with a rush, got up to win going away. SANDY HATCH went to the outside on the stretch turn and finished well, but could not withstand the winner. LELLER RUNNY had the most early speed, but tired when challenged. THIS AI5ROT displayed early speed. KENTUCKY DARE began slowly and was never dangerous. TIMK-KEKPER was shut off on the lar turn. KIT CARSON tired after being prominent to the stretch. GRANITE DUST was shuffled back early. OLD MARK met with interference. BRUSHING could not keep up. Scratched 17074 Geo. Groom, 114; 44379 Shoshone, 10G; 4G337 Walter R., 112. Overweight I.eller Bunny, 4 pounds. A f7t i CI FIFTH RACE 1 Milo and 70 Yards. Jack Haskell, Oct. 19, 1929 1:42 3 103. TC 4 JLJLt? Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; sec- 3Iay-2-30-Aur ond, 00; third, 5; fourth. 5. Claiming price, ,C00; if for less, 1 pound allowed for each 00 to 52,200. Index Horses AWtPPSt 3A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 46323ALTO wb 4 111 1 1 5 5 31 2 1 J AV Fryc Mrs J AV Smith 43C-100 4GG45-BOB ROGERS wn 6 111 G 4 2 2i lh li 2 J Mooney Mrs J Leo 90-100 4 6450 TANIST w G 114 2 2 3 3l 4l 3 3 J Redding C E Davison G32-100 4 6 9 6 6 G R A YD ALE we 4 111 3 G G G G G 4" E McLalin O L Foster 1206-100 46084 LEYLAND wb 5 111 4 5 4s 4i 5" G5 D T Romano J McXamara 124S-100 469G63FAAORIT II. wn 5 .111 5 3 1 li 2U 4 G F C Smith Mrs AV E Harvev 1102-100 Time, :24, :49, 1:15. 1:41. 1:56. Track slow. , MUTUELS PAID , -EQUIV ALNT BOOKING ODDS-ALTO 0.72 $ 3.92 $ 2.G4 436100 96 100 32 ICO BOB ROGERS ..i 2.92 2.42 46100 21100 TANIST .. ... 2.96 . 48100 AVinner B. c, by Supremus Howdy, by Iluon trained by D. D. Bogert; bred by Mr. n. V. Headley. Winner entered to be claimed for ,CO0. WENT TO POST 4:08, AT POST J minute. and, s II. the II. A 4t 1 ic -lli 4 43 J Mr. t, the tl In but A 1 - 4i 4 4 4 46 4 4 4 4 B C M J i d Start good out of machine. AAon easily; second and third, driving. ALTO, always within striking distance of the leaders, came fast when the stretch was reached passing BOB ROGERS in the final eighth, won with ease. BOB ROGERS, blocked by FAAORIT in the early stages, came through on the inside of the -latter approaching the stretch " turn " and opened up a good lead, but could not resist the winner. TANIST ran well and was going gamely at end. GRAYDALIJ was badly outrun to the stretch, then finished fast. LEYLAND and FAAORIT tiled badly. Both BOB ROGERS and TANIST ran in four bandages. P7T3 fPfk SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Jack Haskell, May 22, 19291:453104. Purse 00. 6 jLandyy 4-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 60; third, 3hlJ-2-u0-Aur 5; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,800; if. for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 00 to ,500. Index Horses AAVtlPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 4G858NAXI-IIAAVAII w G 106 4 1 li 11 1J Is l:i AV Carroll A Smitha 228-100 4G126BUMPSIE RAY w 4 105 5 5 6 G .6 4i 2i J Boucher Lyda Mae Sfk Fm Sta 7G2-100 4622 1HAZHL DEXSON w 5 100 1 2 3l 3l 2J 3l J AV Iryo M Dcatherago 1506-100 46375MILARIA w 5 106 3 3 4: 4J 4 3l 41 T Romano Miller and Johnson 1212-100 4.556.:MISS MARYLAND w 5 106 2 4 5 51 Ci 5i Gi P Keiser Lewis and Kemp 302-100 46100 SEMPER FELIX w 4 110 G G 2i 2 3i G G J Leyland Mrs F Farrar 300-100 Time, :25, :50, 1:16, 1:43, 1:50. Track slow. r MUTUELS PAID . ,-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-, NANI-HAWAII $ 6.56 $ 3.84 $ 3.04 228100 92100 52100 BUMPSIE RAY 4.84 3.92 142100 9G 100 HAZEL DENSON 3.66 83100 AVinner 15. m, by Radiant Lady Sofia, by Braxted trained by A. Smitha; bred in England by AV. Allison. AVinner entered to be claimed for ,S0O. WENT TO POST 4:33. OFF AT ONCE. Start good out of machine. AVon easily; second and third driving. NANI-IIAWAII quickly opened up a good lead and, saving ground while racing gamely, easily held sway to the end. BUMPSIE RAY was carried very wide on the first turn, but tame with a rush in last eighth and was going fast at the end. HAZEL DENSON loomed up dangerously on the stretch turn, but lwre out in the stretch and tired. SEMPER FELIX was prominent for over" half the distance, failed to respond when called upon. MISS MARYLAND raced wide on the first turn. ?Vt "fl SEVENTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Princo Tii Tii. Sept. 24, 1924 1:52 4 105. Purso 4a: 6 3-JbA JL 1930.sh00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Not value to winner 50; second, 50; 3Iay-2-30-Aur third, 5; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,200. Index Horses AWtPPSt V2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 46174BUMPKIN w 7 112 5 4 1U 1 ll 1 li J Boucher M Kcllcher 296-100 6160 5 CONFIDENTIAL w 4 107 4 G 5i 5 21 2i 2 P Keiscr Lewis and Kemp 301-100 14 1 "MOSES wn 7 112 11 41 4: 3 3 3 A Richard AV C Morris 1310-100 46896MALCOLM w 5 112 G 3 3H 2h 4 45 41 A Colvin AV Mikel and Son 1518-100 46167 ALLOY wb S 112 3 7 7i S 7J G 51 T Romano A T Sansono 1702-100 4G433 BLACK BART wb 8 117 2 8 8 G1 G5 51 G15 J Leyland L D Odham 299-100 4G9G7SEVTEEX SIXTY wb 5 112 7 5 G5 7 S S 7i E McLIin O L Foster 1405-100 16899OUR JOAN w 4 107 8 2 2 3U 5 71 8 C Stranski II C Rumago 1103-100 Time, :25, :51. 1:18. 1:43H. 1:57. Track slow. , MUTUELS PAID EQUIV ALNT BOOKING ODDS-, BUMPKIN $ 7.92 $ 4.22 $ 3.52 29G 100 111100 76100 CONFIDENTIAL 3.74 2.88 87100 44100 MOSES 4.92 146100 AVinner Br. g, by Brown Prince II. Rustic Maid, by Ogden trained by J. C. McAuliffe; bred by Mr. F. Johnson. AAinner entered to be claimed for ,2CO. WENT TO POST 4:55. OFF AT ONCE. Start good out of machine. AAon handily; second and third driving. BUMPKIN went to the front soon after the start and, withstanding the challenge of COXFIDEXTIAL, won easily. The latter lommed up dangerously on the stretch turn, but could not head the winner. MOSES was prominent throughout. MALCOLM tired. SEVEXTEEX SIXTY met with interference. OUR JOAN tired badly. Scratched 1G0G7 Easy Money. 112; 4G2S9 Majoe, 107; 4G390 Princely, 112.