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AT BEULAH PARK PIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Purse 00. 2:15 P. M. Horse. Wt, Code. Horse. Wt. Code Bea, 100.. 1 Forluck, 102 8 Elbee, 102 2 Frostilla Girl, 102 9 Nayarit. 101 3 Lorelei, 102.. 10 Haggerty, 109 4 Shorty. 110... 11 Drastella. 107 5 Torto de Oro, IOC 12 Max Brick, 109....... 6 Irresponsible. 109 13 Lafayette. 108 7 Roseling, 107 14 SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Purse 00. 2:45 P. M. The Code, 114.. I AVillies Maid, 107... 8 Bud Wilson, 104 2 Florence Dolan, 107. 9 Snow Man, 10G.... ... 3 Chrysler, 109 ...10 Lure of Gold, 102... 4 Saratoga, 104 11 Chting Cheaters. 104 5 Barberry, 109 .,12 Little Doris, 102 G Shasta Love, 102. ... .13 Black Boy. 104 7 Ennice Atwell. 108. ..14 THIRD RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Purse 00. 3:15P. M. Flor del Mai, 102.. ... 1 Starry Dawn, 102.... 8 Miss Peggy, 102 2 Regular Broom. 102.. 9 Jim Miller, 101 3 Doc Conner, 105 10 ., Breakaway, 102 4 Easter Seth, 99 .11 Ima Hat, 110... 5 Western Light.- 107.. 12 " Lagiina, 98 0 Soutldand Chief, 109.13 Robertn L., 100 7 Asgo, 107 14 FOURTH RACE 1 1-10 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Purse 00. 3:45 P. M. Prince Ronald, 113... 1 Gus It., 103 8 Isaac L., 103 2 Bubbling On. 108 9 Prince Lightfoot, 10G 3 Tdering Mabel. 100.10 Yorktown. 108 4 Fair Justice. 10G 11 Col. Hemingway, 108 5 Sporting Editor, 10S..12 Panorel, 108 G Blue Caddie, 101 13 Efeldee. 10G 7 Links. 10S 14 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Ye Olde Chase Tavern Purse. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Purse 30. 4:15 P. M. Twelve Sixty. 103... 1 Ignite. 97 5 Dixie Dan, 97 2 Cut Steel, 97 Princess Jlaeh. 92... 3 Paquctte; 93....;.... 7 1 Shorty 0 107....... 1 - - " i - 1 SIXTH RACE 1 1-1G Miles. 4-year-olds and up. ward. Claiming. Purse hB100. 4:45 P. M. Miss Ida Brown, 101. 1 Nine Sixty. 108 8 nigh Prince, 111-... 2 Bavclle Fronk, 101... 9 Pauline II., 101 3 Twenty Sixty, 103.. .10 K tibial Khan, 103 4 Declare. 108 .11 White Nose, 108 5 Storm Maiden, 100... 12 Proofreader, 103 C Flying Lula. 101. ...13 Peter Prim, 108 7 Bill Hare. 113 14 SEVENTH RACE 1 3-16 Miles out of chute. 4 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Puree 00. 5:15 P. M. Thistle Coot, 103 1 Fusileer, 102 C Gnome Second, 107... 2 Le Voyant, 97 7 Fargo, 102 3 Infanta, 105 8 Baby Delhi, 100 4 Standard Bearer. 103 9 Brown Leaf, 102.... 5 Adams Apple, 10G...10 EIGHTH RACE 1 3-16 Miles out cf chute. 4v year-olds and upward. Claiming. Purse 5500. 5:45 P. M. Rocktrap, 100 1 Wnponoca, 101 7 Wrack Ray, 102 2 Yachtsman, 103 8" Don T., 103 3 Coqnina. 102 9 Guest of Honor, 107 4 Middle Temple, 111.. 10 Panama, 108 5 Ashburnc, 105 11 West Point, 112 0