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ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES LEXINGTON SATURDAY, MAY 3 0 Weather conditions as forecast by United States Weather Bnrcau and as at press time indicated: WEATHER CLOUDY; TRACK FAST Pacing starts at 2:00 p. in. Chicago time, 3:00 p. in. 1st Lexinffton 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. Tarse 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Current, Jfov. 17, 192S 1:0S Futurity Course 2121. "OTE Claiiningr price, ,200. 3-year-olds. 110 pounds; older, 117 pounds. Winners, 2 pounds extra for each race won since April 16. Ind. PP. norse. Wt. Rcc. A.Wt.nan. Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rcc. A.Wt.nan. 40U223 2Pagan Laddie.. 40087 OLynette Stone Lex 113 1:11 4 114X725 M Lex 305 1:137J 4 107. .690 47018 10 Nevermore .Lex 110 1:11 6 119X720 37CS1 9Material M .. 4 112.. 690 40991 14 Genghis Khan.. 43S93 11 Jnnc Williamson 3 103X690 Lex H8 1:1114 4 119X715 40990 13IIidden Thoughts 47018 12Lndy Witt. .Lex 111 1:10 4 109X710 Lex 112 1:11 4 107X090 40951 8 Peach Rose. Lex 112 1:13 4 112. .705 47122 15 True Guess M 3 105.. 090 30312 1 Coohogan ..Lex 103 1:11 0 117. .700 47045 30Coby Lex 111 1:12 3 103:-: 090 47017 17 Prince Mexican 40096 3 Mae Price. .Lex 10S 1:12 3 105.. 095 ., . . . Lex 107 1:12 3 110x 690 4C991 4 Sister Maggie.. ,r 470.15 iS.Cjltains Lex 107 1:13 ; 112x69.. Daughter. .Lex 100 1:11 3 100X 690 42S97 C Elstar 3 103.. C93 7 Baffling Star.. 3 110 The past performances ot the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey TP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. Pagan Laddie 1 1 4 Br E 4 by PaBn Pan Goldcrest Girl, by Ogden. Last work: 1223-8... :3Cft Trainer, H. B. Kessen. Owner, Kesscn and Konncrsman. Apr.25-303Lcx fc 1:11 ft 27-10 107 5 8 52 2" EllswthW 12 Bruno 110,1rincessZclda lOO.I.emnos 110 C Apnig-SOLex fcl:ll ft 3-2 113 8 8 21 U CarrollW 32 GgsKlinnllS.LdyWIttlOS.YicksburgllO C Han28-301St.J 2 1:15 sy 6 116 2 3 31 2 RoseM 0 Estin 11C, Nicholson 110. Guilder 105 O Mat20-30,:St.J 2 1:15 ft 12-5 115 4 2 48 2" FerminA8 5 NicheIsonl08,ChIcyJ.S.103.Trunchconlll O FcU2G-30Mla 2 1:12 ft 5 111 5 5 3i l1 McDottL 12 Mote 113J, Tctra Glass 114, Bruno 109 O rtU18-30JMia 3 1:16 hy 3i 117 9 7 7 GJ GarncrW1 10 Roseomar 100, Finnic 112, Trappy 117 O , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year. .19 4 4 1 ? 4.450 This year.. 9 3 3 0 $ 2.510 Nevermore 1 1 Q Br. g, 6, by High Time Rosanne, by Pillo. Last work: 1143-8 :37ft -LXy Trainer, J. V. Pons. Owner, J. V. Pons. Arr.29.30Lcx fc l:llft 8 110 9 G 31 11 JonesL1 9 CaptainJ.S.115,Bnino 113,P.irticlpatc 110 C Arr.25-30Lcx fc 1:11 ft 20 110 10 9 71 G1 SmithD" 12 Bruno 110,PaganLdicl07.PcsZclda 100 O MaE25-303Stj 5Jfl:10 ft 4 113 8 8 7 41! CritchfdC 8 OurOwn 313, Ruthie 103, Blazoncr 103 C jrat22-30St.J 2 1:17 sy 2S 120 G 3 3i 21 GuerraJ 8 Grace H. Ill, Vinlin 106, Donnaco 106 C Mai:lS-30St.J 2 l:15ft 8 111 7 5 37 2 GucrraJ7 8 Voyage lOC.MissOnine 109, Laftar 111 C St?.8 2d- 3L1- Won-- t- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 23 3 S 3 ? 3,025 This year.. 10 12 0 ? 3teip Gongllis Klian 1 1 Q B c 4- by Chattcrton Mah Jons, by Sir Martin. Last work: 113 1-2... :31ft J-Xi Trainer. J. Howard. Owner, J. Howard. a Ar28-30Lex fc 1:11 ft 13-29 117 1 2 ll l ChvcttaF 10 Wingo 110,EJjcondidnlll,GranitcDustlOO C Apr.25-305Lex fc 1:11 ft 33-10 110 3 6 C2 5i ChvcttaF 12 Kruno 110,FaganLdiel07,PcsZcIda ioo C Apr.l9-30lLex fc 1:11 ft C US 2 4 4J 21 ChvcttaF 12 FaganLdlcllS.LadyWIttlOS.VicksbgllO C j MuS-SOJ.P 21:13 m 31-10 118 1 1 l1 1 GcvingLi 12 Milano lOG.WestnLit 105,MksBabylOS C FcUCS-SOMIa 3 l:llsy 4J 1H 2 1 1 1" MurrayT1 11 Igor lll.Havoc 114,nazclGumbcrts 113 C j Jn.2S-30Mia 2 1:12 ft 113 1 2 4.J C-J MurrayT19 12 Ossio H. 113. Mote 113. Apostle 113 C A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. ; Last year. .19 1 4 5 $ 2.400 This year.. 7 3 1 0 $ 2,125 IjJldy "Witt 1 C Q by hn Johnson Serenata, by Ornament. J-vt Trainer, A. S. lewis. Owner, Serenata Stock Farm Stable. , APr.29-30Lex fcl:llft 22-5 110 3 3 4 G5i KllswhW O Xevcrmore llO.CaptalnJ.S.llS.lJruno 115 G k Ape21-30tLcx IVi l:17ft 7 10S 4 1 Is ll EllswhW 8 Irahal08,SwtGenevvell5,PesDna 110 C Apr.l9-30Lox fc 1:11 ft C 10S 9 1 ll 31 EllswhW 12 PagnnLdiell3,GisKhanll8.VicksbgllO C Kotl8-295IIIF fcl:15hy 3 102 2 1 1: 2" EllswhW 7 L.Coopcrll31,KtkyAeell3,DocrFredllS C . KoT.15-29Lat 21:22m 102 2 1 lJ 21 EllswhW . 12 Estln 103. Crcstwood 118. Efeldee 110 G Jibdt-ZOLat 2 l:23m 4 103 7 5 7S2 Gl EUswthW 12 Frctwell 115, Tasman 105, Bruno 115 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 21 3 8 2 ? 2,702 This year.. 3 1 0 1 ? 700 j Peach ItOSe 1 1 9 Cl1, by Golden Guinea Hurakan, by Uncle. Last work: 120 lm. . .l:47f t x--1 Trainer, J. Spencer. Owner, J. Spencer. Apric-30Lex fc l:llYt 23f "ll2 C 9 12i12 DePmaR1 12 StaiTlay 112;S.Kenton 117,Scotland 119 C Bcp. 2-29L.F I l:23ft 23-10 101 8 4 1J lb NealP s12 Fiala 100. Gorinond 109, Bristol 114 C 32 197 L: 3-4 1:15 gd 3-2 110 6 4 lS Is J McCoy 12 Xray 103. Conflict 103, Elly Ney 110 27729 L.F 5J f l:09m 41-10f 113 3 2 2 4J L Pichon 11 MarySeth 115. Sliastalluro 110. Otilla 115 -2C291 A.P 5-8 l:04hy39-10 114 4 9 9 9 J Leyland 9 Sport Dress 114, Otilla 114, LaSagette 109 I , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 1 1 0 0 $ 900 This year.. 1 , CooltOtrail 11V Ch e y Ultimatum Doris, by Boots and Saddle. Last work- " 121 5-8. . .l:00f t J- I Trainer, A. D. Steele. Owner, A. D. Steele. Maj27-29C.D 1:27 si 12" 113 1 S 1211 AbelA M2 TurnOverll3,TheBatl08,SthlandBoy 115 C Kjl5-29C.D GJ f 1:21 si 10 110 2 3 4" 7s MeyorC 14 Gco.Groom lll.TwoBills lOS.BillyK. 11G C May 2-29JLex fc l:13hy 7-5 115 1 2 2l 1" McDottL 9 F.a.FthcrlOS.MksBabylOS.MissTchllO C A-r.30-29Lex fc l:10ft 3 113 3 1 2 Zi PoolE 1 8 Mincrrus HC.Geyser llS.LittleTorch 113 C Apc2C-293Lex fc l:10ft 2.-10 113 4 1 2h 2l McDottL i2 Minervusll5,romegranatellO,BillyK.H5 C . , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 5 1 1 1 $ 800 Mac Price I AP B. f, 3, by Tea Caddy Oriental Dress, by Delhi. 1UO Trainer, J. E. Mclntira. Owner. J. E. Mclntire. Apt2S-305Lex fc 1:11 ft 101 100 3 5 4 4 GroosP S CaptnJ.S.112,IInTlio,tsll2,SliaLad 117 C Apr.2l-30Lex 1" l:45ft 47f 100 G 3 912,l! EUswthW1 12 UnionW.103,St.Mt,wsll2,SncBaker 107 C Apc21-30Lcx fcl:ll ft 43 100 4 3 GJlll EUswthW5 12 BlkFlycrll8,CansDautrl00,Wingo 111 C JIac23-30J.P 2 1:16 Ed 4 103 7 G 6" 9l McycrC1 12 TigersFlowers 115,GoldBet 115,Omniall5 C Jiarl3-30J.P 31:14ft 21-5 102 4 4 4 5 EllswhW 12 Sunview 11C, Staylor 111, Milano 112 C I.U25-30:F.G 2 l:llft 42 10G 5 5 S5U2 TildenR4 12 DominalOG.MsRaniscylOS.Vicksburg 113 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year. .14 0 1 1 $ 275 This year.. 11 113 ,125 Sister 3Iatrie 119 Br m 5 by Tlie0, Cook Ethelburg n., by Hapsburg. Last work": 11G 1-2... :52ft J-X Trainer, H. Davis. Owner, Mrs. H. Davis. Apr.2S-30Lex fc l:llandft 93 107 7 10 10l,10" HainesF 10 GngsKlianll7.Wiiigo llO.Escondida 111 C Jan.ll-30Pom 5 f 1:03 ft 10 10G 2 1 1 lh DupuyM1 7 Vitalize lOS.Nayarit lOS.MulgnsSonlU C Jin. 8-30Pom 5J f 1:07 it 23 111 4 G G10 G" WalceJW 7 NincDollarslll.BrkwayllO,M.Stevens93 C Jn. 7-30Pom 5J f 1:09 ft 18 103 1 3 4 57J DuhonS1 5 ISuthie 100, Vitalize 115, Be Easy 08 C Efp-liBeu 2 1"2 hy 21 112 8 ScurlockJ 10 ScminolalOl.Aff atcMary lOl.BlleFk 99 C Bep.l0-29:Beu 5 f l:17liy 6 105 10" KcnlyH 10 lorto de Oro 110,EIbeel02,FrArsmtl02 C t Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Wen.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 3 0 0 1 $ 50 This year., i 1 0 0 $ 200 Elstar 1 AfT Br. f, 3. by North Star III. Electro, by Electioneer. Last work: 122 1-2... :47v3ft -LvJcJ Trainer, T. P. Hayes. Owner, C. C. Patrick. OctS-23!CD 3 liisitft 7 105 2 5 S S" DellJ "10 Pr,sCarlnll2PlfwsDml07,U.Pcsl05 C Oct 4-29:C.D 2 l:15ft 4S 115 1 1 1 ll DellJ "15 Chattering 115, LorcttaB.113, Syrcll 115 A 6ep.30-295C.D 5J f l:C9gd 4 115 9 9 9" Si ConnlIyD i15 AeGsmitlillS.EagerPlyllD.LortaB.llS A Bcp.24-29L.F 2 1:13 ft 1T 115 3 3 3 3 ShropseE -10 Siinstrokell5,Salutall5,l!lueCanopy 115 M Sep.21-295L.F 2 l:13ft 45e 112 7 5 5 C1! DellJ "12 FlygAmrllS.D.OnarallS.FIygExsllu A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 8 1 0 1 $ 1,000 IiJliettC StOlie 107 by "Wigstone Lynmoutb, by Marathon. Last work: 121 7-8. . .l:3r73f t J-V I Trainer, A. G. Farcon. Owner, Penn Villa Farm Stable. Apr.l7-30Lex 1" l:43ft 07" 110 4 G G" G AronL1 C Mtanarol22,Stars a.Barsll3,MikeII1122 A Jun.21-295Lat l70 l:43andft 51 103 4 10 10"10!S DuboisD "10 Yucatan 110,PgyMacl05,PcterDixon 110 A Jua. 7-29sLat 2 1:1 n 81 12 5 519 515 GoolerW 4 5 Current 109, Vesta 105, Lady Gossip 107 A Maj20-29C.D GSfl:19gd 143 93 S S 8" 8" RoscG 8 Luckynit lll.Goldenltacketlll, Boris 105 A .V11-296C.D GJ f l:19ft 80f 105 12 13 13l13 RoseG 14 ClyaeVnDusenllS.PtHlemllO.Vmolla A Apn29-29Lex fc l:llsl 11 10G 6 6 5i 5J DuboisD G TliistleF.vrnl09.IteeniellO,FlyingFieldl09 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year. . C This year. . 1 Material I 1 O Ch, c, 4 M, by Pebbles Meadrose, by Meadowthorpe. Last work: 1223-8 :38ft J-Trainer, J. M. Hukill. Owner, S. 8c A. Fuerst. JUn.lS-29Lat 21:1 gd 9 110 G 12 12151215 PhilpotH 12 My Dan 110, Career 110, Woodlot 110 M 32298 Lat 3-4 l:13f 1 29-10 10S1 4 1 3l G51 W Garner 12 Torrent HS.BorgliMonger 103.1anwawl09 31728 Lat 3-4 1:13 ft 11G 115 5 4 8 V Wallis 12 Oui Monsieur 115.11iram Kelly HS.Jem 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 1 Jane Williamson 1 Aff Ch. f, 3, by Golden Broom Cinderella, by Celt. Last work: 121 1-2... :49ft Trainer, S. G. Baker. Owner, R. L. Baker. Norllat 2 l:23m 2G 107 12 S Gsi 710 CollinsG 12 Fretwell 115, Tasman 105, Bruno 115 C Kot 4-29Lat 2 1:21 hy 24-5 101 Left at post.CarrollW I:12 AeeGsmitbl04,MissSdlil01,Eil-Wrll2 C OcL21-29Lat 2 1:16 i 13 107 1 8 5s 4 KnightM J12 MyCarolynel02.Quiverl02,Mrs.Foster 107 C Oct 8-29iC.D 2 l:1573ft G3 111 1 6 7s 7" MurrayT 10 PrsCarlnll2,Prf wsD:nl07,U.l"csl03 C Oct 3-23 CD 2 l:14ft 23 111 1 4 51 6" CrumpW 15 Bcllsmitlil03,LaGdrinalCC.Bye oBylOl C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 14 1 11 S 950 Hidden TllOUglltS 107 y as n I-aushing Eyes II., by Irish Lad. Last work: 122 3-8 :38ft --Vy I Trainer, R. Slomer. Owner, C. W. Bidwill. Apr-SO-Lcx" fcl:ll ft 1G-5 112 5 2 2 21 IIeigleR: S CaptnJ.S.112,SUtaLadll7,MaePrice 10G C Apc22-30-Lex fc l:10ft Cl 113 5 5 4 41 HeigleR3 t Mrs.FosfrlOO.SirtgLadylOS.Slia.LadllS C Octl2-29Haw 2 l:lGhy 2 93 5 1 1 l5 MarcumJ "12 lfycroftrlCS,LaDntellelOS5.It.Gibsnl07 C Oct 7-29UIaw 2 1:13 ft 5i 103 1 1 1 3 JonesL "12Bogan 115,Watch On HO.Koycroftcr 115 C Bop.30-293Haw l:15Uhy9-10 109J 4 3 3 3J JonesL 12 WltrR. llO.DkAngl HO.EvelynL. 107 C Eep.lG-29L.F 21:1375ft 9 103 4 7 910" MeyerC 811 G.Cvelot 112,R.Lcather lOG.Drinez 107 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year. .17 4 15 5 4.050 This year.. 2 0 1 0 ? 100 True GlICSS 1 O B f 3 M ty Oo3anic Guess Again, by All Gold. Last work: 119 3-4. . .l:lSf t Trainer, T. L. Pierce. Owner, Miss C. Ragan. See yesterdays first Lexington chart. AuS21-29B.G Q 1:00 ft 10 107 3U KingsldC G GrglaeK.107,CopperSon HG.PandoverllO C An519-29B.G J :17ft 23 107 4J KingslndJ 9 MyCarolyncll2,Pardayll8,n.OXeilt 118 A Jun.2G-295Lat 51 f l:07ft 43 115 a 2 3i 55i LilleyW s12 Ruth Mayes 115,Donora 115,Ojibway 115 M Jun.21-23Lat 5i f l:07ft 31 115 5 2 6 S5 AbelA "12 J.Wachsll5,SgWirwll5.RuthMayes 115 M , Starts. 1st. 2n 1. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year. . 4 0 0 1 v 30 Qqj 1 A fT B. g, 3, by Escoba Gadabout, by Prince Hermis. Last work: " 107 3-4. . ,l:18f t Trainer, J. C. Shea. Owner. Looney and Stone. Apr.30-30Lex fc l:llft 74 lit 7 9 Si 71 MooneyJD 12 MedleyllS.KittyCatlOS.BarSinister 109 C rrb.l9-30F.G 1,s l:47ft 73 103 4 6 G1 G5 ClavierD 11 Even.SkylOG.UpsedaisylOS.PessDare 104 C rtb-ll-SOSF.G 1, l:47ft 2G 110 1 7 9S10" GarriyP1 10 Dabster 109,MaryEloisel09,Upsedaisyl0G C FeklO-30sF.G 2 l:14ft 21-5 110 12 11 llll"l CimeralcG 12 Ignite 110, Asgo 115. Thistle John 115 C ; Jn.31-20!F.G 2 l:14v5gd 22 109 G 10 109 82 RusscllK4 12 MissRaraseylOG.PortsurllG.ThsSeth 113 C Ja.23-30F.G lft l:52sl 13-10 103 5 2 lh 2h RusscllK 11 ByPowers 10S,CtSteell09,P.Louise 102i C ; , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 23 2 1 5 5 2,478 This year.. 11 0 2 1 5 397 PrillCe Mexican 110 B" c y "nco Mexilow, by Mexican. Last work: 118 3-4. . .l:17?f.ft XXV Trainer, R. C. Frakes. Owner, Gorham Bros. Apr.M-SOLex fcl:12 ft 7"l05 7 G S 89 EUswthW1 11 JoanK.105,Brmone.vll8,MamEmelie 113 C 3 Apc23-30Lcx fc l:10ft 23 107 10 8 8" Si HainesF9 12 Mindoroll0,Haramzadall3,Vicksburg 103 C Kor.l5-295Lat 2 l:24ra 23-10 112 10 8 8" 8" McCoyJ 11 Gby6Choi.ccl07,Eil-Wrl08,PikesPkll2 C ; Kor.l3-29cLat 2 1:23 m 11-5 111 1 1 1 Is McCoyJ 11 FullTidel08,TliomasSethll4,MissLottal0S C Kor. 7-23JLat 2 l:22hy27-10 109 7 4 3 2 SmithJ 4 8 Coby lOl.Tasman 109, CopperKing 109 C i Not G-29Lat 2 1:20 hy 19 112 7 7 S" S:: TurkC 8 9 Dr.BiIIyll2,MaIFricndll5,WoodUiverll2 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. IS 2 2 2 5 2,200 This year.. 2 Captains Daughter IOO Ch f 3 y Caltain Alcock Little Peep, by Peep o Day. Last work: " 1191-2 :53ft J-UU Trainer, F. Jeffers. Owner, Joffers Bros. Apr.30-30Lex fc l:llft 24-5 105 5 5 G3 GZS LandoltC3 12 MedleyllS.KittyCatlOS.BarSinister 109 C C ApcSS-SOLcx fc l:10ft 11-3 100 8 5 4s GJ CarrollW" 12 MindorollO.IIaramzadallS.Vicksbiirg 103 C ; Apr.21-30Iex fc 1:11 ft It 100 G 2 21 2 CarrollW 12 BlkFlyer 118,Wingo lll.MsSuddnth 103 C Oct22-29Lat 51:17 m 2t 107 4 11 10- 9" Schuttell 12 LaGord,nal07,PtosStarl09,GteDustl07 C Brp.24-295Lex 5J f l:07Vft 1S-5 102 111 li Schuttell 12 UscOXIl 109,MngBmsl07.Lunacy 102 C c Bep.lS-29Lex 5J f l:liyssl 27 101 4 1 1 2J Schuttell "12 PrcsMargtlOO.MyBell 109.Primeval 101 c , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year.. 12 2 2 0 5 1.500 This year.. 3 0 1 0 5 100 Baf fling1 Star 110 Cl1, c 3 M by Bafflins flyaway, by King William. Last work: 114 1-4. . .l:18ft x Trainer, W. W. Williamson. Ownor, O. A. Bianchi. Nominated for 1930 Kentucky Derby. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 2nd Lexington rrse . 2-year-olds, araidens. Fillies. Allowances 5. 42 Fur. Cnlissc, Hay 11, 1511 :53 2 115. Ind. TP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. Ind. n. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan, l. 47081 5 Plumage ...Lex 110 :55 11G.. 725 40992 15 Lexington Girl 4G992 1 Sister Mary.Lex 109 :55 110.. 720 Lex 110 :57 11G..C9." ,r 47023s 1G Bloodltell ..Lex 110 :5Gv 11G..715 4G992 2 Tuvy Lex 115 :58 11G..G9 10 47019 11 Martha Jones 4G955 S Elizabeth Lester Lex 112 ; :53 11G..710 Lex 115 :57and 11G..G! 0 47127 12 Madam Florence 4.V,9t 9 Dizzy Spin 11G..G IQ ..........Lex 115 :5G 11G..703 17081 10 Irritation ...Lex 101 :57 11G..G9 O s Concordia 3 10 4G887 13 Delma DunnTx 110 . :5G5 11C. .700 I Gentle Maid.... 116...., . 47081 7 Prediction .Lex 115 -.57 Yz 11G..G95 G Bubble On 11G 47081 14 Thunwln ...Lex 115 :573 11G..G93 S. B. Jones entry Martha Jones, Madam Florence, ;. a j j A ; , k . j I , . C ; ; C 3 C ; C C i C C ; C C C c c 5. l. ,r 10 0 IQ O . ;. The past performances ol the horses entered In this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. DIs.TIme Tr. Odds WL8t. i Btr.FIn. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. PluniaffO 1 1 K B f- 2 M by Ballot Glyn, by Delhi. Last work: 120 lm 1:49ft -LJLD Trainer, S. S. Combs. Owner, Gallaher and Combs. Stij-l-SOIx 4"f :55ftH-10 115 7 3 3i 3 PichonL 12 FairMissiellS, lnnastell5, Thunwinll5 M Apt26-30!Lcx 4h t :5Gi4ft 17-5 115 1 1 VI 2l PichonL 11 Ble 0fBrbnll5,MsChilIall5,Bagiel 115 A Apt21-30Lcx 45 f :55ft 12-5 110 3 1 l"- 3 TichonL 10 RrcChmll2,MsterRell2.Revbate 112 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. This year.. 3 0 1 2 5 200 Sister Marv 1 1 R Ch. f, 2 M, by Hephaistos Maladena, by Malamont. Last work- 110 1-2 :55ft xxD Trainer, J. Howard. Owner, Saxton and Howard. Apr.2S-30Lex 4J f :5ltt" 9 109 2 3 2 2 Fishcrll 12 TanFacc 115,Arrowlikc 109, Galenia 109 0 Apc22-30:Lex 4i f :55 "ft 17 115 10 9 71 7i Fishcrll 12 MexicanD.115,TanFaccll5,MissChilla 115 O Mai:25-S0J.P 35 f :43 gd 9 10812 12 12 9" GevingL 12 TTtdFccl21.PplcLadyll2.Norvatorll2 O Jrarl7-30J.P 3 f :Uihy 17 107 11 10 10" 8i GevingLT 12 TcaGrnll5,Allegto 103,BnKdMry 110 O " Mac 3-30Mla I :49gd G 110 3 5 5 2 DePmaR5 12 RisgStarl02,JaQueenl08,BdnDare 110 0 Fi.23-30Mia 3 :33ft 100 107 9 11 73 DePmaR1 12 Scrvitudell3.LyIIoganl09.BettyBet 107 A. IUx22-30Mia g :25Vft 40 112 8 910 9" DcPrmaR, 9 SunMaskll2,Snap 112,RegiilarFeller 118 A . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, This year.. 7 0 2 0 5 250 Bloodltcll 1 1 d B 2 by Jim Gaffney Miss GeorSiai y star Shoot. Last work: 1123 8... :3Gft -LxO Trainer, H. C. Ragan. Owner, H. C. Ragan. Apr.29-S0Lcx 4 J f :5Gft 17-5 "llO 4 3 3H 2U NcalP5 10 Directlyll0,RalTrystll2,MamFlnccl05 O Apr.23-30Lex 45 f :55ft 9o 110 G 7 GH Oi GarnerW 8 BtyDerrll5,DnaVivinll5,Cazanova 110 A ApnlS-SOLcx 5 :49V4ft 21-5 109 4 2 2i 21 LandoltC1 11 B.E.Maryll2,M.Cobbll2,RareChann 115 A Ftb.l4-30Mia g :33ft 7 115 2 Z-l 2 GarnerW 12 AllColumbia 113,Imagy 115,PlyEm 103 M Fcb.l2-30Mla g :33 ft 20 110 1 2 2 GarnerW" 12 SilvrBtyllO,LlcAincall5.RstEasyll4 M Fehi 7-30Mia g :38hy G 110 8 52 3s KnightM11 12 RcgularFeller 113, Gobi llO.Getgoin 11G O , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. This year.. 8 0 4 3 5 725 Martha JoiieS 1 1 R 2 y Wiso Counsellor Luzahra, by Luke McLuke. 110 Trainer. C. Sloan. Owner, S. B. Jones. Apr,30-30Lcx 4 f :51ft 23 112 4 2 2U 5i GroosP 8 MaryCobbll2,BettyDerrll5.narcCU,mll5 8 .pr.2G-302Lex 4J f :5Gyft 7 115 8 3 3 GJ JonesL 11 Ble ofBbonll5,Plumgell5,MsChilIall5 A Apc23-30Lcx 4J f :55ft 41-10 110 3 2 2 4i GroosP 8 BtyDcrrll5,DnaVivinll5,Cazanova 110 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd: 3rd. Won.- This year.. 3 Madam Florence 1 1 ft B- f 2 M ty Blaze Fern Handley, by Bryn Mawr. HO Trainer, C. Sloan. Owner, S. B. Jones. Apr.29-30GLex 45 f :56ft 2G 105 G 4 4S 4i EUswthW 10 Directly HO.Bloodltell HO.RalTryst 112 O Apr.21-30;Lcx 4J f :55Vft 17 115 11 7 7" G11 GroosP" 12 ILVirginiall3,MyCobbll5,StBcnoni 115 A Apt22-305Lex 45 f :55 ft 45 113 7 G 51 55i GroosP" 12 MexicanD.115.TauFacell5,MIssChilla 115 O ApclS-30sLcx 5 :49ft 8i 109 8 8 S 82 FinnertyR 11 B.E.Maryll2,BIoodltclll09,MaryCobb 112 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- This year.. 4 Dclllia Dunn 1 1 Br f 2 M by CaPtain Alcock Fil-de-Fer, by Wrack. Last work: " 1193-8... :385ft XxU Trainer, J. H. Baker. Owner. Mrs. W. R. Hoffman. Apr.24-305Lex 45 f :55Aft 11-5 115 7 4 5i S ChvettaF 12 II.Virginiall3,MyCobbll5,StBcnoni 115 A Apr.21-30Lcx 4J " f :55ft 13 110 7 9 S G HainesF 10 RrcChmll2, MsterRell2, PlumagellO A Apcl7-30Lex 5 :4Sft 17 11G 4 1 2 25 GroosP1 7 IteverberatcllG,WchGirl HG.OurnanllG A- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wen . , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. This year.. 3 0 1 0 $ 119 Prediction 1 1 Ct B f 2 M by Bozer Hildred, by Peep o Day. Last work: 110 1-2... :50ft xJLU Trainer, R. L. Stivers. Owner, R. L. Stivers. Jtaj l-30;Lcx 45 f :55ft 12" 115 2 4 G" S DuboisD 12 FairMissiellS, InHastellS, PltimagellS M Apr.21-305Lex 45 " f :531ift 47-10 113 1 5 GJ 5" GarnerW 12 n.Virginiall5,MyCobbll5,StBononi 115 A Apr.l7-30Lcx 5 :43ft 14 11G 7 7 7" 7" HardyDO 7 ReverberatellG.D.DunnllG.AVchGirl 11G A . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.--, This year.. 3 TllUIlwin 11 B f 2 M ty Thunlerer Wingold, by Bryn Mawr. X x U Trainer, W. Grater. Owner, Mrs. R. Carruthers. Mar l-30Lex 4J f :53ft 27 113 8 G 4i 4ci LandoltC1 12 FairMissiellS, InllastellS, PlumagellS M Apr.2G-30Lex 45 f :5Gandft 43 115 7 9 Hll" CreesR" 11 Ble ofBbonll3,llumKell5,MsChiIlall5 A Aptl9-20Lcx J :4Sft 17 115 2 5 5i 4"! HcigleR 12 BtyDrll5,CryMayll5,BewchgEyesll5 A , Starts, landt. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, This year.. 3 Lexington Girl 1 1 A B- f 2 M by Buctins Pitti y- Plaudit. Last work: 10." 3-8 :3Gft X--V Trainer, J. E. Mclntire. Owner, J. E. Mclntire. Apr.2S-30Lex 45 f :51ft 7G 109 9 G o" 8" DePmaR 12 TanFacell5,SisterMar.vl09,Arrowlikel09 O AprlS-SOLex 5 :49V6ft 80 109 7 7 78i 7i DePrmaR 11 B.E.Maryll2,BIoodltelll09,MaryCobb 112 A MaE25-30J.P 31 f :43 gd 13 109 10 8 912 MeyerC10 12 TlfdPcel21,PpleLad.vll2,Xervatorll2 O . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- This year.. 3 Tavy 11 G. ch f 2 M ty st Germans Alster Cress, by Watercress. JLxU Trainer, E. Haughton. Owner, Greentree Stable. Apt28-30sLex 41 f :5Hft 11 115 12 12 10,s 9" MoneyJD1 12 TaiiFacell5,SisterMaryl09,Arrowlikel09 Q . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- This year.. 1 Elizabeth Lester 1 1 B f 2 M by whiskalne lady of Quality, by Hessian. 11" Trainer. J. F. Patterson. Owner, L. L. Haggin. Apn2G-30Lcx 4 f :55V4ft 95 115 G G Gi 5J WillmsGr 11 Ble ofBbonll5,riumgell5,MsChilIall3 K, . , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., This year.. 1 Dizzy Spill 1 1 Br" f 2 M ty Dodge Defiant hy Wrack. Last work: 1201-2... :51ft J--LO Trainer, J. S. Ward. Owner, Everglade Stable. Fcb.20-30Mia" g :33ft 12 111 G ll"lll McAfeD1 12 Chatterwayll3,PatsyCarterll3,Early 109 G Fd.ll-30,Mia g :33ft 8 107 5 109i 9i RoseG 12 AllClumbiall5,BdlteIl 115,Imagaryll5 M. Jao.31-30JMia g :33iigd G 119 4 3 4S McAffeD 12 AllStagell9,lmaginaryll9,BloodItcli 119 M . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Tins year.. 3 Irritation 1 1 Ch" l 2 M by Actuary little Bit, by Transvaal. Last work: 10S 5-8 l:10gd J-U Trainer. S. J. Kelley. Owner, S. J. Kelley. JLiy l-30Lex 45 f :55ft 21 115 11 8 71 G10 CreesR" 12 FairMissiellS, InIIastell5, Plumagello St Apr.2S-30Lex 45 f :51ft llf 101 10 8 7" Gl MeysME" 12 TaiFacell5,SisterMaryl09,Arrowlikel09 C Apr.l9-30:Lcx 5 :4Sv3tt 29 115 8 8 8" 9" MeysME 12 BtyDrll5,CryMayll5,BewcirgEyesll3 A MaclO-30J.P 35 " f :llft Gt 115 1 2 3 4 MartinL 12 TaldPrcellS.MsCanyllS.MrnlignllS St reh.2S-30F.G 3 :3Gm 109 115 5 8 7SS 7" MannF" 12 Shining HS.Mardie 115,Ie:iccJimmy 118 it Fdj.21-30F.G g :36gd 35 110 7 7 5 5i LandoltC 12 B.EdMaryll5.Dnpourll8.SnyKronkllS M Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd Won.- . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, This year.. 7 Concordia 1 1 ft Ch" 2 M ty sPrtJnS Blood Bessie M., by FHttergold. Last work: 121 3-8... :3GVift J-J-O Trainer, J. C, Shea. Owner, LeBus Sc Looney. Starts. 1st." 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Gentle 3Iaid 1 1 ft Br f 2 ty General Thatcher Anglum Maid, by DicK Last work: 1223-8 :37ft - Finnell. Trainer, W. G. Sparks. Owner, H. B. Hanger. r- -. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Bubble On lift Cl1 f 2 ty Bubbling Over Photo, by Llangwm. Last work: 121 3-8... :37Vr.ft ---- Trainer, J. C. Gillem. Owner, W. E. Hupp. r Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , 3rd Lexington Fnrsc . 4-year-oIds and upward. Claiming1. Leonardo 1 1-16 Miles ir, April 25, 1021 i:i2-3 103. IfOTP: Claiming price, ,000. "Weight, 113 pounds. Non-winners of two races sincci April 1G allowed 2 pounds; one race since then, 5 pounds. Ind. PP. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. Ind. PP. norsfe. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. 4G83S 1 Hiram Kelly... 43157 3Georgc McCranu Lat 117 1:43 5 105X710 , , T Lex 1IO 112 1:4G1 4 113.. -n. 72j . 40S2 ,-no 2 Simon Kenton.. 47024 4Crash liar 110 1:45 4 110.. 720 Lex 110 1:48 G 110X705 17052 G General Clinton 46097 5 Princess Donna L.F 105 1:1G 7 113X715 Lat 110 1:1G 4 103X700 The past performances of. the horses entered In tins race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dls.Time Tr. Odds WLSt. Str.Fln. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race, Hiraill Kelly 1 1 Q c y Fanon Oronco, by Nimbus. L-ist work: 1221-2... :51ft X -L O Trainer, O. A. Bianchi. Owner, W. R. Herring:. A.r.23-30Lcx lfe l:4C4ft 9-5 112 3 1 is 1 McCrosnC S Alcmanll2,Marsatel07,X:ini-nawaii 110 O AiT.19-30SLex 1,e l:47ft Ci 113 4 3 2s 3 McCrsnC 8 Bogan llu.I.nPlaut llu.St.Matws 112 O OcLlG-2DsLat 11:47 ft 31-10 105 5 G 2l 1 SmithV 12 LlcCainl05,FrceDolanl02,PileSndl02 O Sop.23-29lLex fcl:10ft 10 10S D S 5 4 FincrtyR 1 9 PfcctModel 103,Drif terl03.WliamP. 10S 0 Jun.l7-205Lat. 1 l:44hy 11 109 1 3 4 411 IIcupclJ 5 LdBrdbancll2,P.Dixonl04,DiRIver 113 O Jun. 5-20Lat lT9l:43ft 21 114 7 6 7." 7" PhilpotH 10 AmsrrdamllS.AlIesncelOl.Everblue 105 Q , Starts, lat. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 5 .10 0 $ 900 This year.. 2 1 0 1 ? 700 Crash 110 B" 4 by Wrack Bonnio Tess, by Star Shoot. List work: 117 3-4...1:20ft J-XV Trainer. W. Hinphy. Owner, W. Hinphy. Arr.2D-30IxJX lf,j l:47ft Gj I1G 5 2 2" 1" AronH 7 Bosaull9,LincoInPlautll7,SourMash 11G O Apr.23-305Lex 1" l:45ift 1S-5 10S 4 3 G; 5 ItlleyG 7 MdsTrystlOO.Kf kyAcellO.SrMash 110 0 Aicl7-30Lcx 15 1:47 ft 7-5 107 4 1 l1 Is MeysME1 11 Xani-IIawali 102,Dolanl07.Goodnian 112 O MlG-30!ILiv lc l:41ft G 109 3 4 2J 2- WallN 0 KgDavIdlOG.SaiiCarlosll-.StampdalelOS O MoclS-SOIIav lj l:45ft 2 113 4 G 5i 4X AusthiM 7 Pachcco 113, Belmona 100, Tangram 108 O Mae 0-305IIav 11 l:52Vtt 2i 112 1 G 9J 9 MozerR1 9 PlayB. 102,Btimore 90,ChanninsL. 10G H , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 14 2 12 1.S25 This year.. 14 5 2 2 ? 4,225 Central Clinton 1 1 Q Ch e 7 ty Trap Rock lady Clinton, by Mohawk II. Last work " 1113-8... :39:"ft J-J-J Trainer, J. J. Greely. Owner, G. Henzo. A30-30,Lcx lc l:19ft 2Y"llG 1 1 U 1 NealP U Goodmanlll.PpleSd lOG.MgtFlynn 105 O .pr.28-30Lox fcl:llV4ft 21 117 10 S Si 7r NealP 10 GngsKlianll7,Wingo HO.Escondida 111 U Apr. 25-30" Lex fc l:10ft 40 110 4 10 8 8" NcalP 10 mekFlyerll2.Shas.LadllO,CaptnJ.S.110 O OcL24-29Lat l10 1:51 m IS 113 5 7 7" 7il McCoyJ 7 Dragon 113,Sharon 113, McCulloch 113 O JcL 5-29TlIaw lfc 1:4C ft 51 10G 2 4 4J 5 MarcumJ 7 Dearinez 113,JohnJ.S.lli,IIazelDenson 99 0 6til23-297L.F l 1.45ft49-10f 105 3 1 Is 3SJ MarcumJ l12 CloverClubll2,Torch 115,SwectMandyl08 O J , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1 Last year.. 15 0 0 2 5 200 This year.. 3 1 0 0 $ 650 George UlcCrailll I Apr Ch. h, 5, by Boniface Sercnata, by Ornament. Last work: 121 3-4. . :i:17-"ift J-vO Trainer, A. S. lewis. Owner, Serenata Farm Stable. Octll-EOLat ljs IMG ft 14 103 C C C2 G8 NealP 1 7 Mchotcl03,SandBoy 112,BigBrther 103 C IVpOLex ljg l:46ft 7 110 2 5 C5 6 CramerR C CoIdenWest 103,SignOffll3,MarIloro 110 C Aug27-295D.P l lHOiift C 108 7 6 Gl Cl ZcchiniR 4 8 Pookanaka 95, AJto 102, Stampdale 115 C Jul. 5-29Lat ll:42m 3 110 5 5 6,s 3!0 ConnllyD 7 Dr.Parrish 107, Uptime 301 J, Virado 102 A Jun.25-294Lat l 1:47 el 8-5 1111 4 3 41 4 FronkW 1 4 Colonel Shaw 112,Chuml02,BroadAxe 103 C . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. "Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wou.-y Last year.. 15 4 2 2 5 3,570 SilUOll Kenton 110 Cb- B 6 by Kenward Phyllis F., by Withers. Last work: 1203-4 1:21ft Trainer, H. S. Hart. Owner, G. Collins. M.jr 1-30Lex l,f l:47ft 61 110 3 1 531 53 ThomasH3 5 MadsTstl08,DonnBon308,KtyAce 110 0 AprO-SOLex fc l:ll,ft 10 117 4 2 2J 2s ThomasH4 12 StarPIay 112,Scotlandl39,MnrysToy 107 O Wan29-30J.P 2 l:lGsl 3-4 116 2 3 3 l1 ThomasH 8 AgapntsllS.MdsTrystlOj.BrambullS C Mac21-30J.P 2 l:17sl S-5 120 1111 l1 ThomasH1 11 Braggadocio 11G, Salona 113, Alto 113 C I10-304J.P 2 3:23,hy 17-5 114 1 1 l3 V ThomasH S AgapthusllS.LtleGyplOS.Thos.Seth 110 C MatM-SOJ.P 2 l:17Um 14-5 10G 3 G 41 2h CimerakG5 C StupndsllO.MsRamsyOCMynouby 100 C , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 30 17 5 4 5 9.074 This year.. 7 3 2 0 5 2,112 Princess Doillia 1 fK Br- f 4 ty Donnacona Poppy Princess, by Heroisme. Last work: " 117 3-4. . .l:39ft -LvO Trainer, S. Keiley. Owner, H. L. Swopo. A-.2S-S0Lex ij 1:54 ft Si" 112 5 4 7" 7" NealP1 S .StOenevellO.LadyCIarcelOO.SpotLtllO C Aia-.24-30Lex 1 l:47ft 23-10 110 3 2 2s 41 MeysME 8 LdyWtl08, DrahalOS, SwtGevvcllo C Apr.22-303Lcx ljg l:47ft Gl 109 3 3 4 4 NoelW3 7 Bosanllo.MonticellolOOJ.LadyClarcelOO C Apr.l7-30Lex l70l:15ft 33 113 1 2 51 7s?. NoelW8 7 ShwDnllO.EI ofWwk338,::en.Jknll0 C Jfor.lS-29!IHF 1 l:56hy 21-5 104 3 1 l3 2" GoodichE 4 8 Draha 107,DaddyNelsonl08.Blcwawayll2 C Uor.lo-29Lat 1"1:59 in SJ 100 2 1 l5 l5 GoodichE s 8 UnceA1113,MksBabyl03,BlieLnardl08 C . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year. .26 6 2 2 5 4.325 This year.. 4 4th Lexington ee Iess Iia11 llllle Newton Pike Purse. Purse . 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Current, Futurity Course xov. 17, i92s-i:os 2 124. Ind. TP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.nan. Ind. TP. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.nan. 10S50 o Beaming Over.. " 40853 1 Star lassie. Lex 107 1:13 3 100X 725 Lex 110 l:101fe 4 110.. 750 47022 9 Alvin Ranshaw. 40105 2 Clyde Van Dusen 4 112 X 745 Lex 112 l:12 3 105X720 .41.957 7 Judge Hay Lex-310 1:11 4 112. .749 40G94 4 Clog Dance Lex 111 1:13 5 112X715 40888 S Coots -. Lex 112 l:10Vs 4 112. .735 43923 S Overboard ..... 3 105X715 47034s C Uncle Matt- Lex 111 1:11 3 10SX730 4G957 10 Donnez Moi Lex 114 1:12 C 102X715 ; The past performances ol the horses entered In this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. 0dd6 Wt.St. i Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. Beaming Over 110 ch 4 ty Nortl1 star ni Bandeiio, y Kingston. JLXU Trainer, W. Hurley. Owner,. E. R. Bradley. AprS-SO-Lex fcl:10ft 71 10S 4 2 1"" 1 SmithJ1 9 IlIesitimatell3,BrtherKankl03,Film 113 A Iar.l2-30J.P lc 1:46 ft 12-5 104 1 5 43 43i RussollK1 5 D.D.Upsctl031,Welletl09,W.Iiistigarl09 A Mac 4-305F.G l1 l-.alift Si 102 7 4 7J21110 ArnoldG1 13 Uluniulll,OldSlipl02,DinaliDidUpsct 104 S rtbL27-305P.G ll:3Sy;ft 4-5 110 4 3 31 32 JIannF 4 D.DidUpsetlllJ,Kiiicsenl03,ljrrian 110 A FtUlS-SOF.G 2 l:12ft 21-5 10G 4 4 21 2nt ArnoldG C High Score 120, Zida 104, Wcllct. 114 H . Tib. 8-30F.G 2 l:12ft 23-5 110 G 6 52 43J SmithJ3 C DinabDidUpsctllO.Gambol 100,Snoozel01 A Jan. 1-30F.G 3 1:13gdll-5 10G 7 G 5J 33 SmithJ3 7 Dblellrt 105,FstMsionl04,Aleader 102 H , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Last year.. 20 7 0 3 5 7,600 This year.. 7 11 2 5 1,050 Clyde Yail Dusen 11 Sf y an ar Uncles lassie, by Uncle. "Last work: 322 3-S... :37"ift J-J-4 Trainer, .C. Van Duscn. Owner, H. T. Gardner. Ausl5-29Haw "g l:llft 9-3 114 4 4 3 4CJ McCrsnC 5 Grnockl08,BrnWisdonill4,Mtiiiiqucll2 H Jul.l3-295A.P 1J 2:ll?3hy SJ 126 2 4 34 3U McAteeL 14 BlueLksrl20,LivcOakll9,Dr.FrIand 12C S Jul. 9-235A.P 3J 1:52 ft 3-4 115 1 1 U 2fc McCrsnC 1 7 FrcesMirdl02,Dr.Frlndll5,Folking 108 A Jul. 4-29A.P 1 l:3Sft 9-10 119 2 1 I3 li McCrsnC 5 Fees3Iihvdl03.Wdj-Cityll9.LiveOakl08 A Jua22-295Lat 11 2:30ft 3J 126 2 1 li 2" McCrsnC 8 BdyBasil llS.B.Maelirce 113.Afrioan 118 S Jun.l5-2?5Was 1J 2:10 hyl9-10 12G 2 7 S" S:l GarnerW 9 WindyCityllS.NaisIiapur 12G,African 118 S , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. .10 3 3 2 565,319 Judge Hay 1 1 Q Peter Pan Elizabeth M., by Jack Atkin. Last work: 122 3-S... :3Cft Trainer, B. B. Williams. Owner, C. W. Hay. Apr.i;C-304Lex fc 3:10ft s" 114 G 2 25 3si JonesL2 0 Tannery 309, HoiieyLoeust 302, Blot 305 A Ar---23-30!Lex fc l:10?ift S 11G S G G5i 7:J JoncsL 9 lJngOverl0S,irtimatoll3,Btliernkl05 A Hai.20-30,St.J 2 l:143sft 11-10 105 G 5 C 5CJ DePmaR3 7 QneenTowton 99,GuideKiglit 97.Miid 101 A JTac S-SOMia 2 1:12 ft 11-5 113 2 1 12 WkmanR3 5 St.PriscalOC.crnPlaylOG.CalDoraino 109 C nij.27-304Mia 5Jfl:04ift loe 111 9 7 6"J 58i McDottL 9 PcnnantLasslOS.SuprcSveetl03.Mnd 110 A Oct. 7-29 Haw 2 l:12ff 7-10 -112 3 2 1 VI JonesL 2 4 Crof tonl05,Klingstonel05,BcnMsliall 117 H . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. r Last year.. 14 5 2 2 5 5.605 This year.. 5 0 1 1 5 250 CoOfg 1 1 Q B St Broomstick Pigeon Wingr, by Hamburg. Last work: 1213-8... :37sft J-J-1 Trainer, H. S. Hart. Owner, G. Collins. Air.24-C03Lcx fc l:09ft 2 120 3 3 35 23 ThomasH 7 Elliee 105. Hot Shot 118, Chariot HOC Air.l7-C0Lex fc l:10Vft 14-5 112 2 4 32 U Tliomaslis 7 IlotShot 112,Film 112,JiulgeMuri.hy 112 C Ifat27-30J.P 3 1:14 ft 19-20 112 2 2 1 2 ThomasH3 C AV,rInstigafrll5,Viradoll2,GoUlMint 110 A OUac24-305J.P 5 f l:09sl 7-10 110 2 2 23 li ThomasH1 5 Bocaratonell3.OldDiitclill3,HnDsanl08 A Matll-30J.P "21:13 ft G 103 1 2 2h 31 JonesL4 C Lckyllit HO.Tdywawa lOSJ.Virado 108 A Jan.21-305F.G 2 l:14m CJ 103 1 5 5U5 ThomasP 5 Donnay 118, Extreme 113, Uluniu 111 n . Starts. 1st, 2n 1. 3rd. Won.-, . Warts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year.. 17 2 5 3 5 7.360 This year.. 9 3 2 2 5 2,694 Unclc Matt I AO B. c, 3, by King Gorin Frances M.. by Filigrane. - Iast work: 115 1-2... :50ft 10 Trainer, T. J. Harmon. Owner, J. R. Davercaux. Xaj l-305Lex fc 1:10 ft 20 111 13 3 3h MooneyJD3 5 Ellice llO.Longltim 10S, JeanLafitte 10S A Apr.2G-30;Lex 1,g IMG ft 17 100 4 9 9 " 9 CarrollW 9 rii.FyrnllO,l,.JIarianl05,UntleLntherl02 S Apr.l9-30Lex fc l:10y3ft 29-10 111 3 5 33 5;J MneyJD 11 RyBlds lOS.Lgltun 30G,SrMasb 114 A JuL 4-29Lat g l:12Vfift 7 111 3 5 B 5s PoolW 1 8 Sydney lOO.JneWachs 10G,SisAgnes 10G A Jun.29-295Lat 3 1:12 gd 35 113 5 5 4 45 PoolW 1 10 Tannery 118,MaYerKes 115, TakeOff 118 S Jun.21-29Lat 5J f l:06ft 30 115 6 6 58i 4 Me; crJ C Fiddlerll3,AnteBellumll5,ltollingSea 110 A Nominated for 1930 Kentucky Derby. , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. Ird. Won. Last year.. 16 2 3 6 5 3.345 This year.. 3 0 0 1 5 50 ?Star LaSSlC 1 flH Cn f 3 oy"311111 star Class, by Star Shoot. Last work: " 121 5-S 1:03ft J-UU Trainer, A. D. Steele. Owner, C. C. and G. Y. Hieatt. Apr.23-30;Lex 1and l:47ft is 121 1 S S1 and ChcatmR3 S TliistleAnn 121, Niato 121, Chelys 121 S Apr.lS-30Lex fc 1:11 ft S9 107 2 C 7J S10 ChthamR1 8 Dedieatell5,AnteBclmll2,ThiseAnn 110 A WlG-29Lat ll:3tm SO 105 9 9 93 S5 CollinsG 12 TryToo 11G, BlueAsh 103, Bellsmith 109 S Oct21-29cLat 2 l:lCm 7 109 5 5 5i 35 SmithV C LadyFgersl09.Wickerl04,RichWow 109 A .OcLlS-295Lat 2 l:llft 4 1031 5 6 G7J G11 MorsonR 3 C MganBoyll2,GntKnightl22,Tomb,aulOS U Oct.l5-295Lat 2 l:!lft 42 112 8 3 57J 613 HainesF 9 Fiddlerllu.TryToo 113,PrceAthelingl08 A Nominated for 1930 Kentucky Derby. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. .Last year. .21 3 2 2 5 3.036 This year.. 2 Alvill liaiisliaw I Afr Ch. c, 3, by last Coin Orccn, by Ornus. Last work: 122 3-S... :3."ft J-VO Trainer, C. W. Riedingor. Owner, C. W. Riedinger. fc l:10ft 25"" 109 G 4 4Ji 49 lieevesU9 9 Ellice 107, Fiddler 109, Hieover 109 A Apr.CG-SOLex fc l:10ft 9 107 1 5 4i oJ ThomasH3 0 Tannery 109,Hoiie.vLocustl02,JgeHayll4 A Arr.lS-305Lcx fc 1:11 ft 12 112 5 7 S2 C6 HoffmnK3 S Dedicatell5,AiiteBelmll2,TliiseAnn 110 A y0T.lG-295Lat ll:51m JG-5 109 7 7 55 10,! McCoyJ "12 TryToo 11C, BlueAsh 103. Bellsmith 109 S ! lot S-295Lat 2 l:21liy 7-5 110 3 1 lnk 23 McCoyJ 5 4 TryTco 332. Bellsmith 108, Fiddler 10S II Oct.31-295Lat 1 l:4Gm 1-2 112 4 1 l3 1J McCoyJ s C Tishybo 103,Playchild 10G, Glycine 1071 A , Nominated for 1930 Kentucky Derby. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year. .10 4 2 0 5 3.5S4 This year. . 3 Clog DailCe 1 1 O cl1, e 5 ty Wildair Minuet, by Olambala. Last work: 122 3-S... :37 H ft " Trainer, A. Baker. Owner, R. S. Clark. .AuS22-29Haw" 1" l:44ft 3-2" 109 2 1 2i 2l MeyerC S Fairdalel00,Mo!eIIilll07.Earlof AVarklll A Aug S-29Haw I70 1:43 ft H-3 103 4 2 2 2i PoolE 5 . PatriciaMn 10C,Uptimel02,MoleHill 99J A ; Jul.3l-29A.P I 1:25 ft 14-5 11G 5 2 l"" 2" PoolE 1 8 Ilnymanl05,MoleHill 102,SafetyPinl02 A J..l.2u-29A.P 1:47 hy 11-5 10S 4 2 2J 23 PoolE 5 l.awley lOS.Star o Morn 109,Dodgson 10G A ; .Jul.lSA.P 2 l:12ft 6J 111 3 2 2 2s PoolE 7 BrnWdoml04.Aleadrl03,GciousGiftl03 A jaI.lO-23A.P I l:23Hft IS 116 2 4 3 2 PoolE "13 Eskimo HO.FannieJ. llO.Prtllarlem 113 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. AVon. , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year.. 13 18 1 5 4,148 Overboard -I pr B. c, 3, by Paicines Elizabeth M., by Jack Atkin. Last work: " 119 3-4. . .l:15ft JLvt Trainer, H. Wells. Owner, R. A. Smith. NorfiG-295Lat ll:51m 14 10S 5 11 12012 MeyerC 12 TryToo 11C, BlueAsh 103, Bellsmith 109 S , Kor.l4-29Lat 2 l:22m 11-10 112 3 1 l1 li SmithJ 7 Perjury lOO.Ashtabula 109,BigStuff 109 A Oct24-29Lat 2 1:1C m -l" 112 4 1 l4 Is SmithJ 1111 MutualFrdllS.Tisliybol.BbyPoerslOO A ; v -Oitl9-294Lat 21:13 ft 7 110 2 3 43 G4i SmithV 1 12 Snooze 105. Tishybo 110. Donora 102 C Oct. 7-29!C.D 2 1:U " 17-10 102 3 1 1" 1 SmithV 432 Syrcll 99, Scott 334, Chattering 99 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year.. 11 3 2 1 5 3.250 DOIUieZ HOI T C Q B " 6 reer Pan Ia Montagne, by Verdun. Tist work: 1221-2... :51ft J-" Trainer, H. Herdel. Owner, W. R. Coe. -i-.G-304Lex fc l:10ft 43" 112 4 3 5s G141 BryantD4 C Tannery 109;IIoue.vLocustl02,Jgenayll4 A. Alr"l9-30cLex fc l:10ft 28 114 G G 44 G71 BryantD11 11 IfyBlds lOS.LgRun lOG.SrMasli 114 A I : i-4 I rl 3-4 1:13 ft 26 109 4 4 43i 34 E Barnes 7 Prce ofWalcsl22.SisrSliip 103,Tantivy 112 2 1ll53 HdG 3-4 113 ft 27 110 3 3 33 331 T Luther 7 P.ofWales 12G.SterShip lOl.SunMdler 10G 6 USI Bel 3-4 rac Ill" ft 15 112 1 9 10 913 J Maiben 11 Finite 117, Kamoneur 109, Bobashela 110 u ll Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Wou.- This year.. 2 e. i f Sixteenth Running Idle Hour Stakes. ,000 Added. 5til Lexington 2-ycar-oIds. Colts and Geldings. Calisse, aray 11, , 4y2 Furlongs 1911 :53 2 115. H- TViir-ioiuns - - SS TnS8tw... W- RCC- ; J ,...47123 3 The Aya,ju . Xo;"-;j Lrx 35 710 Tm liB VeHiSrmratcU Box, Nonas. ! ; ; , v ; A. I 2 6 , ; J The past performances 01 the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey PP.SU. Best Company Class of Race- Bill Morris 1 1 Q Br B 2 by Theo- Cook les Invalides, by Toddington. Last work: 1223-8... :37ft -L-LO Trainer, E. J. OConnell. Owner. Knebelkamp and Morrii. Apr.l9-30Lex $ :47ft lllS 1 1 1 3 LandoltC1 5 DkWcldel 112,Beige 330,MicFlute 108 A JUr 3-304P.G g :34ft 9-20 120. G 3 35i 4i KnightMz 11 Pce d,Amrll7,LraNleyll4,Schoonerll7 S Fcb.2G-30F.G g :35sl 3-10 123 1 1 li l4 LandoltC 10 SchoonerllO.LaNegleyllG.Rcverbte 113 A rtb.lO-30P.G g :33Vft 3-10 124 1 1 l4 l5 LandoltC4 8 Zinn 118, Shining 118, Allegretto 118 A Jan.l7-30F.G g :35Vift 13-20 321 1 1 l3 35 LandoltC 8 MaFol 115,MuffinBoy 118,NoseFlrst 118 A Jan.lO-30P.G g :35ft 3-4 118 1 1 1J Is LandoltC4 C Xervator 118,Afrost 118,NoscFirst 118 M , Starts. 1st. 2nl. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won., This year.. 6 5 O 0 5 3,750 Back Log IIS Br 2 ty Bunting Whirl, by Jack Atkin. Last work: " 121 1-2... :49Vft -LJ-O Trainer. S. S. Combs. Owner, Gallaher and Combs. Ai-.2S-305Lex 4J f Sft IS-lo" 115 11 I1 3J PichonL 4 TheWpusll0jDkMrsl35,BrkPaul 110 A Apr.21-30:Lex 4i f :534if t 9 115 1 1 lJ Is PichonL.1 10 T.Wampusll5,Deeinstcrll5,GoodJest 115 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., This year.. 2 2 0 0 ? 1,400 Tiger Prince I I O B, c, 2, by Princo Pal Fluzey, by Fair Play. JL JL O Trainer, J. Spencer. Owner, J. Spencer. .rr.29-30:Lex 41 f :55Vft 5 115 1 2 2i 1" DcPrcmall1 7 Lcros 31.5", Good Jest 315, Sudden 335 A , Starts. 3st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. This year.. 1 1 0. 0 5 650 Don LCOII 1 1 Q cl1, c 2 ty Lcc Cotncr "Water Willow, by Rapid Water. Last work: 122 3-8... :3fift J-J-O Trainer, R. W. Collins. Owner, W. R. Collins. Arr.25-30:Lcx 41 f :S5 ft 14-5 "llG 1114 li HtffmaiiK4 30 Lcros 310, Fudge 11C, Swift Pal 11G A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, This .year.. 1 1 0 0 5 650 The WampuS 1 1 P B c 2 by 0mar Khayyam Clare, by Bannockburn. Last work: 1173-8... :3Cft J- Trainer, J. Marr. Owner, J. Marr. See yesterdays second Lexington chart. AprS-SOLex 41 f :5354ft 29-10 110 2 2 2 21 GarncrW 4 BackLogll5,IkMrsll5,BIackPaul 110 A .Alil-COx 41 f :331ft 34-5 315 5 2 21 2 CarncrW 30 Backl.og 315,Decmstcrll5,oodJest 115 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. This year.. 2 0 2 0.5 219 Liberty Ace IIS B c. 2 Busy American Our Betsy, by Huon. Last work: 1133-8... :3G ft Trainer, C. H. Ferguson. Owner, A. Ferguson. Slay 3-20Lex 41 f :55 ft 19-5"ll4 3 2 2 21 PichonL4 0 HaryKuhnslll, GoodJestll2, SuddenlOO O Apn21-304Lex 41 f :55ft 91 312 1 1 U 1J PichonL1 7 JayWkerll2,MicFlutell2,DickWel 115 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, This year.. 2 1 1 0 5 750 Black Comet IIS Blk c 2 y Westy Hoan Comet o Day, by Peep o Day. Last work: 1203-8... :37ft J-J-O Trainer. C. C. Van Meter. Owner, C. C. Van Meter. Apr.lS-20Lcx 1 :4SV4ft 17-20 11G 2 2 lh 1" ChvettaF1 8 Dmster 13C,GdJest 13C,W.Vginia 11C A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. n , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., This year.. 1 1 0 0 5 650 Deemster 1 1 K Br. c, 2 M, by Tryster Deeming, by Spanish Prince II. Last work: 321 1-2... :49ft Trainer, W. Grator. Owner, C. B. Dailey. Apr.21-30Lex 41 f :534ift 4-3 115 3 3 35i 3 HeigleR3 8 BkCmt HG.GdJest llC.W.Vginla 11C A Apr.l8-30JLcx 1 :4SVft 9 11G 1 1 2" 2" HeigleR1 10 BackLogll5,T. Wampus 335,GoodJest 115 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, This year.. 2 0 1 1 5 150 Match BOX 11 B c 2 M ty McGee oyer, by Masetto. Last work: IIS 3-S :38ft J Trainer, J. Tigue. Owner, Paradise Stock Farm Stable. APr.29-30Lex 4J f :53ift 73 115 G G 515 6" GevingL5 7 Tiger Prince 113,Leros 115,Good Jest 115 A Arn25-30Lex 41 f :D5 ft 71 11G 10 10 10,31013 GevingL 10 Don Leon 110, Leros 11C, Fudge 11G A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., This year.. 2 NoriaS 11 Ch f 2 M by SweeP On Biddy McGee, by McGee. Last work: 1113-8 :40ft -L-LJ Trainer, J. Tigue. Owner, Paradise Stock Farm Stable. Apr.21-30:LcX 41 f :53ft 2S9 115 7 5 5 5si Fishcrll10 10 BackLogll5,T.Wampusll5.1eemster 115 A Ft! 19-30 K.G g :33 ft 49f 118 11 10 .9 ! FinrtyR" 12 Prce dAmourll8,Brettll8.D. Morris 118 M. Ftb.l7-30F.G 3 :36;Bd 39 118 11 9 S:l CU FinnertyR2 12 LraXegleyllS.JoanneE.llS.Schopner 121 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- This year.. 3 6th Lexington All Pllrse. Pprse 3.Kar.oHs. A11ivlllces. 1 1-16 Miles Leonardo 1 April 25, 1921 1 -A2 8 103. Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Ilan. , Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 40959 2 Buckeye Toet.. 115X750 E. R. Bradley entry Buckeye Poet, Breezing 4G957 3 Tannery 115X745 Thru. 4G959 3 Breezing Thru.- 115X740 The past performances ot the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey 1P.SU. Best Company Glass of Race. BuclCye Poet 11 Br 3 y Black Toney May Bird, by Thrush. JLXO Trainer, H. J. Thompson. Owner, E. R. Bradley. .Arr.2C-30cLex 1 l:10;ft 29-10e 112 6 5 li 1 LegereE C Sydney 115, Dedicate llu.RayBlades 112 A SotK-ZOPim 2 l:12ift 91 117 2 2 1 1J LegcreE 9 Sun Falcon 112, Skirl 117, Sistony 112 S Kot 9-29Pim 2 l:13ft 11 30S 1 1 l1 2" RoberfnA 311 Pious 105,ParnellBoundll8,SweepPicl08 A Not l-29,Pim 3 l:14m 22-5 11G 3 1 4 5J LcgcrcE 5 Sred o Nn ,llG,CneySwpllG,Pticrll8 A OcUGLrl 2 1:161 3 115 2 1- l5 3t LegereE 12 Frumper4115,Sistony 115,JovialFriar 115 M Oct. 9-29Lrl 2 l:12",tt 111 109 G 4 G4J Gc3 LegereB 8 Pinetheusll3,JmyMoranll2,Periclesll5 A Aus 7-29Sar 5J f 1:06 ft 30 113 3 4 9CS12J LegereE "13 GseEggll5,Mr.Spongell7,DsrtLightll7 A Nominated for 1930 Kentucky Derby. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year. . 6 2 1 0 5 4,500 This year. . 1 1.0 0 5 650 Tailliery 11 Ch c 3 ty Ballot Blemished, by Olambala. Last work: 120 1 1-8.. l:34ft Trainer, A. Baker. Owner, E. F. Prichard. V.2G-304Lex . fc l:10ft 13-20 109 2 1 l5 1 GarnerW4 C HoneyLocust 102,Judgenay lll.Blot 103 A Jul. 6-29A.P 51 f l:03ft 6 122 12 10 SJ 75i PoolE 1G ThleAnn 119,LostAgnes 113,MaYkes 113 S Jun.29-295Lat 2 1:12 gd 51 US 7 2 21 1" PascmaA 10 JIaYerkcsll5.TakeOff HS.UncleMatt 118 S Jun.22-29SF.P 51 f l:07fl 1-4 122 E 2 23 21 FinnertyR 1 G McEvelyllG.Mr.DickllG.P-ncllBound 122 S Jun.l9-29F.P 5 f 1:07 ft 3-5 122 1 1 Is V FinnertyR 5 MeEvelyl07.SilverCrdl07.UltiteVotcll2 A Jua 3-29sF.P g 1:03 hy 8-5 112 5 1 Ill1 FinnertyR 7 TleAnn 109.P"llBml HG.Mridnese 10G A Nominated for 1930 Kentucky Derby. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 8 5 1 0 511.390 This year.. 1 1 0 0 5 C50 Breezing Thru 11 B c 3 1,7 Nortl1 star m la Momei by Son-in-iaw. J-A.O Trainer, W. Hurley. Owner, E. R. Bradley. APr.2C-30Lex 1 l:10ft 29-10e 112 1 4 53 5 SmithJ1 BuckeyePoct 132,Sydneyll5, Dedicate 115 A Not.2G-29;,Bow I 1:25 ft 3-10 115 2 1 4i 4i LcgcrcE 1 7 IIaekyII.113.PIi:ckyFIayll3,WoDunItlOG A Xot.20-29Bow 51:2Gligd 1 111 2 1 l1 3 LcgcrcE : 3 Sistony. 10G, Rain orShinc 105, Titus 110 A Xor.ll-293Pim l"l:45ft G-5 115 2 1 l4 1 LegereE 10 Aziz 100, Torphyry 113, Titus US A 0ctl2-29Lrl g l:121ft 1-2 111 2 2 i4 3J LegereE 12 Mr.Sponge 111, Partisan lll.Cnlloden 111 A Au-SlSar 61 f 1:17 ft 23 117 6 S S3J 7 LegereE 412 Boojum 117, Whichone 125, Caruso 127 S Aus21-29CS-- 2 V" ft 8-5 118 1 1 Ill1 LegereE 1414 Spinach 118, Norse 118. BrownTrap 118 M Aug 9-29Sar 2 1:14 m 20 110 4 G 54 631 LegereE 9 Peto-114, Polygamous IIS. Caruso 123 S Aug 5-29"Sar EJ f l:06sl 10 11S 10 12 7" fi BarnesE 101G Siucaky 318. Tctrarchal 118. Cowlitz 318 A JulOSar 51 f 1:06 ft 20 31S 6 10 9r-i 951 BarnesE 3C Dustcmall 333. Maya 318. Squeaky 118 A Nominated for 1930 Kentucky Derby. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 9 3 0 1 5 2,500 This year.. 1 7th Lexington rrsc . 3-year-olds. Claiming. Ilydromel, April 28, 1 M.-70 Yds. 1927-1:12-3-105. XOTE Claiming price, ,200. 3-ycar-olils which linve not won twice since April 16. "Weight, 110 pounds. Winners since April 1G, 3 pounds extra. Ind. PP. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. Ind. PP. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.nan. 47024 C Union W. ..Lex 105 1:45 113.. 725 47021 12Kittybawk M. 4704S 3 James M. ..Lex 115 1:4G 113.. 720 Lex 102 1:49 10O-. C95 47128 "SKscondida 105.. 715 47021 i Eleanor 17052 5AVood Axton ... 10S..710 M Lex 302 1:33 100.. 090 47021J 4Bano M 103.. 703 4,0SC ,0 2 T1,,stle Slray 47085 9 Watch Classic M Lex 104 1:19 100. .700 JI 110.. 690 470S53 7 Miss Elizabetli 470S5 lORoyal Beauty M......Ix 109 1:4G 105. .095 M Lex 105 1:49 100.. COO 17021 11 Lucky Dream 40997 13 Little Bo M.. M 105XC95 Lex 112 1:52 110.. 690 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record : Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. Union W. 1 1 Q Ch c 3 ty sPrtinS Blood Cheery, by Vandergrift. Last work: 118 1-2... :51ft J--LJ Trainer, C. A. Marone. Owner, C. A. Marone. Apc29-30"Lex" lfffl:47ft" 2l" 110 4 3 442 51 NcalP 7 Crah 110, Bogan 119, Lincoln Plaut 117 O Apr.24-307Lex l l:454ft 23-5 105 3 2 lb lh XealPs 12 St.Mhsll2,SueBakr 307,SaueySue 309 J O Apr.22-30Lex fc 3:10 ft 73 110 5 G 61 61 NealP8 7 Scotland 118,JoanK. lOC.MarysToy 108 C Arr.lS-303Lex fcl:10ft 70 103 8 8 72 G10 AustinM 9 PatraAnnlOO.BlkCloudlll, Selection 112 C 0ct.29-294Lat 1 l:474hy 94 112 1 4 7 S Clemntsll 9 KyMcCkl01,RISportll2,PhotosStr 109 C Bep.21-29cLex 51 f l:0Sft 25f 11G 10 G C1 6:2 MartinE s12 IlnCrtesl07,DkyMdenl07,MgtFnnll2 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 12 1 0 3 5 800 This year.. 4 10 0? 650 JaniCS M. "1 1 Q B- c, 3, by Cherokee Lucy Churcl 1, by Ralph. Last work: 118 lm 1 :4Sf t " Trainer, S. S. Combs. Cwner. Gallaher and Coombs. ArtSO-30Ix l:4Sft 11 112 1 ! !M richonL,7 8 Haramzada 115, Mincloro 112, Tela 105 C Apc23-30Xr lfe UiOMtt 23-10 10S 1 5 5 5 Pichonl.,4 8 IHramKelly J12,Alcman 112.Margatc 107 C Ape21-30Lex 3" l:44ft 33-10 115 5 7 V 6" TiclionL. 7 iVkCId ll3,ShwDn 117,Gen.Jkson 112 C AptlS-30Lex l l:45ft 13-10 115 12 7 41 l1 richonL 12 MyI.aval02,LenhJnne lOll.Gran.Dust 107 C Kbr.lS-29IIIF 1:01 liy 6 112 1 3 3 31 MeycrC 1 8 CbysCucellO.DkyMdnllJ.M.rrlcelOj C Mo15-295Lat 2 l:24m 11 110 5 5 4S1 41 JudyJ 11 GbysChoicol07,EiI rlOS.PikesI"kll2 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 12 1 2 1 $ 1,350 This year.. 4 10 0 050 EsCOIullda 1 O B B 3 by Fandioo Schottsche. by Von Tromp. Last work: 11C 3-4. 1:20ft J-VtJ Trainer, J. A. Shea. Owner, J, T. Looney. See yesterdays seventh Lexington chart. Apt30-30n,cx ljc l:49ft 7 111 3 3 Ci C MooncyJD 9 Gen.CtonllG.Coodmanlll.PpleSand 10C C Al2S-30,I.ex fc l:llft 23 111 4 C 4s 31 MooneyJD7 10 GngsKhaull7.WingollO,GraniteDustlOO C Aptl9-30Lex fcltll ft 49 11117 7 752 S7 MoneyJD 12 l"gnLdiell3.r.isKlanllS.I.:idyWitt 10S C Matll-308J.P 2 l:llRd 27 111 S 8 8J 6 FryeJW" 12 MissRmsey 10G.Jar 118.MnryKIoise 111 C Mat 3-30;F.G 3 ljl4andft IOC 111 4 4 5J 4 MamiF" 12 MsRrnsj lOS.Msaiolce 103.Upsedsyllo C , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 14 1 0 2 J S00 This year.. 14 0 2 1 ? 330 Wood Axton TOR Br 3 ty Westy HoSan Wasp, by Sweep. Last work: 104 5-8. ..l:0Gft --VO Trainer, A. 8. lewis. Owner, Serenata Farm Stable. Apr.SO-SOLex lfg l:49ft 22-5 103 8 5 5 5 KllswthW 0 Ceu.CtonllCCoodmanlll.PpItSand IOC C Apr.25-D0Lex 1 l:41ft 81 112 G 1 11 1" EllswhW" 12 B.aWcel07,EasteiMornll2,BoldRIbonll2 A Apr.22-30LeJC fc 1:11 ft 5Cf 107 4 6 5l 45 EllswhW1 12 Winslow 107.MissBess 102. StopGap 107 A and-p.23-29;Lex 5 f l:l0ns 31 112 9 12 12141111 CramerR 12 Chariot 112.MissPlungerl09.GoldStep 112 A 3ep.21-295Lex 51 f l:0Sft 3G 115 8 9 8" 8" LscherW 12 RylYeomnll5.GlJksonll5.Cbatrgll2 A Sep. 6-29 D.P l:02sl 22 107 8 6 S Si CramerR 12 GseStepl09.DeItalO9,AimeeG"ldsinithlO4 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 16 This year.. 3 " 1 0 0 5 C50 JJgnO 1 A JT B. c, 3 M. by Baigeneur Espano. by BrummeL J-UtJ Trainer. F. Arnold. Ownsr, Arnold St Stith. Apr.29-30Lcx ljs 1:51 ft 39 113 12 12 8SJ 3 Hffmanlv 12 SwtBrzelCS.RylBtylOO.Teaspoon 100 C Apc25-30Lex 1 l:41ft 3lf 112 12 11 10" 97 HffmanK 12 WMAxtonll2.1I aWeel07.EasterMornll2 A Apc23-30Lcx fc l:10ft C0 105 12 12 12:,12" EllswhW4 12 MindorollO.IIaramzndall5.Vicksuurg 103 C MmG-SOJ.P 2-1:15 ft 9 10G 10 11 11" .9" DeperiniR 12 MissPatlOO.JnGrcenrlOG.R.SamIsn 10U C Mac G-30J.P 21:13 ft 17 11G 3 3 5 7 FinnrtyR11 12 JudgeDIxon HG.Staylor HG.MissPat 111 M Ftb.23-30F.G 21:14 f t 33-10f 114 7 4 41 5 FinnrtyR 12 Grizcl 10S. Steven B. 114. KwenLun 114 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 2 This year.. 9 0 0 1 $ 50 "Watch Classic 100 Br" f 3 M 17 " Watcll Classic, by Delhi, -Last work: 115 3-S... iSOJf.f t v V Trainer. W. H. Steels. Owner. W. H. Steele. Mv l-30Lex 17 1:15 ft 11g 101 4 S 7 5 EllswhW S Upsedaisym.ThtleJnlOO.MissElith 109 C AptSO-30Lex fc 1:12 ft 45f 100 S 5 7s 79 MeyersME9 11 JoanK.103.BrmoneyllS,MamEmelie 113 C Ai22-30Lex fc 1:11 ft 52f 106 10 11 llUl11 HainesF 12 Winslow 107,MissI!ess 102. StopGap 107 A 3ep.23-29;Lex f l:07ft 27G 10S 10 11 1111 ScurlockJ 19 12 Bye oByl03.LadyL"sel03.AeeG"dh 103 Al , Starts. 1st. 2nd 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 1 This year.. 3 Miss Elizabeth 10 Ch 3 M by P cter Quince Dulcy- y Light Brigade. Last work: 117 3-4. . .I:l7f t J-Vt Trainer. T. P. Hayes. Owner, W. S. Dudley. Mat l-305Lex lTl:J5 ft 26 109 2 3 3s 3"! NealP 8 rpsedaisyll2,ThtleJanl09,Caramel 111 C A-SOLcx 11:51 ft 15 10213 6 Gsl 6s ReevcsC" 12 SwtBreezelOS.BylBeatylOO.Bano 113 C Apn22-30Lex fc 1:10 ft 43 101 7 7 7" 7 ReevesG 7 Scotland 118.Jo.snK. lOG.MarysToy 108 C Fii21-30:F.G 2 l:14Kd 149 107 9 10 10" 9" CramerR 12 RingTrue 111. Beekeeper 107. Jean 107 C IVh. G-30iF.G 2 l:13ft 12of 109 9 8 12" 9 Loumanll 12 JoanK. 104,MrsChoice lOl.MaePrlee 101 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year. .13 This year.. 9 0 0 1 $ 50 LllCky Dream 10 Ch- f 3 M h7 St- Henry Drift, by Pataud. LaRt work: 1223-8 :37ft VW Trainer, W. G. Sparks. Owner. H. B. Hangar. Arc29-30Lcx 1,V 1:51 ft 10 100 6 S 10,:1015 IilleyG15 12 SwtBreezelOS.ItylBeatylOO.Bano 113 C Apr.22-20Lex fel:ll ft 25 1031 2 9 10" 9" RusseilK 12 Winslow 107.SIiss.Bess 102, StopGap 107 A STv25-29JLex 5J f l:landtn 6o 109 2 5 5 61 SchutteH 12 Chariot 112.MissIhinBerl09.Go.dotep 112 a 6en21-29Lex 5ifl:0Sft 7 101 3 9 9" HainesF 12 HnC,rtcsl07.D"kyM,denl07.M,stF-nnll2 C JuL 5-235Lat 2"l:15m 22-5 107 2 .8 7 78 FinnertyR 10 UlvstonllO.GysChcellO.RIBeanty 107 C JuL 2-29sLat ;i:19hy 33-10 107 2 5 41 3l DellJ 12 SelccfnllS.BbyDuncanllS.MsEIizthllS C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 10 0 2 1 S 339 This year.. 2 Kittyhawk 100 Clu 3 M by 01an,1,ala Glenbells, by Glencairn. Last work: 1221-2 :51ft J-VU Trainer, W. S. Bruce. Owner, W. S. Bruce. Apr.29-30Lex 1and 1:51 ft Gf 103 11 9 7el 71 HainesF 12 SwtBreezelOS.UylBeatylOO.Bano 113 C Apr-SOLex fc 1:11 ft 85 105 S 3 G Gl NealP 8 CMpfnJ.S.112.IInThotsll2,ShaLad 117 C Apc22-30TLex landl:54ft ;23f 102 7 7 12"128 RcevesG18 12 MyLava 102 Uolan 115,ThistIe Arious 115 C ApclS-30TLex V l:47ft 54 102 G 8 7:S 7C2 EllswhW 8 Caramel 110.ThileJeanl07.IIeadI,in 115 C JuB.20-29iLat 5i f l:0Sft 53 112 12 11 llll LilleyW M2 LaGTdrinall2,Pankyl07.SusnsSisrll2 Jl , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 1 This year. 4 MlSS ElaailOr 1 00 Br" f 3 M ty CaPtain Alcock Hollywood, by Ballot. 1 U U Trainer. W. P. Carroll. Owner, E. R. Little. Apr29-30Lex ljj 1:51 -ft 159 100 10 11 12"12" Tinkcrin 12 SwtBreezelOS.IfylBeatylOO.Bano 113 C Apc23-30Lex 1and l:4Gft landl 100 8 Pull. up. TinkerH 8 HiramKelly 112,Alcman 112,Margate 107 C Apr.l8-30Lex 1IU l:4Gft Slf 102 7 12 12:0125 Tinlccrll 12 JamesM. HS.MyLava 102.LeahJane 104J C Aug 15-29 L.C.F :49 ft 107 10G 6" ScurlockJ 7 VanoverlOG.C.BrkKose lOS.Shynare 109 11 Augl4-29L.C.F S l:00Vft 13 101 41 FowlerG 7 Col.McCart 112.SIolvina lOO.Stilwell 112 C Aa520-29B.G g l:01ft 96 97 91 FowlerG 10 GrgineK.lOO.SerToy lll.ClBlkKosel04 C Starts, lstl 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year.. 3 This year.. 3 Thistle Spray 110 ? 3 M 7 W"skaway Dancing Spray, by Rapid Water. Last work: 1 20 lm 1:44ft ----- Trainer, H. S. Hart. Owner. G. Collins. May l-30TLcx 1 1:18 ft 3S-105 G 9 S S" ThomasH 9 Jlonticello 10G, Onup 107, Iloni Soit 112 C Apr21-30Lex fcl:ll ft 33 110 2 G 8 GJ ThomasH" 12 BlkFlyerllS.CaVsDautrlOO.WiUKO 111 C JuL 3-23A.P 5i fl:07gd 2S 112 13 13 12"13JI ColtilettlF Ml Wicker 108,BanncrBright 113,Calcite 110 C Jul 1-29A.P 5f. f 1:14 hy 47 115 5 9 9" 9" SmithV 9 StStimtllS.MeBervellu.PlkyPIaylla M Jun.27-29F.P 5i f 1:09 ft 19-10 10S 2 3 51 45J SmithV 1 8 MgPineslOSJ.CrSon 110.11rsCharm 109 C Uv 9-29 Aur 4J f :51ff IS 109 6 3 2l Z MbzeR 7 T.Hill 117.Com. Dee 117.SethsJewel IOC C . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year.. 7 0 0 1 S 75 This year.. 2 Royal Beauty 1 00 B" f 3 M by Soyal n Beauty Shop, by Jack Atkin. J. U J Trainer, S. Keily. Owner, C. McCoy. , llaj- l-30Lex 1 1:45 ft 12 1C5 5 G S15 8: HainesF 8 Upsedaisyl.ThtleJnlOO.MissElith 109 C AI29-30Lcx 1,1:51 ft 19 100 1 3 l1 21 EllswhW4 12 SwtBreezelOS, BanollS, TeaspoonlOO C Apr.22-30Lex fc 1:11 ft 107 102 7 8 91011 MeyrsJIEJ 12 Winslow 107,MissBess 102. StopGap 107 A yor.l4-29JLat ll:55m 25 112 3 5 G10 6 WaleJW 1 G SpgWiHwll2.Primeval 112,Interibrll2 M No 12-29 Lat 2 1:24 hy 52 112 5 4 3 3 WaleJW 10 BflgMissl07.Preanderl07.SIsEllzthll2 C Noi G-29Lat 1 l:52andhy 24 103 G 5 5" 55S Greco A 7 SusansSterl03.HnahBlaekll0.PinOnl09 C Oct.31-29;Lat 21:lSm 22f 107 9 7 8 7" WalceJW U2 JamesXI. llS.Chattering 102,FigLeaf 107 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year.. 14 0 0 3 $ 300 This year.. 3 0 10 100 Little BO 110 Ch" s 3 hy Bo McMillan Marie Hyde, by Handcuff. Last work: 117 3-S :39ft ! - U Trainer, C. Van Dusen. Owner, Gardner and Van Dnsen. Apr.2S-507Lex 1J 1:54 ft 40 110 3 5 G11 G11 PichonL7 S StGenevellO.LadyClarcelCO.SpotLtllO C Apr.l8-30Lex 1" l:46ft IS 112 8 11 11:311 McCrosnC3 12 JamesM. llo.Mytava 102.Leah.Iane 1041 C Jnn.lO-29Was g l:02ft 49-10f 114 B 7 8 1073 McCrsnC 15 LydaMaelll.lfy,lEauityll2.ChengTu 114 C aj29-29C.D g l:01ft 20 115 7 13 12 " 9J McCrsnC 15 Xim theXphll2.SkyIIhll2.ItedKnobsll5 C Stay 3-29Lex 4 f 59 hy 1G 112 3 7 7i 5i McCrsnC 7 GrteDust HO.ThIeJean 109.PortGar 107 C Apn30-29I.ex 4J f :56 ft 21 110 fi 7 7"! fi5 McCrsnC 7 IJkelandll2.ChicasoLadlll.BdChtnll5 C , Starts. 1st. 2nl. 3rd. Won.- . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 4 This year.. 2 8th Lexington Purse. S-year-olds and upward. Claiming. -Bubbling ll8 Miles 0vcr 3Ia 5 l26-l:?S-3-12C. "OTE Claiming price, 200. 3-year-olds anil upward -which have not won since April 16. 3-year-olds, 110 pounds; older, 117 pounds. Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Bee. A.Wt.Han. Ind. PP. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.nan. 4G9G1 5I!aritoiie ...A.C 107 1:52 4 112X725 470473 14 Madam Emelie. 47021 4i-,our Mash.. Mia 112 1:54 5 112. .720 D.P 111 1:55 5 112XC95 4GOC.1 12,Isinon Mia 112 1:33 4 112. .715 4G92C 2Flo:hi C.I 108 1:52 4 107.. 090 4708G !lOnup L.P 101 1:53 C 107x710 40997 CMnel Jean ..D.P 107 l:55s 3 107x000 470521 lGoodman ..Lex 107 1:51 4 112.. 705 47051 8 Instant 3 110.. COO 47024 3 Alcman . ..Lex 107 1:34 4 117X700 47052 llLady Basil. .A.P 101 1:50 JS 5 107. .090 4C997 7.Sliarou D.P 110 1:34 5 11 2.. 093 47051 13IIappy Hanly . . . 470SC1 10iloni Soit. 5 112XC95 V.G 109 1:30 4 112XC90 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dia.Tiuie Tr. Odds Wt-St. ?i Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. BestCompany "Hass of Race. BaritOIIC 11? B. er. 4, by Atwell Aida McGee, by McGeo. Iast work: 121 3-4 1:19ft Trainer, E. E, Watson. Owner, E."E. Watson. Apr.2G-30Lex 1 l:53ift 11 112 11 5 45 31 NealP4 12 ThistIeAr;ousll2,Goodmanl07,Demon 107 C M23-C0"A.C Ul:51ft 11-5 107 9 8 7l2 7i RomanoT 9 FairBill 101. Inca 112. Personality HOC Slicig-SOA.C 1.1:47 ft. 21-5 117 G G Gal 5i LutherT Clnca 109,: Bowcroft 112, Star Prince 107 C Kit 2-30A.C 1 1:39 Jandft 19 109 5 5- 2 li LutherT2 9 SmilKl"csl02.Pro.spectl07.BabyBluel02 C DocSOJ.P ll:45ft 45 1091 4 9 8i Sl FonlJ J 9 Brillante 102,Aristocrat 103. Classy 108 C Doc27-295J.P H 1:54 ft 7 111 5 6 53 5J FordJ 9 BillSeth lll.Donnatina 107,NicodemusllO C IJ.23-29J.P lfe 1:51 sl 49-10 111 3 9 G5S GJi KnightM 410 Goldltidge lOCSportDresslOG.Chatson 110 C IXx. 9-29J.P l,V l:54 hy 13 109 8 7 7i 51 KnightM 8 SthrdBoyllOl.UaykerlOO.WestWIndlll C , bt.irls. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.--. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. 28 5 3 2 ,813 This year.. 4 1 0 1 S COO Soiir Mash "1 1 O Cn e. 5, by Sir Martin Harridan, by Friar Hock. Last work: 1125-8 1:03ft Trainer, J. W. Murphy. Owner, Hitto and Corcoran. Apr.29-30Lcx I jV l:47ft 41-10 11G 7 G 5" 41 Crccslt 7 Crash 110. Bogan 119. Lincoln Plant 117 C Apr-IOLex 1,rt l:17ft 71 101 5 3 3l 2l DairityFi 5 IonnBonl02,.ShowDonl03,GolnAVcst 110 C Apr.23-305Lex l l:15ft 9 110 C G 5S 35 DalntyF1 7 MdVTrystlOO.Kkj-AcellO.FldaGold HOC Air:19-30,!Lex fc l:10ft 100 111 9 9 G 31! RoseMV 11 KyBldslOS.Lglttin lOC.B.NwsBb 111 A M 4-30JMia 21:13 ft GO 109 10 11 10"10 DalntyF 11 KnightComdrl.NichclsnllO.Motc 112 C r2S-305Mia 2 l:13sy .GO.lOO 6 G G G,s DalntyF1 C TheOkah lOC.Trappy lOO.ralscPrlde 118i C n-b.2G-305Mia 2 l:10ft 100 121 5 5 5" 5 DalntyF1 5 Ilap.Trnsit 124,St.JIm 108, 105 A u : Starts.. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.- ; Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd., Won. J Last year.. 10 J l": " 2 . - 1 5 1.000 This year. .12- 0 1 0 $.238 Demon T 1 O Br- S, , by Dodge Hester S., by Plaudit. Last work: 122 3-8... :37ft ---L" Trainer, J. S. Ward. Owner, Everglade Sfabla. Apr.2G-30Lex li 1:5354ft 10 107 4 1 ll 41 CarrollW11 12 ThtleArioiisll2,Goodmanl07,Baritoncll2 0 AprH-SOIx 1,s l:47ft 23 107 8 2 2 33i CarrollW" J2 Bbgan 112, Gold Bidge 112, Our Pal 112 C Mat 8-30TMia 15.2:31 ft 12 105 5 7 G1 5" FouhyN 9 Elfin Star 114, Blanco 102, Dolan 107 O Mm 5-30r-Mla U 2:0514ft 10 105 5 3 2l G-J FouhyN 11 BnUulerll3,Cfidential lOI.RalDonlll C Frfi27-30"Mia 1J 1:53 ft 9-5 112 13 51 G2 McAffeD 12 Serajevoll2.Sunspecl07.MayrWaikcr 112 0 rdxll-305Mia 1-fg l:4Gft 8 111 7 7 7i 7 McAulfeD 11 Whistler 103. Festival 112. Dowager 107 C Frfx G-30-Mia 2 1:13 ft 10 111 7 7 Cl 4-i McAffeD 12 Trippy 111. Aristocrat 111. Lctalone 111 O Jn.23-30!Mia 3.1:13Jft 30 113 S 8 9J Sl McAffeD 11 Zurich 113, Tin nat 110. Roscomar 108 0 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 4 This year.. 8 0 0 1 ? GO OlUin -f AfT B. m. G, by Upset Ornery, by All Gold. Last work: 118 lm. ..l:43,ft Trainer, J. Spencer. Owner, J. Spencer. 3L.J l-30:Lex ljj 1:43 ft 21 107 9 6 21 2 DePmaR 9 Monticello lOO.IIoniSoit 112,IIoldFastl07 C Aiirl-SOOLex l,s l:17ft 19 113 6 7 G Gl DePmaR 7 YourPlayll2.PVsMgrtl02.Updsy 107 0 OctlS-29sLat 1,g 2:00 ft 19-3 102 4 1 l5 1J NeaiP 8 Sharon 110. Son 110. Bashful Beau 110 0 OcUG-29Lat 1,j l:4Gft 12 101 9 8 1010" NealP 12 BylMgrl07.CongoII.107,ElvnSixtyll2 0 Oct 4-29 CD 1:18 ft 16-6 107 10 8 7i 7 NealP 10 LlleLoiil04.LtIeGneal07.LgLhamps 107 C Oct 1-3C.D 11:49 ft 21-5 105 9 7 7 G NealP 9 Gothaml03.BckThdcrl08.PcssDona 105 0 Sep. 9-23 L.F 1,e 1:45 ft 7 108 11 12 10" 81 NealP 12 Bansct 110, Nancy Seth 108. Essie 103 O Sep. 4-29-L.F l:53iift 39-10 101 9 8 3 1 NealP 1 2 Torch 115. Gotham 112. Roseate II. 112 0 AugSl-ZgUF 1J l:52Hft 21 101 9 9 9S 9" NealP 1 9 Ruane HO.Marlboro 115.SpanIshAsterl03 0 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 14 . 3 2 1 ? S.IOO This year.. 2 0 1 0 ? 100 Goodman 1 1 O B ff 4 D sir Martin Adore, by Trap Bock. Last work: 119 5-8. . .l:05ft Trainer, J. M. Hukill. Owner, Furst and Bauer. AprSO-COLex lfe l:49ft 17-10 111 G 4 2 2 ReevesRS 9 Gen.CltonllG,PpleSidl0a,MgtFlyniil03 O Ai-.2G-30Lex 1J l:53ft Gl 107 5 2 31 21 RcevesR" 12 ThIstleAriousll2,Baritone 112,Dcmon 107 O Ai-SOLcx l:lGft 23-10 112 3" 2 21 251 GarnerW1 C LincolnPIautll2.irstrsl07.St.Matw112 O ljs 1:47 ft 10 112 6 7 6J 4 HardyDO 11 Crash 107, Nani-llawaii 102, Dolan 107 0 Oct 9-29C.D 61 f l:20ft 53 103 4 7 6J 5H NealP MO FIornceDolanlOO.GideonlOS.LIeTorchlOS O Srp.28-29SC.D 1 l:47ift 11 103 3 10 9" 9" HalnesF 12 Myth 105.Machete 103.FIorenceDoIan 105 O Scp2t-29"Lex l,, l:47ft 6 107 2 2 2 2V SchutteH 1 8 Draha 104. Guide 107. Lady Viola 104" O 3ep.21-23Lex fc l:10ft 16 111 8 8 65J 41 HardyDO 410 MyCardnerlOT.Drif terlOG.AnnaBeall 107 0 . Starts. 1st. 2ud. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year. .12 1 1 l 5 900 This year.. 4 0 3 0 $ 319 Alcman I I n B. j, 4, by On Watch Hull Gull, by Marta Santa. J--L I Trainer, C. C. Van Meter. Owner, B. H. Anderson. Apr.29-307Lcx lfa l:47ft 11 113 6 4 Gi 6i ChvettaF1 7 Crash 11C. Bogan 119, Lincoln Plaut 117 C Apr.2G-30!Lex li l:53andft 39-i0 112 10 3 5 55i ChvettaF 12 TirtleAriousll2.Goodmanl07,Baritonell2 O Apr.23-308Lcx 1,V l:4Gft IS 112 7 4 45i 2 ChvettaF1 8 HiramKyll2.Mgatel07.Xani-IIawaiillO O Aptl7-303Lex 1 l:17ft IS 112 2 4 5 75 ChvettaF 12 Bogan 112. Gold Ridge 112. Demon 107 O Maj27-29C.D 1j l:47sl 38 108 3 5 31 3J AbelA 1 C LillianT.llO.MnsTrystllO.WooIorac 110 O Uaj23-29C.D 3 l:12ft 41 108 13 10 SJIO" AbelA M3 Tyrol 11C. Zurich 111, Moscow 116 O Majl7-29C.D 6ifl:20 ft 9f 107 13 14 13"11,B HeupelJ -15 Zurich 107.SporfgI.adyl02.WatchOn 110 0 May 1-29 Lex fcl:I0gd 66 112 4 8 710 G WatsonK 1 8 Wills 107.Deep River 112.BessieAlix 107 A Apt25-29Lex fc 1:10H 36 103 5 6 71 7 JonesL 1 7 JgiM-pIiylOC.B-ysPgy l07.D pRivrl07 A . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year.. 5 0 0 1 $ 100 This year.. 4 0 10 ? 100 Sharon 119 Ch s 5" ty Atwe11 Stamps, by Wadsworth. Last work: 1223-8 :3Sft Trainer, H. Wells. Owner, H. Oots. Apr.2S-C07Lex 1J 1:51 ft 37 112 S 7 4 45i AustinM1 S StGenevellO.LodyClarcelOO.SpotLtllO 0 Apc22-30TLex 1J l:51ft 50 115 12 12 lOlO" AustinM1 12 Myva 102.Dolan 115,Thistlc Arious 113 O NWlG-29Lat 12:15 41 112 7 4 31 2" MeyerC 7 UncleAl 114. FireDnder 107. Tommy 103 O 14 2:11 m 3 113 G 4 2 21 MeycrC 7 FlashgGeml04.FireUndcrll3.Drbrnll3 0 Sot S-29Lat 2:02hy29-10 113 M ? 51 MeyerC 8 PegjryMac 101.Tommyl03.XaneySeth 107 O Nut 5-29Lat 1 2:07hy 24-5 113 9 7 78J 5i JudyJ 9 Dralia lOO.DonnBon lOI.nappyHanly 103 O Nor l-295Lat 11:57 m 7 111 G G 5" 5 MorsonR 8 Padona 111. Draha 103. Whisk Arrow 10S O Dct29-29JLat lft 2:11 hy21-10 112 5 4 3"! 3i MorponR 8 B,derChfl07.BlotBrhl07.UtedAmy03 0 Oct2G-29Lat 1J 2:02Jhy31-10 111 8 6 3 2s PoolW 8 ChatsoulOS.BabyDellil 107.BillyBasil 103 0 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wou.- Last year.. 25 2 7 3 ? 2,795 This year.. 2 IIoil So?i 119 th" n 5 tar ani Garter Koningin, by Picton. Last workL 1193-4 1:21ft -L-L" Trainer, D. T. Morris. Owner, Wildmora Stable. JLijr 1-30" Lex 11:48 ft 75 112 4 3 3 3s IIaincsF 9 Monticello 10G, Ouup 107, nold r ast 107 C Apr25-30:lLex fc 1:11 ft 9if 10G S 7 S5i 7Ji IlaincsF 12 Bruno 110.PaganLdiel07,PcsZelda 100 0 Apr.21-30Lex fcl:ll ft 93f 113 10 7 9i S HainesF1 12 BIkFlyerllS.CansDautrlOO.Wingo 111 0 Mat 1-29J.P 3l:16landsd 7 113 5 6 o7! 7,:i R Craer J12 nam 105. Ilippias 115. Cncle Boot 113 O FtlxlS-29J.P 2 1:23 hy 9-5 113 2 1 ll ll R Crmer M2 SgBudlOS.SthsRmancelOS.Boufre 118 0 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 2 1 0 0 $ 700 This year.. 3 0 0 1 0 Milrfillll Emelie I I O B, n, S, bj Huon Julia N., by Peter Quince. Last work: 118 1-2. .... :52ft Trainer. W. Elliott. Owner. Elliott and Lewis. AptSO-SOLcx fcl:12 ft 103 113 9 8 4i 31 JoncsL 11 JoanK.105.BrmoneyllS,BbyDuncan 110 0 Apr.24-30TLex V l:45ft 117 107 1 11 Ci 510 RoseM1 12 UnionW.105.St.Mfwsll2,SueBakcr 107 0 Apr.l7-30"Lex 1 1:47 ft 59 107 2 11 lOMO" RoseM4 11 Crash 107. Nani-llawaii 102. Dolan 107 0 Mat27-30iJ.P 1" l:4Gft 67 10G 7 10 10nO ThomasHT 11 BIackAIicel03.Boganl01,FairArgumt 109 O Matl2-30SJ.P l,s l:4Sfr 130 112 6 11 11 11 SheltonJi 12 CryBaby lOO.Rapida lOO.BakedAppIe 93 0 FelxlS-30"F.G ljs l:4Sft 7 110 8 6 81 8" DellJ 10 MdsClioicellO.UtachellO.B.PhillipslOS C atl0-30F.G lff l:47ft 13 101 4 6 67J GT EllswhWi 9 DoIlySethlOl.Sw.p-XetlOl.FairArgt 107 0 Jn.30-303F.G 11:51 si IS 110 8 11 1212" SmithV 12 F.Lieutenantll3.C.ornbeltll5.Griff W. U3 O , Starts. 1st. 2n1. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wor... Last year. .44 1 3 ,1 5 1.714 This year.. 11 1 0 1 $ 800 Florlll "I Af7 B. f, 4, by Playfellow Starlight Dance, by Star Shoot. Last work: "121 3-4 1:22ft Trainer, A. D. Steele. Owner. C. C. and G. Y. Hieatt. Apr.25-G0rLex 1 2:0Gft 23 107 6 4 5i 61 CheafmR C Brkryl07, JIonticellolOO.LiiicoiuPlt 117 0 Apr.22-30"L,ex IS l:54ft 11 110 10 6 633 Gl CheafmU" 12 MyLava 302.DoIan 115,Thistie Arious 115 O Apr.l9-30Lex Iff l:47ft 34 110 6 5 ol 5" GroosP S Bogan 115,LnPlaut 115,HmKeIIy 113 0 JuL 3-29JLat ls l:46gd 20 104 7 6 61 6s SmockF 1 7 SpotLitl07.MlieMyhill HS.LyViola 107 O Jun.29-29TLat 1J 1:52 gd SI 99 3 8 79 4 GoolerW 8 BeaumontllO.Col.Gilmorell3.FireUerllO O Jun.27-23TLat lTa l:43ft 47-10 112 5 5 4J 41 NoeK 4 3 HoIdFastl09,PnrpIeSardl02.Ly Viola 103 O Jun.l7-29TLat 1" l:4Shy 1G 111 2 5 55 5 NoeK 4 7 Respond 110. Turn Over 115. Soiree 105 0 Jual3-29JLat l l:4Sm 1" 102 S 7 614 6" SmockF 8 GreatSport 10S.Masterl02.FireUnder 110 O i Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . . Stans. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 14 1 0 1 5 1.000 This year.. 3 Juel Jcail I fr7 B. m, 5, by Boniface Irosity. by Atheling II. Last work: 122 5-S 1:00ft Trainer. X. Stivers. Owner, L. Stivers. APr.2S-307Lex 1J 1:54 ft 16 107 6 6 5" 5" HainesF S StGenevellO.Id.vClarcelOO.SpofLtllO O Apr.21-30Lex V l:43ft 2Sf 107 11 10 7 5T IIainesF 12 Nni-IIawaiil07.Bkberry 107,Mgate 107 O Apcn-COLex 1and1:47 ft 47 107 5 6 75 7 LandoltC1 11 Crash 107, Nani-IIawaii 102, Dolan 107 0 KoilS-29IHF 1and l:5Ghy 14 114 G 5 51 5 GevingL 8 DraIial07.PcsDonnal01.DaddyNelsonl0S O Not 4-297Lat 1, 1:59 hy 10 10S 2 5 4s 41 GrecoA 1 9 Acirema 105.NancySeth 103.IIoldFastl03 O OcL31-29Lat 1;:56 ra 40 105 S 5 2 1 GrecoA "11 LeeCooperlOS.IIp.vnanlylOS.Dar-Fur 10S O Oct22-29Lat 1" l:30m 65 102 6 6 51 4" EllswthW 1 8 Pticipatel05.BrkTderlOC.Col.Shawl03 0 OctlS-29Lat lft l:59ft 55 102 7 6 7 74 NealP 8 Mary-Dale 102.Drono 105.nold Fast 102 O . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. .21 2 2 0 5 1.334 This year.. 3 Instant 110 B American Ace Lady Michigan, by Master Robert. Last work: 11G 3-8... :37andft J-J-U Trainer, W. P. Carroll. Owner. Mrs. H. B. Van Arsdale. Apr.30-30:Lex 1 l:47ft 27 105 6 G 5 5 EllswhW1 7 FldaGldllS.Geo.WebrellO.SptLht 113 0 fcl:ll ft 47 111 G G 5i 5 JonesL 8 CapfnJ.S.112,H,nThotsll2,ShaLad 117 0 Apr.22-30cLox 11:16 S3 105 5 4 5"i 5" LegnonC C Liiiciil,lautll2.Goodmanll2.IIlustrisl07 G Aptl9-30Lex fc 1:11 ft 40f 110 10 10 102 9T LegnonC4 12 I"gnLdiell3.Gi!:Khanll8.LadyWitt 10S 0 Srp24-29,iLex 5J f 1:07 lift llf 103 11 9 91 9"J HaineF J11 GrniteDustl02.LtleSpied 107.Elfish 102 0 SoplS-SLex 5ifl:llsl 57 112 2 4 5 5 FronkW "12 I"sMargtl09.CaptsDghrl04.MyBelI 109 O Scp.l4-29Lex 5J f l:10m ISf 109 11 12 llW HeupelJ "12 Justin:ill2.UleLutherllS.AnteBelluml09 A Starts. 1st. 2nd 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 6 1 0 0 $ 225 This year.. 4 Lady Basil 1 07 B ra" 5 by Basil I,ainP Post, by Sweep. Last work: 100 1-4...1:10ft Trainer. W. F. Poison. Owner, Basil Manor Stable. AptDO-SOLex l,Vl:49ft 49 10G 2 G 7T1 7 RilcyG5 9 Gen.CtonllG.Goodmanlll.PpleSand 10G C Apr24-307Lex 1" l:45ft 33 107 4 12 l2,!ll" DuboisD" 12 UnionW.105.St.Mtwsll2.SueBafcer 107 C Aprl-SOLcx l"l:15ft 3t 107 G 9 G2 Gl MeyersME 11 YourPyll2.GottaGonowl02.LhJane 101 0 S-SOJ.P 2l:15Sd 87 103 10 7 Sn S QnbushG1 12 A.P.CanalellO.FIagl.ieuftllu.RndDpllS 0 reh.20-30:F.G lg l:4Sft 76 112 5 6 6 6" AnrsonA 7 SethsBallotlOO.Cockrill HC.GrabBag 109 0 Jad. S-30F.G la 1:49 ft 12 1101 1 10 8" S AndersonA 12 LIeKidl09.Col.Campusll4.M.McGoeyll4 0 Jan. 2-SOF.G lk 2:02hy 45 107 7 8 8:o 8" CramerR 8 T.Huguonotl07.MiIesPriorll2.Padona 112 O Oct 7-29-Haw 2 1:13 ft 319 107 9 7 7i Gl MayT "12 Bogan lla.Watch On HO.UdenTlits 103 0 6cp2S-29L.F 51:13 ft 62f 111 9 11 6 S1 ChlavtaF 11 GibbonsIOO.EnaGlnn lll.AxWliffe 109 0 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year. .22 2 1 2 5 1.9S9 This year.. 7 Happy Hanly 119 Ch c by Zeus Miss ff06- by Marathon. Ijist work: 1191-2 :5Cft Trainer, C. W. Moore. Owner. C. W. Moore. APr.30-307Lex ltf 1:47 Jft 45 113 7 7 7 7" HainesF 7 FrdaGldllS.Geo.WebrollO.SntLht 113 0 Apr.25-30TLcx 1J 2:0Cft G2 112 5 G Gl 5" DaintyF 0 Brkryl07,Monticellol09.LincoluPlt 117 0 Mac22-30,!J.P lj 2:lSliy 17 1091 4 7 7 G DcpcrlniR1 8 ForcellO.TrueBoy 105,StanddBcarer 105 0 Mat20-303J.P . 1 2,:0t hy 11 10S1 5 3 3312rl DeperinIR S Turquoise 107.Torcher 112.Talladega 112 C itl8-30J.P 1J 2:07 hy 13 112 3 6 6" 5 MoneyJD1 8 StaseStrnckli2,Torelierll2,nbAshby 112 O Macl4-30J.P .15 l:54!hy 11-5 lop 3 1 1 2 QnbushG9 10 Qblerlli.Gst ofHnorlOS.LsvilleLoulOl 0 Mat 7-307J.P 1-i:53 hy G 114,10 G 71 5a MartinL8 12 Haymaker 109.F.nawIeyll4.T.Kanty 109 0 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 25, 2 G ,2 $ 2,750 This year.. 17 0 3 2 $ 500