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j - f , r - - - J . " . " " .LEXINGTON LEXINGTON, KY.f FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1930. 1 Mile. Fourteenth day. Kentucky Association. Spring meeting of 15. days. Weather clear. Stewards, T. C. Bradley and J. J. Graddy. Judges, AV. II. Shelley, S. Goodpaster and L. Bogaa- schutz. Starter; AV. Hamilon. Racing Secretary, AV. II. Shelley. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, 3:00 p. in.. AV indicates whip, S spurs. B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and, weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. A ffP FIRST RACE Futurity Course 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. Current, Nov. 17, 1928 41c 4 JLdl 1:C8 2 124. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming, Net value to ainy-2-30-Lex winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Claiming price, ,200. Index Horses AAAtPPSt i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 470I53BAR SIXISTER w 3 107 12 7 3" 2i l1 11 L Jones Greentrce Stable 17tT-100 47018AXXA BEALL w 4 107 11 2 G 3" 2l 21 AV Ellswh R L Baker 1503-100 46991 NIGHT CRY wr. 3 110 10 11 7i 4h 3 3i L Pichon C AV Moore 1020-100 40G91 RIPFIELD w 3 110 7 6 21 5 4i 4 R Heigle C AV Bidwill 524-100 4G993ICATE GEARY w 3 101i 9 1 1 li 51 5i F Haines I AVeil . 75S-100 40851SIS ONEIL w 3 100 3 5 91 10 71 G" M E Mcys J F ONcil 12199-100 40996 PURPLE LIGHT wn 5 117 2 4 5 Gi G: 711 F Chvetta C Porter 1009-100 4G820UNG R ATEFU L w3 105 8 9 10 S" S S M Austin R. A Smith t 47047:BROOMOXEY wb G 117 4 12 12 12 9 9 P Groos E E AAatson 955-100 40673 TRUE GUESS w 3 105 G 3 8 9 10i 10 P Neal Miss C Pagan t 47047 BOBBY DUXCAN wr. 3 110 1 3 4i 7 11s ll1 F Clelland R L Stivers 2005-100 47045 HADES w 3 110 5 10 11 11s 12 12 II Thomas G Collins 2119-100 tMutuel field. Time, :23, :47. 1:00, 1:10. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID EQUIV ALNT BOOKING 0DDS- BAR SINISTER $ 5.50 $ 3.50 $ 2.88 175100 75100 44100 ANNA BEALL 7.80 G.52 290100 226100 NIGHT CRY 7.06 253100 AVinner Ch. f, by Upset Royal Dainty, by Royal Flush HI. trained by E. Haughton; bred by Mr. C. II. lerryman. AVinner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 2:02. AT POST 1J minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. BAR SINISTER had speed from the start and was under restraint to the stretch, where she responded well and, gaining the lead, held ANNA BEALL safe. The latter, never far back but forced wide, finished resolutely. NIGHT CRY improved his position fast after reaching the turn and gamely outstayed RIPFIELD. The latter saved considerable ground and held on well. KATE GEARY began fast, had speed for half a mile and swerved badly when tiring in the stretch. PURPLE LIGHT had a -rough race. BROOMONEY began very slowly. HADES was badly outrun. Scratched 4704."Kitty Cat, 107: 4G922sPrincess Zelda, 107; 47015 Coby, 105; 47015 English Maid, 105; 4G99G Mae Price. 100: 1G951 Peach Rose, 112. Overweights Bar Sinister, 2 pounds; Kate Geary, 4. Corrected weight Broomoney, 117. A F?-and 9Q bECOND RACE 4 1-2 Furlongs. Calisse. May 11, 1911 :53 2 115. Stoner Creek 4c a JL i c3 Purse. Purso 00, 2-year-olds. Maidens. Colts and Geldings. Net value to Alny-2-30-Lcx winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 47019 LEROS w 116 2 2 l1 1 - P Neal J N Camden 398-100 4G995TIIE AVAMPUS w 116 5 4 3 2i 2 V Chvetta J AV Marr t3V-10O MARK ANTHONY w 110 7 7 4 3i 3 R Cheafm C C and G Y Hieatt 1341-100 BLAST w 116 4 3 X- 51 4 L Jones J W Marr f THISTLE VIC w 116 G G 2- 4 5i II Thomas G Collins 1047-100 BLACK RAVEX wr. 116 3 5 7 7 6: O Potts A L Ferguson 9420-100 47019 SOXXY BASIL wn 11G 11 G1 61 7 D Dubois Basil Manor Stablo G463-100 - fCoupled as J. AV. Marr entry. Time, :22, :47, :54. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID . r-EQUTVALNT BOOKING ODDS LEROS $ 9.96 $ 2.20 $ 2.10 338100 10103. 5100 J. W. MARR ENTRY 2.10 2.10 5100 5100 MARK ANTHONY 2.10 5100 AVinner Br. g, by Nocturnal Parley, by Under Fire trained by D. E. Stewart; bred by Mr. J. II. AVoodford. WENT TO POST 2:27. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good out of machine. AVon easily: second and third driving. LEROS, quick to begin and lucky to miss the crowding, drew away into a long lead on the turn and, maintaining fine speed, won easily. THE AVAMPUS, sharply impeded and forced to last at the approach of the turn, where MARK ANTHONY bore in, moved up gradually when clear, saved ground in the stretch, but could not get to the winner. MARK ANTHONY, allowed to cross over sharply in the first eighth, swerved out on the back turn and, going wide, had no mishaps. BLAST suffered early interference and finished gamely. THISTLE AlC had early speed, but tired and the race should improve him. BLACK RAAEN had a rough race. A T"H A THIRD RACE Futurity Courso 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. Current. Nov. 17, 1928 4S: 6 JL4B: 1:08 2 121. Cynthiana Purse. Fursa 00. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Net 3Iay-2-30-Lex valuo to winner 50; second, 03; third, 0. Index Horses AAVtPPSt . Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 37190AAIIISP w 115 2 3 3 3 2i H AV Garner R S Clark 109-100 46959 DICK OHARA w 115 G 1 1 1 l 2U L Jones P II Joyce 591-100 46954 STAR PLAY wb 115 5 5 21 2" 3 3 P Neal R L Stivers 205-100 46890 II EX T A HARDIES wr. 110 4 4 4" 4 4 4 C McCrsn II P Gardner 7GS-100 42794 AYE READY w 110 1 6 G G G 5 F Chvetta Mrs R Carruthers GG53-100 47022 ASHTABULA w 115 3 2 S 5 5 G C Landolt M J Conley 2931-100 Time, :22, :47. 1:01, 1:11. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , EQUIV ALNT BOOKING ODDS- WHISP $ 4.18 $ 3.56 $ 2.2G 103100 78100 13100 DICK OHARA 5.26 2.70 163100 35100 STAR PLAY . 2.30 15100 AVinner B. c, by AVhiskaway Gypsy Blair, by Cyclades trained by A. Baker; bred by Mr. J. S. Tiacy. WENT TO POST C:51. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good out of machine. AVon easily; second and third driving. AVI1LSP, close up under restraint for the first half mile, responded gamely to mild pressure entering the stretch and, heading DICK OHARA, was taken in hand to score an easy victory. The latter had good speed from the start, saved ground and held on well, but was overmatched. STAR PLAY raced prominently with a slight loss of ground, but tired in the final sixteenth. IIEXRIKTTK HARDIES dropped back after the first quarter and was outrun thereafter. The others were outpaced. A Fy-lJ OK FOURTH RACE 1 1-4 Miles. Sands of Pleasure, May 5, 1920 2:03 7 106. Pursa 43: 6 JLZand 00. 4-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; 3Iay-2-30-Lcx third, 0. Claiming price, ,200. Index Horses AAVtPPSt 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 46926 BLACKBERRY wis 4 103 4 2 2 2 2- li lnk G Riley II C Hatch .110-100 470245BOGAN wr. 5 115 2 1 li 1 1" 2i 2" L Pichon J Howard 392J00 16961THISE ARIOUS wn 5 113 1 5 5 5 3i 3 3 H Thomas G Collins 172-100 Continued on thirteenth page. .ij.- . . ; - LEXINGTON Continued from third page. 4G8223 ILLUSTRIOUS wb 4 100 3 4 41 4 5 4 4 ,M E Meys C C and G Y Hicatt 1754-100! 469G1DADDY NELSON wb 4.114 5 3 31 31 4 5 5 F Barnett Downing and Quinn S25S-100 Time, :2ii, :49, 1:1415, 1:42, 2:07. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , ,-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-v BLACKBERRY $ 4.20 $ 2.56 No show prices. 110100 28100 BOG AN 3.22 61100 AVinner Br. f, by Black Servant Dorcid, by Galloping Simon trained by L. Gentry; bred by Idle Hour Stock Farm. AAMnner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 3:17. AT POST I minute. Start good out of machine. AVon driving; second and third the same. BLACKBERRY, favored by light weight and rated along in nearest pursuit of the pacemaker, gradually worked her way into the lead nfter entering the stretch, but could not draw away p.nd swerved in the final sixteenth. BOGAN, rated behind the leaders, saved ground and held on well after being headed. THISTLE ARIOUS, restrained far back for the first seven-eighths, lost ground while working his way up and; finished fastest of all. ILLUSTRIOUS quit. DADDY NELSON was done after seven-eighths. Overweight Daddy Nelson, 4 pounds. At d. FIFTH RACE Futurity Course 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. Current, Nov. 17, 1928 4 XmU 1:085 2124. Mundys Landing Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Allowances. jHay-2-30-Lcx Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index norscs AAVtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 46855 PATRICIA ANN -wb 110 7 2 i! 11 l3 1 C McCrsn J S AVallaco 1C2-100 4C957IHONEY LOCUST w 110 G 1 41 43 43 2 P Neal J N Camden 193-100 4G820,STOP GAP w 110 4 4 3" 3 3 3" P Groos O AV Lehmann 2890-100 38876 SILVER CORD w 115 15 li 2 2 43 AV Lcnnie Kecneland Stud Stable 575100 46888- CHARIOT wn 115 5 3 51 5 G 51 M E Meys C C and G Y Hicatt C051-100 46890 NIGHT SIGNAL will 2 G 7 C ff1 G12 E Legere E R Bradley 433-100 47022 LAUGHING LAURA w 107 3 7 CI 7 7 7 D Dubois AVarm Stable 17913-100 Time, :22, :4G15. 1:00, 1:10. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , ,-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-, PATRICIA ANN $ 5.24 $ 2.74 $ 2.94 162100 37100 47100 HONEY LOCUST 3.06 2.84 63100 42100 STOE GAP Wv... 3.88 94100 AVinner Ch. f. by AVhiskaway Aision, by nelmet trained by J. Collins; bred by Mr. J. S. Wallace. WENT TO POST 3:40. AT POST 1 minute. . Start good out of machine. . AVon driving; second and third the same. PATRICIA ANN lost much ground in the first three-eighths, passed SILVER CORD to take the load with a riihh approaching the stretch and, continuing gamely, held the lead safe thereafter; HONEY LOCUST dropped back after reaching the turn, lost much ground entering the stretch and, racing wide. finished fast in the final quarter. STOP GAP raced well from the start and held on stubbornly in close quarters. SILAER CORD began fast, saved ground throughout and held on well. CHARIOT raced evenly. NIGHT SIGNAL could not reach contention. Overweights Night Signal, 1 pound; Laughing Laura, 2. Af7i SIXTH RACE 4 1-2 Furlongs. Calisse, May 11, 1911 :53 2 115. Purse . 4 JLandxi 4 2-year-olds. Fillies. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 39; third, ?76. May-2-30-Lex Claiming price, 2,500. Index Horses AAVtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 4C992TAN FACE AV 110 3 3 1 1 li C McCrsn J Spencer 75-100 46925 MEXICAN D. w 116 1 1 2 2 2 F Chvetta, J Canick 19G-100 47023MADM FLORNCE w 103 G 4 41- 4 31 AV EUswh S B Jones 3453-100 4C992SAATEET BENONI w 103 2 2 3i 3 4 D Bryant P T Chinn 3526-100 THISTLE PATTIE w 10S 5 G 5J 5 5 II Thomas G Collins 2466-100 47023 DIRECTLY wb 113 4 5 C G. 6 D Dubois V K and J L Dodge S00-100 Time, :23, :47, :55. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , r-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-S TAN FACE S 3.50 ? 2.2G $ 2.18 75100 13 100 9 ICO MEXICAN D 2.42 2.38 21100 19100 MADAM FLORENCE 3.26 53100 AVinner 15. f, by Honeywood Frances Star, by Star Shoot trained by J. Spencer; bred by Jlr. J Spencer. Winner entered to be clainu-d for ?3,300. WENT TO POST 4:06, AT POST 2 minutes. Start good out of machine. AVon easily; second and third driving. TAN FACE easily drew away and rushed into a long lead, saved ground after reaching the turn but tired in the final eighth, but outstayed MEXICAN D. The latter began fast, could not withstand the winner, but finished resolutely and was going best in the final drive. MADAM FLORENCU raced wide and outfinished SWEET l.ENONI. The latter saved much ground and had no mishaps. DIRECTLY, always outrun, showed a poor performance. Scratched 470233Royal Tryst, 110; 47023 Tatsy Carter, 110; 47023 AVhite Hoops, 10S; 47031 Irritation, 103. Arf- OC SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Hydromel, April 28. 19271:423105 r4JLdj Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third. May-2-30-Lex 0. Claiming price, ,200. Index Horses AAVtPPSt j V2 ?4 Str Fin Jocheys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 47Q47 KOSE C-NISILL. wb .108. G 3 3i 23 ,2 i1 li C Landolt M J Conley 749-100 4C785DOG VANE w 100 9 7 51 5" 5" 3V U G Riley Greentreo. Stable . 761-100 47048 BELGIUM wn 110 4 5 1M1 1 21 3J C McCrsn AV C Goodloo 351-100 47052ESCONDIDA w 108 5 4 ? 3 4U 4 4 AV Ellswh Lcbus and Looncy 1S0-100 47021 TANDEAN av 110 7 2 4J 4- 3" : 5 -5 D O Hrdy G AV Belknap 1675-100 4C78. ALICE ON ; w 103 .i.ld. O Gl 6,VC"G P ! Neal R L Stivers : . S26-100 47021 TEASPOON w 107 2 9 10 7J 7 kT- L Jones E R riuiikett 864-100 lG715COIPEll KING --xvn 10S 10 S SJ S" S-- S S F Haines C AV Mooro 4152-100 42849BOYEIt w 105 3 C G 10 10 10 91 G A Ross J P ONeill 32501-100 47052ON MAN w 105 S 1 7191 95 9 10 M E Meys: O L Doilson 17364-100. Time, :23, :47V4, 1:14, 1:41, 1:47. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , ,-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-, ROSE ONEILL 6.98 .20 $ 3.6G 749100 260100 83100 DOG VANE 8.G8 3.7G 334100 88100 BELGIUM 3.30 65100 AVinner I!, f, by Peace Pennant AVhats Left, by AVndsworth trainod by AV. Grater; bred by Mr. J. A. .Goodwin. AVinner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 4:37. AT POST 5 minutes. .. . Start good out of machine. AVon easily; second and third driving. " . ROSE ONEILL had speed from the start, followed closest to the pacemaker and, racing into the lend" when called won easily. DOG VANK worked her way up gradually, lost ground entering the stretch nnd wore down BELGIUM in the final strides. The latter, taken into a long lead, saved ground and began tiring after reaching the final quarter. E.SIONDIDA !on; out much or the race and, swerving under pressure in the stretch, could not get to the loader. PANDEAN saved much ground. ,- Overweight Teaspoon, 2 pounds. Corrected weight Escondida, 108; Teaspoon, 105. ,