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. it. ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES j AURORA ! . .. ., . SATURDAY, MAY 3 " f "Weather conditions ns forecast by United States "Weather Bureau m - - and as at press lime indicated:, it YEATIIEIt CLEAJ1; TJtACK GOOD n Fc "Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, 2:15 p. in.. f. Track Records and Comparative Times Herewith are the comparative times and track records for the distances more frequently raced over on the principal tracks of the United States, Cuba and Mexico. The value of J such information is apparent at a glance when considered in connection with the best time Ji of each horse appearing in the entries. M " 1-2 B-8 3-4 7-8 1 1 1-10 11-8 1 1-4 Trade Mile. Wile. Mile. Mile. Mile. Miles. Miles. Miles Agua Calicntc :47 :S8tt 1:10 l:35i 1:38 1:41 1:50 2:03 " Al,ueduct :4054 :57 1:10 1:23 1:30 1:43 1:48 2:0o u Arlington Downs 1:00 1:14 1:27 1:40 1:40 1:50 2:00 Arlington Park.....!. 1:00 1:10 1:23 1:37 1:45 1:50 2:03 Aurora .. :47 :5S 1:11 1:38 1:45 1:52 2:05 Belmont Vark! ..... 1:02 1:10 1:22 1:35 1:42 1:48 2:00 I Bowie :4C 1:01 1:10 1:23 1:33 1:44 1:52 2:07 Clmrcliill Downs :4C :5J 1:11 1:23 1:30 1:44 1:40 2:03 Dade Park 1:00 1:11 1:25 1:38 1:45 1:50 2:05 F Umpire City. :49Vi :50 1:11 1:38 1:44 1:51 2:03 Fair Grounds New Orleans :47 :50 1:11 1:24 1:37 1:44 1:51 2:04 Fnirmount lark 1:00 1:11 - 1:38 1:44 1:51 2:03 Havre de Grace :47 :59 1:11 ...... 1:38 1:44 1:50 2:05 Ilawtliorne :48 :59 1:10 1:25 1:37 1:43 1:40 2:01 0 Jamaica :58 1:11 1:38 1:42 1:49 2:01 o, Jefferson lark :47 1:00 1:11 1:38 1:44 1:51 2:00 g, Latonia :4S :59 1:09 1:25 1:30 1:42 1:48 2:00 g Laurel !: 120 1:37 1:43 1:49 2:02 Lexington :47 :58 1:11 1:20 1:37 1:42. 1:49 2:03 Lincoln Fields :50 1:10 1:23 1:35 1:43 1:50 2:01 Miami ..v...::.::::::.:::.: i:38 1:44 1:50 204 Oriental Tark :47 :59 1:11 1:27 1:38 1:43 1:50 2:03 - Sco ""...... :47 1:00 1:10 1:20 1:37 1:44 1:51 2:04 Kaelana I ."...!!..... :47 1:00 1:12 1:21 1:38 1:44 1:52 2:04 1 SB-atosa . :47 :57 1:10 1:23 1:30 1:45 1:50 2:01 J St Johns Tark....... :49 1:01 1:13 1:41 1:48 3:50 2:11 J! Tiiuana ............ :47 :58 1:10 1:25 1:37 1:43 1:49 2:02 j, 1 1st Aurora Purse . 3-ycar-olils and npwarO. Claiming. Queen Tow- 3 Mile ton May 21 192y-1:1i-7-lu- I 2fOTE Claiming price, 1,500; if for less, 1 pound allowed for each 00 to ,000. 3-ycar-olds, IOC pounds; older, 111 pounds. y Tml TP norsc Wt. Itec. A.Wt.nan. Ind. TP. Ilorge. Wt. Pec. A.Wt.nan. J 437CT 2GIbboM ...L.F10D l:13 0 105X725 37203 4-Atcasa .... .Aur 112 1:10 5 S9..BM j 40S28 13Mary McClain.. 45184 5Rincon M.Lrl 110 1:14 3 101..C90 3 I,at 97 1:12 4 102X720 4G3ST.2 8 Paul RevcreA.P 100 1:13 4 111X090 i 4C7C3 llWoodYacV...Tij 90 1:12 4 99.. 715 4C3SS 9BirdIe-Wrack 4CS9C CTetra Glass. Mia 11C 1:12 C 109.. 710 Mia 113 1:13 3 lOl-GOO ,..., 4C378 lWateh On.. Haw 110 1:13 0 109 X705 4C33G2 10 Flag Lieutenant 40797 12The Engineer .. J-1 113 1:133s 8 "1X000 . Uav 110 1:12 7 101X700 4C339 llWentz Bbg 101 1:14 4 104. .090 43180 7KnoVkabout ... 43351 1G Sporty McGee . , naw 1081:12 5 10JXG93" ......... .Anr 110 1:1 1 9 1UXC90 40991s 15 Wingo ... ..Lat 107 1:121b 3 100X095 4G42G2 17 Fretwell . . .CP 114 1:15 9 109 X C00 400C7 3 Fay Hamilton . 4G0012 18Frank G. Menke , Aur 101 1:13 C 101XC90 .UaT 113 1:14 5 108 X COO jj The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with "latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race, fihlinm 1 K Ch s 9 by Peter Quince Winnie G by Handsel. Last work- 13 8 -39ft i-UO Trainer, X. Meripol. Owner, Mm. L. Meripol. " Ko76-29A D l-lGsl 113 1 1 43 10" MayT 14 MyBeautyl08,LtleBrml09,KgHalmal09 C : 0ct2C-292Aur PlShy 24-5 111 2 5 Esi 5 MayT 8 FrkG.MonkellO.SirJobnK. 109,Shift 138 O 0ctl9-9Aur 1-12 "ft 13-10 106 3 8 S S10 MayT 212 SliastaPearlOl, Braggadocio 111, Shift 114 C . OcaO-Haw 31:13 gd13-10 10? 2 1 Is 11 MayT 8 LkyPlayllS.WatcliOulOS.Pogranate 10S C Bm2S-29L F 2 1:13 ft 4 109 2 2 ll VI MayT 11 BnaGrunlll,AxWdliffel09,P,m,n,tel09 C : Bctif 31:13 ft 41 HO G 10 Xs10l JonesL 12 Charm 107. Bruno 105. Black Flyer HOC Aw21-2S5Haw 21:12 ft 5 109 6 6 810,s JonesU 12 Princenll.SenrSethlOO.OIdlCickao 104 C " Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 8 2 0 0 ? 1.000 1 M-iSrv 1Trinin 1 AO B- f 4- b? sir Barton Ghetto Girl, by Ben Brush. JUary Jltldlll IUj Trainer, J. D. Mikel. Owner, "Wl Mikel and Son. Apr.22-30Who liV 1-51 ft 23-3 104 4 3 3 4i FutrellJ C Lancer 103, Lassa 117, Lactarius 109 C Apk1G-305W1io 2 l:lSm 9 104 3 2 3i 3 ColnsJD. 7 D.Nationl03,LtChargel08,Ky.Colo,l 10G C Apnl4-305Whe CSfl-Siytt 22 105 5 5 Ccl G5i ColinsJE T BauconalOS.SIerryWindsbrlOS.LnccrlOOl C Iail5-30UIav lW 1:47 "ft C-5 113 3 1 ll ll ColvinA 7 TtlcCoot HC.AlLivingn lOl.BnCbf 110 C Fdi!,i-3bcHav 1J 2:07 b! 8 102 1 1 4 451 Goodrich"E 7 EdReese UO.NklsBy lOC.ChningL. 109 C ret:19-305Hav l-fel:5Shy 4 102 1 4 31 31 RileyG1 C Lactarius HO.EdPeese ilO.nomclike 107 C Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. "Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, " ILast year.. 29 2 3 6 ? 2,419 This year.. 15 3 2 2 ? 2,670 WnnVlfooo C Br. f, 4, by Honeywood Dirty Face, by Sweep. OOUiaCO Trainer, M. KeUer. Owner, M. Keller. AntlO 30Tan a 1-14 ft 106 12 12 12U10" WoodS 12 S,dleSktsllO,MrRockll5,Woodburn H5 C Aprl7-30Tan 5.fl:0Sft 110 G 5 51 542 WoodS2 11 BusyBoyllO.FtcenSixtylOS.M.Lester 107 C Anrll-SOTan " a l"14ft 105 6 3 5ci 5" WoodS8 C Perrielionll2,BusySetlil07,MiBsLesterl05 C I ArelO-SCFTan 5lfi:08ft 10S 5 3 lh 3" WoodS2 8 Come Along 105, Woodburn HS.Cobra 105 C ; Are 9-30;Tan 5 f 1-09 ft 106 3 3 3 1 WoodS5 9 Ladj-FadllO.Fairlleather OS.Sayer M.102 C Ai7-30sTan "a 1:15 ft 105 1 1 ,4i Gi WoodS1 0 IfjngStarl07,Perrielion 112,LadyFad 103 C Stnrtg 1st. 2n. 3rd. Won-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 35 4 4 6 $ 2,505 This year. .14 2 5 1 ,405 m f rinCQ i fCk Gr. s. 6, by Tetrate ma Beauty Glass, by Kising Glass. J.eir.1 ui.iss - lUt Trainer. O. E. Pons. Owner, Seagram Stable. Al-OVhe "1-17 ft" s-5 114 1 1 Is ll HayH 7 MarshallSetli 100,Lassa HG.Malcolm 109 C ! I liKft 7 MyGirl lOo.MslilSethlll.Passenger 107 C 1 ArelS-SOWho 41 113 5 3 3 22 Hayli Apr. 9-30Who 1:22 Uy 1-5 112 2 2 11 21 IIayH 9 ShortyO.107.Marsh,lSethll2,T.Doctorll2 C Jlatl3-30;St J 2 l:14ft 12 116 4 4 C1 913 McGinisP 9 SaratogaMajelll.Motclll.Graceland 111 C ! UaniO-SOStiJ f l:0Sft 30 120 11 9 S S2 McGinisP 11 Sp,tHal,nliC,Sa,aMaiel20,MyC,l Boy 120 C rOiG-aMia 21:12 ft 8 114 10 8 55 3:1 McGinisP1 12 PaganLaddie 114, Mote 115J, Bruno 109 C Fdx2O-30Mia l l:4Gft 8 112 3 2 31 4-i McGinsP 10 DrSignallOj.DaffodilllO.SfmSignal 100 C . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year.. 6 0 3 I S 050 This year.. 12 2 2 3 $ l.COO "iVitnli On 1 flQ B- B 6 by 0n Watch Patsy Lee, by Delhi. Last work: 119 5-8. . .l:04ft J-U7 Trainer, J. B. Partridge. Owner, Valley Lake Stable. " 3lr27-30sJ.P 5l"f l:0Sft 2J111 2 1 l1 l2 KideoutW1 11 FlaLevy lll.CirgLady 109J,Cliance 100 C 1 Mar21-30J.P " 2 1:16 si 9 109 6 1 31 G1i RideoutW3 12 NlieBallotlOO.AriogantlOO.PoisonlvylOS C ManlG-SOJ.P 2 l:17m G 114 1 2 351 5"2 MeycrC 12 HcadPinlOl.GoodSlieplierdlll.OldBilllOO C Dw23-20j!p 1:15 si 21 114 3 4 5 S" Mejerb J12 FgnRelaf nslOO.Focusll-l.WdFlowerlOG C : Dcc12-29!j!p 2 l:llsd 13 H 1 1 3i 31 MeyerC "12 Kadiak llS.Watkinson liS.BbcaratonellS C ; Koi29-29J.P 2 l:19sl 33-10 118 8 8 ""n19 lleyerG 12 Old Bill 113, Classy 115, Orestes II. 118 C KotlG-29Lat 2 l:23m 3-2 115 1 1 1 ll GevingL 5 Ck,sRidgcl02,KublaiKnll5,G.Frazrll3 C c , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . : -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 28 4 3 4 $ 4,089 This year.. 3 10 0 $ C25 mi.. -pinTTnppr 1 A1 B. h, 7. by The Porter Swan Bong II.. by Meddler. Last work- Pl 1-2 :51ft J-VQ Trainer, H. Torriente. Owner, Y. Saque. Apc21-30Beu cffl:10gd"" 5 109 5 G Gs G2 SeaboG10 10 Pickerel lOG.Forluck 107,LittleCook 109 C : reb.21-303IIav 2 l:19hy 32 107 7 7 6,; 715 iipiecS9 10 Mozart 107. Munnlng 107, Eugene S. 112 C rtU19-30IIav f l:llliy 12 110 6 5 4 51 GoodichE8 11 CuevasllO.Complication llO.IIi. Chief HOC FJLl0-30iHav l50 l:47sl 20 110 4 6 7U 7,s GodrichE1 7 AnnieRoon 95,LittIeScoutl07,Frkmanll0 C j TtU 9-303lIav 5 1:18 "by 8 110 4 5, 5TS 5" .ColvinA 7.BobMongll5,Col.FalnllO,Chris.P,hen 100 C C Jan.31-30lIIaY 5Jf l:0Shy 15 110 5 G 61 G1 LipiecS4. 10 Wega 105, Critic 110, Munning 110 C Xin-M-COIIav 51 f i:llm 12 liO 9 10 862 Scl LipiecS 32 MissAngbn 05,Owl 115,J.J,Pambrick 115 0 Starts 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. 25 6 2 0 $ 3,425 This year. .13 0 0 1 $ 70 TTTinnl-il.nnf 1 Ai Ch. g, 5, by John P. Grier May Maia, by Yankee. JinOLKauuuL -38m Trainer, J. T. Johnson. Owner, Johnson and OKeefe. OcLlSAur 5f l-09sl 6"l09 5 3 32 41 AyraudH 10 Peralta 109, Cobra 105. Lucky Play 109 C C OctlHaw finoy-hy 7 112 8 6 6S5 ParnVleeJ "12 IlidnThtsOS.RycrffrlOS.LaDntIelOSl C C Oct 2i-12ft 30 10S 4 2 21 2 SmithJ Ul PomegnatelOl.CorinneStarlOS.Finnicldl C C "smr Zl-"GVft 91 105 2 2 2J 2s WilsonT s12 Maurice 105, Bagpiper 100, Select 102 C C Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, - Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 25 1 2 8 $ 1,670 AVi-frn 1 A? Blk. g. 3, by Peter Quince Light Brig, by Light Brigade. V07"d Trainer, B. B. Williams. Owner, T. P. Hayes. last work- 1-5-8 Apr.28-S0Lex 7c 1-11ft 22-5 110 3 1 V- 2 DePmalt1 10 GsKhanin.Escndidalll.GraniteDustlOO C C Apr.2l-30Lex fcl:ll ft 8 311 7 3 3 3 JonesL-S 12 BlkFlyerll8,CsDautrlOO,MsSudthl05 C C Mir"9l30::St.J 2 l:13sl 33 104 2 3 42 8i KingV" 11 Apostle li2,SaratogaMajell2,TinUat 112 C C JlaiSS-SOLJ 5. r l:09sy 30 303 31 11 lllll" KingV" 12 Dowager llC. WarNymph HCMyGirl 111 C C Jlii26-30St.J 3 l:15ft 30 301 1 1 21 9!1 KingV2 12 Trappylll.SargaMaje 109,MissOnine 109 C C land24-303St."j " 21:15sl 39-5 30G ll 4! 7ei DePmar 9 OrestcsII. 109, Voyage 113. Alamae 105 C C Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , : Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Last year. .21 2 2 .6 ? 2,650 This year. .11 1 1 2 ? 975 f m it n Fc f. J Ji M " " u I F 0 o, g, g - 1 J J! j, 1 I y J j 3 i . , jj : . : 1 I ; ! 1 ! 1 C : ; C c C : C C j C C C 0 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Fay Hamilton 1 CA B. m, 6, by Alexander Hamilton Homo Girl, by Golden Link. Last work- 119 1- -54ft Vfc Trainer. H. Chrisman. Owner, N. Chrisman. Miel2-302Hav" 2 I:i4"rt 35 102 8 6 6J 72 StranskiC2 8 ShtaBellelOC.CharbuellOS.LkyDrif t IOC i O ManlO-SOHav 21:14ft""5 110 3 4 3 S DohertyFT 10 FairDawn95,BrkAgatcll0,Broadmoorll5 C" iuc 2-30IIav 5Jfl:07ft 8 103 5 9 10"10 GoodichE 10 PetltPan 110,1latoon 105.SuriDance 1,13 O Fcb.22-30IIav 55 f 1:11 hy 3 102 1 1 l2 l2 GoodichE1 b WashlngtonRose 93,Tilgcc 93,Treacle 93 C Fcli.l9-30!IIav 5Jfl:15hy 7-5 105 1 2 2h 31 LoganL 10 ShrewlOo.CraftySaintllO.Partncrship 305 C Ftb.lO-30Hav 5Jf l:U El 8-5 108 3 4 4J 3J GoodrilE1 11 Weatliervancl08,BhtPlumcll3,Iotal 108 C r- -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year.. 8 1 0 1 $ 7C0 This year.. 11 12 3? 1,200 Atcasa QQ Cn m 6 ty Atwc11 Casaba, by Celt. Iistwork: 11S 3-4. .. i ,l:20sl Trainer, H. C. McConnell. Owner, McConnell Be Walker. Jun."8-29Oma 5J f l:15"hy" 6 T 109 3 2 9J 9l ChamnD 11 ThcSpal09,.TodySinclair lOO.Uotarian 109 C Jun. l-29:Oma 2 l:16m 29 101 1 5 7 104 ChamnD 11 WatRonlor,KlngFlaine OO.ThlstleGIad 97 C Moy31-2920ma 2 l:14sl 91 100 9 11 11"1124 ChamnD 11 SubwayTubcl03fThraco 108.Wildrake 109 O Maj23-292Aur EJ 1:10 si 17f 106 10 10 10"10,T ChbllnD il Th.FnyllS.lIerAiisrlia.WoKtnEagle 109 O JLtf7-292Aur 2 l:13ft 21f 111 1 10 12ls12?" CrcesW 12 OssicII. llC.Kanawba 1 ll.GoldonTop 10G O JlitflS-ZSAur 2119hy 13 104 3 7 9,21112 ChamnD 11 Lalterottc-110.Snppcrterl09.Snpfrankll5 O JLjlO-29sAur - 2 l:13ft 9 112 2 12 12,J1211 CreesW "12 LtleAsbsts 117,JamIe 312,FlenI?ari07 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year. . 7 ItillCOn . I At B. g, 3 M, by Mont dOr II. Hose dOr, by Garry Herr- Last work: 117 3-4.. .. .1:24ft -LUX mann. Trainer, A. Morgan. Owner, C. D. Pryor. Feb. 3-30Mia lje l:49ft 10 112 12 11 10,210,s McAffcD1 12 F CooperllO,Brni:ulcrl20,BrdnBdrll2 O Jan.2S-30Mia l l:47ft 15 107 6 10 11"11" FrockC" 12 Spantaft 107,Pompon 110J, Lakeland 115 O AuLZl-SOMia 2 l:13t G 11112 10 Sl 762 FrockC 32 Lakeland HG.BettyAnn lOG.Nclson 11C O Oct22-29Lrl 2 l:16sy 10 111 11 8 522 52i AbelA 12 Associate 107, FireBelle 112. Kai-Lo 107 C OcUl-29Lrl 2 l:13ft 6 110 2 7 71 oJ AbelA 12 Calomc lOS.BonnylioyllO.MaryEloIse 113 O Oct 5-29Lrl 2 1:14 ft 1 HO 3 3 32 3J AbelA 12 SportingFool lOS.laddocklOS.BveKtlOS O ecp.30-29HdG 2 l:14sy 17 112 11 5 4 4 AllenCE "14 Wig 100, Benda 304. Picador 107 O Sep.24-29IIdG 5J f l:0Sft 35 112 10 10 8 Sl ArnoldG ,315 Itso 112, Benda 100, Wig 109 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wen.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 19 0 1 2 $ 405 This year.. 3 Paul Revere 1 1 1 B c 4 ty KinB Gorm Beauty, by GoWen Maxim. Last work: 320 5-8 1:03ft------ Trainer, W. E. Jones. Owner, J. Heelan. Kat27-30;St.J 5Jfl:09ft 8 118 30 8 722 21 MooreET 32 Col.Flon 113,SyUatch 113,RrBrm 95 0 MM24-30!St.J "21:13sl 30 118 7 G 9 9" MooreET 9 OrestcsII. 109, Voyage 113, Alamae 105 C JLu;21-30:SLJ 2 l:13ft 11-10 116 2 3 2h 1" MoorcET 12 Toanna 110, Rutbie 103. AMadimir 10G C !Marl9-S02St.J E5fl:10m 12 118 S 3 21 2" MooreET 11 JnnyCampbell llS.Ainir llS.Talky 112 0 rcb.lS-305Mia "iJl:lGliy 20 113 8 9 9" 912 MooreET" 32 StogaMajelOC.nobcawllO.TlidrCall 115 O Jan.21-303Mia 2 1:12 ft 20 114 1 4 5i 5"! MooreET" 12 MissOninel09,StmS,nall05.Pble,sL,tll4 C Deal6-292KyP 2 l:15ft 6 114 7 4 4s 5 McAffcD 30 Voyagel03,PebblesLast lOGJ.A.Weil 111 C t Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd Won., . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Von.- Last year.. 11 110 ,150 This year.. 6 1 2 0 $ 725 Birdie-Wrack 101 B B y rac Tinamou, by Light Brigade. JL J JL Trainer, L. V. Bellew. Owner, J. C. Ellis. Mkn27-305StJ lI0l:4Gft 7 109 2 Fell. CarrollW C LyClarce98,LdConcordll3,Spantaft 110 C !Utl7-30St.J 1,g l:51m 2 107 1 2 2 22 CarrollW 9 LdConcdl07,Pmisticl09,ChagoLad 104 C MaEl3-30St.J 11:4255ft 9-10 105 3 1 l1 lnt CarrollW 8 Spanttll3,Fly.FantomlC0.LdConcd 113 0 Jtat 7-30Mia lc 1:48 ft 16-5 114 2 1 ll 2"" Wltmanlt" 10 Pomponl02,LdyClar,cel09,Disprovcd 113 C Mae 4-30Mia 1 1 :4Gft 13-20 111 1 3 31 2 Dainty F2 S Donau lll.ChicagoLad HC.GoBetwn 11G O rvbi21-30Mia 1 l:4Gft 12 10G 5 1 2 2 DaintyF" 9 RoirgSeal0G,LdyClarencelO0,LeilaA.103 O Fttla-SOMia 21:13 ft 30 113 10 3 521 Pi RobtsnA 12 BobShnonll3.SnyPal llO.GdeRight 110 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 10 1 1 0 $ 900 This year. .11 1 5 3 $ 1,460 Flag Lieutenant 111 Cl1 e 8 y naer Fire Jessie C, by Peep o Day. Last work: 118 3-4... l:21sl J-JL-L Trainer, J. McNamara. Owner. J. McNamara. Mar25-302J.P l:15ga 16-5 315 1 4 21 2" FronkW12 12 A.P.CanalellO,lfndUpll3,MsFrmntl05 O M15-303J.P 3J2:lGm 32-5 113 1 1 061 6" JonesL" 12 TrueBoy 108, JiraBell 103, Isostasy 113 0. JTanll-SOJ.P 3 1:56 ft 16-5 115 3 2 21 2l LynchD 11 Force 113, Mulatto 105, Cornbelt 112 O Fth. 5-30cF.G lj l:CGgd47-10 113 5 5 4 351 LandoltC8 S Roy10marll3,Cisfieldll5,GoldRidgc 135 0 Jan.3O-S0sF.G lf 1:51 si 31 113 1 1 Is l2 LandoltC 12 Cornbelt 115, Griff W. 115, Fretwell 115 O m.l7-30cF.G lr l:4Sft 71 110 2 7 7C1 52 LandoltC1 12 Honeyco lOo.Punkie lli.DoctorFred 110,0 ; Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 6 1 0 1 $ 850 This year.. 7 1 2 1 $ 1.025 WciltZ 1 OA B" e 4 by Tom McTaSandart Chula, by Highjinks. Last work: 320 5-8. . .l:0Gft J-Ut Trainer, D. D. Bogert. Owner, Mrs. J. W. Smith. Mac23-30,iJ.P lit 3:51 Ed 11 89 1 4 6 8J MeyeraME 32 Gold Ridge 111, Coy 104. Finland 109 0 Manl3-302J.P l,Vl:iSft 63 102 2 1 2" 221 MyersME 9 Donnatinal05,Mulattol05,DoctorFred 115 0 Mac 1-30F.G lj l:52hy 4Gf 109 6 8 9" 9" DeperiniR 12 Isostasy 114, BonFils 114. RoyalSport 103 0 raU3-302F.G 1 l:4Sft . 37f 107 8 4 431 5C1 McysME1 12 RckAbbeyll2.Flynarel02,Ragabaid 107 O Jan.23-30F.G ltf 1:48 ft 25f 105 S 10 10"10s MayT" 12 LilnMooarlOS.TmyTicklelOS.AshbnelOS O Jan.l7-30F.G. . .ljfe I:4Sft 205 103 S 10 10T1054 MoyersME 10 AUlmeterlOG.HsChoicelll.FlapdoodlellO O DctSO-iOAur 2 l:lSra 9f 107 5 6 9sl 92 OMalleyJ 12 Criticl.DnccawaylOS.CVnnaneylOSJ O. , Starts. 1st. 2nl. 3rd. Won., Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 22 1 2 2 $ 1,000 This year.. 6 0. 1, 0 $ 100 Sporty McGeO 111 B 9 by Mana5er Waitei neuron II., by Transvaal. Iist work: 121 3-4. ... ,1:17ft ---- -- Trainer, F. Veysey. Owner, Wheaton Stable. Octl9-29 Aur 2 l:13ft 4Sf 101 11 10 7S1 62 KiddG 12 Ossien.l0G,MissSrire93,I"6ylvaniaI1.103 O OcU0-293Haw 1J l:G2gd 62 107 11 11 11"11" FryeJW 11 S,vnSixtyl07.Enyms 105,GysImgellO O Oct21-27A.P 2 l:12ft 33f 109 11 11 11"11?2 WhltceL 12 Gossoonl04,PanolallO.TimeExposure 10C O Oct 6-27Haw 1, iaihy 31 106 7 5 8o 8" WhitaeL 9 BottdmsUpl03,Tahgcrinel0S,Col.Toka 97 O Oct 3-27:Haw 1 2:02 by 21-5 107 6 3 31 32 FinnrtyR 8 BadLucklOl.TryAgafn 108,Tangerinb 100 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wen.-, : Starts: 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.; Last year. . 2 1 Fretwell 1 HQ B 9 1,7 Atwe11 Mary Qtt, by Orimar, , Last work: 121 3-4. ,.l:18ft Trainer, M. J. Bcauchamp. Owner, C. Wissinger. Mat29-307J.P 1J 2:00sl G 313 7 1 2J 2 GevingL 12 TrpyMslbS,Mysteriousl03.BpsieRaylll O JJarl9-30cJ.P lje 2:02hy 4 113 2 2 22 22 MoneyJD 12 Choochecl031,SrdBrer llj.Ptyltuu 107 C 1Llc12-30tJ.P 11:49 ft 4-10 112 6 3 1 la MooneyJD 12 IlockTraplOOJ.JimBell 112,UncIcBoot 112 O Feh.2S-30F.G 1and l:52m 39-10 114 1 5 G51 61 MooneyJDs 12 LowerFive 114.RevolTer 114,SIyPolly 111 0 FcU17-30F.G lj l:55gd 30 113 7 6 4 2 Mooyjrj" 12 Villager 107,RockTrap 105.Theo.Redl07 O Ian.30-302F.G l-fe 1:51 si SI 115 4 3 31 4C1 MncyJD" 32 F.Lieutenantll5.Cornbeltll5,GriffW. 115 O Jan.23-C0F.G lff 1:48 ft 19 111 4 6 7S1 510 MooneyJD2 12 L;rnMooarl03,TmyTicklel05,Ashbnel03 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wen.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year. .22 3 2 4 $ 2,775 This year.. 7 1 3 0 $ 975 Frank G. Hrenlie 1 O R Ch e 5 by Dozer -Cheapside, by Tlie Finn. Last work: 120 5-S. . .l:02f t -LvO Trainer, A. G. Tarn. Owner, A. G. Tarn. Mac 9-30cIIav I30 l:43ft 31 113 4 1 21 3 LoganL 8 Minted 104, Drifter 109, Piute 112 O 3Iac G-305Hav lfe l:46ft 3 110 7 4 ol 76 LoganL5 S NckolsBoyl03,S,taBellel02,Privately 105 O Ftb.27-305Hav l50 1:43 ft 2 107 5 1 21 22 LoganL2 C Tangram 103, Hula 100. Privately 103 O Ftb.24-30:iHav l50 3:43 si 6 307 8 .0 7 9" ScaboG1 10 Kingsportll3,MtMaloncl0S.I!altimore92 R reb.l5-30oHav 1" l:44ft 8-5 110 4 1 2h l" LoganL 8 GraniteDust 93, Cadet 108, OnTrial 101 0 FfcU10-304Hav 2 l:16sl 2 109 3 1 ll l2 LoganL 8 Vandion 112, Lassa .109,Timekeepcr 109. 0 . Teh. 8-30Hav 3ia9liy 4-5 116 4 1 in l2 LoganL1 8 Worthman 100.Ma.vBar lOG.Clcnimie J03 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year.. 25 1 4 5 $ 2.005 This year.. 9 J 3 1 $ 2,770 2nd Ailrora rurse .00. S-ycar-oIds ami upward. Claiming. Qncen Tow- Mile ton, aray 21, 1929-1 :ll-7-lll. 3fOTE Claiming -price, ?2,S00; if for less, 1 pounil allowed for each 9100 to ,000. 3-ycar-olds, 109 pounds; older, 117 pounds. Ind. PP. Ilorse. Wt. Rcc. A.Wt.nan. ind. PP. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.nan. 47074 11 Big Chief... Aur 113 1:13 5 109. .725 44991 12 Venezuela 4 112.. 095 3SS32 5Christie Flana- 4711S 13Kit Carson. A. C 110 1:123 S 104 X 093 gan F.G 113 1:12and 4 112X720 46771 2 Irish Aju 110 1:14 4 112. .090 47074 3 Shift Tij 112 1:12 5 114X715 4G7SO CEastcr Bow 310 1:14 lis 3 99X690 4G938 4Andresito .Uav 111 1:12 7 112X710 47074 7Ida ODay. .F.G 103 1:14 7 10-1X090 4C783 8 Meriwick ..Dev 308 3:lll3 5 109.. 705 40450 10Miehael Mona- 40387 9 Mcgazza . .Mia 110 .1:12 3 109. .700, . ban M .A.C 130 1:12 3 104.. COO 47074 1 Yicksburg ..Bbg 110 1:1314 3 10CXC95 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record : Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. Biff QJiipf 1 HQ Br" E 5 ty Brown Brinco II. Ausander, by Coriander. Last work: 119 5-8.... l:6lft -LU? Trainer, E. Veysey. Owner, Wheaton Stable. Slay l-30sAur " 21:13 gd 24 113 7 2 1 .2" AyraudR 32 BigSweep 13i,nonseboy lo.Shift 1110" AugOHaw lj l:52Uft 9f 10S 11 11 1012 95 SwIgertT 11 TirieStar97.IlighSt,ml0GfMary-I.ale 104 O Aug S-29eHaw lV l:46V4ft 9 111 5 3 5 64 PrgrassA l"0 Congoll. 107,GranilDadlll,IIcrodioncs 99 O JuL31-295A.P lj l:51ft 13 114 7 3 7s 7" HalbertF 8 Dunmore 113,Flattery lOl.LndrymanlOG S Jui.23-29A.P 1 l:46ft 12 106 9 1 l2 ll ReddingJ 212 FireUnder 107,Maclictel01,CrkIndianl09 O Jid, 19-29 A.P lj 1:53 ft 24-5 10S 5 5 351 3S1 r.eddingJ 7 FircOndcr 107,FrkFlenll3,nighStmlOO O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. AVon. Last year. .14 2 12 $ 2,169 This year.. 10 0 10 $ 100 Christie Flanatran IIP B s y Ficltaninny Cesarion. Last work: 122 1-2... :51?5gd -LJ-" Trainer, J. B. Partridge. Owner, Valley Lake Stable. Jul. 8-29A.p" 11:39 ft 7 110 3 11 ll:i1231 RideoutW "12 Suitorll3,E.ofWarwick lll.GbisKhanlll O Jan.22-29Was 1 l:3Sft 11 107 2 1 11 33 RideoutW 8 BrnBtus lll.SphoralOSl.j.Uksley 108 A Jun.l9-293Was ll:39ft 14 104 1 1 410 612 NealP 2 6 Listo 110, PrincessEdith 103,Wllla lOlj A Jun. 7-29Waa 1 1:43 ft 13 102 1 2 4l 5 RideoutW 1 G WdyCityll2,PaulBunyanl0C,Donnay 10-1 A Jun. 5-292Was 1 l:3Stft 29-10 103 4 1 U 3J RideoutW 1 7 RedLtherlOS.PrldelOO.Knw-Me-GnelOS O Jan. l-29Was . 2 l:131ft 33-10. 109. "Wheeled. RideoutW 8 NoraD..112.CaptainJ.S..113,ReUine 110.O Slaj2S-23:Was 2 l:13ft lS-5f 107 4 1 P 1 DePmaR 14 BlkFlyer 114,Vtoria 102,StwVoto 1081 C Starts. -1st.- 2nd. ;3rd. AVon., i Starts. 1st :. 2nd. 3rd. -Won.-. ., Last year.. 15 1 3 01 $ 2.S00 -1 - r , 2 Shift 1 "1 A Br B, 5, by Sweep Subterfuge, by Trap Sock. Last work: 119 3-4. .l:lGandft Trainer, H. Roberts. Owner, J. Roberts. May l-205Aur 3 1:13 gd 41 111 8 9 Sl 4" MooneyJ 12 BigSweeplll.BigChief 113,nbuscboy IOC C Apr.l6-30Tan 3.1:15sl. Ill 1 2 31 3i TrlvcttD 7 Morsun 112, Simony 107, Sir Raoul 100 C Aptl2-30Tan 3 l:13ft 112 3 3 21 351 TrivettD S SyRlverl03,GdEffortl09,UinnPcess 97 C MttU-SOA.C 3 l:12ft 61 113 3 4 21 1 LutherT 10 Bowcroftl08,Simonylll,ExeessBgage 95 C Mac 8-30sA.C 2 l:12ft 32 110, 1 4 5J 7CJ LutherT1 12 Sir Raoul 104, Simony 107, Baptiste 101 C Oct2G-29!Aur 2 l:181hy 11-5 US 8 7 53 3 LaidleyO S FkG.MkellO,SirJnK.109,ShortPricell3 C OcU9-29Aur 31:12 ft 7 111 9 9 7 3 LaidleyO 12 SIaPcarlOl.Bragdociolll.CapfnJ.S.lOS C OctlG-29Aur 2 l:13ft 27-10 114 4 4 51 2 LaidleyO 8 JkHaskl lll.Shas.FearlOS.BrnmstarlOO C , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. 29 8 5 2 ? G.595 This year.. 5 1 0 2 $ 630 AlldrCSitO 1 1 O Si 7, by Aiken Idiola, by Maddalo. Last work: 1131.2... :50ft Trainer. C. Rodriguez. Owner, Caimito Stable. ApE25-30Beu 5 f l:07f t 1and-5 115 2 3 2 2k ClevleyW 0 Peralta 107, Dark Angel 110, Mote 103 H Arcl9-30sBeu 1" l:49andgd 23-5 HO 2 5 G3 6" ScaboG1 8 Corbcau 107,Son Ami .101, Vacation 108 II MlG-305IIav ljs l:41ft 10 107 6 5 Gsl G" ColvlnA 9 KingDavid 10G,SanCarlos 112.Crash 109 C Man 9-30IIav 3 l:13ft 8-5 115 3 3 3i 4 BouchcrJ G Stampdalc 111. Algol 112.KingDavid 113 C Mm 5-30Hav 5J f l:0Cft G 113 1 4 2" 11 ColvinA 7 Algol lll.FleetgFirclOS.MargaretCal 110 C Feb.22-305llav 3 l:17liy 4-5 112 4 1 l1! 1 GuerraJ 7 Cadet 104, Baltimore DC, Millson 111 C FAlG-SOHav 3 1:12 ft 4 110 1 3 3 31 GoodichE 7 Kingsport 108. Algol 111, Cbarbuel 100 C IUxl4-305IIav 1" 1:42 ft 8 109 2 5 41 41 GuerraJ 8 Stampdalc 107, Eloise 103, TitieOak 95 C , Starts. 1st 2n1. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year. .27 10 2 6 $ 6,790 This year.. 12 3 2 3 ? 2.745 Meriwick 1 O Q s 5 y Ame"can Acs Troutwick, by Troutbeck. Last work: 104 3-4. . .l:16ft -LV Trainer, B. Mclntyre. Owner, E. E. Bisi. Apr.21-30Lex fc 1:11 ft 2 118 8 8 11" 9:3 RoseM 12 BlkFlyerllS.CansDaufrlOO.Wingo 111 C Apr.l9-30Lex fc 1:11 ft 11 118 6 9 82 51 RoseM" 12 PgnLdiell3,GisKhanllS,LatlyWitt 308 C IUi27-30sHav 55 f l:07ft G 120 5 3 2 2 RoseM S FlgFire l69.0restesll. 113,Charbuel 10S C FelxlO-SOHav 2 1:12 ft G 112 5 7 6T1 51 SniderA 7 Kigsport 108, Algol 111. Andresito 110 C Fife G-30Hav 3 1:13 gd 6-5 110 2 2 2l 11 RoseM 7 FlfetgFirel03.TurfIdol llS.Cliarbuel 103 C Jan.2G-30Hav 2 l:12ft 4 112 5 5 51 51 TonrowR 7 Kingsport 110. Eloise 99. Orestes II. 109 A , Starts. 1st, 2nd 3rd. Wen.-, Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 15 6 1 0 $ 3.525 This year.. 9 2 10$ 2,250 MegflZZil 1 OQ B. g, 3, by Meridian Ragazza, by His Majesty. Last work: 117 1-2... :5l7f,ft -v7 Trainer, C. McKee. Owner, Mrs. E. H. Barto. Mac27-30St.J g l:01ft lfl" 10G 6 6 51 5 CritchfdC C Guilder 109,Rodr.ack lOO.rurpleRobe 99 n Matl5-30St.J 5Jfl:09 " m 30 111 S 9 9 815 MacivcrA 9 PVllBndllS,GuideRightl00,Mr.Dickl02 U Katl2-305St.J 2 l:llft 12-5 114 5 4 41 43 RoseM 5 WaveTop98rDistinguisli 9S.SdFiddlerl03 II Feb.2G-305Mia 3 l:10ft 15 105 3 4 4 2S DePmaU1 5 liap. Transit 124, St. Jim lOS.WaveTop 103 A Feb.lO-30Mia 21:llft 10 110 1 2 34 33J CatroneF 9 St.Priseall3,SupremeSweetll3.Coadyll2 A F.10-303Mia 2 l:12ft 12 11G 3 1 l1 l1 CatroneFi 12 Guilder lll.BobShannonlOS.GuideRitlll C , Starts. 1st, 2nl. 3rd. Wen . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year.. 5 1 0 1 $ 700 This year.. 7 2 0 2 $ 1.G80 YicksbUlg 1 ff " e 3 y CaPtan Alcock Perrigo, by Wormleighton. Last work: 121 1-2 :54ft J-vO Trainer, J. Tigue. Owner, Paradise Stock Farm Stable. Maj- l-30Aur 3 1:13 gd 71 1071 and 7 G 61G GevingL1 12 BigSweeplll.BigCiiicf 113,nouseboy IOC C APr.23-30Lex fc l:10ft 19-10 103 2 2 ll 3nt McyrsME1 12 Mimloro 110, Haramzada 113, Tola 105 C Apnl9-30Lex fc 1:11 ft 8 110 1 3 31 4SJ FisherH11 12 PgnLdiellS.GisKbanllS.LadyWitt 10S C Mac2S-30M.P 31:17andm 1G 106 2 4 3i 2i CavensJ 5 BlackCIoudllO,Justinal04,Wliileawayl08 A Mat2G-30J.P 3 l:llVft 39-10 109 G 4 4s 4 CavensJ 12 Sunviewll3.RingTruell3,TbistleJean 101 C liaclO-SOJ.P 2 l:14ft 15 10S 5 4 4i 21 CavensJ 9 Myllobbylll.PortsurllO.G.Cliauvelot 115 C Vat G-30:J.P 2 l:13ft 49-10 103 8 3 2 3S1 CavensJ 11 nouston llO.LaDentelie lOS.GrabBag 111 C Feb.25-305F.G 21:Uandft31-10 113 1 4 31 3J CavensJ" 12 DominalOO.MsP.msy lOS.MrsdioicelOG C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. .12 2 3 3 ,153 This year. .15 0 3 5 $ 750 Venezuela O B. g, 4, by Dominant Maracaibo, by Spanish Prince II. Last work: 1213-4 1:18ft J--- Trainer, A. G. Tarn. Owner, A. G. Tarn. Jan.2G-305IIav l50l:44ft 1 10G 2 3 2i lh LoganL 5 Belmona 104, Pacheco 109, Reproduce 108 C Jan. 4-30IIav 1" l:42ft G-5 112 2 2 1 2t DouertyF 7 SanCarlosll0,TliistIeCootll0,Listerinel09 C Dcc.2S-29cIIav l50 l:44Vsd 1 110 1 1 li 2nt DohertyF C SanCarIosl09,Lactariusll4,Profiteer 109 C DeallHav l0 l:42ft 8-5 10S 1 1 1 1 DohertyF 7 Lactarius 113,Benl!olt II. 113, Acme 103 C OcL25-29cEmp 1 l:4Sft 5 115 15 4J 4s DouertyF 11 VulnPark 113.SirtaGraftonll0.Crash 115 C Dct22-29Emp 1 l:18ft 11-5 105 4 3 31 31 McKnieA 12 UliMoney 112,Spurrier lOO.GreenFIaglll C OctlO-29Jar- 1J l:54ft 12 103 3 1 1 l1 BethelJ 14 PlaL.107,S,dorV.Bellol20,SU,taGton 115 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. "Won., Last year. .18 " 3 4 2 ? 3,100 This year.. 2 1 1 0 ? 900 Kit Carson "I A Clu B. 8, by Polymelian Lacework. by Tracery. Last work: 118 1-2.... :54sl -Lvt: Trainer, C. B. Irwin. Owner, C. B. Irwin. See yesterdays fourth Aurora chart. Ma l-30Aur 2 1:13 gd llf 101 2 6 47 5" MoranW 12 BigSweeplll.BigCiiicf 113,nouseboy 10G C Apr.l9-30cTan 2 1:14 ft 103 3 2 3U 31 Woods1 8 Briinsw.kll2,GladEf,rtl08,BabyBluc 10S C Apr.l7-30Tan 21:15 ft 107 5 5 43 G7i WoodS7 7 Prospect 103, FrankD. 103, Fetching 105 C Apr. 9-305Tan 2 1:14 ft 110 G G G G10 WoodS5 G BrunswicklOO.GladEffortm.BrnBk 110 C Mat30-30!A.C 1 l:39ft 17 101 3 8 8" 8" ReddingJ 9 ClaudeC.lOl.UmbnPcsgs.B.ot.Wind 99 C Mar.22-30A.C g 1:2G ft 19 115 7 8 8 S11 MoranW 10 Senora08,Bagpiper 108,Bdeothe WdlOS C Marl5-305A.C 2 1:14 m 19 112 4 8 5H Gi MoranW 10 B,ySethl07,SdyManll3,Eth.Sherlock 103 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 49 5 8 $ 4,570 This year. .19 114 ? 1,105 Irish 1 I O B- c, 4, by The Finn Ohone, by Polymelian. Last work: 1105-8 l:0Shy Trainer, K. W. Sslden. Owner, K. W. Selden. Apr.21-30JJam 2 1:15 si 9-5 118 8 8 7 5s KsingerC 15 SratogaMajelll.LindyllS.MintSauce 118 C eoj.23-29:Aqu 6S f 1:20 ft 6-5 113 11 5 6 6t0 WholeyR "11 DrwgB,dl25,Artilymnl20,J.Cav,ghl20 C 6cp.23-295Aqu 2 1:14 ft 9-20 116 5 2 1- 1 WholeyR 7 Mordrom 113.Undercover 120,CIatter 107 C 6qU9-29Aqu 6S f 1:19 ft 41 115 2 2 31 3l KsingerC 1 9 SinCuidadolll.BrkWafch 115,Jugglerl20 C Bep.l7-29Aqu Ch f l:20ft 10 113 9 5 4 6J KsingerC "13 WoodGodllu.FlyacrossllS.PassingBy 115 A Au520-29Sar 1 1:39 ft 4 115 5 3 3 4 KsingerC 7 Verdi 123,CounfPalatinel07,Progeny 108 C Aug 7-29Sar g l:24ft 8 118 3 2 35 4 KsingerC "17 Single Star 110. Verdi 119. Griffin 104 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Last year.. 10 2 12 $ 1,800 This year.. 1 Easter Q Q B f 3 by Sir Gallahad III. Day Lilly, by Olambala. Last work: 122 3-4. .l:19gd Trainer, J. R. Schuster. Owner, Miss B. Watson. Apc21-30sIIdG l" l:4GVift 16-5 108 4 2 62 8" WolvtonRo 8 MyScoopl08,FrancesSt.L.107,B,lasiis 105 C ApclG-30cHdG 1" 1:47 si 13-5 109 7 3 3" 3i QnbushG 8 Chafngl02,FrcesSt.L.108J,PgCtes 103 C Apcll-30Bow g 1:26 ft . 12 106 4 5 Gsl G StevensF G MolassesJane 120,Panda 103,Buef ul 109 H Ape 8-30Bow 2 l:14sl 23-5e 110 8 5 5 l" CarlisleC1 30 Columbusllu.MflFricndllO.Sunview 115 C Koi:23-29Bow 1 l:49sl G 113 13 11 91 9 QbaumC 14 St.Tuscan 107,Titus 118,FyingMax 110 t NoT.13-29Pim 1" l:17Bd 14-5 110 8 1 WallsP 12 MaryEloise lOl.Phil R. 102,Spantaft 102 C K0 2-29Pim 31:15sl 81 114 4 4 U l1 WallsP ,111 Fallacious 114, Mucker 117, Lillabelle 114 A , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year. .17 2 1 3 $ 2,300 This year.. 4 1 0 1 $ 950 Ida ODay 1 CA Blk. m, 7, by Atheling II Ida, by Peep o Day. Last work: 119 3-4. .l:21ft -LUt Trainer, B. E. Hefferan. Owner, J. J. Coughlin. Tand3J l-305Aur 2 1:13 gd llf 111 11 11 7l: S RooneyP 12 BigSweeplll.BigCiiicf llS.IIotiseboy 10G O OCL2G-291 Aur 2 l:lSHhy 71 107 11 10 G 31 KellumJ 12 CuevasllO,SethsPreuml02,OddSeth 102 C Oct22-29Aur 2 l:Hm 42 97 4 6 61 5-J MarcumJ 8 OldBill l08,Gco.Grooml09,ShortPrice 110 C Octl7-29Aur J l:13ft 32 111 2 10 S1 75 KellumJ "12 Flsynarel04,ByBmnl02,E.Sherrkl07 C Octll-29TAur Iff 1:51 hy 20 106 8 8 7J 7" MayT 8 MissMylandl0G,St.Mcwsll4,QuibbIerll4 C Oetl0-29Haw lj 1:43 gd 42 101 7 3 51 51 MarcumJ 9 NancySethl03,CorinncStar 112,Majoe 101 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year. .19 0 1 1 $ 300 This year.. 1 Michael Moiiahan 104. B" 3 M by sPanish Prince n. Eat Wind, by Trap Bock. J.xJri: Trainer, G. Owens. Owner, J. Lee. Mat30-30A.C 1 l:3Sft G-5e 91 2 4 5 5" McIIughC G B.Itogersll3,LadySeth99,ArcadnFlagl02 C Mac23-308A.C 1 l:40ft 8 106 1 4 3J 21 MoranW 9 FlygExprsl03,Senoral04,UmnPrcsl0S C MaE21-308A.C l,ff l:4Gft 11-5 100 6 5 4 41 ReddingJ 7 VtMeterlOl.ChsMianeerlOl.Am.May 98 C Macll-30A.C 2 l:12?ft 5 106 2 5 51 31 ReddingJ 8 AdRconl05,DarkAbbotlOS,Starf nee 115 C Mac 8-30sA.G 2 l:12ft 13-5f 105 5 11 93 91 MulrneyJ 12 Sir Raoul 104. Simony 107, Baptiste 101 C FA.2S-30A.C 3 l:13ft 81 105 5 2 2 21 MooneyJ 5 LadySethl07,RuthC.102,ExsBaggage 101 C Feb.22-30SA.C I l:26ft 12 105 1 7 0 " 6" MulrneyJ1 7 CsWrriorl00,U.rrincessll0,Wmoniell5 C , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 9 0 0 1 $ 80 This year. .11 0 2 1 $ 375 3rd Aurora purse 00. S-year-olds. Allowances. Peggy, May 5, 1928 4Y2 Fur. :53-2 108. Ind. PP. Ilorse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Ilan. Ind. PP. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. 47075 3 PEGGY J.. .Aur 115 :55 108.725 4 Valedictory ... 107 16334 2 Talented Prince 111.. 715 5 Gibbys Lillian. 10G 4GG97 7 Evelena ....A.C 104 :54 10G..710 G Adams Money.. 107 4C552 1 Wigrose M . . . 104.. 705 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. i Str.Fin. Jockey lP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. Peggy J, -1 f Q Blk. f , 2, by Cloister Marjorie McKay, by Judge Wright. Last work: 119 1-2.. :48ft Trainer, B. A. Jones. Owner, Jones Stock Farm Stable. Maj l-30lAur 4 J f :55 gd 13-5" 115 3 2 1 1" LeylandJ5 7 Zebra 110, Type 108, Wittora 104 A Mar.27-30 J.P 3J f :13 ft 23-10 113 4 2 2J l1 ThomasH 12 Af rost 118, Zinn 11S, Sorry 115 A Fth. 7-30F.G g :35ft 23-5 115 6 3 2i 31 DePremaR 12 DfWeidelll8,L.Negleyll5,EyeWhite 118 M Ftb. 5-30F.G g :35gdl7-10 112 2 3 21 4" DePmaR 12 Zebra 112, Broad A. 112, Brett 115 C Jan.l3-30F.G g :36ft 23-10 113 1 2 2 2 DePremaR9 12 MaFoi 113,MasrnaUignllG,CyrubenllG C Jan. G-30F.a 8 :36t4gd 16-5 113 4 5 4J1 2l DePremaR 11 RareChnil09,n.Kuhnsll2.TlfdPrcellG C . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won This year.. 6 2 2 1 $ 1,625 Talented Prince 1 1 "t B. c, 2, by Princo of Umbria Hidden Talent, by Sea King. Last work: 121 1-2... :51ft - Trainer, J. Cardinal. Owner, G. Terry. Hae25-30J.P 3 f :43 gd 71 121 6 4 Z- 1 FinnrtyR4 12 PplcLadyll2,Xevatrll2,BrnEdMryllG C MailO-30J.P 3i f :41ft 33-10 118 2 1 1 1" MoneyJDi 12 MsCanopyllS.MrnallignllS.Irtatnllu M Han 4-30F.G g :3Gft 27 115 6 6 5J 41 TIoonyJD" 11 RightNowll5.MsCanopyll2,Chehalis 113 C FA.14-30F.a g :37lift 7 110 7 7 72 71 MooneyJD 12 PceZeusllG.WillifordllG.C.Margaret 113 C Jaa.l3-30F.G g :3Gft 21 11G 11 8 10 8" MoneyJD 12 MaFoi 113,PeggyJ. 113,Mternlign 11G C Jao. G-30F.G 3 :3GKsd 12f 11G 6 3 651 4 MoneyJD1 11 RareChrml09,PeggyJ.113,nryKuhnsll2 C . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won This year.. 6 2 0 0 $ 1,250 Erelena "1 CZ Br- ft 2 by Bn Homme Beck and Call, by Helmet. J-vU Trainer, C. B. Irwin. Owner, C. B. Irwin. .pr.l7-30Tan 4J f :5andft 98 11 10 01 6s MoranW 12 BnieBtyll2,D,lyMtcrl09,rriccEddsll5 O Apr.l4-30Tan 4 f :58sy 107 1 1 ll 21 MooneyJ1 11 Oaten 115,ShastaTrout lOO.StarBoat 109 O Apcl2-30Tan 41 f :55 ft 102 3 7 7" 7", WhismanV 9 Wittora 100, Aspinala 108, Warlight 108 O Apr.ll-30Tan 4J f :55 ft 107 5 3 21 2 CorbcttC 9 Mocitall2,PceEdwardsll5,D,lyMoltrl07 O . Apr. 8-30Tan 1 :49ft 97 9 7 71! 73 WoodS 9 Warlight 108. StarBoat 103, Oaten 108 O" Mar27-301A.C 4J f :53ft 15 104 9 8 S 9" RichsonN 12 MsZphal03,GdenOrioIcl08.MiCnchal03 O itac2l-30A.C 4J f :51ft 12 101 G 7 GI GI MoranW 10 Sun B.lOl.Peace Irincess 112,Oaten 112 O Macl3-30A.C J :48sy 15 103 2 4 51 51 MoranW 9 Justiciary 11G, SunB. 110, Rosevolt 109 O , : Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won r -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won This year. .16 1 3 1 $ 915 WigrOSO ."101 y Wigstone Spanish Rose, by Spanish Prince II, J-vt: Trainer, J. Dreyer. Owner, Mrs, J. Dreyer. Ape 9-30Bow J :48andft 12 115 G 10 9"! 9 SteffcnE 12 MissDinwiddiel07.1!rnDarell2,Fervidlll O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , This year.. 1 - . Valedictory 107 c 2 M ty Porto DraPau Zos 0rb- Last work: 121 1-2 :52ft v I Trainer, J. B. Thoall. Owner, Estate of I. E. Clark. r Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won - CibbyS Lillian 1 CCK Cn f 2 M- by Thunderer Misty Morning, by Peep o Day. JLUO Trainer, S. P. Gibson, Jr. Owner, Mrs. L. Gibson. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Adams MoilCy 1 Cn B- c 2 by Last Cain Blue Paradise, by Helmet. lvl I Trainer, E. Brown. Owner. W. M. Walker. , -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won t Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., ,v Aurora Spring Blossom Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. 5V2 Fur, Allowances. Prisoner,. May 23, 1928 1:05 1112. Ind. TP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. Ind. PP. norse. Wt. Itec. A.Wt.IIan. 17077 G Morsun ....A.C 11G l:08sy 4 107X725 4G908 2 Title Oak...IIav 107 1:07 3 100 X703 4G380 3 01d Dutch.. J.P 113 l:09s 5 110X720 43559s 1 Flood Control 4G652 7 First Mission... 5 110X715 Aur 92 1:0G 4 105 x 700 47077 5 Charm Aur 101 1:05 5 105 X710 47077 4 Film J.P 111 1:07 4 110XG95 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record : Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey TP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race Morsun 1 07 C by Morvicn un Caris, by Sun Brair. j Last work: 119 5-8...1:02ft --V I Trainer, C. B. Irwin. Owne,r, C. B. Irwin. JIaj- l-303Aur 21:13 gd 21-5 116 5 5 63 G" MoranW 10 Jackllkcll 103,Tdywawal07,NoraD. 102 H Arr.l7-30Tan 3 l:13ft 99 3 3 l1 1" MoranW 8 FgTiniell2,TtoRocklO0,GolnPrince 122 O Apr.lG-30Tan 3 l:15sl 112 2 1 1U 1 MoranW1 7 Simony 107, Shift 111, Sir Raoul 109 O Apr.l2-30Tan 51 " f l:0GH;ft 107 5 3 41 51 BairdS5 5 Crofton HO.ShtaBulIct 119,TtoUock 98 O Apt 8-30Tan 3 1:14 ft UG 5 2 2i 41 TrivcttD 7 LadySeth lOO.AVatergap lll.Simony 108 0 JUi29-30A.C g l:25ft 9-5 11S 5 1 2 2nk ReddingJ 7 Bobnogersl09,Bowcrtl0G,Starfercncel01 O Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year. .14 3 2 0 5 C.175 This year.. 21 6 5 2 $ 4,550 . ; Old Dutdl . 1 I A B, h, 6, cy Polymelian Dustpan II., by Sweeper. ; Last work: 119 3-8. . . ":371.if t Trainer, C. C. Hastings. Owner, J. D. Ferguson. Mac27-30J.P 3 1:11 ft g 112 G 1 2h 55 TonrowR G Warlnstigator 115,Coots 112,Virado 112 X Mar.24-305J.P 5J f l:09sl 13-10 113 1115 3i BuckleyRt 5 Coots llO.Bocaratone 113,IIelenDean 108 A Mat20-303J.P 3 1:18 hy 3-2 110 6 1 1 1 BuckleyR G Smoldng lOO.Snford 112,Eliz.BolIa 108 A MatlO-30J.P 3 1:13 ft 7-5 110 3 1 1and 551 SwigertT1 5 ColdMiutllO,T.SthrnrllO.ChimySpl02 A Mac 5-30 J.P 3 l:124Jft 7-5 109 4 1 31 S;l KnightM" 7 Taddywa lOG.Luckyllit 109,Justina 102J A Feb.22-303F.G 3 l:15m 23-10 103 1 2 2" 21 LoumanH 5 Extremel08,DinahDidUpseti07,Charml03 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 20 4 4 2 5 3.974 This year. .12 2 4 2 ? 2,225 , First Mission 1 1 O Ch e 6 by Cnatterton B- first, by Cunard. I Last work: 122 3-8... :35gd v Trainer, J. B. Schuster. Owner, Miss B. Watson. Apr.l6-30sIIdG 2 l:13sl 43e 97 1 9 9"10 FryeJW3 11 TheneatIienll8,Balkol20,OnnerToes 115 a Apr.l4-30;IIdG 3 l:13ft 7 115 1 7 71" QnbushG 8 Gerard 115. Genuine 115. Virado 118 O Apt 9-30Bow 21:12 ft 11 114 5 4 3 3! QnbushG 9 Algol 109 Toki 105,Judge Bartlett 112 0 Feb.25-30F.G 2 l:13ft 41-10 113 4 5 51 51 LeylandJ G Gold Mint 108. Film 113. Old Slip 110 A Feb.22-305F.G lfe l:4Sm 23e 100 1 3 42 5i EUswthW1 9 Donnay 11S. Uluniu 112. Strongheart 107 a , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won , Last year.. 23 10 1 4 5 8,441 . This year.. 14 12 3 $ 1,550 ,j Cliami I AC B. m, 5, by Trompe la Mort Wishbone, by Sweep. Last work: 120 1-2... " :51ft J-" Trainer, C. Stubbs. Owner, Arsonia Stable. Maj-l-SOiAur" 31:13 gd 6i" 100 2 10 10"10" FryeJW 10 .Tackllkcll 103,Tdywawal07,XoraD. 102 H Feb.22-303F.G 2 l:15m 15 103 2 5 41 4! RussellK1 5 Extreinel0S,OldDutchl0S,DhD.Upsetl07 A Ftb.l9-30F.G 21:13 ft 58 100 1 1 11 lh FryeJW G OldDutch 114,DinahD.Upsetl07,Ttivyll4 A Feb.ll-303F.G 21:13ft 71 10911 2 31 3 QabumC1 G Swdustl04,ElizthBolIal0C,PatsyJanel04 A Feb. 7-30F.G 2 l:13VSft 51 100 3 2 55 5 EllswhW1 G TheSthnrl07,FtMsionl0G,OIdSIip 107 A Feb. 1-30JF.G 3 1:13 ft 20 103 4 3 4 45 QbaumC1 G Snooze 101i,Taddywall3,PatsyJane 104 A . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year. .22 3 3 1 $ 3,125 This year. .8 1 0 1 $ S75 J Title Oak TOO Cb e 3 by Title aklawn Belle, by Box. Iist work: 104 1-2... :52andft J-VV Trainer, O. L. Foster. Owner, O. L. Foster. Apr.26-30" Whe 1-fg l:49ft 25 113 1 1 2U 51 FatorE 10 DkEnfy 113,Baltimrell3,To.RcIirll3 S Apr.23-30Who l10 l:43ft 71 115 14 4 ii FatorE1 7 WdyLongllS, Baltimorell5, WacketllS A Apr.l9-30:Who 1" l:47gd24-5e 100 2 10 10"10ts McLalinE1 10 TmyLadl07,SanCarlosllG,WdyLong 100 l jrar.27-30St.J g l:01ft 47 108 4 5 61 G McLalinE G Guilder lOO.ItodUaek lOO.Purpleltobe 99 It Jlac 7-305Hav 3 l:13Vandft 4 113 3 3 21 ll MoonF3 8 T.dAmourl08,W.Princssl03,W.Long 113 O Mac 3-305Hav I" l:43ft 2 105 3 2 4i 4 SeaboG G MingPinesl05,PssMgtlOO,Tangraml07 A . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 18 3 2 2 ? 2,595 This year. .15 2 4 3 $ 2,310 Flood Control 10 Ch" 4 ty P561-0014 Mine, by Woolsthorpe. Last work: 1203-8 .:39ft J-Vt Trainer, R. E. Hefferan. Owner, J. J. Coushlin. Oct26-29Aur 2 l:lGhy 81e 90 2 1 3i 31 FryeJW 1 G PaulByanll4,GoldMintll2,GdenVoltl02 H Oct22-29Aur 2 l:14m 16 93 4 4 4 5 MarcumJ 5 OldKkapooll2,OldDcIil0S,Andmedal0G H OctlS-29Aur 5J f l:05ft 25 92 2 6 5 55i MarcumJ G OldKickpool08,Grnockll8,Andmdal04 It OctlG-29Aur 2 l:13V4ft 24 111 2 3 3 5 KellumJ 8 JackHaskell lll.Shift 114,ShastaPearl03 O Oct 8-29!Haw 3 l:12ft 27 102 11 7 71 G MarcumJ 12 Bragdocio 114, Sir Rul 115,LeeCper 107 O Bep.25-29L.F 3 1:15 si 42 110 2 1 l1 21 JonesR 9 LcFlorel05,NancySethlOG,RoyGibsonllO Q AuS30-29L.F 11:25 ft 43 107 11 8 9"10" JonesL HI Tyrol 115, Peter Parley 112, Wolfy 112 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year..lG 1 1 2 $ 875 film I -I A Br. g, 4, by High Time Movie, by Vulcain. F Last work: 117 3-4 1:17ft J-J-U Trainer, J. Tigue. Owner, Paradise Stock Farm Stable. May 1-30Aur 3 1:13 gd 7 115 9 S 893 9 GevingL3 10 Jackllkell 103,Tdywawal07,XoraD. 102 It Apr.23-30rLex fc l:10ft 41 113 G 5 52 4 FisherH3 9 BmgOvcrl08,Iltimatell3,BtherUkl05 A Apr.l7-30Lex fcl:10Vift 8-5 112 1 2 2nk 31 FisherH 7 Coots 112,IIotShot 112,.7udgeMurphy 112 O Mar 8-30J.P 5J f l:07gd49-10 111 3 4 3;1 21 FinnrtyR G IIighScorel30,ClubIIsell2,Mortgage 108 H Fcb.25-30,F.G 2 l:13andft 11-10 113 G 1 1 21 FinnrtyR1 G GoIdMint 108.OIdSlip HO.PatsyJane 109 A Feb.20-30F.G 2 l:12ft 6 103 Gil1 l"" FinnrtyR 7 TadwawalOO.Agitatorlll.T.Serner 108 A , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year. .10 2 3 0 $ 2.04G This year.. 12 2 4. 1 2,375 5th Aurora merry Month Handicap. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and npW 11-16 Miles ward ,Iack HaskeHf-Mny 22, 19291:453104. j Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.nan. 409GG3 2 Tommy Lad 4 1000725 43743 3 Don Fernando , A.P 105 1:45 4 98715 n-..5 4 t r Dawu 403o33 Break of , 4i07 ,-n-r- -, 1 o San r. ti -,,o i o mo,-,, Carlos. Ilav 112 l:4o 8 10SX71O .A.C 10S 1:45 V 4 105 x720 4G73G 5 Nostaw Lat 103 1:4315 4 109X703 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workou$ and racing record: Date. Crs.Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of P.ace Tommy Lad 100 B e 4 by Blind BaeeaSe Madge F., by Voorhees. i Last, work: 122 5-8..1:04gd -LVJV Trainer, O. L. Foster. Owner, O. L. Faster. Apc2G-30sWho 6 f l:22ft 3e 118 6 5 4 2 McLalinE 7 MryWdsrll3,FavoritII.llS,Sawdustll3 A ApnlO-SOWho 1" l:17gd24-Go 107 9 4 lk 1 FatorE 10 SanCrlosllG,WdyLongl00.Agapthusll2 It Apr. 9-30Whe 2 l:21hy 9 10S 6 5 31 2 FatorE 9 Agap,thusl07i,Wackctl09,MargtCal 103 A Han29-305StJ 5J f 1:0S ft 36 97 5 . 5 51 5i McLalinE 5 QnTowtonlld.PpleltobeSG.Jkllowe 123 Jt Uat2S-30St.J 21:15 sy 45 112 5 5 P 5 McLalinE G Estin llG.PaganLaddie HG.Nichclson 110 O Man22-30St.J 5J f 1:03 sy 40 102 G 7 G 5 McLalinE 7 Rain orShine 102,Mud 122,JackIIowe 123 H; Z St,s ls- 21a- 3rd Won . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year. .29 6 5 6 ? 5,970 This year. .13 2 4 0 ? 2,850 Creak Of Dawn 10 Br c 4 by odo n. Gerbe dOr, by Verdun. " Last work: 122 7-8..1:35gd J-Vtl Trainer, C. Davison. Owner, B. Creech. 325-300 1:46 ft 31-10 108 3 2 31 31 ReddingJ 5 DrWsonll3,Wrgapl08,ChfsMtner93 A 3ran22-30AC 3 l:llft 21 112 4 4 41 3 ReddingJ 7 TlieDago 112,Proctor Hug 103,Xorab 107 O JlanlS-SOAC 1,V l:4Gsl 31-10e 105 3 7 S2 8" RlchsonN 8 Seth-sIIopel09,BtleAsl07.FireBade 109 A ManlS-SOA-G 3 l:12ra 8 107 G 2 1 1 RcddingH 7 LaBelotte 103,TheDago HCMorsun 115 O Sfac 9-30A.G lfg 1:46 ft 27-10 111 1 1 1 l1 MayT 7 BobP.ogers 112,Tanist 110. Riffltr.ff 108 0" Mae 2-30TA.C 1 l:4tlft G-5o 108 1 1 2 2 RiclisonN 7 Wtergap 107,KIff Raff lOl.Tanlst 105 C Feb.22-305A.G lj 1:45 ft 7-5 105 3 5 5 5 ReddingJ 5 SethsIIopclOl.FircBrigade 107,Leyld 98 0 , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 10 2 11 2.400 This year.. 11 3 3 2 ? 2,625 Don Fernando Q Q B 4, by Paicines Silver Diana, by Maintenon. Last work: 122 3-4. . .l:23Vgd iO Trainer, S. Hatcherson. Owner, Rosehome Stable. Not. 5-295Lat 1" 1:51 "hy 110 103 4 6 G 5 EllswthW 1 G Blackwood 112,SandyShorel03, Devon 112 A Spp25-295L.F lfg 1:48 si 13-5 103 5 S 819 G KnightM 4 9 Woodgain 103, Bruno 113, Miss Pearl 100 O Jul. 13-29 A.P lic l:51hy 12 105 8 5 4 4 HalbertF 8 Account 108. Maxiva 104 Sister Zoe 105 O Jul. 10-29A.P lfg l:43ft 7 105 10 6 3i lh SmithV 11 Marlborplll,BroadAxell3.WkerDrivoll3 O Jun.29-29Waa l10 l:43ft 7 107 4 4 31 BarnesE 8 Dr.Fred 113. Tamina 100. Czarist 109 0.r Jim.27-29Wa3 1" 1:43 ft 31 10S 7 4 43 3 BarnfsB 1 8 Czarist 105. Aviator 114. David L. 112 O MAj22-29Aur 1 1:4E ft 10 105 6 5 53 51! NealP 4 G Jkllaskell 101.Devonll2.ThistleFyrnlO4 H I , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won " I Last year.. 25 J 5 ? 5,585 - " . , . " .r ; . SIH Carlos "1 AO B. g, 8, by Great Britain Saianza, by Sain. Last work: 1211-2... :49ft -LVO Trainer, A. G. Tarn. Owner, A. G. Tarn. l-SPAur 21:13 gil SO 114 4 9 92 S17 ColvinA1 10 Jacknkcll 103,Tdywawal07,NoraD. 102 II Apr.l9-307Wlic l l:47gdl4-5e 11C 4 5 32 2 ColvinA iaTinyLadl07,WdyLonglOO,Agapthusll2 n Arr.l6-30Wlio 3 l:lSm 3 117 7 4 3 2 ColvinA 7 Sawdustl07,Smoldergl09,OldKkapool09 A Airl4-30cWho lo l:47ft 1 117 2 2 li li ColvinA C Statnpdalc 114, Woody Long lOG.Hula 109 C A12-30sWho 3 l:16ft 14 114 5 4 3 1 ColvinA 11 MrctCal lOl.Sawdust OG.Smoldring 103 II ManlG-30IIav 1and l:44ft 4o 112 1 3 43S 2 LogariL 9 KingDavid lOC.Crash 109,StampdaIo 103 C Ma 9-305IIav 11 l:52ft 2 113 2 7 S7i S" LoganL 9 PlayB. 102,Btimore OO.CIianningL. IOC II Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 32 9 8 4 7.890 This year.. 15 5 4 0 ? 6,550 Jfostaw formerly ran as 1 fi Q Br St 4 by misk Homo star- by Sunstar. Lord Bracdalljaiie. Xvi Trainer, J. E. Schuster. Owner, Miss B. Watson. Last work: 122 3-4...1:20gd Apr.l9-30sHdG 1and l:52andhy CI 98 4 41 5i FryeJW" 8 Inccpfnl04,Bolashelall3,D.DidUpsct 108 S Arr.lC-305IIdG 2 l:13sl 43o 98 11 11 7" 7" HebertS1 11 ThcIIeathenll8,Balkol20,OnncrToes 115 S ApEl4-305HdG l:47ft 15 113 3 4 47 4J QnbushG1 4 MoleIIilll09,Arctunisll4,FairyMaidcnll2 C Mar 4-30F.G 1J l:51ft 13f 98 10 10 11 9 MoorcV 13 Uluniulll,OIdSHpl02,DinahDidOpsct 104 S Mar 3-305F.G 3 l:12ft 11 113 5 3 3 31 LeylandJ 8 SnoozeI02.ThcSthcrner 113.GoldMintll3 A FtbL25-305F.G 11 1:32 ft . 14 110 4 2 2 4s LeylandJ4 5 Stars andBars 112,Galaliad 110,Ruanol03 A . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 21 3 7 2 ? 4,476 This year.. 3 0 0 0 ? 50 6th Aurora Purse 1930.sh00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming1. Jack 1 1-16 Miles Jnskcll, May 22, 19291:453101. !XOTE Claiming price, ,400; If for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 00 to 51,100. 3-ycar-oIds, 10C pounds; older, 117 pounds. Ind. PP. norse. Wt. Rcc. A.Wt.nan. Ind. PP. Ilorsc. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.nan. 47073 9Finnic nav 103 1:46 4 IOC X 723 4G9O0 7St. Helena. nav 102 1:47 4 101.. 693 47073 SMaster Samover 4G9C9 llLong Joe. . .F.P 113 1:4G C 10C X 693 F.G 104 1:48 3 101X720 47078 2Mat Mahoney 47078 lFaddy J.P 107 1:4914 C 106X713 11 F.G 103 1:49 3 101.. 690 4707S2 3Mintcel .. .Har 106 1:46 4 107. .710 47070 4Flapper Fanny 46141 CTha Orleanian L.F 103 1:17 4 107X690 F.G 10S 1:40 5 110 X 703 46403 10Shasta Lady 4707S 12Fetcliing . .A. C 102 1:40 0 1070700 F.G 100 1:31 4 101. .690 47079 3My Lava 3 96X693 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record : Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. rillllic "1 B. g, 4, by The Finn Sun Maiden, by Sundridge. Last work: 117 7-8 1:32ft -LvU Trainer, R. X. Rogers. Owner, Mrs. H. L. Rogers. May 1-30Aur 3 l:15gd 9 107 7 5 4i 51 DupuyM12 12 BtFlsli 107,MrSmovr 112,Byra 103 C Mac2O-30"St.J 1J l:36y3ft 18-5 107 2 1 C5 710 DupuyM8 12 FestivaI112,JudgeCaverlyll0,Beaumtl01 C MarlS-30St.J 3 l:15ft 27 109 5 8 52 45S DupuyM8 9 Apostlel09,WarNymphl09,KyColonel 114 C Matll-30St J 1J l:57f t 14 111 2 3 3- 3i DupuyM 7 VdVngncelll.FrincclylOXClarifier 113 C ManlO-COfSt.J 11:13 ft 33 113 7 S 9 9 DupuyM4 10 Daffodil 113,IIliPlaycrll8,Aristoeratl09 C Mat l-30cMia l:51hy 3 110 1 6 51 4ci DupuyM 10 DngrSignal 110,JgeCavlyll3,lSnino 113 C Fcb.2G-30Mia 3 1:12 ft 20 109 7 10 S10 6i DupuyM" 12 PasanLddiell4,Motell3,TetraGlass 114 C . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year. .27 3 3 2 3.746 This year. .15 1 1 1 ? 960 Master SaillOVCr 1 A1 B. c, 3, by Master Charlie Kharemanoh, by Swoep. Last work: 118 3-4....1:231sl -LUX Trainer, E. McCown. Owner. E. McCown. May 1-30Aur 3 l:15Hgd 9 112 2 3 3 21 DellowW5 12 BtFlsli 107,Byora 103,retcrRuf f 112 C Mar29-30J.P l-fe l:51sl 12 101 3 4 5" 511 HanfordB7 8 Old Bill 100. Bozo 109, Baby Delhi 103 O Mar2G-305J.P l70 l:4Gft 22-5 104 4 2 2 4l"i McysME8 8 TlicClilOO.MthsCircelOSJ.CirnsterlOCl C Mar21-305J.P 1,V l:52sl 33-10 101 7 1 Is 1 MeysME8 S Star lOU.Bcst Balance 99,Tlie Coach 107 C Matl9-30J.P lr 2:03hy 17-5 S8 3 2 1 2" MeyersME 12 CclCanipuslOO.ItyWayllO.BabyDcluilOO C Ftt2S-30F.G 2 l:lGm 71 114 3 2 2 2J DellowW 10 Jean lOS.SwtChancelW.MrngBras 109 C . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 8 1 1 1 ? 925 This year. .11 13 1 5 1,050 Faddy 1 fCt B- e, 6, by Olambala Sally M., by Josh. Last work:. 117 7-8 .1:31ft -LUU Trainer, S. S. Fountain. Owner, Mrs. K. Sullivan. May l-30Aur l:49gd 10 104 2 4 5 3 Frj-eJW 8 Finnster 10G, Minted 104, DontadOs 104 C ManlD-COJ.P laV 2:02hy 65 111 6 9 9,810:l MaddenL 12 ChoocheelOSJ.FretwIl 113,SrdBrer 113 C 15-30 J.P 1 2:16iu 63 105 2 12 12"12" LandG" 12 TrueBoy 108, JimBcll 103, Isostasy 113 C Marl3-30lJ.P 1 l:4SVSft 16 107 10 7 7C3 73 QuillenC" 12 Keydet HO.GrabBag 110, nigh Life 112 C MaEl0-307J.P 1,V l:4Sft 14 114 3 4 6" 5 KnightM 12 CapfnApIejklU.Trpe ofDnl04,Coy 109 C Fch. 7-30F.G 1J l:55ft 71 109 5 8 5 C" RussellK 12 InfantalOI.TallGrass 114,TomKanty 114 C Jan.3O-30F.G l-fe 1:51 si 16 115 2 6 7SJ 8 LeonardR 12 F.Lieutcnantll3,Cornbeltll5,GriffW. 115 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year.. 18 13 2 $ 1,703 This year. .11 0 0 2 $ 125 MilltCCl 1 07 B f 4 by The viz5er Celmint, by CellinL Last work: 116 3-8...1:07ft Trainer, F. Nancolas. Owner, F. Nancolas. May l-30eAur 1 l:49gd 71 104 5 1 l1 ! BoucherJ8 8 Finnster 100, Faddy 104, Dontados 104 C Mat 9-30Hav 1!0 l:43ft 6 104 2 3 V 1 BoucherJ 8 Drifter 109, Fk G. Mnke 113,1iute 112 C Mac 6-303Hav 3 1:13 ft 5 104 5 5 5,!i 55 BoucherJ C Listerine 104,JohnnyAgee 117,Gideon 109 C rtb.2S-305IIav 1J l:52ft 6 102 2 4 51 5o BoucherJi 8 DoublcDarell0.NkoIsBoyll0,EdReesell3 C rtU13-304Hav 1 l:46l4gd 2 105 7 7 711 7" SeaboG 7 Ed Iteese 107,Tangram 102.Privately 107 C Feb. 4-30Hav 1 l:4Gft 2 105 5 3 42 51 DougrtyF 9 Lancer 107,ThcDipper 113,ChanningL.107 C in.29-30Hav 1" l:43Hft 8 105 4 4 42 1 SeaboG4 8 Pan 112. nomelike 114, Gaineswood 103 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 13 12 1 ? 1,050 This year.. 9 2 2 0 ? 1,750 The Orleanian 110 Ch" e 5 by Donnacona Marjorie Mai, by Zeus. J. J.V Trainer, E. F. Morris. Owner, "W. C. Morris. Mar29-30SA.G 1-S l:4Gft 10 109 S 5 4H 4 ClevleyW8 7 Caravan 109," Thrace 106, Fetching 113 C Mat S-30SA.C 1 l:46ft 20 109 10 G 632 G5 MayT1 10 ClaudeC. 107,Euonyms 112,Enthtic 112 C Mat 5-30" A. C lJtl:4Ssy 9 103 - 5 3 4 49 RomanoT 8 GallardolOO.SliastaXutllS.SmilgPes 106 C Jan.29-30TA.C lr l:50hy 9-5 109 3 3 48 51 ReddingJ1 8 BillyBasil 104,Tcdnleyl03,PlainPetel01 C Jan.21-308A.C 1 l:47ft 11-5 110 6 1 lh h RcddinJ 8 WarDotsl02,PlainPetcl03,ShtaRock 104 C Jan.l4-30A.O lr l:53ra 33-10 103 5 2 2i 1 ReddingJi 7 Ritter 107. Aiioy 113, Leo Lampe 108 C Jan. 3-30A.G lj 1:47ft 1G-5 107 7 2 3 542 ReddingJ 10 ClaudeC. 103,Marengo lOG.WillBank 103 C , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 43 8 9 5 $ 6,375 This year.. 7 1 1 O $ 700 Fetching 1 07 B" by Flittcrgold Phentcia, by Troutbeck. Last work: 119 1-2 :30ft -LI I Trainer, C. B. Irwin. Owner. C. B. Irwin. May 1-30" Aur 1 l:49gd 6 104 4 3 3 5"! MoranW8 8 Finnster 100, Minted 104, Faddy 101 C Apnl9-306Tan 3 1:14 ft 101 2 5 51 5J MoranW1 8 Brunswkll2,GladEfrtl08,KitCarson 103 C Arr.l7-30cTan 3 1:15 ft 105 1 2 1" 3J MoranW4 7 Prospect 103,FrankD.103,BrownBank 110 C Arnll-SOTan 1 1:40 ft 108 Left at post.WoodS4 7 PnPetcl08,DeepRiver 113,SpingRay 104 C Apr. S-30VTan 11:47 102 Left at post. Woods 7 Enthutic 107,KkyBabelOG,BabyBluel09 C Mar29-308A.C lV l:4Gft 49-10 113 5 3 3;i 331 ReddingJ1 7 Caravan lOO.Thrace lOC.T.Orleann 109 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 28 7 1 1 ,015 This year. .24 2 1 2 ,355 My Lava Q fi B f 3 by My Slay Kalavala, by Swynford. iU Trainer, A. Smitha. Owner, A. Sraitha. : May l-30JAur V l:44gd 12 100 1 6 SIe S8 CarrollW1 m 8 CockriI1100,Gen.Jksonl07JIBakcdAle94 C Apr.25-30TLex 1J 2:0Gft G 102 3 3 431 4s CarrollW 0 Blkryl07,MonticelIol09,LincolnIlt 117 C Apc22-30:Lex 1 l:54ft 7 102 2 4 42 ln CarrollW" 12 DolanllS.ThistleArious llo.Gdltidge 115 C Apr.lS-30Lex l10 l:4Gy3ft 10 102 4 2 2h 23 CarrollW1 12 JamesM.115,LcahJancl01,Gran.Dust 107 O 0cUS-295F.P -1:41 ft 12 99 8 6 4 3 MyersME 1 9 BmerllillsllO.CtainCall OG.ChfPhn 107 C Ocf.ll-292F.P 3 l:15sl 12 107 3 2 2 l1! FowlerG 8 PurpleRobel07,Avaricel07.AIniaVita 107 C v Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 20 1 2 2 $ 1,063 This year.. 4 1 1 0 $ 750 St. Helena T 01 Br f 4 by St James Sanbsria, by Santry. Ist work: 121 3-4. . .l:lCf t -LI J- Trainer, H. Torricnte. Owner, Y. Sague. Apr.24-30IBeu 11:50 ft 17 107 7 7 78 7" OMalleyJ4 S GrmaG.lOSi.RebeeklOO.KnsgfnLadm C Jan.27-30IIav l50 l:43ft 10 108 11 10 10"lli MeyerM 12 PsidentSethl08,XonStopl07,lrofiteerl09 C Jan.ZO-SOHav 1 l:53hy 21 107 5 2 441 Gcl GuerraJ 11 napyJaekll2,Partner 107,Bob,sBest 112 C Jan.l3-305IIav 14 l:443ft G 107 11 10 9 " 79 GuerraJ 11 AzyiWandr90,DrmDdyl07,Dctermanll2 C Jan.ll-30IIav 150 i:44Bd 31 110 4 4 41 3 GuerraJ1 C KittyCatl08,ShastaBcllcllO,Ormonita 98 C Jan. 4-30IIav iso i;44ft 8 108 G 6 451 31 PdomoM4 6 Mainsheet Hl,PsylvanlaII.108,Monal07 C Jan. 1-30Hav lj 1:47 ft 21 103 7 7 7" 7" PdomoM 7 PrivatelylOC.FinnsterUS.NthBreezc 111 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 12 2 13 $ 1,500 This year.. 7 0 0 2 ? 140 Long Joe 1 O B E 6 6y Horron Carreno, by lally. -L.V U Trainer, J. D. Miksl. Owner, W. M. Mikel and Son. Apr.2G-308Whe 1 l:51ft 1S-5 106 6 3 42 4i FutrellJi 8 ArrowUawk 111, Jibe lll.ReighShot 10S C Apr.21-30Whe 1J 2:12ft 9 106 5 3 2l 23 FutrellJ8 8 Iaftar lOS.PeterPrim 112,AdsApplc 109 O Apr.21-30Whe l l:48Vft 9 109 4 3 3Ji 3si GoodrichE1 11 Misnomer 114,ElmerII. 109,AVhiteNsel09 C Apr.lS-30Wlie 1and 1:51 sy 9 108 7 4 45i 41 ColvinA8 7 Clarifier 114, Laftar 114, Misnomer 113 C Apr.l2-305Who ls l:51ft 8 105 4 1 41 41 GoodichE8 8 StcenSisty 105,RkTrap HO.Wrfld 110 C Mai:15-30IIav 3 l:14ft 12 108 11 10 12"12o ColvinA2 12 TwoBills 107,WhiteKnee 97.SeaKaie 112 C , Starts. 1st, 2nl. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year.. 29 9 11 1 $ 5,070 This year.. 11 0 2 1 $ 300 Mat Mahoney 101 Er" c 3 M by EuSl,y Sequez, by Tchad. Last work: 119 1m. . .l:49ft LVX Trainer, L. F. OLeary. Owner. Lyda Mae Stock Farm. May l-308Aur lV l:4914gd 12 102 7 7 G31 G8 MrooneyJ8 8 Finnster 10C, Minted 104, Faddy 104 C Mat2S-307J.P l:o 1:53 m 7 98 1 3 2 24 Frj-eJW2 12 Flossyllare 98, Doc 110, LcahJane 101 0 Mac24-30J.P 1J 2:01sl 1G 98 7 1 2 21 FryeJW 12 Cornbeltlll.SaucyPollylOC.RckyWaylll C Mar21-30J.P loi:503sl U3 112 3 2 45 551 DellowW1 12 Chorisfrl04,BkdAppIel02,CutSteel 1081 C Ma20-30,J.P 3 l:19hy 327 114 11 11 10" S8J DellowW 12 Thelma L. 101, DonTinky 113, Solus 111 C TtUlS-SOF.G 1and l:47ft 61f 107 4 11 10 9 JohnsonE8 12 Playabit lOC.Itusticate lll.FairFolly 103 C Tb. 7-30F.G lr l:47ft 174 105 7 8 S S91 MeyersME8 8 TheCoach 114,Cabildo 114, Cut Steel 103 C , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 19 0 2 1 $ 427 This year.. 13 0 2 0 ? 200 Flapper Fanny 1 07 B f by Sweep Billie Dove, by Atheling II. Last work: 119 3-S 1:03ft J-V 1 Trainer, E. Veysey. Owner, "Wheaton Stable. May l-304Aur 1 l:49gd G 104 6 8 7 7c KiddG2 S BillPhillips lOC.SpanliI.ajlOl.Omrah 109 O Oct30-294Aur 1J 2:01m 6 102 10 7 41 2 MartinL 12 BalboalOS.LianMooarlOO.NnckoIsBoylOl C Oct24-298Aur lo l:51ra 7 104 10 8 4J ll FryeJW 12 WindFlower 103, Billiken 10S, Otilla 109 C Oct22-295Aur 1" l;49m 7f 10G 10 4 22 2s ColvinA 12 MartyrlOO.SethsBlot lOC.FairJmio 110 C OcUG-296Aur lj-1:49 ft 10 110 4 6 75i 7S1 TrimbleL. 8 Rcveillon 109, LongJoe 114, Finnster 116 C OctlO-29Haw 11:47 gd 33 106 8 11 10,!1018 MillerC 12 Pinirtsteinlll.LnMorIll.GdRidgelOS C Oct-4-29IIaw 1J l:535sgd 77 93 10 7 G1 551 DePcsoG "12 G.sImagelOl.EuonymuslOl.BrkBart 1U C Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year..21 2 2 1 ? L715 This year.. 1 Shasta Lady 101 Br f by Tracer Cornf0. by Broomstick. Last work: 121 3-8... :37ft -LvX Trainer, J. S, Ownbey. Owner, Mrs. J. S. Ownbey. Mar28-C0,,J.P ll:C4 m llo"l03 1 11 ll4 9 HornG 11 SwccpstakeslOS.LittlcSpied Ol.Endor 114 0 nul9-30JF.G l:4745ft 30f 101 12 12 12"12l CimeraUG 12 BlkbrylOO.DnatlnalOg.CliattahchcelOJ C FA 7-30F.G IS l:55ft CG 104 11 10 G 7" AyraudR" 12 InfantalOl.TallCrass 11 l.TomKanty 114 C Jan.28-C0F.G 1 l:52m 212 102 11 11 S50 84 SmltliV4 11 BluoMtrn2,Fsynarcl04.MclaAgnsl03 C Jan.l3-30F.G l-fg l:49yift 50 100 11 9 88 G81 EllswthW8 12 MmEmclIcl07,M,ksBabyll2.QrauIIl 103 C Jan. 3-30 F.G 1J 1:58 hy 107 100 G G C G18 GrccnC2 6 Troll 103,BorderChief lOO.DollySeth 105 C . Starts. 1st. 2nl. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year.. 15 0 0 2 ? 200 This year... 7 7th Aurora pursc ,000. 3-ycar-oias and upward. Claiming. Jack 1 M.-70 Yds. Haste", Oct. 10, 1029-1:425-3-103. JfOTK Claiming price, ,400; if for less, 1 pound allowed for each 00 to ,800. 3-ycar-oIds, 106 pounds; older, 116 pounds. Ind. PP. norse. Wt. Rcc. A.Wt.nan. Ind. VP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.nan. 4C44C8 lTorch Bbg 109 1:43 7 108X725 470798 3I!aked ApplnAur 91 1:43 3 9C..710 47079 7 Sarajevo ...Aur 114 1:43 5 112 x 720 47074 8 4llouseboy .Was 110 1:43 6 107 X 705 47079 2 General Jackson 46202 Cited Spider.. J.P 113 1:46 6 107X700 Aur 10711:44 3 100X715 40698 OPegasus 11 105X095 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. Torch 1 AQ Blk. g, 7, by Torchbearcr Devonshire Dolly, by Broomstick. Last work: 120 lm 1:48ft -LvO Trainer, A. T. Sansone. Owner, A. T.Sansone. Mat30-303A.C 1 l:3SVft 7 109 2 9 9 3o RomanoT 9 VoltMeterlCO.PlataRl 11 l,lIIirtstnl07 C Mar22-308A.C lj l:4Gft 5i 112 4 3 21 2f RomanoT8 8 Marengol05,StarPrince 113,FairGold 102 G ManlG-308A.C 1 l:42Vfchy 6 108 10 10 9" 814 RomanoT 10 DpRiver HO.Fly.Kxpress 95,Brooksie 93 0 Jrar.l4-308A.C 1and l:47ft 19-5 110 1 2 31 3i RomanoTS 7 WillBanklll.LlcCaptainm.S.Prince 111 O rtU2S-308-A.C 1J 2:07ft 3-2 104 1 2 2! 2i RomanoT 3 LtIeCaptainl00,ShastaXutl03,Omrahll0 O rtk26-30A.C 11 l:32Vift 3 109 2 1 21 2 RomanoT8 7 Inca lOO.LittlcCaptain lOC.BabyBlue 102 C FtU21-308A.C li 2:07 gd 14-5 112 1 1 Is 1 RomanoT10 10 Omrah 112, Cameo 101. Fair Girl 93 C tPlaced first through disqualification. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won,- . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year.. 26 6 6 3 $ 5.972 This year.. 16 5 5 4 ? 4,250 ScrajcVO IIP B. h, 5, by Hapsburg Hedda, by Walmsgatc. Last work: 118 lm l:54sl J-Xj Trainer, L. Meripol. Owner. A. H. Dressel. May 1-30Aur ll l:44gi CI 114 4 2 2 43 CreesWW8 8 CockrilU00,Gen.Jksonl07J,BakedAle94 C Mar 7-30Mia 1J 2:06 ft 5 114 2 2 2h lnfc WkmanR1 C Scott 111, Brown Ruler 114, Athens 100 O Mac 1-30Mia IjV l:31ly 3 115 8 G 3i 3 HalbertF1 10 Prolell.llO.nighPlarllS.SfmSignal 103 O FUi27-30Mia 1 J 1:53 ft G 11.2 9 4 31 lh IlalbertF" 12 Sunspec 107,MayorWalker 112,Nihil 112 C Fcb.l7-303MIa l,ff 1:50 sy 10 113 7 5 5H 5 o HalbertF8 8 Jasontel05,JnyCpbl 110,CorneStarl07 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 4 0 0 1 ? 75 This year.. 5 2 0 1 ? 1,575 General Jackson I A? B, c, 3, by Behave Yourself Windsor, by North Star TXL. Last work: " 117 7-8 1:33ft -LUO Trainer, J. Tigue. Owner, Paradise Stock Farm Stable. May l-307Aur l18 l:4iy5gd 14-5 1071 S 4 V 21 GevingL4 and Cockrill lOO.BakedApple 94,Serajcvo 114 O Arn21-30sLcx 1 l:44ft 15 112 1 3 3Ji 3 FisherH8 7 BkCld 113,SwDwn 117,RIingSea 107 C Arr.l7-304Lex l70 l:I5ft 41 110 4 3 3 3i FIsherH8 7 ShwDnllO.EI of Wwkll8,BntBrnl07 G MaE2S-30sJ.P 1J 2:00im Gl 114 7 7 G:0 G,a CavcnsJ8 9 Mich.Boyll7,B.N.Bobll7,BtherRank 117 S MaE22-305J.P 1" l:52m 22 107 1 4 41 310 QuillenC1 5 MIe1iiganBoyll2.Col.Bell 103,Cabildo 108 A Fib.l9-30!F.G 11:39 ft 5J 107 2 4 551 51 CavcnsJ8 C BrotlierRank lOO.Kincsen lOl.Niato 102 A . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. 8 2 3 2 5 1.925 This year.. 12 0 2 6 ? 93S Baked Apple Q CZ Br- " 3 Black Servant Beach Beauty, hy Cunard. Last work: 107 lm l:49sy Trainer, J, R. Schuster. Owner, Miss B. Watson. May l-307Aur 17 l:44gd 7 91 5 3 31 31! CooperO7 8 Cockrill 109,Gcn.Jksonl071,Serajcvo 114 O Apr.24-305HdG l79 l:43ft 71 108 4 4 4 33 QnbushG8 11 My Scoop 113, Calome 104, Kaylor 108 C Apr.21-30IIdG l70 l:4G ft 13 108 5 4 2 2" CooperO8 8 Master Star 107, Calome 109. Nayior 110-O Arr.lS-30rHdG 171:52 m 12 100 G 1 l1! 1 CooperO11 13 Broker 107,FairFolly 103,SeaMyrtle 100 C Apcl2-30Bow 1 1:2G ft 21 100 6 6 C8 610 CooperO2 6 Frifmper 107,RedBriar 103.Trapland 100 A . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 3 This year.. 19 1 2 5 $ 1,525 llOUSCboy 1 07 Cb E 6 y Folymelian Dnst Pan n, y Sweeper. Last work: 120 " 1-2.... :50ft -Lv I Trainer, S. Hutcherson. Owner, Rosehome Stable. May l-305Aur 2 1:13 gd IS 10G 3 3 3s 31 LoganL" 12 BigSweep lll.BigChief 113, Shift 111 G Aus31-297L.F lr l:4Gft 12-5 103 2 4 3H G3J KealP "12 Goy. Seth 110, Gotham 110, Sea Rip 110 C Ansl2-29Haw lj l:53ft 31-10 114 8 10 10"1181 PpolE "11 D.BurnhamlOo.HoldFast 103J.Finlandl03 C Aug 6-29Haw l:47ft 21-10 11G 5 1 l5 1 PoolE 10 Forebcc 111. Gotham 113, Duck It 109 C JuL 5-297A.P . 1 l:43ft 91 109 3 1 1J U PoolE 12 ArmeeNaveelOS.FirepflOS.HowdLee 108 O JuLCgOWas l70 l:43ft I 1101 5 4 37 4" ColtilettiF 810 Banset98,nowardLeel08.KittyMullally98 C , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. 12 2 1 0 ? 2,077 This year.. 1 0 0 1 $ 150 Red Spider 1 07 s by ennan Cobwebs, by Broomstick. Last work: 320 lm..... 1:50ft -Lv I Trainer, C. Reed. Owner, J. W. Goode. MatlS-305J.P 11:59 hy 10 100 1 G G 7J EllswhW2 .8 LnPlaut lOO.Isostasy 103,WaltcrR. Ill J G Manl5-307J.P 11 2:02 m 71 107 1 4 510 511 SandozJ 10 GdRidgellO,Emplettel03,StageStrk 110 C Marll-SOJ.P lj l:47tft 11 107 6 2 28 35i FrjeJW1 8 RyKellerl07,BliMongerl07,GorSoth 112 C Jan.28-207F.G 11 1:59 m 8 105 2 1 21 2i RussellK1 10 Pnnkiel05,Rejuvcnationl09.LetterSixllO C Jan.22-307F.G 1 l:53hy 6 105 8 3 27 2 SandozJ 9 GrtSportllO,LefrSixll2,DreanaLee 1041 C Jan. 9-303F.G lt 1:4714ft 10 105 7 12 12m50 MartinL8 12 Kadiak 112,Ndemns HO.WestWind 111 O . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wen.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. .30 4 3 10 $ 4,525 This year.. 6 0 2 1 5 350 PegaSUS 10 B S by den Maxim Brightstone, by Deutschland. Last work: 119 1-2 :3Gft -LUO Trainer, C. B. Irwin. Owner, C. B. Irwin. Arr.l7-30Tan 3 1:16 ft 112 7 10 9" S MoranW1 32 MctaFrances 110, Aalii 112, Cluwar 110 C Aptll-307Tan 1 l:47ft 104 7 G GJ G13 WoodS 7 WrSTml02,LicWrtl07,Puinstein 107 C Apr. 7-30!Tan 1J l:53ft 101 8 7 S11 719 WoodS1 S AVliiskeyRunlOO.RaylOl.PollyTimbcr 108 C Me27-305A.C 1and l:46ft 8f 112 9 11 1111:4 RichdsnN 12 Caravanll3,WskeyRunll5,BessJones 108 C Mat23-30A.C 2 3:33ft 12 102 1 7 7:o 7:3 MoranW 7 Aurousl02,GalIopgJo 103,LeW right 107 C Mac 6-307A.C 1J 1:5614m 51 104 10 9 9" 9" MoranW 10 Sliastaltock lll.Lamkin 109,Marengo 108 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Last year.. 10 1 2 1 ? 819 This year. .12 0 0 1 $ 50