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CLOCKER N. ROGERS For Sale at All Newsstands, 35 Cents NEW WEEKLY OUT TODAY And you can easily BEAT YOUR LAYER every day this week with a copy of CLOCKER N. ROGERS TURF WEEKLY, and all this costs you is 35 cents, and a copy is good for six days. See your newsdealer immediately. SIX STRAIGHT FREE CODE WINNERS AND GOING OVER EVERY DAY All Rogers Free Code Followers Are Getting Plenty YESTERDAYS FREE CODE: GOLD STEP p 1.12, WON What a RECORD! Every day for the past SIX RACING DAYS we gave out a FREE CODE WINNER. We get the best information obtainable, and what costs us THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS weekly is yours for the small cost of 35 cents, the price of CLOCKER N. ROGERS TURF WEEKLY. Get yourself a copy from your nearest newsstand immediately. MONDAYS FREE CODE: c OVERBOARD 7.26, WON SATURDAYS FREE CODE: BURNING UP 0.66, WON i FRIDAYS FREE CODE: NO MORE .84, WON And REMEMBER THE WEEK BEFORE WE GAVE OUT FIVE OUT OF SIX FREE CODE WINNERS. i FOLLOW THE SMART MONEY And that is just what vou will be doing when you follow the CLOCKER N." ROGERS TURF WEEKLY. , We publish a FREE CODE in our advertisement every dav in the week and. if you want to HIT YOUR LAYER, just start followine this WINNING INFOR MATION. ] DONT BE A "WISH I HAD." Get a ropy imme diately. 35 cents at all newsstands. Once Again We Will "Slaughter" the Layers When Todays Rogers Free Code Will Be Returned the Easiest Kind of Winner at Limit Odds 1 * We have anxiously awaited the word on this good ] thing. This horse has been held up two weeks waiting for the right spot, and connections advise "GOES IN A SPOT TODAY" and should WIN EASILY. Here is your chance to collect on a LIMIT PRICED WINNER, as these people make no mistakes. They cover every angle and always get what they go after. Play this LIMIT WINNER for the BIGGEST BET you ever made in vour life. HERE IT IS— GO STRONG TODAYS FREE CODE: WASHINGTON PARK— Gun-1-45. This information and our FREE CODE for the next FIVE DAYS are yours for the askinsc. See your newsdealer immediately, slip him 35 cents and see page 2 J for cipher code, Clocker N. Rogers Turf Weekly. There is no EXTRA CHARGE or any BUNK about getting this FREE CODE. Clocker N. Rogers Is for the Player at All Times YESTERDAYS 00 STABLE SECRET: 1 BURGOO 0.14, WON MONDAYS 00 STABLE SECRET: EASTER TIME 7.68, WON SATURDAYS 00 STABLE SECRET: « ROSA W 3.92, WON Five hundred dollar Stable Secrets are taking the countrv bv storm and. can vou imagine, this "info" is ■ free to ail CLOCKER N. ROGERS TURF WEEKLY J subscribers. , EXTRA EXTRA! SIX 00 STABLE SECRETS FREE! We have been knocking the BOOKMAKERS out of BOX daily with our consistently winning STABLE SECRETS. We have contracted with the shrewdest turfmen in the business for the NEXT SIX STABLE SECRETS. THE FIRST 00 STABLE SECRET GOES TODAY Here is one that looks as GOOD as "IN." SECOND 00 STABLE SECRET GOES , THURSDAY, MAY 28 This is ONE of those short fields, where the longest priced HORSE should WIN. So get vours. , THIRD 00 STABLE SECRET GOES FRIDAY. MAY 29 A REAL SPECIAL in clever hands that simply cant miss, as the WISE MONEY IS DOWN, and everything set for a gigantic cleanup. FOURTH 00 STABLE SECRET GOES SATURDAY, MAY 30 A SMASHING CLEANUP will take place Saturday , with this MAIDEN SPECIAL, as the SPOT is made j to order for this horse to WIN AT 20 1. So send it in. FIFTH 00 STABLE SECRET GOES , MONDAY, JUNE 1 No mistakes will be made with this ONE. Get me? • Nuff sed. SIXTH S500 STABLE SECRET GOES TUESDAY, JUNE 2 This ONE is handled by the cleverest operator in the business and. from what he says, you are betting on a sure winner o dont miss it. SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER Wire $:i initne li.ilely wmi we will mail j«n TEN "OX-MM ITIVK ISSI KS OF ].OCKi:i: V KOCKK8 TORT WEEK! Y :ind. as n premium, send ynn. AT.SOETTBI.Y FREE OF HAltCE. THE ABOVE SIX COXSECTTIVE AI»VEBTISEI» M STABLE MM BETS. ROGERS PUBLISHING CO. 1674 Broadway Suite 316 New York City c i i , ] 1 ] T. M. Ferguson RELEASING REAL TURF INFORMATION— STRICTLY TWO HORSES A DAY— PROMPT SERVICE TO ALL OUT-OF-TOWN CLIENTS 5Wr DAILY— STRICTLY TWO HORSES— DAILYpE EVERYBODY RECEIVES THE SAME TWO HORSES BUT SUBSCRIBE FOR TODAYS BIG WIN PARLAY— 0 TO 1C I»~TWO BIG PRICED WINNERS— GET THEM— PLAY THEM— CASH ON THEM **■ Under no consideration should any player miss todays Wednesdays big win parlay. Two big priced winners positively wired all out-of-town clients the very minute their money is received. Wire immediately. Do it now. Dont wait. Dont hesitate. YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: Gold Step, 1.12, Won Burgoo, $ 1 0. 1 4, Won WIN OR LOSE, MY TWO HORSES ARE ADVERTISED EVERY DAY NOTICE! BEWARE! We do not issue sheets or books for sale at newsstands. T. M. Ferguson information obtained from New York office only. Do not buy any sheets bearing the name "T. M. Ferguson." EWrSUBSCRIBE FOR TODAYS BIG WIN PARLAY— 0 TO W2 We have a special department to handle western subscribers exclusively, assuring prompt and immediate attention. Out-of-town subscribers receive the advertised two horses the very same day their money is received. Subscribe today. Dont wait for tomorrow. The day you miss is the day you lose. JWWIRE IMMEDIATELY FOR TODAYS TWO HORSESPSS Out-of-Town Clients, Remit by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and Receive Service. No Waiting. T. M. Ferguson 1476 BROADWAY, ROOM 1105 NEW YORK, N. Y. J 1 « ■ J , , , , j , • SUPREME FLASH TURF WEEKLY 35 Cents— 10 Weeks. S3 For Sale on All Newsstands YESTERDAYS ,000 CANADIAN SPECIAL: WON AGAIN The Biggest Cleanup in Racing History Was Made by 50,000 Readers of Supreme Flash When Mondays 00 Free Code TACK 0.00, WON Remember. Mr. IMayer, when .vou have a copy of 1 I Supreme Flash you are on the inside of racing. We have direct connections on every race track in America, j I Kesults prove this statement. You dont have to take our word, ask any Supreme follower. There are over J 00.000 readers. SMASHING ALL RECORDS— TWELVE STRAIGHT WIN PARLAYS— THAT IS JUST WHAT WE I RELEASED TO OUR FOLLOWERS. YESTERDAYS SUPREME PARLAY: GOLD STEP 1.12, WON I MARLENE Ran Third MONDAYS SUPREME PARLAY: DARN THORN .65, WON j ROYAL SON .38, .08, 3RD SATURDAYS SUPREME PARI.AY: MATADI 0.46, WON BURNING UP 0.06, WON When Limit Parlays Are Released Supreme Flash Will Release Them , FRIDAYS SUPREME PARLAY: AMERICAN THUNDER 1.08, WON LIGHT MINT 0.70, WON THURSDAYS SUPREME PARLAY: SCOTLANDS GLORY 2.66, WON EMULATOR 3.94, WON The above parlays are filed in advance and released i to my followers hy a code which appears in this paper , daily, which caii be deciphered with a copy of Supreme Flash, sold at all newsstands for 35 cents. THIS IS THE ONLY TURF WEEKLY IN AMERICA THAT HAS THE APPROVAL OF , RECOGNIZED TURFMEN TODAYS SUPREME PARLAY: WASHGTON— Plane-40-36. WDBINE— Helmet-3-19 Both horses are well meant and are Going to carry the backing of their stables. No mistakes will be ! made today, dont hesitate to go the limit to win only on THIS parlay today. If you wish to participate in this win parlay today and five other win parlays buy a copy of Supreme Flash and turn to page eight 8. TODAYS REGULAR FREE CODE: WASHINGTON PARK— July-5-10-17-17. SUPREME PUBLISHING CO., 799 Broadway, Suite 407 New York City FOR WASHINGTON PARK INFORMATION SEE T. M. FERGUSON KODEFORM For Sale at Your Newsstand— 50 Cents Todays Kodeform Parlay: WASHINGTON— Dog-10-17-28-37 and WASHINGTON— Cow-24-31-21-44. TURF ACE Smartest Turf Weekly— At All Stands, 50 Cents Todays Free Code: WASHINGTON— Sweep-31-37. Todays Editors Code: APRIL— New Jersey-7-26. ANDYS BREAKERS— All Stands— 50c Daily. Todays Coded Breakers: WASHINGTON— Bit-9-19-25 and WASHINGTON— Cap-15-7-7. Todays Big Boy Double: WOODBINE— Rat-1-13-7 and WASHINGTON— Lion-7-17-16. CLUB HOUSE For Sale on AH Newsstands 50c Per Copy Todays Free Codes: WOODBINE— Cement-i2-14. WOODBINE— Marble -7-22. Todays Jockey Code: Washington — Gold-5-23-14-14. COMPASS 1 Todays Parlay Code: Green -Hoof -52-38-38-44. Green-Spur-54-38-62-44. Todays Free Code: Washington-Green-20-66-48-24. Todays Clocker s Code: Blue-Joc-56-40-40-30. CHAMPION NEWSIES 50 Cents Daily All Stands TODAYS NEWSIES: WASHTON— White-16 5-18. WDBINE— Green-6-18-9. I FOR FREE PHONE RESULTS | CALL WABASH 7000 — » I s — 1 I j I J I I , i , , ! ESTABLISHED IN 1917— WITH WHOM EVERY PROMISE IS PERFORMED E. V. Christian BEAT THE RACE GAME EVERY WEEK There Is Plenty of Money to Be Made in Racing If You Are Properly Connected You know every day horses are winning at big prices that have shown very little in their previous races. pay plenty of money every day to get this information. We all know racing men dont depend entirely on puises. These men back their own horses when ready. Inasmuch as I am not permitted to play at the track distribute the information throughout the country to my clients. DAILY— STRICTLY AND ONLY TWO-HORSE PARLAY— DAILY The Same Two Horses Positively Released to Each and Every Subscriber. No Exceptions. No Partiality. Chicago players, do not miss todays two horses. Do -not go to the track unless you have my Washington Park big limit win parlay today. YESTERDAYS STRICTLY AND ONLY TWO HORSES RELEASED TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER: Gold Step, 1.12, Won Burgoo, 0.14, Won The Above Horses Were Filed in Advance and Released Immediately to Each and Every One of My Clients A WIN PARLAY EACH DAY LAST WEEK SHOWED A GOOD PROFIT Not one losing week in the past four months. Show me another turf informant in the business with a record like this. Over seventy per cent winners released. EWTodays 50 to Limit Win ParlaypSE I have made special arrangements to handle Western subscribers. Additional clerks have been added to my staff strictly to handle my western business. Telegrams marked rush sent every subscriber immediately on receiving their subscription. The advertised parlay sent the same day their money is received. Not a moments delay. Subscribe immediately. HTWIRE FOR TODAYS LIMIT WIN PARLAY ~M Western subscribers: Go to your nearest Western Union or Postal Telegraph office and wire for todays strictly two horses. You will receive the advertised two hoises at once. Address ED. V. CHRISTIAN 1452 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Office Open Daily from 9 A. M. to 7 P. M. I Carmacs Class Ratings THE "BIBLE" OF THOUSANDS OF TURF PLAYERS Late in the summer, when horses have established their form, its no trick for a fair handicapper, amateur or professional, to pick a good percentage of winners. That is, provided the handicapper makes the selections at tracks where horses have been racing against each other all season and have shown their true ability. But turf players do not want to wait until the season is on its last legs to start playing. They want to play NOW, while the interest in racing is reaching fever heat. To do this successfully, they must have an accurate line on the class of every horse that races. Thats why they use Carmacs Class Ratings. Carmac, nationally recognized authority on race horse "class," gives you an accurate class figure on every horse in training in his list of class ratings that appear in every issue of Weekly Racing Guide. These ratings, revised each week just before the Guide goes to press, are a boon to the player at this season, when horses that have raced steadily throughout the winter and spring are meeting horses that are making their first start of the year; when horses from one winter track are meeting racers that campaigned at other winter tracks. Along with each list of Carmacs Class Ratings appears a simple method of handicapping, one that is used by thousands and thousands of turf followers. Players who have their own method of handicapping find this list an excellent aid. Originally Carmacs Class Ratings, publshed in book form once a month, sold for a copy. Now these ratings, brought up to date each week, are free to readers of Weekly Racing Guide. a TWO FREE CODE SERVICES THAT WIN CARMAC Americas Greatest Expert Carmacs Release for Wednesday: WASHINGTON PARK— Sixt-8. ASA POWELL The Man Who Catches Them Out of Line Asa Powells Release for Wednesday: BAINBRIDGE— Seven-41-23. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF MAY 23 ARTHUR MILES RELEASES APPEAR EXCLUSIVELY IN WEEKLY RACING GUIDE Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ELL. On Sale at All Newsstands— Price, Twenty-Five Cents