1st Washington, Daily Racing Form, 1931-06-01

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1st Washington Bridal Wreath Purse. Purse ,200. 2-Year-Olds. K/ --.. Maidens. Fillies. Special Weights. Jimmy 56 Mile Moran, June 3, 1929— : 592—2— 116. Index Tost ,-Best at Distance-, Wt. Claim Index Post ,-Best at Distance— x Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeTodav Price No. Poa. Horse. Track Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 58400 9 Princess Nancy 115X 59265 12 Smiling Moon . . B94482 7 Cousin JudyAur 112 1:02% 115.. CD 112 l:03%s 115.. 69352s 10 Zina Was 109 1:02% 115.. 13 Real Silk 115.. 59100 14 Kitty F.... CD 110 1:01 115.. 15 Beauty Secret. 115.. 59448 17 Verda ... .Was 110 1.02% 115.. 59093 16 Flag Catcher.. 59448 1 Stella F.... CD 115 1:02% 115.. ....... ..Aur 1061 :05%sy 115.. 59448 2 Dixiana ...Was 110 1:02% 115.. 18 Suniday 115.. 3 First Cousin... 115.. 19 Princess A. O. . 115.. 4 Melodeon 115.. 593082 20 Sabina H.. Was 115 1:03% 115.. 59308 5 Anny J.... Was 115 1:03% 115.. Audley Farm Stable entry— Susu, Suniday. J. Leiter 59450 6 Susu CD 105 1:03% 115.. entry— Princess Nancy, Princess A. O. J. Lowenstein k 8 Juicy Bit..... 115.. entry — Kitty F., Sabina H. L. B. Combs entry — Juice tj 11 Sally Irene 115.. Bit, Smiling Moon. f? Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1930. I *Fair mud runner. xGood mud runner. ® Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures ■ or •. 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. ; Beauty Secret I I F B. f, 2 M, by Waygood— Artifice, by Light Biigade. JL X O Trainer, R. White. Owner, Jefferson Park Stable. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wun. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. ttdn.-, Flag Catcher 1 1 K B. f, 2 M, by Sun Flag— Duchess Kathleen, by John tt Last work: 149-5 8.102%" -1 ± « G""ntx„ Trainer, C. W. „ Moore. « Owner, «r Warm Stable. Mayl9-31Aur g 1:04 sy 19 106J 2 4 4 6* HanfordB1 2500 9 ElsienBrucel07,Pr.Sweepl06.Mailliwl07 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—. * Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 1 Suniday "lli B. f , a M. by High Cleud— Halicore, by Sir Martin. Last work- 139—3 8. :37%" -»-J.O Trainer, X. Spence. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. , — Stalls. 1st. «aaL 3rd. TstSM / Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- • Princess A O 1 1 "- Br. f, t M, by Dunlin — Super Shot, by Superman. Last work: 145-3-8... :38ft *- -1 ° Trainer, N. H. Beall. Owner, J Leiter. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , StartB. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Sabina H. 1 1 K B- "* * 11 by Ir*t"n*r— BT,,, Babre, by Sun Briar. -*■ A O Trainer, 3. Lowenstein. Owner, J. Lowenstein. I ast k- 145 3 8 -37ft Mav25 3rWas g 1:02 "gd 18 115 5 3 3" 2* PoolE* Maid 10 PssCameliall5,PlGracell5,AnnyJ. 115 May 9 31C.D 4A t 53% ft 46 108 8 11 11" 10" PoolE" 2500 12 Allenfernll0,ScotI,dBluesl07,Playing107 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-s 1931 record.. 2 0 1 0 % 200 r I The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest work-but and racing record for this and previous year: Princess Nancy V 1 1 Ch" * * M5, ky Jolul * 6rl6r — Bernice Harrar, by Superman. I Last work: 141—3-8. :40%sy J * O Trainer, X. K. Beal. Owner. J LeUer. I Apc28 315Lex 4J f :53% ft 14-5e 112 6 7 8*1 10" SmithJ* Stks 12 PessIvrell5,B.Beansll5,MnQueen 112 I Apt25 31°Lex 44 f :53% It 3 2e 109 3 4 3* 3i Smith J7 Allw 9 PssIvrel.EllenD.llShakrLady 109 Apr21 312Lex £ :49% sy 4-5e 116 8 7 ? 38 PoolE* Maid 12 EllenD.116,LySuperiorll6,SunB,ny 116 Wxl6 31F.G s -.35% m 7e 112 7 5 44 5* JamesE* Stks 17 DrHappy 118,Proteus 122,Trueman 115 Fehl3 31!F.G 1 :35% ft 12 112 4 3 32 32* AndersonA" Allw 11 Proteusl24,D,rHappyll8,AdobePost 118 , Starta. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wob. 1931 record.. 5 0. 0 3 I 175 Cousin Judy 11 Br. f, 2 1I, by Sun Pal — Colores, by Spanish Prince II. Last work- 135 1-2 -52%hy -*--*■*-" Trainer, H. Crouch, Owner, Tennessee Breeders Association. Mav28 31Was 1 1:02% ft 11-5 110*2 4 5*i 24 JamesE1 2000 10 Fluent 115, Verda 110, Stella F. 110 Ma 22 31Aur § 1:01% gd23-10 109J 8 7 5* 3* Ley land J" Allw 10 Jalie HO.ElsienBruce 113,VoxPop 111 Mayl8 313Aur | 1:02% ft 12 5 112 6 5 35 2J LeylandJ" 1700 11 Escostarl07,Dixianal07,PttePanglel05£ Jday 7 313Aur 4£ f :54% gd 9 112 6 6 4J 3* PalumboS* Maid 12 UltieVotell2,This.Lassll2,GndDoe 115 , z StartB. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Sarts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wod.-, 1931 record.. 4 0 2 2 $ 400 1 g|ua "I 1 *"T Ch. f, 2 M, by Transmute— Half Mask, by Hurst Park. Last work: 150—3-8... :42m **V Trainer, T. P. Hayes. Owner, T. P. Hayes. |Hay26-31Wa? | 1:01% ft 52 109 2 9 94 341 RoseM4 3000 11 Flying 109,AnitaOrmtllO,PrecsAnnll2 ! , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wou.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, I 1931 record. . 1 0 0 1 $ 100 Kitty F. 1 "I PC ch- • 2 *W. by Peter Quince — Tanapra, by Ben Brush. Last work- 150 3-8 -41m J-A iJ Trainer, J. Lowenstein. Owner, J. Lowenstein. Hayl9-31"C.D | 1:00% ft 32 110 6 5 4* 4s CorbettC* Alhv 12 ChuChul.Fl.oVVhitel.SansCoin 110 I Hay 9-31C.D 4| » :53% ft 38 116 10 8 10* 918 PoolE* Maid 12 AtSnnrisell6,ChuChull6,Sh,k,rUdy 116 , Starts. iBt. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- f 1931 record.. 2 1 ■"ferda "1 1 PT B. f, 2 M. by General Thatcher— Shady Nook, by Atheling TJ. lit Trainer, B. P. Carman, Jr. Owner, Nevada Stock Farm Stable. Ma 28 31Vas | 1:02% ft 65 110*9 5 44 3i CunhamL9 2000 10 Fluent 115,CousinJudy HO.StellaF. 110 ". Ma -26-31Wai § 1:01% ft 24f HOi 6 11 11" ll,e 4orsonR2 3000 11 Flying 109,Anita Ormont 110,Zina 109 Mar.5-31!Mia a g :32% ft 130 111* 5 910 9"J MorrisonR4 Allw 9 EveningllO,St.MicallO,FhionShow 114 Feb.ll 312Mia a g :32% ft 4if 110 6 14» 14" MorsonR1* Allw 15 Plum Run 115, Viba 110, Suntica 115 z Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, I 1931 record.. 4 0 0 1 $ 100 Stella F. 1 1 C Blk. f, 2 M. by Coventry— Independence, by Ballot. " Last work 138 3-8 -39ft "* ■*■ Trainer, C. A. Bidencope. Owner, C. A. Bidencope. May28-31Was | 1:02% ft 15 110*8 3 34 42J DickeyA10 2000 10 Fluent 115, CousinJudy 110, Verda 110 May213rCD g 1:01 gd 20f 115 1 3 3 3 ChiavtaF* Maid 12 Preferll5,E]n.,r!Choicell5,Sp Flirt 115 May 5-31C.D 4* f :53% ft 14t 116 3 5 64 7*1 PoolE5 Maid 12 PtersDreamll6,Fluentll6,Mrcelet 116 Mar.20 31St.J i :50 ft 15 115 4 6 9° 9n RoseM2 Maid 11 RedVestll5,DrkThornll5,Greylock 118 Mail6 31St.J i :37 ft 43 115 6 84 9" RoseM Maid 12 JustaSheik 115,DarkCelt 118,Fluent 115 MarlO 31St.J | :36% ft 25 107 2 3" 34 RoseM 2000 12 MyPliasellO,RedVestl02,D,k,,rtory 111 « , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .17 0 1 2 $ 280 Dixiana 1 1 FC B. f , 1 M, by Bonnacona — Dulcir.ea II., by Yankee. i Last work- 137— 3 8 -42ft ■*-■*■ O Trainer, J. B. Theall. Owner, Lone Star Stable. May28-31Was §1:02% ft 35 115 6 7 64 54 LeylandJ* 2000 10 Fluent 115, CousinJudy 110, Verda 110 , May25 31 Was | 1:02 gd 8 115 3 10 911 612 RichardA2 Maid 10 P.CameIiall5,SabinaH.115,PlGrace 115 May2131Aur g 1:04 by 8 107 810 9" 914 RichardA8 1800 12 Abstain 105,Anny J. 108,Essential 109 Ma 18 31Aur g 1:02% ft 6J 107*4 4 4" 34 RichardA 1700 11 Escostarl07,CnJudyll2,PtePanglel05£ Mayll313Aur 4j f :58% m 7J 106*5 4 6" 64 RichardA" 2000 8 Transdtlll.AbstainlOS.AdelaideN 104 May 7 31sAur 4i » :54% gd 5i 112 4 7 64 64 DuboisD4 Maid 12 UltieVotell2,This.Lassll2,CsinJudyll2 , May 4 313Aur 4i f :55% ft 25 111 2 5 5s 54 DuboisD1 2600 7 Iskumllb,BabyBanel04,PrinceSweepl08 May 2 314Aur 4£ f :54% ft 39 110 1 5 6" 6* DuboisD Allw 9 FredAlmyll6,P.Sweepl09,Ftu JVlia 110 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-* 1931 record.. 8 0 0 1 % 50 First Cousin 11 Br. f, I M, by General Thatcher— Cousin Lute, by Midway, Last work: 149— 5-8.1:04%" L±U Trainer, W. Crump. Owner, J. W. Parrish. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-* , Starts. 1st. Lml. 3rd. Won.-s Melodeon 1 1 FJ Ch. f, 2 M, by Supremus — Melodia, by Cudgel. Last work: 148— 1-2... :52ft lAO Trainer, B. J. Durnell. Owner, O. H. Berz. , Starts. 1st. J!ud. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. Lnd. 3rd. Won.—, Anny J. X -| -| fr B. f, 2 M. by Jack Hare Jr.— Sanda, by Atwell. I Last work- 149—5 8 1:05--ft " H" Trainer, H. T. Fleming. Owner, King; Bruce Stable. I May25 31VVas 1 1:02 gd 15 115 6 5 5 44 Watson R8 Maid 10 P.Cameliall5,SabinaH,115,PlGrace 115 t May21-313Aur | 1:04 hy 12 108 1 1 l1 22 WatsonR 1800 12 Abstainl05,Essential 109i,Watauga 107 I Mayl8 313Aur | 1:02% ft 18 110 5 7 7U 64 WatsonR* 1500 11 Escostarl07,CousinJudyll2,Dixiana 107 May8 314Aur 4| f -.56% m 92 109 6 4 3 5* WatsonR* 1600 10 ByBanel04,Mailhw 109,BgarLady 105 Mar27 31St.J 4if :55% ft 93 105*4 4 81 9U WatsonR2 300011 DarkVictoryllO,RedVestl05,Ho»vee lit I Man24 31St.J 4 £0% ft 89 106 4 2 74 10* WatsonR2 1250 12 Even 115,Cervaza 1084,EveIynBarr 107 Febl7 31Hav | :49% ft 12 104 11 Bolted. WatsonR" 1500 11 AnitasPal 112,Mordawn 112,Totolo 115 I , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . i 1931 record. 10 0 1 0 $ 100 gQSQ -| 1 JT Blk. f, 2 M, by Sun Flag— Polly Sue, by High Time. | Last work- 135 3-8 -37Kd * * ■* Trainer, K. Spence. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. | May28-31Was g 1:00% ft 29 109 3 4 6" 64 MeyerC2 Allw 7 Easier Time 115,The Whig 110,Lojo 110 | May 25 313Was g 1:00% gd 27 109 7 5 61* 6» MeyerC* Allw 7 EterTimel08,Adberostll5,P.Sweep 108 May21 31C.D g 1:01 gd 77 115 11 6 6" 5" SchutteH8 Maid 12 Preferll5,ErorsChoice 115,StellaF. 115 Mayl6 31sC.D | :59% ft 51 105 8 8 8" 82 SchutteH1 Allw 8 AdobePostll5,Proteusll8,TexasKhtl08 , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, i 1931 record. . 4 j Juicy Bit 11 B. f, 2 M, by Pennant— Juicy Fruit, by Chicle. • J JL J. t Trainer, W. Z. Suggs. Owner, L, B. Combs. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- V- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- J Sally Irene I I r Ch. f, 2 M, by Paul Weidel— Blemished, by Olambala. . Last work: 135-3 8... :39ed J- * and Trainer, J. J. Greely. Owner, T. E. Nash. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Smiling Moon 1 1 "- B. f, 2 M, by Eire aux — Larmes — Over the Moon, by Broom- Last work: 142-1 2. :50%«" J-13 stick- Trainer, H. Cavanaugh. Owner, L. B. Combs. , Ma -23 31C.D g 1:02% si 34e 112 6 8 8" 64 CorbettC9 Maid 10 RosaW.112,DisDat 115.Barashkova 115 Ma 12 31C.D 1 1:03% si 43e 116 11 8 82 8s! CorbettC12 Maid 12 ChuChull6,Span.Flirtll6,Playarnd 116 | , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , 1931 record.. 2 Real Silk 1 1 "*i B. f, 2 M, by Supremus — Black Silk, by Ornament, 1 Last work: 149— 1-2. :50%« J-1 ° Trainer, W. Beed. Owner. C. Nuckols. t Starta. let. 2nd. 3rd. Wou., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1931060101/drf1931060101_4_2
Local Identifier: drf1931060101_4_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800