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EXPLANATION OF DAILY RACING FORM PAST PERFORMANCES f g BEST COMPANY AMD WEIGHT * . . . CARRIED ~ 4 *• i — Position In — Baca _. _ . 3 «, fc I «and Lengths to ■ nnlah showa horae won, fceat eom- Jj § § £ w Behind Win- »• V*n7 ■ »econd. third andronrth boraes. "8 K ■c 3 +* 5 Z* nlng Horse g £h 4 If second, b.-st company is flrat. 5«| and a I «5 * o2 ■ ■ thlrd *""* f0Urth boTaea- M fc * lc= wSrfl "| ra " tkM bMt •——* to first. ■ |*« 3 • 1 f 8||.| 1 fc* f g « m second and fourth horses. ■2 IS S|g 2 «« " f !! £ 11 3 3 " unplaced, best company to first. O V. h OHO o £• c m e m £ w fcu B second and third faorsea. ,Jebl3 31*F.G li 1 :55%f t 49 110 1 11 10" 10 HornG* 1500 12 HySchdrllO.CoriCp sl05,SnSixty 105