Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1931-06-08

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, ! l NOTE — Number at left of horses name ii Uit previoui workout number of horse. Letters following time indicate: b— breezing; d — driving; e — easily; h — handily; o — all out; u — eased up. B f»7 L HOMEVVOOD, 111., June 6.— Todays training gallops included the following: 153 jc WASHINGTON PARK. 1£ 153 Weather rainy; track sloppy; "dogs" up — 156 Three-Eighths Mile. 155 149 Babv Leaves.. :40 h 151 Outer Harbor. :38%h 155 154Cul!oden :44%b 154 Pcs Crusader :38%h £ 155 144 Coral Beach.. :42 b 145 Prince Babe.. :41%b 151 153 Fluent :42 b 153 Pnce Hotspur :38%h ft 155 Zina :39"%d 156 Pnce Neptune :41%b 154 Mv Dandv.... :40 h 152 Royal Julian.. :41%b ,[ 153 154 More Power.. :43 b 149 T. S. Jordan.. :40 b jj 155 One-Half Mile. 149Annv J :56 b 130 Lapidary :53%h 1! 154 154 Call "to Arms.. :52%h 152 Lillian Tobin.. :56%h 1! 156 152 Dark Dawn... :54%h 154 Over Shady... :58 b V, 132Delven :55%b 147 Old Depot.... :57h 144 Don Leon.... :57V5b 154 Portden :56 h 1! 55 Diamond Head :55%b 156 Red Russia... :57 b 1 154 Excavation . . :56 h 154 Scandal Sheet. :56 b 1! 154 Hoosier Prince :57%h 148 Silver Cloud.. :57 h II 154 1 Sav :53%h 153 St. Jim :53%h 1! 154 Kincsen :57 b 155 Saboyone .... :55%b 1 154Kamalii :52%h 154 True Play.... :53%h Five-Eighths Mile. V 138 Brittuood l:09%h 153 Kings X 1:06 h 154 Bourbonite ...1:06 h 153 Loop 1:08 h j 146Chene l:07%h 156 Pending 1:13 b 156 Cold Check... l:10%b 154 Ricordo l:ll%b 151 Dis Dat 1:07 h 150 Reverberate . .1:11 b y 152 Don Alvaro...l:06%h Sweep Lady... 1:11 h j 156Esme l:06%h 154 Streakolite ...l:06%h |j 154 Elkhart l:ll%h 156 Scapegoat ...l:05%h J 147 Empire 1:07 h 156 Thistle Billie. .l:05%h i 149 Flving Plum... l:07%h 156 The Baroness. l:10%h J 149Fl"imsv l:06%h 135 The Duke. . . .l:ll%b 1 154 Florismart ...l:ll%b 156 Thistle Ann. . .l:05%h 151 Herrick 1:09 b 141 Wood Honey. .l:08%b 1 155 K. Russell.... l:07%h 1 Three-Quarters Mile. 152 Atlil l:20%h 154 Major Lphier.l:20 h i 149 Ada Epinard..l:21 h 149 Marilyn K....l:24 h 1 154 Burgoo .l:24%b 152 Miss Bess. .. .l:22%h i 154 Bv Mistake... l:23%h 154 Opiopio l:21%h 1 154Bonficld 1:19 h 154 Red Wright. .l:23%h 153De Wet l:26%bl52Sun Bun 1:25 h 1 149 Deemster 1:28 b 153 Star Lassie. . .1:20 h 154Guava 1:25 b 153 Tommy Boy.. .1:29 h 1 153 Miss Chilla. . .1:21 h 153 Winning Handl:25 h ] 153Mangaston ...1:28 b 1 Seven-Eighths Mile. 150Amvvale 1:41 b 150 Good and Fastl:41 h J 156 Beige 1:36 h 153 Martie Flynn. .l:36%b 143 Battleship . . .l:36%h 145 Woodlot lOYsb One Mile. 156 Arcadian Flag.l:56 h 154 Princess Tell.. 1:56 h 153 Bide a Wee...l:56%b 151 Star Play l:51%h 152 Brd Meadowsl:53%b 154 Tiger Prince.. 1:54 h 154Chas. Clarke.. l:56%h 156 Thistle Lad... 1:51 h 156 E. of Warwickl:51 h 155 Wee Drop l:54%b fc 152 Pnce DAmourl:56 h One and One-Eighth Miles. 154 Machete 2:06 h 154 Port Harlem. .2:07%h "V 152 Pittsburiher .2:06 h Nothing worthy of comment. CRETE. 111., June 6.— Todays training r j gallops were as follows: LINCOLN FIELDS. Weather rainy; track sloppy — Three-Eighths Mile. 154 Bertram! . . . . :42 b 153 Gold Bet :38 h i 155 Epithet :41%b 155Sazerac :37%h j Fort Dearborn. :40 h 154 Shasta Bullet. . :42 b , 150 Green Wave.. :37%h OnvHalf Mile. 151 Adrian :50 h 126 Meridianese . . :53 b i 153 Blameless :53 b 152 Plutarch :52%p , Five-Eighths Mile. 139 Gold Step....l:06%h 133 Herendeen ...1:07 h j Three-Quarters Mile. 72Clemence ....1:17 h 154 Nora l:21%h , 151 Mill Hand.... 1:21 h 154 Prce Hawkinsl:21 h i 112Mopeco l:20%h Seven-Eighths Mile. 15lLeros 1:33 h 151 Maya 1:33 h | One Mile. 155 Garnish 1:47 h 155 Phantasime . .l:48%h 128 Jollv King.... 1:48 h 146 Sun Dreamer. .1:48 h , 153 Le Flore l:50%b 152 Seths Ballot. .l:59%b j Bertrand and Shasta Bullet breezed together. - Clemence reveled in the going. NEW YORK, N. Y., June 6.— Todays •s training gallops over the local courses were .e as follows: BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 155 Black Powder. :36 h 147 Toney Princess :34%h ■ 155 Jane Mc :35%h One-Half Mile. 155 Adornment . . . :48 h 131 Mardie :50 b b Al Nieman :50 b 143 Pompeia :49 h h 155 Brve and Bold :49 h 156 Pte Mignonne :49 h h 154 Baba Kennv. . . :48 h 120 Persistency . . :48%h h 156Clothine :49 h 150 Pleasantville . :48 h h 155 Expertus :49 h 116 Rocktor :48%h h Featherweight. :51 h 146 Sunny Seas... :48%h h 120 Girl Guide.... :48 h 152 Towee :49 h h 155 Hatteras :48%h 145 Tancred :50 b b 148 Ha Ha :49 h 139 Ynkee Clipper :48 h h 145 Indicative . . . . :49 h Five-Eighths Mile. 148 Rideaway . . . .l£ 2%h Hi-Jack l:01%h Z ■ Blond Knight. 1:01 h 154 Integrity 1:01 h 142 Consumation .l:06%h 147 Instigator ....1:01 h h 140Craigie l:01%h 125 Nation 1:04 b b 154 Dubious 1:03 b 154 Robn Crusoe.l:01 h h 155 Farm Lass.... 1:05 b Three-Quarters Mile. 154 Bill Kennedy.. l:16%b 137 Gay Pal l:14%h ,h 105Cuchulain ....l:124/ih 153 Helen Green.. 1:16 h h 154 Cock Robin... 1:16 b 126 Happy Scot. . .l:13%h ,h 150Donnez Moi...l:14 h 145 Knowlton ....1:14 h h 155 Gaelic Prince. .l:16%b 155 The Beasel. . . .l:13%h ,h Seven-Eighths Mile. 150 Follow Thru. . .1:27 h 148 Sir Johren. . . .1:30 h h One Mile. 152Bobashela ....l:40%h 155 Greatorex ....l:44%h h 154 Caruso l:41%h 148 Ladder 1:42 b b 153 Clock Tower.. 1:55 b 154 Mad Career. . .l:41%h 5h 155 Devil* Due... 1:54 b 154 Mate l:40%h ;h 155 Dunlins Son.. l:44%h 139 Rockbelle ....l:41%h ;h 156 Dr. Freeland. .l:40%h 152 Snowflake ....l:41%h jh 150Flossine 1:42 h 143 The Heathen. .1:42 b b One and One-Quarter Miles. 141 Jamestowa ...2:07%b 153 Scuttle 2:10 b b L 153 jc 1£ 153 156 155 155 £ 155 151 ft ,[ 153 jj 155 1! 154 1! 156 V, 1! 1 1! II 1! 1 V j y j |j J i J 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 ] 1 J fc "V r j i j , i , j , i h | h , j - •s .e ■ b b h h h h h h h h h h h b b h h ■ Z h h h b b h h ,h h h ,h h h ,h h h h b b 5h ;h ;h jh b b b b G AQUEDUCT. | Weather clear; track fast — S Three-Eighths Mile. 1 Cf Comroandr :38%h 155 Hoch :39 b Chiefs Trojan. :37%h One-Half Mile. Affirmative . . . :51 d 154 Line of Fire. . . :53 b Count Palatine :52 h 150 Mac Moon.... :50%h * Galloping Along :50%h 155 Peter Quick... :50%h Greek God.... :54%b 155 Senado :49 b Knightness ... :53 b 153 Wacam :52 b 154Lida G :52%b f Five-Eighths Mile. Dont Tell.... 1:10 b 153 Smooth Knightl:05 h i Mush Woman. 1:07 b F Three-Quarters Mile. Athol 1 :18%h 154 Windfall 1 :18%h J Barn Dance... l:17%h 151 Runtill 1:20 d l 156Novena l:17%h J One Mile. 155 Blue Tile l:47%h 156 Gilded Arch. . .l:45%d * 155Bootland ....1:49 d 156 Sandy Ford... 1:47 h 153 C. Challenger. 1:49 h 154 Sidney G 1:45 h ! 153 C. Mountaineerl:50%d 154 Tail Spin 1:45 h 156 Gold Star 1:48 h 155 Underdun ... .1:49 h | 155 Grey Abbess. .l:54%b ; JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast — i Three-Eighths Mile. i 151Gabriolle .... :36%h 154 Spanish Jack. :36 h ] 28 Rapid Transit :40 b 154 Universe .... :35%b 1 One-Half Mile. I 148Bramabiau ... :52 b 154 My Call Boy. :50%b ] 154Chica Guinea. :51%b 156 Mina F :51%b « 155Charwood .... :50%b 154 Nury Rhymes :51 h | 126 Conacher :56 b 154 Surtees :52 b 123 John Cavangh :54%b Tetra Boru... :50%h ■ 150 John Patrick.. :51%b 149 Titus :55 b 155 Kago :50%h 151 Whip. Cracker :51%b Five-Eighths Mile. 152 Hibala 1 :05 b 155 Vander Pool . .1 :05%b 143Lycurgus 1:12 b Three-Quarters Mile. 155Fixit ...1:20 b 155 Parnell Boundl:15%b 153 Little Nap. ...1:18 b 154 Single Star. ..1:19 b i 151Morshion ....1:16 b 148 Sydka 1:20 b i 154Nisty l:17%b Seven-Eighths Mile. 152 Sims 1:30 h .. One Mile. 154 Chattahchee .l:48%b 154 Noine 1:45 h 155 Genius l:48%b 156 Wisecrack . . .l:50%b 153Lillie D l:45%b One and One-Eighth Miles. J 154 As Fair 2:08%b Universe has his speed. Sims went handily. Morshion was not extended. Parnell Bound is in good shape. Vander Pool is training well. KANSAS CITY, Mo., June 6.— Todays • training gallops were as follows: i RIVERSIDE PARK. Weather cloudy; track slow— Three-Eighths Mile. 135Arlita :39 h John Marcus.. :39%h Adall Joe :40 h 93 Material :39 h 152 Billv Beer :41 h 129 Pretty Run.. .. :39%h 134 Bettv Bet :39Vsh 152 Will Hughes. . . :39%h One-Half Mile. 155Apronette .... :55 h 154 Ray Ruddy... :54 d 148 Black Mask... :55 b 143 Shoplifter .... :56 b 152 Blue Middy.... :54 h Sanall :53%h 147 Pride Boy :53%d The Squire. .. . :55 b Five-Eighths Mile. 146Bellarion l:08%b 153 Jack Rieger. .l:07%h 153 Excellent . . . .l:07%h 155 Princs Hermesl:08 h 135 Elsie Bell 1 :07%h Wee Tot 1 :07%h Three-Quarters Mile. 154 Fair Warning.. 1:25 h 140 Seagrave l:24h 152MadBov 1:24 h 149 The Spa l:24%b 152NellB l:24%b Tizapity l:23%h 78 Royal Cause. .l:23%h One Mile, Mrs. Snyder. .1:55 b TORONTO, Ont., June 6.— Todays train-i ing gallops included the following: LONG BRANCH. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 155Allanah :37%h Hotwick :37 h 138 Brave Knight. :38 h 155 Judge Bartlett :38%u 146 Branch :37%h 148 Montanaro . . . :39 u 156 Boys Howdy.. :39 u 146 Natures Dling :39%h 153 Colonel Drage. :37%u 153 Red Ridge.... :38 h 154 Hazel Gmberts :37%u 110 Villager :44%u i One-Half Mile. 154 Blimp :48%d 154 Floria Zel.... :49%d 1 156 Bon Entente.. :50%h Little Turkey. :51 u i 152 Boofire :49%d Sp. of Beauty :50%h i 156 Betty Fire.... :49%d 113 Ultim :49%d 1 Five-Eighths Mile. 150 Granite Rock.l:07%h 153 Sailor Maid. . .l:04%e ! Miss Sunshine! :03%d 148 Sabana l:05%h 1 Three-Quarters Mile. 156 Annie A l:21%d 147 Frumper ...!:20»sh 156 Babble l:205h 156 Mintmagi ...!:16%h ! 150Circulet 1:16 d 153 Sun Craig. .. !:16%d 122 Ducissa l:207sd 153 Wrackell 1:20 Vsh 1 153 Eager Play. . !:16%h One Mile. 156ClearSky 1:48 e 150 Panda 1:45 h , 136 Florida Gold. .1:50 e 140 Sun Kin 1:53 h i 155 Judge Caverly!:51 s GEAUGA LAKE, Ohio, June 6.— Todays S training gallops were as follows: BAINBRIDGE PARK. Weather clear; track slow — Three-Eighths Mile. 153 Brunswick ... :37%d 148 My Toots :36%d i 150 Cleora :41 b 150 Morocco :42%b : 153 Donna Dear.. :40 h 153 r.oisy Miss... :41%h b 152 Encounter . . . :38 b Radial :38V5d ■ 155 Ellen D 3HU 153 Thistle Dick. . :37%d 1 152 Enthusiastic . :40 b 146 Trailing Vine. :43 h "40 Jack Spratt... :41%h 153 Wild Kitty... :40 h 149 Let Her Play. :40 h One-Half Mile. Brown Master. :52M;h 118 Goodbye Sumr :52%b b 36 Bellsmith .... :50%d 151 Gideon :52%b b 153 Billie N :53 d 148 Hard Rock... :52%b J -44 Cottag- Boy. . :51%h 152 Lady Calistoga :50 h " 152 Golden Infinite :51%d 135 Mark Anthony :52 h 141 Chicon :50 h Ormo..ds Play :52 h 147 Cherokee Maid :52%h !47 Red Nan :55 b b 153 Duplicity .... :51%h 147 Rock Play.... :51%d d Dolly Mack... :52 h 153 Rockhawk ... :50%d d 148 Fair Cite :51%h Tiny Juanita.. :50 h i 1 i i 1 ! 1 ! 1 , i S i : b ■ 1 h h b b J h " h h b b d d h Five-Eighths Mile. 149Anadnab 1:08 h 151 Obstinate Girl. 1:03 h j 155Dunbas 1:03 d 154 Prince Bulbo..l:10 h , 155 Damon Run vnl:08 b 153 Prometheus ..l:03%d I 153Fleeti..g Fire..l:01%d Particular ...l:05%h , 155 Mote 1:02 d Rube Sam lsonl:04 h , 139Merrv Windsorl:05 h 154 Southtour ....1:04 h , 139 Our Chrrycotel:03 h 150 Shasta Lad... 1:05 h » Three-Quarters Mile. 147 Bavelle Fronk. 1:18 h 755 Purple Light. .1:20 h i 153 Eric the Red.. 1:19 h 65 Prince Mexicnl:17%b 153Fleche DArgtl:21%b 148 R. McDonnell. l:18%h i 153 Genuine l:17%h 142 Stampdale ...l:17%h i 150IIeleaF l:18%h 155 .atin Spinner. 1:20 b 148 Mimosa San.. 1:18 d 141 Sun Worship.. 1:21 b j 152 Master Ogden.l:19%h 155 The Judge. .. .1:19 b Nim t. Nymphl:17%b One Mile. 151 Mac Fogle 1:46 h 153 Sweepstakes ..1:52 b 156 Mary McClain.l:47%h 153 The Khan 1:48 h 154 Our Johnny... 1:51 b OTTAWA. Ont., June 6.— Todays training j. gallops were as follows: CONNAUGHT PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. Alice Amine... :37%h Prowess :37%d i 153 Howee :39 b Reserve :38 h J Ms Widworthy :38 h 156 Siwanoy :37%h One-Half Mile. 78 French Brigade :51 h Peace Rock... :52%h h 156Floering Bowl :51%d 154 Woolorac . . . . :52 d d 155 Oak Leaf :51%h Five-Eighths Mile. , 156 London Rock..l:05%h 155 Zaidee l:03%b 121 Signola 1:06 h Three-Quarters Mile. Donalen 1 :17%d 106 Quita 1 :17%h h 153 Granite Dust. 1:21 h 148 Tout Feu 1:19 h h 60 Morning Bemsl:18 d 155 Uncle Herman. l:17%d d hll530re 1:17 h 153 Vinlin l:19%h h

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