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3rd Washington Forest Park Purse. Purse ,200. 2-Year-Olds, i -,/ —, , Allowances. General Grant, Sept. 10, 1927 — * 5y2 r ur longs 1 :052/5— 2— 1 18. | Indi-x Post ,-Best at Distance- Wt. Claim Index Post ,— Best at Distance-, Wt. Claim No. Pos Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Prict No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price ,59739 4 Indian Runner. 113X 59681 5 Prince Trafalgar ,59450 8 Easter Time... 115.. M ....... 106.. 159681 1 Band Time.... 108.. 59739 6 Anthony VVavne 108.. 59683 9 Tellico 113X 7 Chemulus M. 103.. J 59310" 10 Adobe Post 111X H. P. Headley entry— Cathop, Indian Runner. Dixi | 59683* 2 Prince Hotspur 111X ana entr — Band Time, Easter Time. J. Leiter entry — 58897* 3 Cathop 108X Prince Hotspur, Prince Trafalgar. Best times shown above are from jan. 1, 1930. #Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. ©Superior mud runner. Brackets t , won last start; figures * or *, 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Dale rs Dis. Time Tr. Odd* Wt. St. *4Str Fin. Jockey P.P. CI Pee St». Best Company Illtlia I Rlllllier V 1 1 Q **r* c by Dls Donc — Indian Maiden, by Whisk Broom II. Last work: 148—5-8.1:05%" * *«* Trainer. W. W. Taylor. Owner. H. P. Headley. Jun. 4-31Was 1 1:00 ft 14-5 115 4 3 1* 1" MeverC* Allw 10 Dvak 115, CeeTee 115, PrinceFox 115 Jun. 1-31Was | 1:03% si 12-5 111 6 11* 1* MeyerC11 5000 11 Flving 113, Mendell 111, Allenfern 116 May20 31C.D § 1:00% m 6 115 1 2 11 1* MeyerC1 Maid 11 Delvenll5.Sazeracll5,PrcsCameliall2 May 16 314*. D | .59% ft 41 116 2 2 44 3s MeyerC* Maid 12 L.Limitedll6,P.Aseotll6,Barashkovall6 May 5-31*C D 4£ f :53% ft 29 10 110 2 13* 45J GroosP* 4000 12 PrinceFox 108,Manners 113,Elkhart 110 I Apr.29 315Lex 4£ f :53% ft 5 115 3 4 4=1 44 GroosP* Stks 9 Proteusll8,AbePostll8,DonRomiro 123 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1ft. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 7 3 0 1 $ 2,900 XflSter Time 1 1 **C B. c, 2, by High Time— Complexion, by Fair Play. Last work- 154 5-8 l-03ft Trainer. C. Van Dusen. Owner. Dixiana. May28-31Was § 1:00% ft 3-20 115 111* 1* PoolE4 Allw 7 The Whig 110, Lojo 110, Bv Wire 115 j May25-31*Was § 1:00% gd 13 108 3 1 11 ll FinnertyR* Allw 7 A Postll5,PceSweepl08,UsulTime 111£ 1 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. rti.n. 1931 record.. 2 2 0 0 $ 1,800 Band Time 1 AQ ch- c- *• y Hien Time — Bandymo, by Uncle. Last work- 136—5-8 1:06ft *™ Trainer, C Van Dusen. Owner, Dixiana. *hl 3-31Was | 1:01% ft 7-5 116 5 11* 1* FronkW* Maid 12 MasrMcGeell6.Ballvhooll6.DisDat 116 ! May26-31Was | 1:00% ft 8-5f 115 1 1 2" 24 FronkW Maid 12 Dyak 115,Gold Tip 115, Tom Mar 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wou.-x , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record.. 2 1 1 0 $ 1,100 TelllCO X 1 1 *-£ Ch. c, 2, by Chilhowee — May lily, by Negofol. Last work- 149 1-2 -48ft A 1 O Trainer, C. C. Van Meter. Owner, Van Meter tc Carruthera. Jun. 3-31Was | l:00%ft" 12 115 111" lnt GarnerW1 Allw 5 Marcasitel09,Pr.Hotspurll2,Deenie 109 tDisqualified. May20-314C.D | 1:01 m 81 122 7 2 2* 31 GarnerW10 Stks 13 Proteusl25,L.Limited 122,HySugar 117 Mayl8 3PC.D § 1:00% ft 6-5 115 4 2 l1 11 GarnerW5 Allw 12 O.Fancyll5,PsBoundll0,B. Bride 1094 Mayl4 3PC.D | 1:02% hy 4 5 115 6 3 4* 5" GarnerW8 Allw 12 PceHotspurll5,OurFcy 115,Cathopll5 i May 7-313C.D Ul :54% hy 51 110 3 2 11 l1 GarnerW" Allw 11 Frederickll5,P*eHotspurll2,Dr.Hy 115 May 2-31C.D 4J, f :53% ft 17 5 110 6 2 2* 44 GarnerW1* Allw 12 Frdckll3,StarDncrll3.AdbePst 115 : Apr.28-31*Lex 4£ f :54% ft 9 10 116 7 4 54 41 GarnerW" Maid 12 Bustedll6,Epidemicll6,PnceAscot 116 , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- I 1931 record.. 7 2 0 1 $ 2,500 Adobe Post X 111 Ch. g, 2, by Cherokee— Kuth 8., by Iron Cross JX Last work- 155 5-8 l-02%ft -1 J. JL Trainer. G. Land. Owner, Knebelkamp and Morris, May25 315Was % 1:00% gd 7-20 115 6 2 21! 21 LandoltC Allw 7 EterTimel08,P.SweeplO8,UslTime 111£ - ! I May20-314C.D § 1:01 m 6 122 12 7 710 7* AllenCE1* Stks 13 Proteus 125,Lt Limited 122,TeIlico 122 Mayl6 313C.D | :59% ft 18-5 115 6 5 1** 1* AllenCE* Allw 8 Proteusll8, rexasKhtl08,Dr.Happy 115 , Mayl2 313C.D 1 1:01% si 8 5 114 6 5 5" 3*1 FronkW* 5000 9 PteFoxll2,Lit.Cousinl03,Manners 112 May 2 313C.D 4J, f :53% ft 9-5 115 7 5 4* 3l LandoltC* Allw 12 Frederickll3,StarDancerll3,Tellico 110 Apr.29 315Lex 4£ f :53% ft 41-10 118 5 3 3l 21 LandoltC Stks 9 Proteusll8.D.Romirol23,IiidnRunrll5 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-* 1931 record.. 18 4 3 5 $ 4,275 Prince Hotspur X 111 B. c, 2, by Dunlin— Lady Emmeline, by King James. Last work: 157—3 8. :38%sy -«-J. ± Trainer. N. K. Beal. Owner. J. Leiter. Jun. 3-313Was §1:00% ft 37-10e 112 3 3 31 3ht JamesE* Allw 5 Tellico 115, Marcasite 109, Deenie 109 I fPlaced second through disqualification. May20 314C.D | 1:01 m 13 122 2 9 6*1 66 JamesE1 Stks 13 Proteus 125,LtyLimlted 122,Tellico 122 Mayl4-31C.D 1 1:02% hy 81 115 9 2 l1 1* JamesE10 Allw 12 OurFancvll5,Cathop 115,ParisBnd 110 May 7-3PC.D 4£ f :54% hy 21 112 1 3 351 3s JamesE* Allw 11 Tellico 110,Frederickll5,Dr. Happy 115 1 Apc29 315Lex 4 f :53% ft 13e 118 2 7 67i 6G1 CannonW1 Stks 9 Proteusll8,AbePostll8,DonRomiro 123 Apr22-31*Lex i :50% m 6 116 2 3 3 1" SmithJ4 Maid 11 Brbonitell6,GayPrincell6,S.World lib 3 Apnl8 312Lex f :48% ft 6 110 4 8 8" 8» PoolE1 Allw 9 AbePostll2,S.Dancerll2,D.k. miro 118 1 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 9 2 1 2 $ 1,925 Cathop X 1 OR B. c, 2, by Supremus— Clonakilty, by Catmint. Last work: 148— 5 8.1 :052Aft lVO Trainer, W. W. Taylor. Owner, R. M. Eastman. Mayl4 31*C.D 1 1:02% hy 12 115 4 5 34 33i FronkW* Allw 12 Pr.Hotspurll5,OurFcyll5,ParisBdllO 1 , May 4-31C.D 4 f :54% ft 7-2e 116 7 2 2" 1" FronkW* Maid 11 WiseTalkll6,Unencberedll6,Preprell6 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Staits. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won-. 1931 record.. 2 1 0 1 % 1,000 Prince Trafalgar 1 ft Cn- c 2 **• °y Dunlin— Gibraltar, by Rockton. Last work- 151—12 :54%m J-vfll Trainer, N. K. Beal. Owner, J. Leiter. Jun. 3-3rWas | l:0lVs ft 62 116 1 7 810 610 MurravT* Maid 12 BandTimell6.MrMcGeell6,Bllvhooll6 May28-313Was | 1:00% ft 23 110 7 7 7» 722 JamesE7 Allw 7 Easter Time 115.The Whig HO.Lojo 110 , May25 313Was § 1:00% gd 28 108 2 7 5* 55 JamesE1 Allw 7 EterTimel08,AdbePostll5,P.Sweep 108 , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Woa.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1931 record.. 3 Anthony Wayne 1 Q B- :• 2. by Lee O. Cotner— Betty B., by Flittergold. Last work- 144—12 " 50ft »"0 Trainer, R. W. Collins. Owner, Collins and Hardy. Jun. 4-313Was § 1:00 ft 22 115 1 1 2" 5* ChthamR1 Allw 10 IndianRunner 115,Dyak 115,CeeTee 115 May29-3rWas 1 1:01% ft 17f 110 5 11* Tl ChthamR 2500 12 Delvenl05,NitVintagell0,Coletown 110 May26-311Was 1 1:00% ft 22 115 3 9 510 615 Che tmR5 Maid 12 Dvak 115, Band Time 115, Gold Tip 115 i Mayl8-31JC.D 1 1:00% ft 60f 110 6 10 91" 6*1 CheatmR8 Allw 12 Tellicoll5.0urFancyll5,P*risBound 110 I May 8 31C.D 4£ f :54% gd 26f 116 1 11 11*" 1017 CheatmR1 Maid 12 GdChampionll6,Dyakll6,F Grabnerll6 l , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— 1931 record.. 5 1 0 0 $ 900 ChemulllS 1 0*3 "" "•, y timulus — Chemulpo, by Ben Strome. Last work: 153—12. :50%ed -LV*- Trainer, B. J. Durnell. Owner, O. H. Berz. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— » , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—