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t : I I I | I I I I i ! I I i I i I I I 1 ! i i I 7 5th Woodbine Dunbarton Plate. Purse ,000. 3-Year-Olds. Claim-I 1 M.-70 Yds. jnS- Luggage. May 29, 1931— 1:43 %— 4— 110. NOTE— Claiming price, ,500. Weight, 114 pounds. Winners in 1932 of 00 twice, 3 pounds extra. Non-winners in 1932 allowed 4 pounds. The past performances of the horses rnt ered in this race, together with latest work- out and racing record for this and previous year: Data Cra. Dla. Time Tr Odds Wt. St. %Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.C1 Tee Sts. Best Company Spall fair X 1 flQ B. g. 3, hy Spanish Prince II.— Fair One, by Sir Bartom. Work- Mav 10 3-4 llGhv ■*-"* Trainer. R. FoJlard. Owner. Mrs. B. Pollard. May21-32=Wdb li1,, 1:48% [ft 14-5 102*4 1 l1 2«* ClancyM* 1500 12 TheDoctor 118,BanderIo?107.Entrapl22 Mayl6 32:Pim la 1:56% ft 91 111* 6 7 641 6*1 ClancyM* 1500 9 Tarnishll3,Jodhpur 115,AngryLass 110 Mayl2 323Pim I;,; 1:53% hy 21 5 110*1 1 P 1lClancyM* 2000 9 TuffvG.112,Fair.Jud?ell2.TficJMee 112 May 3-324Pim 1 1:47% ft 31-10 110*7 7 7° T2 ClancyM5 2000 11 ChsnPal 105.Wthtonlll,Hurawayll0 Aprl9 32,HcG 11:47% ft 38 105 9 7 5*1 4* ClancvM1 2750 10 BwayLtsll0,DonTkerl05,BgR3m 112 Mac25 324St.J i 1:15% ft 27 111 13 13 12* 11" CoxD8 200013 MakeSpeerJ 107,Infinitivel02,Mordenl07 . SHirU. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Woa.- . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 25 0 5 4 ,320 1932 record 17 4 4 2 ,800 Burnside X 1 ft 7 ch- Ci 3 M* by JohD • Grier — S3a MoM. b? wrack. Work- Mav 18 lm l-42ft Trainer, J. Fitzsimmons, Jr. Owner, J. J. Moras. May25-32TWdb l:ol:44%ft 41 102 3 1 44 41 HebertS 3000 9 Deedioll8.Par:isanl20.BdwayLhts 110 May21-327Wdb l70 1:45% ft 16 106 2 1 11 2" MalleyT 3000 12 ByLishtsl06.M,plotl21.L.Mryman 109 May 9 32 Jam 5 f 1:06% ■ 15 104*7 5 5*1 2* MillsH7 2300 11 Seb 117,1ctorPridd 117,MyPurchase 113 Apr30 32HdG 1" 1:44% ft 9-5 105*3 1 11 2 GilbertJ" 2500 12 L.Mrymnl05,HurwyllO,M.CroneyllO Apr.27 32HdG l70 1:45% ft 31 111 1 1 31 4T1 MallevT Maid 9 Argosie 107,MeetingPlace 108,Beret 103 Apn23 32HdG l70 1:45% ft 11 108 2 2 2*1 2=1 GilbertJ* Maid 12 WarHerol08,L.Mrymanl08,Scutt!e 109 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. m .... , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. "•«• _ 1931 record.. 6 1932 record .. 8 0 6 0 ,275 Ward-in-ChaBCPry 11/1 r- c • *y harden of the Marches — Alimony, by Son-ia-Law, Work- Mav 14 3 4 117sl Trainer, B. S. Michell. Owner, G. Freece. May24 32-*Wdb I79 145 "ft 14 111 5 3 1» 1* BakerFJ4 3000 6 Happen 111. Mexico 126. Beret 106 Mayl6 32lBel J wc 1:12% ft 12 116113 10 10* 5*1 RichrdsH1* Maid 24 WiseMoneyll5.W.Playedll5.Panax 115 May4 325Jam I" 1:44 ft 6 105 7 5 4T 4" LongJ* Allw 9 R*kyNewsil5,01dMasrll7,M.Place 106 Apc26 32,Jam 3 1:14 gd 8 11111 6 3i 34 EnsorL* 3500 11 ButDaysll6.B.Kni?htl07.Win Ann 100 Aprl8 32*Jam J 1:12% ft 8 116 9 6 3 3s EnsorL* Maid 10 Lucre 116. Tush 116. Banderlog 116 Apt 9-324Bow lTOl:45%sy 25 100 7 7 T* V MeadeD4 Alhv 7 R.RuffinlO8.BndIessDpl07,lmpish 109 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts, lat. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record .10 1 0 4 ,100 Visionary Hour X 1 " fl7 Br. e, 3, by Lucky Hour — Dream Girl II., by Feather Bed. Work- Mav 26 3 4 1 23sv * Trainer, W. H. Bringloe. Owner, Seagram Stable. Oct3 313Wdb 11:14% ft 11 10 113 1 6 2* 21 LegereE* 2000 12 StefanJr.l02,FhFeIlowl02.Billnora 109 Sep3031Wdb I 1:13% ft 7 117 1 6 4*1 1* LegereE3 Allw 7 rraKhnll2,Paldomarll5,Sh.Wood 112 Sept4 312B.B jl:18% hyl3-10 115 2 3 31 l1 LegereE Allw 8 BrnSupinetll2,EnAvantll2.Bradsolll2 Aug29 31*B.B 5fl:0rj%ft 6 104 5 2 2* 3i WallN" Allw 11 S,fBatherllO.WiseSelrl07,CaryHortl08i JuL29 313Ham 5ifl:06%ft 215 11014 4 4s 5U LegereE* Allw 6 FrncesD.103.StefanJr.l05£,FrJudg«106 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-* 1931 record. .7312$ 2,365 SuiH or I A/? Ch. g. 3, by Baigneur — Sunshine, by Tchad. J. U O Trainer. J. M. Eeed. Owner, Forest Cove Stable. May2132*Aur l,1;, 1:46% ft 20 109 10 8 7" 10" GroosP* 100010 Ru: .- 103,HappyLad 108, Vanquish 113 May 19 32Aur 5* f 1:07% ft 7 109 10 10 5 l3 TildenR* 1800 12 Big Play 106i, Phaeldale 106, Ipsara 99 Mayl3 325Aur 1A 1:48 ft 21f 103*10 2 4* 7" NeeU10 1000 12 D*naDearlOO,Lapidary 103,Popcorn 106 Mayl0 328Aur l70 1 :46% ft 22 105*7 4 31 4 RenoT* 1000 11 Dunes 103, Bag o Roses lOO.Costnos 113 May 6 32Aur 31:15%jd 11 112 6 4 44i 6n TildenR4 1200 12 Buzzy Boo 104. Dunes 107. Surely 115 Ape9 32Bow 3 1:13% sy 29f 116 8 7 4U 61* ArnoldG* Maid 12 Dornoch 116.Burnside 116,Huraway 116 Aug.31 31Whe i 1:06 si 24 107 6*1 BurnayD 1000 8 Even 115,Esplanade llO.GeorgeK. 110 , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—. 1931 record. . 4 1932 . ec*rd . . 6 1 0 0 $ 550 Continued on fourteenth vagej