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DORVAL PARK ENTRIES Weather cloudy; track slow. Racing starts at 2:45 p. m. Chicago time, 1:45 p. m.. First Race 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Track Record: .Sonnelli, July 26, 1930 1:10-4 114. Index Post -Best at Distance Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 71997 15 All Columbia.. Hia 107 1:12 4 109X 700 72319s 17Bounder ..Trp 111 1:13 4 106X 700 71836s 12 Omagh ...Bbg 111 1:13 3 107X 700 "72090 lO Talky ....M.R 111 1:13 5 113 700 71076 8 Pipedream Bbg 101 1:13 4 114.. 700 71330 2 The Abbot. Hia 106 1:13 10 119X 700 71331 lEthel Kenyon. Thf 91 1:15 4 104X 700 71806 3 Branch ..Wdb 108 1:15 5 117X 700 72234s 4 Atlas B.B 110 1:13 4 114X 700 71583 5 Reighburn .Thf 111 1:15 6 113X 700 71583 6 Winsome ..... 9 111X 700 71953 7 Tryabit ...CP 104 1:15 3 105X 700 62620 9 Song and Dance Man 6 113. . 700 71588 llBig Mosquito.. 8 108X 700 71999 13Wacam M . . . Jam 116 1:15 3 99.. 700 72132 14Kudos ....CP 110 1:16 5 114X 700 72228 16 Agnes SorelAur 113 1:13 4 115 700 71852 18 Wind Flower.. Bbg 101 1:14 7 111X 700 Second Race 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-Ycar-OIds and Upward. Foaled in Canada. Claiming. Track Record: Sonnelli, July 26, 1930 1:10 4 114. 72187 5 Toe Dance Dor 99 1:12 4 110X 800 72267 4 Sun Man ..Dev 111 1:13 6 114X 800 721872 11 Roselys ...B.B 108 1:13 5 109.. 800 72225 3 Kauri Dor 107 1:14 6 109X 800 72315 6 Mananna ...Dor 109 1:14 4 109.. 800 72315 8 Foggy Dew. Wdb 104 1:15 3 100X 800 72195s 1 Pelorus ...Ken 110 1:15 6 111X 800 72085 2 Probate ...Dor 109 1:15 8 114.. 800 71377 7 Yvonne M. M 4 107. . 800 72357 9 Princely Pal... ...B.B 105 1:15 3 102X 800 71374 10 Speckled Vanity M 4 107.. 800 71529 12 Bon Entente M . . . . .CP 101 1:16 4 107. . 800 64351 13 Capitol ... .Dor 109 1:15 8 111.. 800 72315 14 Jug of GoldDor 115 1:15 5 111X 800 Third Race 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Track Record: Sonnelli, July 26, 1930 1:10 4 114.-72272 14 Indian Witch.. Jam 107 l:15sy 4 108X 1000 . 72316s 16 Menelek ..Hav 110 1:12 3 112X 1500 71995 17 Beth HoganA.C 114 1:12 5 111.. 1250 71907 12 Presea ....B.B 103 1:13 4 108X 1000 72269 11 Finalist ...CP 1061:12 4 116.. 1500 720903 10 Timon ....Wdb 111 1:20 5 107.. 1000 71587s, 1 Cloiwald ..Bbg 111 1.14 4 116X 1250 72320 2 Madges Fellow. 4 110X 1000 719953 3 Redcliffe ..Bbg 113 1:13 7 110X 1000 72320 4 Sam Sweeney.. Hav 115 1:13 6 107X 1000 71588s 5 Monnie ...Dev 99 1:12 5 1110 1500 71995 6 Eleusagon .Dor 110 1:13 5 111.. 1250 71995 7 Margaret Cal.. Dor 113 1:13 7 113X 1000 72316 8 Zonda ...Jam 104 1:18 3 98X 1000 72090 9 Black Vim. Hav 105 l:25h 3 106X 1000 69623 13 Bright Spangle Hav 112 1:12 7 107. . 1000 71907 15 Black Abbott.. Dor 105 1:13 5 107.. 1000 Fourth Race 3-4 Mile. Jacques Cartier Purse. Purse 00. 3-Year-OIds and Upward. Allowances. Track Record: Sonnelli, July 26, 1930 1:10 4 114. 72319 1 UVIRA ...Dor 99 1:12 4 108X 71530s 6 Orkin Trp 106 1:13 4 106X 72000 7 Albazano .Aur 115 1:13 4 115X 71577 5 Logwood .M.R 115 1:14 3 100.. 72271 4 Lord Rockville. 3 100X -72229s 3 McKell ...CP 103 1:15 3 109.. 72316 2 Little Jay. CP 106 1:15 3 100X Fifth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Fourteenth Running Dorval Juvenile Stakes. ,000 Added. 2-Year-Olds. Track Record: Eddie Rickenbacher, June 23, 1923 1:04 6 116. 72089 6 Wanderoo 109X 72268 5 Column Right. 110X 72185 1 Lovers Chat.. 107.. 72089s 2 Joe Macaw ... 110.. 72190 11 LErable M.. LB 1111:10 100. . 72089 9 Altus Nuba ... 110.. 72268 3 Imagale M . 104.. 72185 4 Maechute M.. 104.. 72089s 7 Washout 107. . 8 Visa M 104.. 72233s 10 Hollandaise M 102.. Mrs. M. A. J. Smith entry Lovers Chat, Imagale. J. Cattarinich entry Hollandaise, LErable. Sixth Race 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 00. 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Track Record: Hatbroom, July 26, 19301:453113. 72272 7 Dusky Maiden. Tdn 106 1:45 5 107X 600 72273 9 Plain Dealer. . . Dev 110 1:46 9 109X 600 72188 16 Disapproved . . Hav 111 1:46 5 115.. 600 72189 2 Sidney C.Aqu 103 1:47 4 112X 600 72321s 4 Judge Caverly. Thf 106 1:48 8 109X 600 72321 6 Brick Kiln.Hav 106 1:47 4 115X 600 71909 1 Peter Prim. CP 106 1:52 8 109.. 600 71584 3 Red Blaze 7 109X 600 72231 5Quadroon 5 104X 600 72271 8 Step Off... CP 108 1:47 4 102.. 600 72318 10 Flying Ambassador.... J.P 102 1:47 5 109X 600 72231 11 Flying Wings.. Wdb 95 1:48 4 107X 600 71585s 12 Pomfret ..Hav 117 1:48 5 109X 600 72088 13Belmona ..M.R 110 1:48 7 108X 600 72188 14 Sweet Air. HdG 105 1:49 4 113.. 600 72273 15 Athel .. ..Hav 112 1:47 8 109X 600 71721 17 Albert Blanton. 7 115X 600 71854 18 Whooptedoo . . F.G 105 1:49 5 110X 600 Seventh Race 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 00. 4-Ycar-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Track Record: Hatbroom, July 26, 19301:453113. 72273s 9 Fair Margery.. Ken 106 1:46 5 107X 600 72231 12 My No. ...F.G 105 1:47 5 109.. 600 71812s 8 Lenox Avenue. Bbg 104 1:47 5 109. . 600 72273s 10 Observation . . M.R 104 1:48 4 107X 600 72088 16 Red Tarn. M.R 105 1:48 4 107X 600 719593 17 French Brigade ...F.G 107 1:49 4 115X 600 71959 1 Vernon ...Dor 107 1:50 8 109X 600 71531 2First Edition.. M.R 106 1:49 9 102X 600 72238 3 Jap Lac 6 109X 600 72272 4 Arabia 8 106 600 71959 5 John Robert... Dor 109 1:49 5 109.. 600 72130 6 Mongolian M I....... :F.E 99 1:50 4 104. . 600 71528 7 Gate Boy!..:. 4 112X 600 72186 11 Scarlet M... 4 107.. 600 72267 13 Ore ...:..M.R 105 1:49 6 102X 600 72318 14 Goeland- ..M.R 109 1:49 6 102.. 600 71585 15Tom Ormont.. ........ .F.P 108 i:53s 5 107. . 600 , 72273 18?Tempter ...Dor 110 1:49 8 110X 600