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M AX I M 6 GAY CO.. THAT HAS MADEl f RACING HISTORY MUCH HAS BEEN SAID IM 1 .THE PUBLIC PRESS ABOUT OUR SUCCESS f OVER A PERKDD OF THIRTY YEARS IN I DEUVERlNG"G;;7egTOTHE RACING PUBLIC W AGAIN WE -0-N$ YESTERDAYS "TWO SPECIALS:" ESPINETTA 0.55, WON BUBOLA .40, WON THURSDAYS "FREE" SPECIAL: SIS AGNES, ".8.66, WON AND WEDNESDAYS PARLAY WAS: GOLDEN PRINCE, $ 5.26, WON JESSIE DEAR, 2.70, WON Is This Kind of "Info" Worth ? IF NOT THEN DONT READ THIS AD W "BIG DAY" TODAY W 0- PARLAY W Here is a chance to make some REAL MONEY on Two Good-Priced Winners we have TODAY. SW Terms, a Day W CHICAGO PLAYERS. "NOTICE" m If you cant come to our office, phone RANDOLPH 8781-8701 and we will send you our parlay in sealed envelope with messenger. OUT-OF-TOWN PLAYERS, telegraph and we will wire you. MAXIM and GAY 14 W. Randolph St.. Suite 101t Chicago, III. X IX IX rx rx rv DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR SATURDAY: WASHINGTON PARK G-15-12-14-4. BAINBRIDGE G-16-8-2-13. WM. BURKE KELLY 42S Plymouth Court, Chicago. III. OUT-OF-TOWN SSSSSl CHICAGO graph to iKSVIrsKu0m 7986 or 7987 THE BELL llMglBJM M9M "S5fTWtS 180 W. Washington St, IBflH BVAMPjaH H horses in plain sealed Chicago, 111. H DKg!SvliiMtfB envelope. ORIGINAL SINCE 1927 p Mandi ? Sl YESTERDAYS TWO BELL HORSES: Our Pal, See 7th Washington Finnic see chart Lost THURSDAYS TWO BELL. HORSES: KNIGHTS CALL, .46, WON OUR FANCY, .58, .66, 2ND WEDNESDAYS TWO BELL. HORSESr BROAD MEADOWS, 4.40, WON TERRY LASS, .38, .52, 3RD The Bell wants to caution turf players that certain parties have been representing; themselves as connected with THE BELL, and have tried to sell special propoi sitions and UNFAIR INFORMATION. The Bell has no outside representatives and gives out no names of its subscribers to anyone. Beware, of these impostors. Today s Bell Horses Getaway Specials 1 Getaway Day. The day all smart turf players enjoy seeing roll around. On getaway day, when owners are forced to ship to other tracks and are a little sick In the bankroll, many a "good thing" is uncorked to supply that transportation money. Two of these "good things" are slated to replenish those bankrolls today by reeling off winning races. THE BELL is the only bureau of its kind in the country that knows the names of these two horses, BECAUSE they have been carefully guarded by the owners to make these winning races certain. Dont go to the track today without the names of these winners. ABSOLUTELY the best bets of the Washington Park meeting. It will be thirty days before another Chicago GETAWAY special, so dont miss them. THE BELL KNOWS BECAUSE THE BELL PAYS TO KNOW YOU CAN NEVER GO WRONG WHEN YOU PLAY RELIABLE INFORMATION FURNISHED BY A RELIABLE FIRM CALL AT OUR OFFICE OR WIRE YOUR REMITTANCE AT ONCE DETROIT PLAYERS. ATTENTION: We have arranged with the PARK NEWSSTAND, corner Woodward and Adams, Grand Circus Park, to distribute our release in your city. This will save you cost of telegrams and time. Go there today. THE BELL, Suite 801, 180 West Wellington St, Chicago, III. NEXT DOOR TO ELKS BUILDING, BETWEEN LA SALLE AND WELLS STREETS iThe "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 Cents BLANKET BAY, 8.55, WON Bassett Dufferin Park Tip SIS AGNES, Regren Washington Park Tip, . 8.66, WON DARK HOPE, Regren Washington Park Standout, 8.46, WON .TOMBEREAU, Regren Best Bet, - 5.28, WON FAI RENO, Regren Aqueduct Standout, 2-1, WON COMRADESHIP, Bassett Riverside Park Tip, 12.20, WON BEGGAR LADY, Bassett Riverside Park Tip, 11.00, WON JBfF SYNGO, .40, was a Free Code Winner at Blue Bonnets Monday. MINTMAGI, 1.00, was a repeater for followers of the Weekly Winner j forecasts. His first pay-off after being pointed out in these forecasts was 3.80. SATURDAYS FREE CODE HORSES: WASHINGTON PARK Chaa.-ll-15-14. LATONIA Mlke-12-8-1- TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL per Month by First Class Mail per Month by Air Mall YESTERDAYS PARLAY RELEASED TO ALL CLIENTS: LUCKY STONE, 4.40, WON FAIR MANNA, 0.80, WON I point to my record of consistent advertisina: as positive proof of my ability. The name S. R. KING Is known and recoenized throurfiout the turf world. THERE MUST BE A REASON. THE HORSES I RELEASE ARE THE HORSES I ADVERTISE 1W 15 YEARS ADVERTISING SPEAKS FOR ITSELF TWO HORSES A DAY "NO MORE NO LESS" W DAILY --US-CASH A BET WITH KING TODAY NO WAITING NO DELAY IMMEDIATE SERVICE Since todays two releases are both lone shots. I advise a separate play on each horse as well as the parlay play. You will find this method very profitable today. NO BUNK NO FICTION NO DELAY NO RED TAPE Come in today and allow me to explain. If you cannot see me personally just TELEPHONE or TELEGRAPH my office. City clients unable to call in person telephone FRANKLIN 6725 for messenger service. Out-of-town clients, wire subscription fast service. S. R. KING, 10 No. Clark St. Rtfom 705, Chicago, III. . AMERICAN RACING MANUAL FOR 1932 IS NOW ON SALE ORDER YOUR COPY NOW! "Americas Premier Turf Ace" t PARTINGTON JOCKEY 118 WEST 44th ST. SUITE 305 NEW YORK CITY, N. Y, BELOW ARE A FEW OF THE MANY WINNERS I HAVE RIDDEN: FEU DE J0IE. 97.69, Won; ROCK SUGAR, SI 48.40. Won; MANDY, 9.00. Won; DANDYBRUSH, 0.60, Won; SYMPATHY, 2.20, Won; CERES, 8.90, Won; JEAN CREST, 1.26. Won; MERULINA, 5.30, Won. YESTERDAYS PARLAY: DISCOBOLUS, See 6th Race Bainbridge BALTHASAR, See 7th Race Bainbridge STRICTLY THE ONLY TWO HORSES RELEASED YESTERDAY TODAY 8 TO 1 AND 5 TO 1 BOTH AT BAINBRIDGE I have advance word on two which are slated to win TODAY. I know the personnel of both establishments and I am well acquainted with their methods and what they are capable of accomplishing. Without hesitation. I can confidently prophesy that this information should result in a WIN PARLAY AT ODDS EXCEEDING 50 TO 1. I am not boasting but I know whereof I speak. DONT MISS TODAYS PARLAY I play every horse I send out I never made a promise that I didnt make Rood ask your racing associates about my ridine: record. Do you need further proof of my reliability? Ill prove to the most skeptical that I never misrepresent or resort to subterfuge. If you want to cet in on the ground floor if you want real inside information if you want to join hands with a reliable turf connection dont hesitate RUSH YOUR ORDER TODAY. TERMS A DAY JUDGE THE FUTURE BY THE PAST. My record is an open book investigate it. My office is open, every day between 10 and 4. Come in with me today and convince yourself. Send your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph to JOCKEY PARTINGTON. 118 W. 44th St. Suite 305. New York, N. Y. Eastern Turf News ! Established in 1902 Registered in County Clerks Office, J J City of New York, State of New York I r 7 r - 7 j OFFICERS: 4 J i E0W,N MTre"s.., CMc.,., HIIIIIIII BUSINESS OFFICES ; M. J. CURRAN. ri I Vice-President, Montreal, Canada. 160 West 45th i ot. I JAMES R. DONOVAN, Second Vice-Pres., Louisville, Ky. IIITF I CHARLES JENNINGS, 1 SSifiS v- : llllimil : new-york city. n. y, :. I - Treas., New York City, N. Y. I YESTERDAYS PARLAY RELEASED BY THE E. T. N.: j ORMONTIME, 7th Washington Park j LITTLE AMERICA, 3.80. .68, 2ND j The above two horses were the only two released by this organization yesterday. W 100 TO 1 WIN PARLAY TODAY 1 j W TWO GENUINE SPECIALS m ! W DISREGARD THEIR PAST PERFORMANCES j 8T TWO GOOD THINGS TODAY -J j SMART MONEY RIDERS UP I GO THE LIMIT TO WIN ONLY 1 PAYS FOR ONE DAYS SERVICE EASTERN TURF NEWS j 160 WEST 45TH STREET, SUITE 53, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.