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WO R KOUTS! Date at left of horses name Is last workout of horse. Letters following time J Indicate: b, breezing:; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out; o. eased np. j I WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 ARLINGTON PARK. Main track. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 6-23 Bney Sexton :37 h 5-9 Mobile :35 h 6-25 Battcrg Ram :40 b 6-27 Personality .. :39 b 6-24 Clear :38 b 6-27 Siskin :37andb 5- 14 First Reimt :38 h 6-24 Spanish Play :35h 6- 21Imelda :38 b 6-22 Sherab ..... :37 b 6-21 Lit. America :34h 6-27 Volette . . . .. :39 b One-Halt Mile. 6-28 Bn Swallow. :49h 6-27 Marooned .. :47h 6-21 Bay Leaf.... :48 h Mojie :47h 6-15 Clean Play.. :51 h 6-6 Marvan :48 h 6-23Circean .... :48h 6-21 Mouthpiece. :47h 6-25 Dark Winter. :47d 3-27 Oil Queen... :51 h 6-27 Dark Cqucst :47d Pompene ... :48h Dandelion .. :54b 6-25 Spot Pot.... :49u 6-27 Equipoise ... :46andh 6-27 Silent Shot.. :47h 6-27 Hour Zcv... :47h 6-21 Sym Jack... :47h 6-25 Jamestown .. :47 h 5-24 Tred Avon.. :49 h 6-21 Just Buck... :48h 6-2JThundertone. :48h 5- llKeaton" .... :49h 6-20 War Tide... :50h Five-Eighths Mile. 6- 16 Bronx Park. :59h 6-24 High Tariff. .1:06 b 6-27Ceptum 1:01 h 5-18 Lambast ....l:01h Carcra 1:01 h 6-27 Rapscallion . :59h Dispatcher ..l:02h 6-25 Screech ....1:01 h Eatemup ...1:02 h 6-21 Subtlety ....l:00d 2-28 Galahad ....l:05b 5-21 Tres Vite...l:02 h 6-19 Golden State.l:01h 6-27 Wary ..... .l:00h 4- 28 High Shot. ..l:014Sh 6-25 Wallop l:01h Three-Quarters Mile. 6-15 Brn Wisdoml:14 h 6-20 Prcess Ivre.l:16 b 6-17 Charley 0...1:16d 6-20 Plumbago ...l:184,b 6-21 Chokoloskee l:19b 6-22 Pss Camclia.l:13h 6-17 Dr. Klein... l:14h 6-21 Plucky Play.l:16b 6-22Frs Phtoml:14h 6-5 Starch 1:17 h 6-24HiIdur Rock.lJL5h 6-25 Shasta Star..l:14h 6-17 Howtiz 1:16 h 5-5 Transbird . .l:12h 6-22 Miss Buntingl:15b 6-16 Unmon Goldl:13h 6-16 Miscalculate 1:14 h 6-23 Very Well. ..I:l4h 6-13 Ono l:14h Seven-Eighths Mile. 6-10 Bubble Up.. .1:27 h 6-23 Finnic 1:29 h 5- 1 Dark Ayr...l:29h 6-28 Kitty Bruce.l:26 h 6- 27 Fall Apple... l:24h 6-13 Prudy Basil..l:28h One Mile 6-18 Blue Cloud.. 1:44 h 6-28 Mowris 1:43 h 6-14 Dr. Freeland.l:43h 6-21 Verity BalIotl:43 h 6-27 Mting Placo.l:40h One and One-Eiahth Miles. 6-24 Evening ....1:52 h 6-27 Top Flight. .l:54b 6-23 Osculator ...l:56h Little America has her speed. Jamestown went handily. Equipoise is ready. Kitty Bruce did a good work. Meeting Place went handily. Dr. Freeland is rounding to form. Evenings work was a standout. Top Flight was only breezing. ARLINGTON PARK. Training track. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5- 18 Alto :38b 6-21 Portneresia . :38b 6- 27 Bron Brutus :36h 6-23 Pious Dollar :37b 6-22Dupee :36h 6-28 Renewed ... :36 h 5- 20 High Pockets :37h 6-26 Stimulate . . . :39 b 6- 28Homgcn :36 h 6-11 Sawdust .... :36h 6-1 Luna Mica.. :36h 6-26 Terry Rose. :36h One-Halt Mile. 6-21 Anita Ormnt :53 b 6-13 Minton :50 h 6-21Chicon :51b 6-27 Paul Bunyan :49b 6-19Ervast :50 h 6-15 Upon :51b 6-23 Grasslands .. :52b 6-21 Volta Maid.. :53 b 6-27 Mintogee . . . :49 h 6-26 Woody Simon :52b Five-Eighths Mile. 6-17 Crhed Stone.l:04b 5-6 Phobos l:01h 6-27 Culloden . . .l:04h Step Liz l:05b 5- 5 Marse Chan.l.-05b 6-26 Sand Boot... 1:07 h 6- 17 Old Bill l:06b Three-Quarters Mile. 6-18 Balderdash ..l:16h 6-27 Ogee l:21b 6-20 Chicago ....l:15h 6-27 Quetor 1:15 h Edina l:14h 6-25 Suneros 1:17 b 6-27 Frces St. L.l:21 b 5-6 Tig. FIowers.l:23 b 6-9 Jessie Carey.l:16h 6-27 Tmy Tickle.l:15h 6-4 May Nap.... 1:18 b One Mile. 6-27Caius l:46h 6-27 Holiday ....l:44b 6-17 Dyak 1:44 b 4-15 Meorandum l:50b 6-20 Dodgson ....1:44 h 6-20 Orge PIume.l:44h 6-22 Fort Dearbnl:46h 6-19 The Widovverl:43h 6-11 Glen Burnie.l:46 h One and One-Eiahth Miles. 6-24 Lady Bdcastl:53 h 6-26 Trek 1:58 h Lady Broadcast did a creditable work in hand. Dyak and Dodgson worked together. Paul Bunyan breezed. LATONIA. Weather clear; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 5-13 Advising Ann :36h 6-26 Just Umber.. :37 h 5- 20Azucar :36d 6-27 Lady Dean.. :37b 6- 27Arcturus ... :38b 6-27 Lady Gibson. :37b 6-25 Bd Meadows :374,b 6-24 McLeary .... :37d Banset :38b 6-28 Opium :36h Bonnie Qun. :43b 6-25 Peter Parley. :39b 6-28Calaria . :37 h 6-24 Spartan Lady :38b 6-23 Dr. Parrish. :38b 6-27 Strt Singer. :36h 6-26 Flying Foot.. :37b 6-25 Sunny Susan :37 b 5- 21 Fl. of Light. :38b 6-27 Tea Cracker. :38b 6- 26 Golden Hue. :36d T. Newberry. :39b Hollyd Sure :37d Violet Bloom :36h One-Half Mile. 6-15Blighte :48d Milly Orb... :53d 6-12 Ballygran ... :53b 6-21 Mighty Atom :49b Black Rock.. :54b 6-24 Miss Camon :50h 6-24 Blast :51b 5-20 Oscillation .. :51b 6-26 Black Rotha. :51h 6-20 Oh Dave.... :50b 6-22 Frank K :49 b 6-24 Perkins .... :49b 6-25Foxey Burt.. :49 b 6-27 Remuneration :50h 6-25 Hry Hieover :52 b 6-26 Royal Rogue. :534b 6-24 Jge Lueders :51b 6 26 Sand :51 h 5- 3 Longridge .. :52b 6-24 Vesta :49h 6- 22 Last Stand.. :53 h Five-Eighths Mile. 6-25 Angry l:014id 6-26 Mrs. Let....l:04b 6-26Bondella ...l:04b 6-26 Olive A l:04h 6-24 Back Kick..l:04b 6-27 Oakhurst ...l:02h 6-27 Brush 1:10 b Prce Brbonl:04h 6-27 Black Nose..l:03b 6-22 Patia Marnl:04h 6-23 Brokers Tip.l:04b 6-23 Pass Order. .l:06b 6-24 Bottfe Green.l:04b 6-22 Robin Adair.l:04b Beefsteak ...lMYsb 6-25 Ridge Lady..l:06b 6-17Dewhurst ...l:02h 5-13 Sple Honors.l:04b 6-24Essoff l:03b 6-25 Tantivy ....l:02h 6-24 Exclusive ...1:06 b 6-25 Thistle PIay.l:03b 5- 17 Earl Baker. .1:05 b 6-25 Thistle Wise.l:03b 6- 27 Golden Deedsl:05b 6-27 Wise Mona. .1:02 h 6-24 Hi. Cplexionl.034ib 6-23 Wotan l:04b 6-28 Ly of Gracel:04 b 6-25 Whirling ...l:02d Three-Quarters Mile. 6-24 At Top l:16h 6-26 Ldy OIdhaml:16 h 6-26 Busy Bright.l:19b 6-22 My Prince. ..l:17b 6-19 Back Log... 1:17 b 6-24 Pnell Boundl:16 d 6-27 Cold Check. .l:20b 6-12 Run. Water.ld6h 6-26 Cuyler 1:19 h 6-28 Sp.ting Lady.l:17b 6-27 Dedicate ,...l:19b 6-23 Suffer 1:17 h 2-12EIeanora M..l:20b 6-26 Sisr Electa. l:18h 6-27 Glove Id7h 6-25 Thrh Omondl34 b 6-25Grecn Butyl:17b 6-26 Transcendt l:18h 5- 15 Hburger Jiml:15h 6-24 Valdosta .. ..1:19 b 6- 24 Islam 1:17 b 6-28 Willa 1:17 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 6-25 Flag FIying.l:30h 6-24 La Feria. . . .l:34b j One Mile. 6-25 Agapanthus .1:45 b 6-22 K. Russcli..l:46 b 6-24 Bar Hunter.l:45b 6-10 Ktucky Ace.l:44h 6-25 Blot l:43d 6-24 Memorare ...l:45b 6-28 Benefit l:44b 6-22 Orchestratn l:46b 6-25Chene 1:43 d 6-25 Pollywog ...1:46 b i 6-25Habancro ..-.1:44 d 6-25 Sleepy Land.l:49 d 6-26 Klair l:43d 6-25 Wood River.l:45 b Blighte went from the barrier. Habanero, Chene and Blot went together. K. Russell and Pollywog went together under a pull. A heavy fog obscured some of the early training. HAMILTON. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 6-27 Berber :35d Saint Louis. :36h 6-22 Brdway Lts :55h. 6-23 Santa Crest. :38 b 5- 23 Scuttle . . . . :33 b 6-27 Westy Junior :37 b 6- 22 Sleepy Belle. :35 h 5-27 Westward .. :36 h One-Half Mile. 6-13 Bushman . . . :50 h 6-10 Indian Dnce :55 b 6-20 Blanket Bay :55 b 6-27 Joe Flores. .. :51 b 6-14 Billy Bghn. :50h 6-4 Meany :50 h 5- 23Capts Girl.. :48h 6-22 Rome Vennie :50 h Francos D.... :54 b 5-28 Stefan Jr.. .. :48 h 4- 13Fairdale .... :52h 2-23 Star Crest.. :51 b 6- 9 Genl Lejne :48h 5-24 Wooly West. :50 h Five-Eighths Mile. 6-21 Baboo 1:04 b 6-14 Seal Kale...l:03h Three-Quarters Mile. 6-24 Abduction ..1:21 b 6-14 Storm 1:22 b Luggage 1:17 h 6-13 Shorelint ..1:18 h 6-25 Prly Attennl:22 h 6-11 Wrackell ...1:20 b 6-28 Red -Briar. . .1:20 h One Mile. 6-11 Banderlog . .1:45 h 6-20 The Doctor. .l:44h DORVAL PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 6-25 Agnes Sorel.. :37 h Peter Prim .. :377sh 6-21Caryldon ... :37 h 6-27 Redcliffe ... :38 h 6-15 Eleusagon .. :36h 5-20 Soliloquy ... :37h 6-18 Glee Club. ... :36h 6-20 Sphe of Bty :36d Logwood ... :37 h 6-24 Woolorac ... :36h One-Half Mile 6-25 Bounder .... :52 h 6-23 St. Tuscan... :51h 6-23 General Toy. :50h 6-22 Timon :49 h 6-23Mcnelek .... :50h 6-10 West Drift.. :49h 6-21 Pledge :51h Five-Eighths Mile. 5- 24 Brandon Prel:04 h 5.-31 Reighburn . .l:03h 5-31 Madges Felvl:03h 6-25 The Abbot.. 1:04 h 5- 30 Madder 1:05 h 6-13 Washout ... ,l:03h Three-Quarters Mile. 6- 20 Donate 1:19 h 6-25 Fair Margoryl:18 h Ed Weiss.. .l:16h 6-1 Observation .l:17h One Mile. 6-28 Flying Wings.l:46h 5-31 Regular Brml:45 h AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5- 16 Deepic :36 h 6-26 Mamas Chce :37 h 6- 19 Irish Knight. :37 d 6-13 Sara Burdon. :38h One-Half Mile. 6-15 Brother Carr :49 h 6-21 Home Work. :55 b 6-24 Barn Dance. :53 b 6-28 Haymulus .. :50h 6-19 Charlie :49h 6-21 Langford .. :52 h 6-27 Dr. Potter. . :52h 6-26 My Daughter :53 b 6-27 Fancy Flight :48 h 6-27 Mint Paragon :53 b 6-27 Fleet Flag... :50 h 6-24 Ormesby ... :55 b 4-30 Fair Blanche. :494,h 6-23 Prince Swp. :49h 6-27Flving Thor. :51 h 6-27 Rye :51 h 6-28 Grnys Trade :51 h 6-26 Sarada .... :52 h Five-Eiahths Mile. 6-8 Dominus ...1:05 h 6-25 How High. . .1:06 b 6-27 Flmborough 1:05 h 6-27 Ruloy Lee... 1:05 h 6-27Glendair ...l:06b 6-27 Salama 1:05 d Three-Quarters Mile. 6-27 Little Avanti.l:18h 6-24 St. Carl l:17h 6-27 Surpass ....1:21 b 6 28 Venturoso .l:17h Seven-Eighths Mile. 6-16 Epidawn ....1:34 b 6-26 John F 1:35 h 6-25 French Lass. l:31h 6-14 Traumel ... .1:32 b 6-25 Jaffa 1:33 h One Mile. 6-25 Dextro 1:45 d 6-23 Rocky News. 1:50 b 6-21 Genial Host.l:58 b 6-26Scout Masterl:44h BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. 6-23Adorland ... :38 b 6-27 Marcasite .. :39 b 6-24 Black Mars.. :37b 6-27 Panax :37h 6-23 Gasparilla .. :38b 6-27 Pro Bono... :35h 6-27 Interim :40 b One-Half Mile. 6-27 Blind Bowby :53 b 6-25 Reticence ... :50b 6-25 Indian Sign. :50b The Rake... :50b Five-Eighths Mile. 6-24 Afloat 1:05 b 6-21 Lghg Qun.l:02b 6-6 Fusina 1:05 b 6-25 Pomposity ..l:02b 6-27 Glorify 1:05 b Three-Quarters Mile. 6-23 All Ablaze. . .l:18b 6-27 Integrity . . .l:18b 6-23Bectoi 1:17 h 6-25 Pending ....l:17h 6-23 Fast Colorsa-J8b 6-23 Ship Ablaze.l:18b 6-23 Gd Tc Waltl:16 b 6-23 Speed Boat..l:18b One Mite. 6-28 John Milton. l:44h Roscdale ...l:48b JAMAICA: Weather clear; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. Hn Fletcher :39 b 6-15 Rcvonah . . . :354id 6-22 Moon Shy. . . :43b 6-22 Surtccs .... :37h 6-14 Please :37b 5-29 Transcn .... :35d One-Half Mile. 6-26 China Bird.. :49d 6-16 Ring On.... :55 b 6-21 Ly Sunbeam :49h Five-Eighths Mile. 3-11 Best Maifou.L-09 b 6-25 Hck 1:06 b 6-27 Boiling Wterl:06b 6-26 Licutnt BoblK5b 6-23 Bank Shot.. 1:04 h 6-28 Pulis lK5b 6-28 Colossal . . . .lK5b 6-23 Rough Boy. .l:06b 6-27 Cfs Tbdourl.-05 b 6-26 Single Star.lKK h 6-27 Don Pedro.. 1:05 b 6-12 Taoist l:llb 6-25 Excelsior . . .lK6b 6-26 Willim F. X.lK5b Three-Quarters Mile. 6-21 Excursion ..1:17 d 6-21 The Crane. .l:17b 6-25 Muff 1:19 b 6-27 Zaidee l:16h 6-24 Phan. Legionl:16h Seven-Eighths Mile. 6-25Moine 1:31 b One Mile. 6-25 Be Happy... l:55b 6-27 Okaybee ...1:44 h 6-25Banty l:48b 6-24 Prince Bulbol:52 b 6-26 Despoil ....l:43h , Moine was not extended. Phantom Legion and Zaidee went together Okaybee looks and acts good. The Crane went handily. China Bird went well. Single Star is fresh and fit. Lady Sunbeam showed improve it.