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NATIONAL HOLIDAY FEATURE Seventeen Probable Starters in the Stars and Stripes Handicap at Arlington Park on July 4. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, 111., June 29. Seventeen horses furnish the list of the probable starters in the Stars and Stripes Handicap, the fourth of July headliner at Arlington Park, arid if all face the barrier, the mile and a furlong attraction will have a gross value of 3,100. Equipoise is the top weight, under 129 pounds, and second to him is Mate, with 120 pounds. The low weight promises to be the hard-finishing three-year-old, Yonkel, which has been assigned 98 pounds. The probable starters with their weights and jockeys follow: Horse Wt. Jockey Canfli 100 ,. Dr. Freeland 110 L. Knapp Equipoise 129 .R. Workman Hillsborough 103 Jamestown .119. . . L. McAtee Mate 120. Mr. G. H. Bostwick Polydorus ..115 J. Maiben Prince Atheling 102 W. Wright Sidney Grant 103 Risque. 113 E. Steffen Sun Meadow 113 Sunmelus ;..103 W. Elliott Spanish Play 112 C. Landolt Tred Avon. 107 J. H. Burke 1 The Nut 110 I Yonkel 98 M. Lewis