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"SUM" MACKAY Known for Thirty Years Wherever Horses Run And Doing Business With the Most Powerful Connections in Existence Today. Real Inside Information YESTERDAYS HORSEMANS SPECIAL: FINITE 9.08, WON YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: BLACKSTRAP, LOST STEPENFETCHIT, .24, .18, 2nd BEAT YOUR BOOKMAKER TODAY WIN 00 FOR Word comes so strong that I am advising a straight play only on todays two horses. Everything has been taken care of. GET ME? FREE! FREE! FREE! Another Horsemans Special Today In a recent workout this horse went a mile in 1:37, handily. Has been entered with horses that dont run that fast in races. Expect 15 to 1. LOOKS LIKE A CERTAIN WINNER TERMS, IF UNABLE TO CALL PERSONALLY PHONE DEARBORN 8697 FOR MESSENGER SERVICE NO CHARGE Out-of-Town Clients, Wire S. MACKAY 155 N. CLARK ST. ROOM 414 CHICAGO. ILL. JACK FISHER 155 N. CLARK ST. CHICAGO, ILL. Sold on All Newsstands 50 CENTS FOR THREE WINNERS No Wires! No Waiting! TODAYS CODE PARLAY: LAT. Yellow-73-3-69-91. ARL. Orange-2-73-58-72. YESTERDAYS 50 CENTS PARLAY: SALLEE BOURLAND, 5.62, WON DON LEON, LOST OUT-OF-TOWN CHICAGO lb CSSSf Western Mil IBmWi Wire by CaU a Union or Postal Tele- AjJl MIMKm H FRANKLIN graph to H jKjfWHlSWVWH H 7986 or 7987 tup ppi I IMHMVaHI IH mk for messenger and we inc. dlll K IHUa mi will send todays two 180 W. Washington St, HflH JKKAMtf H H horses in plain sealed Chicago, 111. jB MyFfir:MpB envelope. YESTERDAYS TWO BELL HORSES: SURF BOARD, 1.20; .62, 3rd BUB McFARLAND, 0.28; .06, 3rd TUESDAYS TWO BELL HORSES: MONDAYS TWO BELL HORSES: LIQUEUR, 5.38, WON IMPISH, 5.94, WON INHERITOR, $ 8.04, WON GOLD STEP, 5.96, WON When one of the two original Bell Reputation Release horses showed slight signs of limping following a workout at Arlington Wednesday, The Bell promptly got in touch with connections at Latonia and secured a release horse at that track. This might have caused some confusion, and The Bell wants its clients to know why it made the switch. J Todays Two Bell Horses Out of Line The Bells two releases for today stand out in the minds of its connections as two of the best things released within the past two weeks. These two Tiorscs will close at about six or eight to one, whereas they really should be not more than five to two. The reason for this is that these horses have been kept under cover for some time, and the public will be attracted to other horses in each race that figure to be glaring standouts but probably are being sent out for exercise only. Only The Bell knows this, and Bell clients will make up ninety per cent of the line bofo re the payoff window following these races. The Bell urges all its old friends to be sure and get in on these. The Bell has the largest following of any turf bureau of its kind. Why dont you become one of the many happy followers? For a winner, follow a winner and The Bell has proven that it is a winner.. THE BELL ORIGINATES OTHERS IMITATE DETROIT PLAYERS, ATTENTION: We have arranged with the PARK NEWSSTAND, corner Woodward and Adams, Grand Circus Park, to distribute our releases in your city. This will save you cost of telegrams and time. Go there today. THE BELL, Suite 801, 180 West Wcchington St., Chicago, III. NEXT DOOR TO ELKS BUILDING, BETWEEN LA SALLE AND WELLS STREETS lltlflCnil lE MAN ROUTED THE"! S MYSTEkIOU V CHICAGO BOOKIES $ I M Wr m - ACCLAIMED BY EVERY NEWSPAPER IN THE SIl M . m COUNTRY FOR MY SUCCESSFUL MANIPULATIONS J ;M MR. SOLLtvAN mow ready again s bookies dont like t t V WTCH MY SMOKE." -J SULLIVANS FOLLOWERS ABE SHOUTING "HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN!" Ho "DEPRESSION" for SULLIVAN Followers ARE YOU ONE OF THEM If Not, WHY NOT? YESTERDAYS "TWO LATONIA SPECIALS:" ai,, , - a GLAMOROUS, 0.80, WON f ffx vV! 1L ,.-- MANTA, $ 7.44, WON jgwjf" SSlJSSSXt5 There will be plenty of BOOKIES missing today after P vlV HfV"2 flSIJSSLl the LACING they got yesterday from my clients, as I ntrunt jB j told everyone to PLUNGE, WIN ONLY, on yesterdays smtSnnem LATONIA PARLAY. ofhy parlays won. tflTE that afternoon Tuesdays Parlay Lost But We Cant Have Win Parlays Every Day Mondays Parlay: WINONA LADY, 3.83, Won ADSUM, 3.46, Won "Remember," PARLAYS PAY M0NEY$. You Dont Need Large Capital to Play My PARLAYS W DONT LET STOP YOU TODAY FROM WINNING ON 00- PARLAY "m These two horses at Arlington today come HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. YOU CAN BET WITH .IMPUNITY on todays PARLAY. I urge YOU not to miss it. I KNOW SOMETHING TODAY. "TERMS, A DAY CHICAGO READERS, DONT GO TO ARLINGTON TODAY""W before you see ME and get my PARLAY. If you cant come, PHONE ME, RANDOLPH 9195-9196 and I will send you my parlay in sealed envelope with messenger. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE. Out-of-town players, telegraph to "Mysterious" MR. SULLIVAN, 127 N. Dearborn St., Room 1327, Chicago, HI. YESTERDAYS PARLAY RELEASED TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS: FINITE, 9.08, WON GLAMOROUS, 0.80, WON THE HORSES I RELEASE ARE THE HORSES I ADVERTISE MY TERMS WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL rgpp- -r-DAILY -IKS CASH A BET WITH KING TODAY Come in today and allow me to explain. If you cannot see me personally just TELEPHONE or TELEGRAPH my office. City clients unable to call in person telephone FRANKLIN 6725 for messenger service. Out-of-town clients, wire subscription immediately. S. R. KING, 10 No. Clark St. Room 706, Chicago, III. At All Newsstands, 35 Cents Weekly If your newsdealer cannot supply you with the Racing Blue Book WIRE OR MAIL for seven issues and you will receive as a premium absolutely FREE, ONE BLUE STAR PARLAY. Break the Book With Blue Book Code Parlays YESTERDAYS CODE PARLAY; PRIMUTE, 3.08, WON AROUSE, $ 9.04, WON 00 FOR TODAY DONT READ RESULTS PLAY THEM Subscribe now and get the thrill of cashing a bet. "LUCKY" DAN McCANN One Winner Daily Daily YESTERDAYS McCANN RELEASE: FINITE, 9.08, WON TUESDAYS McCANN RELEASE: OZITI, 4.60, WON 8-1 WINNER GOES TODAY TODAYS EDITORS PARLAY A R L. Y-63-6S-3-1 4. L AT. W-4-1 8-27-1 6. Todays Free Code: LATONIA Hanford-4-7-51-51. RACING BLUE BOOK 4 W. RANDOLPH ST. CHICAGO, ILL. CLOCKERS REVIEW 35 Cents a Copy Sold at All Newsstands For 21 Years the Players Friend TODAYS FREE CODE: HAMILTON Orange-12-20. For key to code, see page 2, Clockers Review. YESTERDAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: GLAMOROUS, 0.80, WON Follow the Colonel for $ BIG WINNINGS $. Others are doing it, so why not you? TODAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: LATONIA Bran-9-23. You can win yourself plenty with this one. For COL. MATT BRADYS SPECIALS, see page 11, Clockers Review. YESTERDAYS PARLAY: BOSCOBEL, 3.50, WON PRIMUTE, 3.08, WON BIG LIMIT PARLAY TODAY Make Sure and Get It TERMS, Never have we had two horses as strong as these "two" today, and you can go the "extreme limit." Play both STRAIGHT and parlay across the board for a banner day. Wire immediately. City clients, call. CLOCKERS REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. 1674 Broadway Suite 914 New York City For Free Race Results Gall Wabash 7000 "Americas Premier Turf Ace" t PARTINGTON JOCKEY 118 WEST 44th ST. SUITE 305 NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. BELOW ARE A FEW OF THE MANY WINNERS I HAVE RIDDEN: FEU DE J0IE, 97.60, Won: ROCK SUGAR. 40.40, Won; MANDY, 589.00, Won; DANDYBRUSH, 0.60. Won; SYMPATHY, S62.20, Won; CERES. 8.90, Won; JEAN CREST, S21.20. Won; MERULINA, 5.30, Won. YESTERDAYS PARLAY: KARL EITEL, 1.28, .68, 3RD UPRIGHT, .10, WON STRICTLY THE ONLY TWO HORSES RELEASED YESTERDAY TODAY ONE HORSE SHOULD WIN AND PAY A 5 MUTUEL AND THE OTHER MAY ROMP HOME WITH PLENTY TO SPARE WITH A 2 PAY OFF. Get set for another one of my famous limit parlays. This is smart stuff from smart barns. Play Vm with confidence, boys, and when the results are flashed you will once again proclaim this to be the BEST TWO-HORSE SERVICE IN AMERICA. Im showing the racing world just what real inside information is. Are you Getting your share? If not, why not? I play every horse I send out I never made a promise that I didnt make good ask your racing associates about my riding record. Do you need further proof of my reliability? Ill prove to the most skeptical that I never misrepresent or resort to subterfuge. If you want to get in on the ground floor if you want real inside information if you want to join hands with a reliable turf connection dont hesitate. RUSH YOUR ORDER TODAY. TERMS A DAY JUDGE THE FUTURE BY THE PAST. My record is an open book investigate it. My office is open every day between 10 and 4. Come in with me today and convince yourself. Send your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph to JOCKEY PARTINGTON, 118 W. 44th St. Suite 305, New York, N. Y. DAltY TatGlUPH The "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 Cent EARLY, 8.40, WON Regren-McCarty Riverside Park Tip SUNMELUS, Bassett-McCarty Arlington Park Tip, $ 5.06, WON LATE DATE, McCarty Arlington Park Tip, 6.06, WON INHERITOR, Regren-McCarty Arlington Park Tip, 8.04, WON PREFER, Regren Arlington Park Tip, 5.94, WON SOUTHERN BEAUTY, Regren-McCarty Riverside Park Tip, 8.20, WON JUIIZ URBAN, Regren-McCarty Riverside Park Tip, 5.20, WON FIMNANT BEARER, McCarty Riverside Park Tip, 11.20, WON THURSDAYS FREE CODE HORSES: ARLINGTON PARK-Paul-8-19-18. LATONIA Rob-9-16-2. TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, DLL. per Month by First Class Mail per Month by Air mrn WANTED- RELIABLE MEN TO HELP ME LAY OFF COMMISSIONS ON ONE HORSE DAILY YESTERDAYS COMMISSION WIRE: FINITE, 9.08, WON Propositions accepted from small or large players. I make large players" "out of small ones. Telephone or wire for my proposition; All those who dont want to be bothered with playing for me, wire 0 for todays release. Those wishing personal contact TELEPHONE FRANKLIN 3459 E. C. FOSTER, 155 North Clark St., Chicago, III.