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JOCKEY BEJSHAK MARRIED BALTIMORE, Md., June 29 Miss Kath-erine E. Stotler, daughter of J. H. "Bud" Stotler, trainer for the Sagamore racing stable, was married quietly yesterday afternoon to John "Johnny" Bejshak, jockey, at the Grace Baptist Church, this city, at 2:30 p. m., with only a few members of the family and intimate friends attending. The couple took the train for New York later in the afternoon. Later they plan a tour of the New England states. Bejshak, a native of Montreal, was developed by Mr. Stotler. and is regarded highly. The Sagamore Stable, under whose colors Bejshak rides, is owned by Mrs. Charles Minot Amory, the former Margaret Emerson.