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Great list of yearlings Splendid Band of Young Racers at Whitney Farms in New Jersey. Sixty-Seven, Thirty-Four Colts and Thirty-Three Fillies, to Be Prepared for Next Years Racing. , RED BANK, N. J., June 29 Sixty-seven yearlings, thirty-four colts and thirty-three fillies, the property of the Whitneys, are now at their owners farms near here, having been transferred from Kentucky. They will be prepared for their training trials in the fall. At Brookdale Farm are thirty-three head of budding racers, the property of C. V. Whitney. Fillies outnumber the colts in this string, nineteen to fourteen. At Mrs. Payne Whitneys farm are thirty-one yearlings, eighteen colts and thirteen fillies, which will carry the colors of the popular Greentree Stable next year. Three yearlings, two colts and a filly, the property of John Hay Whitney, also are here. These sixty-seven Whitney yearlings are the sons and daughters of twenty-four different stallions. The sires represented are Bostonian, Broadside, John P. Grier, Wild-air, St. Germans, Mad Hatter, Chicle, Pennant, Sir Gallahad III., Upset, Pharamond, Thunderer, St. James, Sickle, Transmute, Dominant, Royal Minstrel, Chance Play, Buchan, Bunting, Peter Pan, Light Brigade, Nocturnal and Kai-Sang. Following are the yearlings: PROPERTY OF C. V. WHITNEY. Brown colt, by Bostonian Bubble, by All Gold. Bay colt, by Broadside Forsythia, by Broomstick. Bay colt, by John P. Grier Gadfly, by Chicle. Chestnut colt, by Wildair Inaugural, by Voter. Bay colt, by Wildair Lisa, by Mad Hatter. Chestnut colt, by St. Germans Margin, by All Gold. Chestnut colt, by Mad Hatter Meadow Mist, by Whisk Broom II. Bay colt by Chicle Miss Whisk, by Whisk Broom II. Chestnut colt, by Pennant Nemesis, by Johren. Bay colt, by Sir Gallahad HI Pantalette, by Broomstick. Bay colt, by St. Germans Portage, by Whisk Broom n. Bay colt, by St. Germans Prudent, by Peter Pan. Bay colt, by Upset Rosie OGrady, by Hamburg. Bay colt, by Chicle Traffic, by Broomstick. Brown or black filly, by Mad Hatter Arethusa, by Broomstick. Brown filly, by Pharamond Beaming, by Whisk Broom II. Chestnut filly, by Thunderer Belle of All, by Cunard . Chestnut filly, by Pennant Blessings, by Chicle. Bay filly, by St. Germans Bonnie Broom, by Whisk Broom n. Brown filly, by Mad Hatter Coquetry, by Chicle. Bay filly, by St. James Fly by Day, by Broomstick. Chestnut filly, by Sickle Frilette, by Man o War. Bay filly, by Chicle Masda, by Fair Play. Bay filly, by Mad Hatter Mother Goose, by Chicle. Black filly, by Mad Hatter Mrs. Trubbel, by Hamburg. Chestnut filly, by Upset Pandera, by Peter Pan. Bay filly, by Mad Hatter Ruth Law, by Broomstick. Bay filly, by Pennant Skylight, by Chicle. Chestnut filly, by Pennant Stigma, by Johren. Bay filly, by St. Germans Waukulla, by Chicle. Bay filly, by Chicle Wendy, by Peter Pan. Chestnut filly, by Mad Hatter Regret, by Broomstick. Chestnut filly, by Transmute Penury, by Pennant. PROPERTY OF GREENTREE STABLE Chestnut colt, by Dominant Cardamine, by Sir Archibald. Bay colt, by Royal Mistress, Untidy, by Sweep. Bay colt, by Chicle All Callao, by Dominant. Black colt, by St. Germans Red Red Rose, by Whisk Broom II. Chestnut colt, by St. Germans Lady K. II., by Meddler. Chestnut colt, by Dominant Fresnay, by Meddler. Chestnut colt, by Chance Play Conge, by Broomstick. Bay colt, by John P. Grier Bonus, by All Gold. Chestnut colt, by Buchan Fleeting Dawn, by Hurry On. Chestnut colt, by Royal Minstrel Homely, by Sea King. Bay colt, by Royal Minstrel Glade, by .Touch Me Not. Bay colt, by Dominant Hell Cat, by Johren. Chestnut colt, by Mad Hatter Shrine, by Swynford. Bay colt, by Dominant Bittersweet, by St. Germans. Bay colt, by Wildair La Religieuse, by Polymelus. Chestnut colt, by Bunting Soumangha, by Don de Oro. Chestnut colt, by Pennant Twaddle, by Broomstick. Bay colt, by Pennant Briony, by Domi-""nant. Bay filly, by Chicle Panache, by Broomstick. Brown filly, by Royal Minstrel Ruddy Duck, by Touch Me Not. Bay filly, by Upset Molly Kildare, by Spearmint. , Grey filly, by Royal Minstrel Leopardess, by Dominant. Bay filly, by Bostonian Maracaibo, by Spanish Prince II. Chestnut filly, by Royal Minstrel Rinkey, by Pennant. 1 Brown filly, by Peter Pan Amity Claim, by Rock View. Bay filly, by Dominant Hoity Toity, by Touch Me Not. Chestnut filly, by John P. Grier Catsplay, by Fair Play. Chestnut filly, by Broadside Riga, by Broomstick. Brown filly, by Dominant Cherry Bounce, by Chicle. Chestnut filly, by Dominant Allepena, by Allenby. Bay filly, by Upset Mad Hand, by Fair Play. PROPERTY OF J. H. WHITNEY. Chestnut colt, by Light Brigade Caledonia, by Craigangower. Black colt, by Nocturnal Oh Susanna, by Light Brigade. Bay filly, by Kai-Sang Friar Song, by Friar Rock.