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! ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES I AQUEDUCT 1 THURSDAY, JUNE 30 fSF" Percentage of Winning Favorites in 1931 .48 "" Starts from Waite StaU Gate Weather conditions as forecast by United States Weather Bureau and as at press time indicated: WEATHER CLEAR: TRACK FAST Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:S0 p. ra. 1st Aqueduct Purse 00. 2-Year-Olds. Claiming. Miss Star, Sept. Mile 25 1922 :57252 107. NOTE Claiming price, ,000; if for more, 1 pound extra for each 00 to ,000. Non-winners since June 10. Weight, 10 pounds below scale. Non-winners since April 1 allowed 3 pounds; maidens, 5 pounds. Index -BcstatDistance- Wt. Claim Index -BestatDistance- Wt. Claim No. Horse. Track Wt. Time. AgeTodav Price No. Horse. Track. Wt. Time AgeToday Price 72450s Manya Aqu 116 :59m 109X 5000 71395 Character ...Jam 112 1:00 112.. 5000 70446 Helios Jam 117 1:00 109.. 5000 72450 American Smile... 72337 OId Honesty M M Aqu 113 1KB 108.. 5200 Aqu 115 1:00 102. . 5000 70923 Black Mars M . . 112.. 6000 Beat times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. Fair mud runner. xGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets . won last start: figures or 2nd or 3rd last Btart; apprentice allowance. Scratches are shown in Past Performances, but in all cases only the latest withdrawal being indicated. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Ols. Time Tr. Odds Wt St. Str. Fin. Jockey r.r.Cl.Ice.Sts. Best Companr Manya X 1 OQ B. if, 2, by Master Charlie Mary Tord, by Sir Martin. Work- June 25 5-8 " l-02ft Trainer. H C. Riddle. Ownsi. J. 3. Robinson. Jun27-32lAqu g 1:01 ft 41 1041 1 1 2" CoucciS4 4000 9 How High 112, Bolilee 110, Terrier 107 Jun.l7-32Aqu :59 m 13-10 116 1 3 4!1 2i PascumaA 5000 9 OurSallielll.S.Girl lll.TrueRnce 104 Juiai-32Aqu 1 1:00 ft 20 104 3 2 33 43 PascumaA1 5000 6 Illusive 104, Clarify 107, Bobbing 109 Jun. 1-32Bel 4wc -.53 ft 10 109 15 10 1141 10s! PascumaA15 3000 16 IHusivel04,Jcsting 109,BoianGrove 111 Mayl9-32BeI 4wc :52 ft 10 111 17 13 13 1413 PascumaA" 4000 19 BronxPark 117.Tinema 109,AIgeria 111 Mayl3 32Bel 4wc 2 e;d 5 113 7 12 12J 14" PascumaA 5000 16 BrkParkll6,Algeriall3,Frborough 116 , Stsrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. and. 3rd. W.lh.- 1932 record.. 11 2 2 0 ,700 HellOS 1 HQ B. c. 2, by Dloraedes Merville, by Myram. Work: Juno 251-2.. :48ft Trainer. J. Kerraath. Owner. D. J. Ely. Mayl4-323Bel 4vc :52 ft 122 SCRATCHED. Stks 11 Catenvl 117,HapyGal 114,DcVaIerall7 May 7-32Jam 1:00 gd 8 117 4 2 24 33 StoffcnE Stks 9 Disdnful 114,Lldaffll2,Pomponius 112 Apc30 32sJam 1 1:00 ft 20 112 4 2 34 35i ColtilettiF9 6400 9Eisenberg 120,Lit.LadU5,Revonah 113i Apt23-325Jam 1 1:00 ft 20 117 6 4 4" 4" ColtilettiF1 Allw 8 SandyBill 117.Eisenberg 122,Repaid 112 Aprl9 32IJam i 1:02 ft 9-5 122 8 8 9" 9" EllisG10 Allw 10 Capsheaf 122.Shavingsil9,HellDiverl22 Mac 4 32Trp f 6 ft 3-10 124 1 1 lk RobtsonA Allw 12 Ipral 121. Dry Rridge 121,Mintogee 107 Feh27-324Hia 34 ft 3910 125 3 2 11 WorkmanR1 Allw 9 Meany 128, Maeantic 125, Bracer 115 Fcb20 323Hia i 34 ft 8 122 1 31 41 WorkmanR1 Stksl6 Okapil22.Meanyl22.JohnDavenport 122 StarU. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1932 record.. 11 3 12 ,150 011 Honesty 10? B. c, 2 M. by Bunting Safe Home, by Hilarious. Work: June 233-8... :36ft A Trainer, J. J. Murphy. Owner, W. Gallagher. Jua24-32Aqu 1 1:00 ft 3 1151 1 1 l" 2l WkmanR8 2300 15 AUAblazollO,St.Nickll2,Feud,lLord 114 Jual6-32Aqu 1:00 ;y 30 117 12 11 1210 10" HanfordB 3000 15 Bolilee 112,StLouis lll.SueJones 104 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.- 1932 record.. 2 0 1 0 $ 150 Character 1 1 O B. c, 2, by Carlaris Gayoso, by High Time. Work- June 25 1-2 -50andft Trainer, T. D. Grimes. Owner, Mrs. "W. Anderson. Jun. 2-32JBel 1 wc :58 ft 10 111 10 10 10" 1034 MannJ5 Allw 10 Okapilll,CuticFacel08,BronzeSaint 108 Apr23-32!Jam 1 1:00 ft 2 112 2 1 1 1 KelsayW" 3300 12 Revonahl22,BieCainllO.C.Almgren 112 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record. .2 1 0 0 $ 700 American Smile "1 fQ B. c, 2 M, by Anwrican Flag Laughing Eyes II., by Irish yj Work: June 21 1-2. . :49ft Lad- Trainer, F. M. Bray. Owner, Bud Fisher. Jun27-32Aqu g 1:01 ft 30 111! 8 8 7" 7s KelsayW9 4200 9 How High 112, Manya 104, Bolilee 110 Juo23-325Aqu 1 1:00 ft 25 113 6 6 691 6al KelsayW3 Allw 8 QuelJeu 116,Volette 115,SunAlloy 113 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wou.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-v 1932 record.. 2 Black IHarS 119 Blk 2 iy Mars MomentiUa, by McGae. Work- June 29 3-8 -37sl Trainer, G. M. Odom. Owner, Mrs. W. P. Stewart. May20-32":Bel 4wc :52 ft 15 111 7 10 10u 9,9LongJ9 Allw 12 HastipstllO.ScrecchllS.StTgaway 111 tIa-14-32:!Bel 4vc :53 ft 30 117 10 9 10" 10" LongJ Maid 11 ThreeDgorsll7,MchKingll7,Lrdaffll7 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 2 2nd Aqueduct Vigilante Steeplechase Handicap. ,200 Added. 4-a i Year-Olds and Upvard. Claiming. Banner Day, About Z Miles Sept. 23, 1930 4:00y5 3 132. NOTE Claiming price, ,000. Index -BestatDistance-N Wt. Claim Index -Best at Distances Wt. Claim No. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AceToday Prire " No. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. As;eToday Pricp 72025 Shylock 4 136X 3000 71866 Khyber Pass M "5130.. 3000 72296 Fair Moss M . . . 6 138.. 3000 72296 Trieste 6 142.. 3000 72294 Point Breeze 8 133.. 3000 60539 Greatorex M... 4 130X 3000 71866 Drapeau 6 143. . 3000 Foxcatcher Farms Stable entry Fair Moss and 72296 Sir Sweep 7 133. . 3000 Greatorex. Ramshead Stable and J. Simpson, Jr., 71781 Flower Rock..... 8 133.. 3000 entry Khyber Pass and Trieste. 72025 Blabber 7 135 3000 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. :j:Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures 1 or 2nd or 3rd last start; "apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dis. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. ?iStr. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company Shylock X 1 fi Br B 4 by Meridian Charybdis, by Bockton. J-OU Trainer, J. P. Jones. Owner. J. P. Jones. Jun.l6-325Aqu a 2 4:15 sy 31 139 8 6 7" 7" ThndykeF5 4000 8 Watsonia 133,FrMossl34,W.H.You 136 Jun. 9-32sBel a 2 3:48 ft 7 137 4 3 l10 l1 ThndykeF1 5000 7 Bagatelle 136, Toreador II. 144 May31-32:Bel a 2 3:48 ft 3-2 141 1 2 3T 71S SmootC 4000 12 Watsonial35,ToreadorII.143,Heatherl40 Mayl9-325BeI a 2 3:47 ft 11-5 138 2 3 2 2" SmootC 5000 5 Svcrskinl34,S.Eclipsel37, Watsonia 142 MaylO-32Pim 2 3:52 si 9 134 2 2 Tl 11 MerglerM1 Allw 12 Cahirciv,nl47,St.F,cisl47,Bl.Bnner 144 May 4-322Pim 2 3:54 ft 41 134 1 3 3 4 2J MerglerM1 Allw 15 St.Frcisl44,Cahircivnl47,Hptonianl52 Oct30 31lLrl a 2 4:05 m 90 138 1 6 6" 6" SmithH Allw 12 Outlaw 143,Tequila 145,KingsOwn 145 Oct 9-31Lrl a 2 3:54 ft 34 139 9 8 6" 6" WilliamsR Allw 9 PokeyJoel50.Outlaw 150,Barometerl33 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn. . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-x 1931 record. ..7 0 0 1 $ 150 1932 record . 6 2 2 0 ,000 Fair MOSS 1 QQ B. m, 6 M, by Wrack Mousse des Bois, by Ajax. J-OO Trainer, K. Kennedy. Owner, Foxcatcher Farms Stable. Jua23-322Aqu a 2 4:09 ft 4e 13411 3 2IB 210 SlateF5 5000 12 Silverskin 133, Citron 144, Trieste 148 Jual6-322Aqu a 2 4:15 sy 5e 134 3 3 2" 2" SlateF4 4000 8 Watsonia 133,W.H.You 136,BIabber 144 Jun. 4-32JBcI a 2 3:45 ft 8 133 7 2 2J 21 SlateF4 2500 9 S.Eclipsel43,BrnRulerl33,B.Bannerl32 May31-32JBcl a 2 3:48 ft 40 130 5 7 715 8M WsmanE8 3500 12 Watsonial35,TorcadorII.143,Heatherl40 Mayl6-32Bel a 2 3:49 ft 3 131 6 2 2" 2 SlateF4 2500 9 Hcathcrl33.PointBreezel34,Blabber 141 May 6-32Pim 2 3:50 ft 9 143 7 2 34 34 SlateF1 4500 10 Muskogeel34,M,nsfk 143,Lochshee 146 Jun. 2-31Bel a 2 3:50 m 6 135 2 2 3 3 LambertJ4 Allw 10 BeaconHill 140,Luckite 140,Spinncr 140 Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record. . 3 0 1 1 $ 300 1932 record. . 6 0 4 1 ,100 Point Breeze O O Ch. h, 8, by Man o War Summer Breezes, by McOee. J.OO Trainer. W. Almy, Jr. Owner. W. Almy, Jr. Jual7-32Br a 2 3:50 hy 143 Pulled up. McKyMrR Allw 8 FbksII.149.T.Awak,gl30,D.deVtu 145 JuaWBr a 2 4:41 si. 150 Fell. McKinneyMrR 9 MyCavarrl45,Mkogee 153,Wirgdonl58 May24-32Bel a 2 3:46 ft 5 138 4 9 951 9" WalkerG8 2500 14 GolnStarII.136,Heathrl40,Watsonial37 Mayl6-322Bel a 2 3:49 ft 30 134 3 1 1" StWalkerG 2500 9 Heather 133,FairMoss 131,Blabber 141 fDisqualified. Sepll-31Bel a 2 4:55 ft 8 155 5 4 4" 419 SkinerMrJ5 Allw 5 GnStarll.lSS.R.Dnsfn.P.CIvly 157 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record.. 3 0 1 0 $ 300 1932 record. . 4 Drapeau 14- B. s, 6, by Pennant Eoyal Union, by John o Gaunt. J.iO Trainer, C. Douglas. Owner, T. W. Durant. Juoll-32JU.H a 2 4:12 ft 8-5 145 7 3 41 3U YoungA1 Allw 7 B.Banner MKcrPassMg.T.AwakgMS Jun. 7-325Bel a 2 3:46 ft 10 135 8 7 5U 3t5 YoungA9 Allw 9 J.Anthonyl30,Cahirciveenl35,Pait 130 Jun. 4-32JBel a 2 3:45 ft 13-5c 143 6 6 Fell. BallJ5 2500 9 S.EclipseWS.FrMosslSS.BrnRuler 133 May30 32Bel a 2 3:52 ft 4 147 5 3 24 2 BallJ Allw 6 Hathrooml41,Portraitl30,PurpleDustl33 May24-32.Bel a 2 3:46 ft 41o 143 10 3 41 5" BallJ 2500 14 GolnStarll.lSe.HeathrWO.Watsoniam Octl2-31JLrl a 2 3:53 ft 5 138 3 Lost ridor.LittleH1 4000 10 Huffy 141,Rdbridgo 148,Argonaut 137 Sepl7-315Bel a 2 3:49 ft 6 131 5 1 2" 14 LittleH 5000 7 Creek 138,Huffy 144,Queens Pal 13Q . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. 1931 record. . 4 1 1 Q $ 1,250 1932 record. .5. Q 1 3 $ 325 , Sir Sweep 1 Q Q B; e 7 5 Blr Barton lady Sweep, by Sweep. JLOO Trainer, R. H. Crawford, Owner, H. H. Crawford. Juo23-32sAqu a 2 4:09 ft 15 144 6 10 7" 7" WolfeE1 5000 12 Silvcrskin 133,FairMoss 134,Citron 144 May 3-30Pim a 2 3:48 ft 20 141 9 10 10" 10" SimsM0 Stks 12 Beelzebub 148,Crumplcr 138,Rooneyl46 Octl6-29JLrl a 2 4:01 si 22-5 139 1 3 ? lu SmootC Hdcp 5 Crumpler 146,Polish 135.Becl7.cbub 148 , Starts. 1st. and. 3rd. AVon.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. ffon.- 1932 record.. 1 Flower Rock l Q9 Ch. g, 8, by Danger Bock Yellow Flower, by Nasturtium. J-OO Trainer, J. Watkins. Owner, H. V. Cavanaugh. JunlO-32Aqu a U 2:42 ft 15 140 3 2 74 6" ChristianE10 2500 14 K.o.t.Rivrl45,W.H.Youl32,Trieste 145 May31-323Bel a 2 3:48 ft 15 138 8 8 SJ8 9IS EverettH9 3500 12 Watsonial35,ToreadorII.143,Heatherl4U Jua 1-31Bel a 2 3:55 sy 25 136 2 6 4 4,s ChristianE1 3000 8 KnkrgToml43,5t.Vnonl42.T.AccII.13!i Apr.16 31U.H U 2:45 ft 15 145 1 10 84 9" MahoneyT3 Allw 16 Sydney 132, Hazar 147, Star Easter 152 Vov 8-3041.11 .2 3:54 ft 10 135 9M ChristianE 3000 9 ScaSfryl35,ThcAccIl. 143,LcDigard 147 Oct27-30Lrl 2 3:56 ft 17 138 1 1 533 5" ChristianE 4000 6 SpVdBy II.132,KsOwn 136i,Lnzo 137 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 2 1932 record. . 2 Blabber ?fc 1 QC Br s Bunanteil Limerick Xass, by Celt. -LOO Trainer, P. Green. Owner, G. H. Bostwick. Jual6-32JAqu a 2 4:15 sy 7 144 2 7 4" 4n BtkMrGH 4000 8 Watsonia 133,FrMossl34,W.H.You 136 Jun. 9-3243el a 2 3:48 ft 15 144 7 5 Fell. WilliamsD2 5003 7 Shylockl37,BagtelIel36,ToreadorII. 144 y31-32JBel a 2 3:48 ft 20 134 9 3 2s 4" ScottA10 3500 12 Vatsonial35.ToreadorII.143,Heatherl40 ,iMay24-32JBel a 2 3:46 ft 6 14313 8 8" 830 SimsM9 2500 14 GornStarII.136,Hcathrl40,Watsonial37 Mayl6-32Bel a 2 3:49 ft 10 141 4 3 44 4,!tSimsM1 2500 9 Heatherl33,FirMossl31,PntBrceze 134 fPlaced third through disqualification. Oct24-lOLrl 1 2:38 ft 12 113 b 7 8 818 ShanksJ8 2000 9 MyScoopl03,OakJdll5,StdardBrer 113 Sep. 5 30Tim alj 1:49 ft 6-5 116 l3 DohertyF 600 8 MumsLad 109,Sandcliff 116,Instant 104 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , 1932 record. . 5 0 0 1 $ 100 Klljber PaSS 1 Q B. g, 5 M, by Politian Bahab, by Yankee. J-OVJ Trainer, F. Preece. Owner, Bamshead Stable. Jun.ll-32:U.H a 2 4:12 ft 10 149 6 7 l1 23 BtMrHCK4 Allw 7 B.Bannerl45,Drapeaul45,T.Awakg 143 May24-32JWdb a 2 4:00 ft lOe 152 3 Fell. BasstMcC1 Allw 17 Glaneurl49,QueensPal 147,BilIycockl54 MaylO-32Pim 2 3:52 si. 127 14710 3 44 5s BastMrCK4 Allw 12 Shylckl34,Cahircivnl47,St.Fr,ncis 147 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.-, 1932 record.. 3 0 10 $ 125 Triest 1 A 9 by Hapsburg Perugia, by Orvieto. -Lr-i Tiainer, F. Preece. Owner, J. Simpson. Jr. Juo23-32!Aqu a 2 4:09 ft 20 148 5 4 318 4,s Lambert J 5000 12 Silverskin 133,FairMoss 134,Citron 144 Jual7-325Br a 2 4:42 hy 140 1 LambertJ Hdcp 7 Outlaw 142, Citron 148, Alpheus 142 JualO-323Aqu a 1 2:42 ft 5e 145 4 6 8 34 SpnMrJJr"2500 14 K.o.t.Rivrl45,W.H.Yo-il32,C.Chsl31 Jun. 7-323Bel a 2 3:46 ft 25e 145 2 2 33 5" ThndykoF1 Allw 9 J.Anthonyl30,Cahircinl35,Drapu 135 May30-32lBel a 2 3:52 ft 10 147 4 2 61 6" SonMr.JrJ Allw 6 Hatbroom 141,Drapeau 147,Portrait 130 JuL 8-3PA.P a 2 4:02 ft 9 133 3 Lost rider.MaciverJ3 Allw 6 NatCIymanl45,Gracie 134,TodSloan 137 Oct 4 30Aqu 1 3:32 ft 16 5 139 111" ll PreeceF1 Allw 4 Cawvoge 143, Bo Ballot 130 . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 1 1932 record. . 5 10 1 ,450 Great Or ex X 10 Gr 1y stefan th3 Great Days Over, by Olambala. .LOU Trainer, II. Kennedy. Owner, Foxcateher Farm Stable. Jua26r316Aqu g 1:28 ft 12 115 18 17 17" 1732 GarnerM18 1500 19 Windfall 120,Panguitchl20,Carnival 110 Jurd2-31cBel 1 1:39 gd 15 107 5 6 6" 6" RenickS4 4000 6 Dunstan 107,HisLast 107,Robrack 107 Jua 8-313Bel 1 1:40 sy 20 105 5 7 54 613 SmithD8 2500 11 Cockrill 114,BubsyC.103,Str,tSingerl00 Mqy27-318Bel 11:39 ft 12 106 4 15 153 15" CatroneF1" 4000 16 Dunfern 107,Garlic 112,JoIly King 108 Mayl9 313Bel j 1:12 ft 20 111 2 3 451 6" GarnerM3 Allw 6 FTwThrulll,Mtinlil08,DiinsLadll7 Oct 2 304Aqu i 1:13 ft 12 112 8 8 94 94 KelsayW 12000 11 Smear 119,Uncle Sam 115,Concord 119 Sep24 3PAqu 1 1:13 ft 8 16 1 2 3 3" KelsayW3 7500 6 MorshionllS.JamisonllO.Wthcrprf 100 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record. . 5 3rd Aqueduct purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. John 1 Mile p Grier June 25 19211:364127. NOTE Claiming price, ,200; if for ,000, allowed 3 pounds. Non-winners since May 12, 1932. 3-year-nlds, 114 pounds; older, 118 pounds. Non-winners in 1932 allowed 2 pounds; in 1931-32, 4 pounds; maidens, 6 pounds. Index -Best at Distance- Wt. Claim Index Best at Distance- WL Claim No. Horse. Track Wt. Time. AeeTodav Price No. Horse. Track. VVt. Time. AneToday Price 69999 Martinelli .. .Bel 106 1:37 4 115X 1000 72550 Sultry M... Bel 1081:40 3 105X 1000 72511 We Dun It... Aqu 109 1:39 5 113.. 1000 72249 Fair Blanche. Hia 94 1:39 3 101X1000 72210 Muff Bbg 101 1:39 4 110X 1000 70399 Prince BulboSt.J 112 l:43s 7 115X 1000 72251 Traumel Bel 101 1:39 4 110X 1000 72340 Ming Sun... Aqu 111 1:40 3 105.. 1200 72340 Call Play..... Bel 111 1:39 6 115.. 1000 72341 Inarage Bel 1101:41 3 109.. 1200 72207 Charlie F.G 113 1:41 4 118.. 1200 71308 Okaybee ....Hia 109 1:40 6 113X 1200 66350 Device M 3 108.. 1200 70547 Foreword M . . . 3 100.. 1000 72340 Excursion . .Aqu 107 1:44 3 106X 1000 Mrs. F. Byer and Mrs. B. Star entry Excursion 71969 Austerlitz II.Aqu 110 1:42 3 111X 1000 and Austerlitz II. Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. J:Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last, start; figures or , 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. DIs. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str. Fin. Jockey I.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company Martinelli X 11 B c 4 by stimulus Melodia, by Cudgel. Work- June 2 3-4 1-17-lt Trainer, B. McKeever. Owner, B. McKeever. Apr23-32Jam 1 1:54" ft 12 117 6 10 10" 10:2 PhillipsC5 1500 12 Bosafabo 117,RedFace 112,Traumel 112 Aprl8-320Jam 1" 1:44 ft 5 118 11 8 914 6" P..ilIipsC 1700 11 LittleNap 122, WildWest 117, Muff 115 Ape 5-323Bow 1 1:56 ft 49-10 113 3 4 610 6s PhillipsC 2000 8 Garliclll.JgeCavIyllO.GenialHost 105 Jao30-323Hia U 2:06 ft 12 110 8 4 71 71 PhillipsC 2500 8 Sho.DownllO,L.Heartdl08,Drugst 108 Iaa26 32Hia U 1:52 ft 19 112 7 11 11 LongJ,s 2000 15 Vacation 114,Silvery 104. Plutarch 112 Jan.20 32Hia 3 1:12 m 35 110 9 8 6 6" LongJ 2500 9 ilenside lll,AngryPlumol05,Batty 105 Nov28 313Bow li 2:36 si 4 110 3 2 3s 314 LongJ5 2500 12 Tarnish 107, Our Pal 113, Skirt 105 . Stnrta. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-,, 1931 record.. 15 2 2 7 $ 2,500 1932 record. . 6 1 0 0 $ 750 We Dan It 1 1 Q Ch h- G ty Dunlin Salvation Nell, by Salvation. Work: June 205-8 1:05ft Trainer, F. M. Eray. Owner, Mrs. A. Gcoch. Juo28-326Aqu 1 1:52 m 10 116 7 8 7S1 610 HanfordB5 2000 10 McGoniglell2,Stellanova 107,Abeth 102 Jua21-32!Aqu 1 1:39 ft 5 109 6 2 24 2" LongJ8 1000 8 YoungJohn 106,Taoist 105,Dunstan 111 Jua 3-316Bel 1 1:24 ft 7 116 9 10 11" 12" BarnesE8 4500 12 Charon 119,LleAmerical07,HackyH. 113 Mayl8 31JBel 1 1:39 ft 6 107 4 3 23 23 MalleyT1 Allw 4 HotTdyll7,S.Johren lOHildBclle 104 May 6-3FJam 3 1:13 ft 5 103 5 5 54 54 GrnbergS5 8000 5 Hibala 106, Morshion 114, Voila 107 May 2-31Jam f 1:12 ft 30 107J 5 4 4s 31 GnbergS3 7500 b MorShionlOS, StandByl07. JohnF. 110 Api20 314Jam 1 1:11 ft 30 118 4 5 54 5,a GrnbergS1 Allw 5 SurfBoardll5,Morshionl07,LIeNap 116 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 5 0 1 1 $ 300 1932 record. . 2 0 1 0 $ 150 Mllff X 1 1 O Br f 4 by Darlt Jest Sunda7 Best- 07 Whisk Broom IX. Work- June 29 3-4 l-19sl Trainer, A. Zimmer. Owner. J. M. Ziramer. Jua21-32cAqu 11:40 ft 30 106 1 6 54 54 StudleyW1 2500 8 Gl.MarisllO,BranRosel02,B.Maurnl05 Jual 323Bel 1 1:38 ft 30 10311 12 123 1013 KnappL" 2500 12 AINmanll4,GlaMarisl00,Alfative 104 Apr28 32Jam ll" 1:45 ft 7 107 1 4 24 24 KnappL1 1500 11 WhiIeawayll2,BnPrincel05,Dextro 110 ApEl8-326Jam 1 1:44 ft 10 113 9 5 31 39 RemillafdP8 1700 11 LittIeNapl22,WildWestll7,Ph.Rock 110 Mar29-3Z,St.J l70 1:47 ft 10 106 7 5 4J 44 ClancvM 2000 8 Montanaro 113, Cullodon 112, Tack 116 Mar24 32St.J 1 1:42 si 10 102 6 2 1J li ClancyM8 1500 9 GdMintll2,G"nialHostll2,Plutarch 111 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . 1931 record.. 29 2 6 8 $ 3,065 1932 record. .18 4 3 1 ,240 Trail 111 el X 11 B. f, 4, by Traumer Sunmel, by Sun Briar. Work: June 297-8 1:32ft -1-J-- Trainer, B. N. Holman. Owner. J. C. Haggerty. Juo24-325Aqu 1 1:26 ft 111 SCRATCHED, 2000 17 Charon 114,Inarage 107,HomeWork 113 Jua22-325Aqu li 1:52 gd 15 104 3 5 5i 45 DiliddoA7 1500 8 Glendair 105,Negopoli 112,StelIanovall4 Jual5-322Aqu 1 1:52 m 6 107 1111 3J Millsll4 1500 10 Easy HO.Robrack 108,StelIanova 114 Jun.U 325Aqu 11:39 ft 10 112 2 4 5 59 HanfordB 1500 15 Charon 108, Zanwell 103, Please 117 Jun.lO-32Aqu 1and 1:47 ft 12 106 5 4 64 54 GilbertJ4 2000 11 GraMarisl07,FrgMamie 102,Epoch 107 Jua l-323Bel 1 1:38 ft 30 101 8 8 64 65 DiliddoA5 2500 12 AlNmanll4.GraMarisl00,Affative 104 MaylO 32cJam li 153 gd 15 106 2 2 41 4" RcynoIdsC 2000 9 Crim.Rose lOS.HneyGrove 114,Wu 119 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .28 7 2 3 $ 4.668 1932 record. .29 3 4 4 $ 2,375 Call Play 1 1 " Ch B 6 7 My ?lay Bird Cal1, by Eolymolian 01 Pommern. Work: June 11 1-8. .2:02ft J-J-- Trainer, C. Moore. Owner, P. Maness. Jua28-326Aqu li 1:52 m 112 SCRATCHED. 1500 10 McGoniglell2,StclIanova 107,Abeth 102 Jua24-324Aqu 1 1:40 ft 15 116 2 8 74 54 LongJ9 1000 16 TheCrane 107,Concord 111, Westko 106 Juo20-32,lAqu 1 1:39 ft 15 112 11 8 84 84 JamesE9 1500 11 SnShadowll2,Charonll3,AlNeiman 112 Jun.ll 32Aqu lft 2:13 ft 8 108 2 2 34 35 CoucciS8 1700 8 Crim,nRsel03,Dunfernll2,Ncgopoli 115 Jua 6-32"Bel l 2:32 m 5 110 2 2 28 5i CoucciS 2500 8 DonTskrlOO.GyJperllS.HyGrve 115 Maj-27-32,Bel 1 1:38 ft 5 111 8 5 54 39 KnappL8 2250 13 Swatter lll.Colossal 116,BobShannl09 My 6-32,Jam 1 1:46 ft 8 107 2 2 2 14 KnappL3 2000 12 MerriIyOnll2,Traumel 115,S.Burdonll2 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.-, 1931 record.. 17 0 1 1 $ 300 1932 record. . 7 1 0 2 $ 850 Charlie "IIS B- S 4 by Master Charlie Margaret Hampson, by Nasturtium. Work- June 29 1-2 -49ft Trainer, N. J. McClure. Owner, W. 1. Johnson. Jua21-323Aqu 3 1:13 ft 20 109 6 7 6s 71S WilliamsG7 2500 9 Claremtlll.CntribtelOg.Chickiny 110 May 5-32Jam a ft 7-5 117 111" 44 CoucciS1 1200 12 BIueBlitzen 115,Reproof 115,Chipperll3 Apr29-32JJam 3 1:13 ft 6 118 1 1 lk 24 MillsH1 1500 12 SingleStarll5,WtysFoxl09,Chipper 109 Marl9-325Trp 5 f 1:05 ft 22 111 2 1 l1 34 HanfordB 2500 7 SverLakoll4,MaeSwpl05,Charleighl06 Matl5-32lTrp 5 f 1:06 ft 4 116 2 1 1 l3 HanfordB9 1500 14 Maboull6,B.Stockgsll6,P.Calhan 111 Mai:2-323Trp 5 f 1:06 ft 49-10 113 9 9 8" 8" GianclloniJ" 1500 10 JkHowe 113,PnellBound 117,Essie 106 Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.-, 1931 record. .27 3 4 2 $ 2,725 1932 record. . 8 2 1 1 ,600 Device "I Q B. g, 3 M, by Chicle Broomiola, by Broomstick. Work: June 26 3-4. .1:16 ft Trainer, J. Bigione. Owner, F. Green. Nov 4-31Bel 3 1:12 ft 101 SCRATCHED. 3000 15 Moony 112, LadyBIue 112,St. Carl 112 Oct26-31Emp. 55 1:11 ft 30 102 Left at post. ShcrryJ5 250010 SongHit 118,Bran.Princell8,W.Wcstll4 r Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- i Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. . 1 Excursion X 1 Cf k 3 1,7 Lad,lin 0uting, by Campfire. Work- June 29 3-4. . . .l-17sl -1 "0 Trainer, N. L. Byer. Owner, Mrs. F. Byer. Jua24-324Aqu 1 1:40 ft 60 107 11 6 15" 151 StevensF11 1000 16 TheCrane 107,Concord 111, Westko 106 pz 8-32Bow lA 1:50 ft 5le 105 6 5 64 5 SeaboG5 1500 9 Gayola 102,ChoIla lOO.Flying Atom 110 Mar29 325St.J 11:43 ft 43 1111011 8" 88i SeaboG10 150012 Afridi 111. Winnie C. 99. Howee 112 Mar26 326St.J 1 1:46 ft 82 103 2 9 9" 9" CarrollW 1000 12 Parties 99,Th.Telee 106,FIyingAtom 106 Marl3 324Hav lso 1:56 hy 5 111 6 9 9J4 933 FceneyR 1000 9 TstleTeleel07,Sh.Shoesl05,Ug.Mug 108 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Fnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. W..n 1931 record.. 12 1932 record. .14 -1 3 1 ,025 Austerlitz II. X 1 1 1 B" c 3 by ADeBlauae Blaue 6"tte, by Fervor. Work: June 283-4. . .l:20sy J- Trainer, N. 1. Byer. Owner. Mrs. B. Starr. Jua24-324Aqu 1 1:40 ft 112 SCRATCHED. 1000 16 TheCrane 107,Concord 111, Westko 106 Jual5-323Aqu li 1:52 m 30 111 9 9 9" 9" StevensF8 1500 10 Easy 110, Robrack 108, Traumel 107 Juall-325Aqu 11:39 ft 15 110 7 8 10" 101S StevensF1 1500 15 Charon 108, Zanwell 103, Please 117-May 2 328Jam 1 1:44 gd 20 109 1 6 8" 8 SmithF3 2000 9 Wu 113, SaraBurdon 110, PrizcDay 109 Apnl8 32Mam 1" 1:44 ft 50 112 3 4 4 5" SmithF1 1500 11 LittleNap 122. WildWest 117. Muff 113 Apnl6 323Jam 3 1:15 ft 50 111 16 16 15? 12u RemillardP14 2500 16 DailyNewsl08,S.Burdonl09.Bci;uile 118 , rStarts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. J 1932 record. .16 1 1 1 $ 800 Sllltrj X 1 Oy B c 3 by SuD TltLS BaWeca, by Alcantara II. Work: June 28 3-8.. :39sv 1 Trainer, A. Snider. Owner, A. Snider. Jual7-324Aqu 1 1:39 m 8 110 1 3 44 54 WholeyR3 1200 15 Glendair 104,YoungJohn HO.Taoist 110 Jual5 323Aqu 6 f 1:19 m 15 110 5 6 54 54 WholeyR5 1500 15 Charon 109,Inarage lll,Youne;John 104 Jual3 325Aqu 1 1:41 sy 10 109 2 5 44 24 WholeyR1 1000 11 Alcmanlll.Airs a. Gracesl02,E!cidiol09 Juall 32JAqu 1 1:39 ft 12 103 5 10 9,u 84 CoucciS11 1500 15 Charon 108, Zanwell 103, Please 117 Jua 3-32Bel 11:39 ft 60 1081 8 6 6i 6i WholeyR 2000 12 PVkAHey 105,GIcndair HO.Charon 110 ASBel 11:38 ft 100 108 3 6 10" 10" WholevR" 300013 ChIeighlK.JamisonlHBdon Rose 103 Mayl8 32,Bel 1 1:38 ft 50 109J12 12 13" 155 WholeyR 4000 17 Actionl07.Bon.Pincel08!.BrnRose 102 May 6 32Jam g 1:13 ft 30 106 12 10 126 11" LeischnR" 2500 12 T.Heathenl08,Fredrkll5.W.Money 115 . : Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 record.. 4 0 1 1 $ 250 1932 record. .18 0 6 0 ,550 Fair Blanche X T HI B. f, 3, by Bucellas Mystical, by Transvaal. Work- June 291-2 -49ft " Trainer, G. E. Phillips. Owner, J. M. Phillips. Jua24-324Aqu 1 1:40 "ft 107 SCRATCHED. 1000 16 TheCrane 107,Concord 111, Westko 106 Jua22-323Aqu g 1:27 gd 10 105 2 4 6s 44 MillsH 1500 7 FrewardllO,WfredAnn 110,Arrow 115 Jual7-324Aqu 1 1:39 m 60 101 5 10 9" 9" SherryJ 1000 15 Glendair 104,YoungJohn HO.Taoist 110 Marl9 32Trp 1 1:39 ft 29 107 Left at post. CorbettC1 1500 14 LuckyRketl07,OnLvel07,Manassasll2 Mac 5-32Trp 1 1:40 ft 28 104 8 Fell. LewisM8 1500 10 Zevar 109,Common 108,MakeSpccd 114 Feb.26-324Hia 1 1:41 hy 41 105 3 5 5,a 515 MillsH1 2000 8 BiHSoutham 102,WinnieC.99,Zegora 110 Febi24-32JHia 1 1:28 si 91 98 2 2 2" 1 LewisM11 2500 13 JgIeBoyl08,BoBlotll5,HoeWork 110i . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record.. 6 1932 record.. 9 1 0 1 $ 850 Prince IluIllO X "I "I pr B. g, 7, by Spanish Prince II. Ethnea, by Star Shoot. Work- June 29 lm l-52sl Trainer, B. D. Carter. Owner. Miss B. Watson. May 6-32cJam 11:46" ft 60 115 8 6 810 719 Sherrj-J11 2000 12 CallPlay 107,MerrilyOnll2,Traumel 115 Mar30-32St.J 11:44 ft 11 116 8 2 54 5s MeadeD 1000 13 OurPal 116,Observatnl09,Wrproof 107 Mar28-325St.J 1 1:47 ft 47 112 6 6 1014 108 MeadeD3 1500 12 BrtSPangIell2,TantahVg 107,Estin 116 Mar24-32St.J 11:42 si 23 112 5 3 54 68 MeadeD9 1500 9 Muff 102,GoldMint 112,GenialHost 112 VIac21-32St.J 1A 1:49 sy 18f 112 5 2 11 2" MeadeD10 100012 JeCavlyl09,Confidtl 107,W.Vnial07 Marl2-324Hav 14U 1:56 hy 8 110 4 4 31 1 MeadeD 1000 9 Crossbnslll.Ed.LhmnllO.CrlmnllO MarlO-328Hav 1156 hy 4 112 3 4 54 53 MeadeD8 800 7 This.Deel05,L.Covntry 105,S.Slick 112 Man 8-32cHav 1A 1:47 ft 6-5 112 3 2 l" 54 MeadeD 80012 Confidtl 107,So.Cloudll0,K.GIaderl09 Mac 5-326Hav 1M 1:43 ft 10 112 4 4 2 22 MeadeD8 1000 8 Torchfire 108,OurDoctor 108, Film 112 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.-, 1931 record.. 18 2 0 2 $ 1,500 1932 record. .23 1 4 4 ,250 Ming Snn "1 A K B. c, S, by Axenstein Geisha Girl, by Huon. Work: June 18 5-8. . .l:03ed J-"L"tJ Trainer. T. D. Grimes. Owner. T. D. Grimes. Jua24-324Aqu 1 1:40 ft 6 110 15 13 134 129i Mann J" 1000 16 TheCrane 107,Concord 111, Westko 106, Jua20-326Aqu 1 1:39 ft 25 111 7 5 5 54i MannJ 2100 11 SnShadowll2,Charonll3,AlNeiman 112 AP20-32Jam T 1:44 ft 6 11210 9 6s 919 EnsorL4 2500 11 CrimsonRose 100,PrizeDay lG9,Wu 116 Oct 8-31sJam 3 1:14 sy 15 117 7 6 7 518 SmithW" 3000 15 T.ThreadsllO,Dceptivel02,G oGab 104 Sep25 SIAqu 1 1KX ft 15 120 8 9 84 7 RobtsonA 4500 10 Uncannyl20,Despoil 120,Trombone 120 Sep.l5-318Bel 5vc 1:07 ft 7 11613 2 2" l"4 SmithW" 3000 23 BritKnotl07,Zevar 112,Clearaway 112 JuL22 31Emp 5i f 109 gd 9-5 111 9 7 66i 34 LeischnR" 3100 12 Axenbyl08,DustawaylOO,Deccptive 103 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .10 1 0 1 $ 800 1932 record.. 3 Iflarage "I AQ Ch- e, 3.. by Infinite Furious, by Madman. Work- June 28 3-4 l-23sy Trainer, C. Buxton. Owner, J. H. Louchheim. Jua24-323Aqu 1 1:26 "It 3 107 4 3 24, 24 ReynoldsC4 1500 17 Charon 114,H.Work 113,WhiIeaway 116 Jual5-323Aqu 6J f 1:19 m 18-5 111 6 1 14 21 HornF11 1500 15 Charonl09,YngJohn 104,FI.Mamie 105 Jua 9-32Bel 1 1:39 ft 10 1101 7 6 8s 9i HornF5 2500 18 SnShdwllS.GtLasslOO.Affirmve 103 Apr22-328Jam , 1:13 ft 41 114 1 1 11 lk RoseG1 1500 11 Everytimell2,WysFoxll2,I,nScout 112 Feb. 7 324Hav 3 1:12 ft 3 107 4 1 14 14 HornF 1200 8 LihertyAce 116,JoanK.108,Fyman 118 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 11 4 2 0 ,875 Okaybee X 1 1 Q Ch. m, 6, by Omar Khayyam Honey Bee, by Hamburg. Work- June 29 lm l-44sl Trainer, G. W. Carroll. Owner, Mrs. G. W. Carroll May31-32sBel g 1:26 ft 4 112 5 11 144 168 GarnerM8 300018 AHRowesl07,S.Burdonl09,GaltLass 102 Mayll-323Jam 31:13 gd 20 108 8 8 83 733 MillsH8 Allw 8 Pilate 113, Cabezo 111, Pardee 109 AprSO SJam 1:13 ft 31 112 2 1 l1 l1 EnsorL1 Allw 5 Star Fire 108, Unique 111, Shoot 108 Aprl6-32Jam g 1:15 ft 31 114 3 2 21 44 EnsorL 3500 16 DailyNewsl08,S.Burdonl09,Beguile 118 Oct20-31JEmp 1 1:45 ft 20 115 2 6 6" 631 RenickS1 3500 6 W.Crackr 112,BeauJoIie HO.Rubio 112 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn , 1931 record. .16 3 3 2 $ 3,185 1932 record. . 4 1 0 0 $ 700 Foreword 1 OO Ch. f, 3 M, by King James Brook Hill, by Ben Trovato. J. Uv Trainer, P. M. Burch. Owner, W. C. Seipp. MaylO-323Jam 1 1:48 gd 41 102 6 4 34 34 LongJ3 1500 12 Parsnipll2,MinsrBell lOObscribelOS1; Apr29-323HdG 5! f 1:07 ft 179 110 6 8 8 4 68 LoumanH8 3000 12 Boscbl HS.StepgSisrlOS.BbyBirdllO Apr22-323HdG 5 f 1:07 ft 94 110 10 11 ll10 104 LoumanH8 Allw 12 Autumnal llO.Boscobel 115,LnNcll 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-s , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record. .3 0 0 1 $ 100 4th Aqueduct Thirteenth Running Speculation Claiming Handicap. , ,000 Added. 3-Year-OIds and Upward. John P. 1 Mile Grier, June 25, 19211:364127. NOTE Claiming price, 5,000. Index -BestatDistance- Wt. Claim Index -Best at Distance- Wt. Claim No. Horso. Track. VVt. Time. AceToday Pr:cp No. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. A.eeToday Price 717823 HAPPY SCOT.... "4 116X15000 71058 Dark Secret ..Bel 102 1:37 3 104X15000 722502 Blind Bowboy Bel 111 1:37 4 123X15000 72250 Ronaissance . .Bel 108 1:37 3 103X15000 72384s Frigate Bird .Sar 103 1:38 4 103X15000 Foxcateher Farms Stable and C. T. Grayson entry, 72165 Mountain Elk Bel 102 1:36 4 114.. 15000 Happy Scot and Frigate Bird. 723421 Tug o War ..Aqu 126 1:39 3 107X15000 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. Fair mud runner. xGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures 3 or 2nd or 3rd last tart; "apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest work-" out and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. DIs. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Rtr. Fin. Jocfeey P.P.Cl.Pce Sts. nest Company Happy Scot X 1 1 B. c, 4, by Scotch Broom Felicitation, by Delhi. J.J.U Trainer, P. M. Burch. Owner. C. T.. Grayson. JuidO-323Aqu 1:11 ft 2 126 2 2 21 23 HanfordB3 Hdcp 4 Morsel lll.ThcBeascl 124,Colossal 109 Mayll-323Pim . 3 1:14 hy 19-10 119 2 4 2" 2l HanfordB3 Hdcp 6 Micpbonel09,Portden 108,Tr.Avon 117 May 3-32!Pim 1 1:12 ft 1 115 2 3 l1 24 HanfordB1 Stks 6 SunMdowll4,MicphoncllO,Protus 109 Apr.23 32sHdG 1and 1:45 ft 3e 107 6 2 33 3 HanfordB4 Hdcp 7.LitningBoltlll,Aegisl04.TredAvon 106 Apt20-324HdG g 1;12 ft 6-5 110 2 2 l3 14 HanfordB8 Allw 7 TdAvonl08,Canronl00,B.Meadows 110 Aprl6-325HdG 3 1:12 ft 31 1061 3 1 24 23 HanfordB7 Hdcp 12 Equipoise 128,Eveningl05,Reitanccl08 Nov28-314Bow 1 1:11 si 4 109 4 5 23 3s LongJ3 Hdcp 5 HerthusllOA,C.Amorcl21,Ptractor 110 Nov21-314Bow 1 1:46 ft 7-5 106 4 1 l5 l3 LongJ8 Allw 5 HilIsborhl08,Orcmsbyll2,Measure 109 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- - Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .12 2 3 3 $ 4,425 1932 record. . 6 14 1 ,000 Blind BowllOy X 19 Br. c, 4, by Epinard Beginners luck, by Black Toney. Work: June 291-2 :53sl - Trainer, J. P. Smith. Owner, G. H. Bostwick. Juo22-324Aqu 1 1:38 gd 7-5 121 1 3 3i 24 BkMrGH1 7100 8 Apprenticell8,BlonaPetel05,Cond 115 Jun.l7-323Aqu 1 1:23 m 3-2 121 2 2 31 1" BkMrGH3 Hdcp 3 The Nut 123, Ormesby 115 Jun.l3-324Aqu 11:38 sy 10 118 2 1 l1 14 BtkMrGH3 7000 6 Flaming 117,Helianthsn5,WyIayerl05 JualO-324Aqu 6 f 1:18 ft 21 117 5 2 34 23 BtkMrGH4 6400 5 Commuterll5,Condescd HO.Caplin 115 Jun. 3-32Bel 1 1:24 ft 7-5 118 2 1 14 14 FatorL3 6500 7 Panax 104, Cambal 107, J. Schilling 112 Mayl7-32Bel 1 1:24 ft 11-5 112 1 2 21 2" FatorL4 7500 7 OnTap 108i,Semaphore 104,Clotho 102 . Starts. 1st 2n1. 3rd. Wnn. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 11 5 0 2 6,385 1932 record. . 7 3 3 0 ,395 Frigate Bird X 10 Br B 4 1,7 Man War Pamfleta, by William the Third. Work: June 201-2.. :49ft --"0 Trainer, P. M. Burch. Owner, Foxcateher Farms Stable. Jua25-32sAqu lft 2:12 ft 8-5 111 3 3 31! 3s HanfordB4 5000 4 Dunfernlll.Cr.Rose 101,GaelicPrcel06 Jua22-324Aqu 1 1:38 gd 20 113 8 7 741 61 HanfordB3 5500 8 AppticellS.BdBWy 121,BnaPte 105 Apr23 326HdG l 1:43 ft 17-10 109 2 6 54 4 HanfordB1 Allw 6 Spgsteel 105,RalRuffinll2,Impish 110 Aprl8-325HdG 1 1:44 ft 21 107 5 5 44 34 HanfordB5 Allw 6 Spinach 110,BlessDeepl05,Morsel 107 Nov:30-31!Bow 1 1:46 hy27-10 117 5 3 3" 34 LongJ4 Hdcp 7 Pilatell7,BlindLanel07,BnniePrince 98 No7-315Bow 1 1:45 si 3-2 107 1114 14 LongJ3 Allw 6 QerDeckl07,R.Ruffinl03.FullDress 107 Nov21-315Bow li 1:52 ft 14 e 104 2 7 8 4 7s RenickJ4 Hdcp 12 Dr.Frrdll6,W.ClerII.108,Vares 109 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.-. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.-, 1931 record.. 7 2 2 2 $ 2,550 1932 record. . 4 0 0 2 $ 275 Mountain Elk 1 1 A B. c, 4, by Apprehension Bantry Pass, by Sea King;. JL It Trainer, J. loftus. Owner, Anall Stable. Juo20-323Aqu 1 1:38 ft 16-5 118 5 2 41 44 WallsP3 Hdcp 5 Ormcsbyll4,Watrwayl04,RevlcBoyl26 Juall-324Aqu 11:38 ft 6 114 2 4 4 44 KtsingerC3 Stks 8 Halcyonl08,Pompcius 106,Ormesby 108 Jun. 8-324Bel 1 1:37 ft 3 108 2 1 l1 21 KtsingerC1 Allw 4 S.Mdw 112,Hclthusl08,RkyNewsl08i May20-324Bel 1 1:37 ft 3-2 115 3 2 lrt 23 WallsP4 Allw 8 W.ClorII.106,Uniquel02,FrchLass 107 Mayl3-324Bel 1 1:38 gd 17-10 125 2 2 21 23 KsingerC1 Hdcp 3 Flag Pole 105, Curate 126 May 7-324Jam 1and 1:45 gd 4 114 1 2 "2 2s KsingerC2 Hdcp 4 Ppeiusl05,LitgBolt 116.A laCartc 109 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. WVii. , . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .12 3 4 1 $ 6,020 1932 record. . 8 2 4 0 ,465 Tug 0 War X 107 Br c 3 by Man War AU Aboard, by Sweep. , Work: June 28 3-4. ..l:18sy J V , Trainer, O. Conway. Owner. Glen Riddle Farm Stable. Jua24-32,Aqu 11:39 ft 3-4 126 2 1 1 2i Gilbert J4 Allw 7 ScoutMasterl26,Cheela 126,Magyar 126 Jual4-32Aqu i 1:24 m 11-5 107 5 2 2" 2" Gilbert J 6000 5 Renaissancel07.Pardeell2,Mrciana 107 ,May23 32BeI J 154 ft 12 112 8 2 1 1 Gilberts Allw 17 WhHimll2,PoloBarll2,WcllPlayed 112 Mayl4-32Pim . 3-1:14 gdl9-10 118 2 11 2" GilbertJ1 Maid 12 BronPetll3,DayDrmrll8,MjrLoell8 Aug.20 31Sar 5 f 1 K7 ft 4le 117 6 2 24 2 RoseG Maid 17 Villon 117,HpyWriorll7,BlueArab 117 JuLlOSlAqu g 1:01 ft 4ie 118 4 2 2 34 KsingerC Maid 11 Capacityll8,ScoutMasterll8.Pardce 118 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. 1931 record.. 3 0 1 1 - $ 300 1932 record. , 4 1 3 0 ,600 Dark Secret X 1 fA B c 3 by Ebony Silencia, by King James. Work: June 28 lm l:44sv J-Vt Trainer. 3. Fitzslmsnons. Owner. Wheatley Stable. May24-324Bel 1 1:37 ft 41 102 1 3 34 4! MillsH1 8000 9 HaHal05,BarcclonaPctel07,Glidelia 105 Mayl6-324Bel 1 1:25 ft 2 111 1 1 1 l4 KelsayW5 Allw 5 Forewrnedl06,Becfoi 112,Waterwayll2 MaylO-324Jam 1and 1:46 gd 15 115 2 4 44 3T KelsayW Stks 4 Pompeiuslll,StarF,ire 106.Curacao 112 May 6-324Jam 5" f 1:06 ft 3-2 116 2 4 2 1 KelsayW Hdcp 5 BirdNstl03;AutumnI 114,PHrPriddll6 Apr22-32:Jam 3 1:13 ft 6 115 2 1 14 1 KelsayW Allw 9 Byzantinell5,D.Pedrol20,Dexterity 115 Aptl6-32Jam 5 f 1K36 ft 15 116 1 4 10 10" KelsayW Allw 12 HaHall3,WayIayerll3,Renaissance 119 Nou 4-314Bel 31:12 ft 10 122 4 4 3 2 KelsayW Allw 10 Cahezo 122, Delicacy 112, IronCzar 107 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn. 1931 record. . 8 2 3 2 $ 2,150 1932 record.. 6 3 0 1 ,005 Renaissance X 1 0R B,"c 3 17 Maater Charlie Humanitarian, by Ecouon. J Work: June 27 lm. .1:40 ft xjO Trainer. H. C. Kiddle. Owner. J. J. Hobinson. Jua22-324Aqu 1 1:38 gd 4 110 2 5 4i 54 CoucciS1 7500 8 Appticell8,BdBwby 121,BnaPte 105 Junl4-325Aqu 1:24 m 6-5 107 111" 1 CoucciS 6000 5 Tug o Warl07,Pardee 112,Marciana 107 Jun. 3-32Bel f 1:24 ft 13-10 104 5 6 6 6U KnappL1 6000 7 B.Bowboy 118, Panax 104, Cambal 107 May26-32,Bel 11:37 ft 9-5 1085 1 1 Is CoucciS1 5000 8 Semaphore 113,Playfole 106,Portam 109 Mayl9-325Bol 3 wc 1:11 ft 6 107 5 8 84 71 PascumaA 6500 10 HaHal08,Micphone 114,J.Schillg 120 Apr30-32Jam 3 1:12 ft 3-2 113 1 2 24 2 RichardsH 7500 7 Panetian 126,Etceteral02,GoIdPrize 115 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .22 5 6 3 7,775 1932 record. .15 4 6 1 $ 8,040 5th Aqueduct Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Maidens. Colts, , -., Horses and Geldings. Allowances. Outline, June f4 Mile 20, 1924 1:10 3 118. Index -Best at Distance-" Wt Claim Index -Best at Distance- Wt. Claim No. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AeeToday Price No. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AeeToday Price 72107 Integrity ...Jam 111 1:14 3 115.. 70782 Boundary ...Jam 109 1:15 3 115.. 72451 Sansarica .. .Hia 115 1:13 3 115.. 72342 Pro Bono.. 3 115.. 71928 Panax Jam 116 1:14 3 115.. 72107 Good Time Walt . 3 115.. 72379 Prince Sweep.Trp 103 1:14 3 115X 72342 Sun Spear... Jam 110 1:16 3 115.. 72379 Day Dreamer Pim 115 1:15 3 115.. 72379 Brandon Light.. 3 115X 59731 Bud dAile 3 115.. 65524 .Monday 3 115.. 61181 Jim Moss 3 115.. Why Wait...... 3 115.. 48487 Bell Toll 5 118.. March Step 3 115.. 72379 Jubilation ..HdG 115 1:16 4 118.. Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. :fcFair mud runner. XGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures or 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowano. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date trs. Dls. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str. Fin. Jockey P. P. CI Pee. St s. Best Company Integrity 1 1 Ch 3 M by Fair play-Huthenia, by lembery. Work: June 29 3-4. .l:18sl ----- Trainer, H. McDaniel. Owner, J. E. Widener. JuaWAqu 1 1:25 gd 7 120 5 2 . 2 24 GarnerM Maid 15 Cheelal20,ProBono 120,GdSweeper 120 May 6-32Jam 3 1:12 ft 41 111 3 4 54 58 GarnerM Allw 9 HeyTherell3,DonPdroll7,Swcraft 113 Jua22-31,Aqu 4 f 4 ft 15 118 7 ,2 34 44 GarnerM Maid 17 BlkJackctll8.Tr!mbonell8,Dcspoil 118 JunI0-315BeI 1 wc 39 m 15 115 7 6 9" 12 GarnerM1 Maid 12 TheBull 115.HaHa 115, HappyPIay 115 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . : : Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. . 2 1932 record. . 2 0 10 hB 150 Sansarica "I 1 PC B. o, 3 M, by Sansovino Cantarica, by Cyllene. Work: June 241-2 :48ft Trainer. T. McCreery. Owner. Howe Stable. Jun.27-32Aqu U 1:50 ft 20 105 2 4 54 519 CoucciS4 Allw 5 WarHero lll.Scout Masterl09,War 116 Jun. 4-325Bel 1 2:32 ft 60 126 5 7 74 64 RobtsonA Stks 11 Faireno 126,OscuIator 126,FlagPoIe 126 Mayl9 324Bel 1 1:37 ft 60 104 3 5 64 .64 HebertS4 Hdcp 6 Mr. Sponge 126, Sunvir 116,Risque 120 Feb27-32sHia 1 1:50 ft 3d 114 7 7 6" 6" AHenCE8 Allw 7 Evening 113,Cathop 118.Trombone 118 Feh.16 325Hia 1 1:37 ft 22 91J 3 2 2 24 HebertS Hdcp 5 Evening 111, Slambang 94, Arras 111 Feb.lO-32Hia 1 1:25 ft 13-20 115 3 4 4 3" KtsingerC8 Allw 9 BIueArabll5,ElPumall5,MkeSPeed 115 . Starts. 1st. and. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. . 2 1932 record. . 9 0 2 2 $ 700 Panax 11 Br. c, 3 M, by Axenstein Panoply, by Peter Pan. Work: June 293-8.. :37sl J Trainer. P. Dwyer. Owner, Mereworth Stud Stable. ,Junl4-32Aqu -J-1:24 m 12 107 4 5 54 5" MillsH1 6000 5 Rcnaissanccl07,T.oWar 107,Pardee 112 Jun-llAqu 11:25 ft 18-5 105 3 6 4 4 35 GilbertJ Allw 6 Gustol08,WrPrnollO,RobnCrusoe 110 Jun. 7-325Bel 1 1:25 ft 9-5 105 3 2 1 2 MillsH1 Allw 6 R.CrusoellO.CockedHat 109,Snobful 116 Jun. 3-32Bel 1 1:24 ft 30 104 6 5 4 24 GilbertJ5 6000 7 BrdBboyll8,Cambal 107,J.SchiHV 112 Kvlb-dBel 3 wc 1:12 ft 12 115 5 7 64 34 EllsrthW Maid 24 W.Moneyll5.W.PIayedll5,S.Scatd lib Ap25-324Jam 3 1:13 ft 11-5 120 7 3 3 4 34 Richards!!1 Maid 7 OldMasterl20,RedCoatl20,D,nyBoy 120 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. an.- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 record.. 2 0 1 0 $ 20C 1932 record. . 7 0 3 3 $ 850 Prince Sweep X 11 Br B 3 M by SweeP On Chattel, by Helmet. Work: June 291-2. . :49ft X -1 U Trainer. G. E. Phillips. Owner. W. X. Johnson. Jua25-32,Aqu 6 f 1:20 ft 30 112 6 6 84 10 WliamsG18 1500 17 Trajectyll2,D.Dremerll2 Epidwn 112 Jun.l5-325Aqu 6i f 1:19 m 100 106 3 3 41 84 WilliamsG 1000 15 Charon 109,Inarage lll,Youn?John 104 Jual0-32IIAqu 1A 1:47 ft 100 1071110109 10" WilliamsG 2000 11 GraMarisl07,FrgMamie 102,EPoch 107 MaylO-32Jam 1" 1:48 gd 15 102 7 7 781 8" CoucciS8 1500 12 Parsnipll2,MinstrBelI 100,Forewordl02 Apr21-32sJam 3 1:13 ft 30 112111110" 9,s RemillardP 150012 Marplotl20,BndKnightll2 AlbertR 112 Mad0-32JTrp 5 f 1:07 ft 4f 106 12 10 H4 11 GianelloniJ1 150013 Nonana 103,HmScaruml09,S.Susan 98 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd Won 1931 record. .10 0 3 2 $ 600 1932 tecord. .12 0 0 0 $ 25 Day Dreamer 1 " FC B. g, 3 M, by The Satrap Broken Dream, by Tracery. Work: June 213-4 1:15ft X XrJ Trainer. W. M. Carter. Owner. W. M. Carter. JunAqu 6 f 1:20 ft 8 112 7 5 4 21 GilbertJ4 1500 17 Traiectryll2Epidwnll2,Jubilatin 112 Jual8-32Aqu 1 1:25 gd 15 120 7 8 12 128 CallahanH10 Maid 15 Chcela 120,Integrity 120,ProBono 120 Mayl6-323Pim 1" 1:47 ft 10 108 6 9 10" 1018 DoucrtyF10 Allw 12 PlnBenl08.PkyGir KB.WthingtonlOS Maj-14 325Pim 3 1:14 gd 29 118 3 2 3 34 DoughertyF Maid 12 BwnPetm.Tug oWarll8.MajorLee 118 May 5-32Pim 3 1:14 ft 39f 115 5 5 54 4 CallahanH Maid 11 Pnyvisell5,Miscallatell5,BilInora 115 APr27-325HdG 3 1:14 ft 46f 115 12 12 12" 11" RenickJ1 3000 12 GayParty 115, Mexico 117,Playdale 120 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1932 record.. 6 0 11 $ 300 Bud dAile 11 Blk c 3 M by Bud lerner Tiro dAile, by Fauche le Vent. Work: June 18 3-4. ..l:17ed XJ- Trainer, J. S. Healy. Owner, Mrs. S. C. Hildreth. Jun. 4-31Bel 4wc :52 ft 8-5 117 4 7 74 34 KsingerC Maid 11 TrySome 117, Ever 117, Jolly Pilot 117 Jun. 2-31Bel 4vc :53 m 5 117 3 3 4 4" WkmanR Maid 10 Toweoll7,HighDevinell7,HppyPlayll7 IbylBJVBel 4wc 2 ft 6 116 14 6 6i 5i McAteeL" Maid 23 T.Cranell6,Consm,t,nll6,WchHimll6 May 9-313Jam i :59 gd 25 112 4 6 6" 6" MalleyT Stks 6 Universe 117,FalIApplel25,Curacao 112 filay 2-31sJam :59 ft 41e 115 84 9s0 PichonL Maid 14 Osculatorll5.Renaissancell5,Zevar 115 ii 7" KrtB nSt- ird AVi" star,s- lst- 2nd- 3rd- Won.- 1931 record.. 5 0 0 1 $ 100 Jim MOSS 1 1 PJ B. c, 3 M, -by Whisk Broom H. or Upset Charlotte B., by - Ambassador IV. Trainer, J. Moss. Owner, J. Moss. JuL 9-31Aqu 1 1:02 ft 10 112 9 5 44 5 WallsP10 2000 14. RockfrllTwdTIirdsllDstemoffl Jim-SlAqu 1 1:00 gd 40 113 17 13 138 11 McCabeJ7 3000 17 Deduce 112, Whisking 112 PoloBar 112 Jun.ll-31BeI 4wc :54 m 15 114 13 6 84 85 CatroneF1 3000 16 Epochl07.NightEditionll4 I ermissnlll Maj-ll-Slam 1 1:00 hy 4 111 7 8 8i 10" WallsP 1800 11 DunrodelOBrandonLightlHTrast 112 Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Wou.- , Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd Won 1931 record.. 4 Bell Toll 11Q Ch h 5 M liehthouse Bachelors Siren, by Bachelors J.J.O Craft. Tranier, E. Johnson. Owner, J. I. CoyleT Jun. 6-304301 3 wc 1:13 ft 100 114 18 19 1911 18" EabyJ" Allw 23 Escutcheonl09,Milkmanll4,Csarion 117 Sep.l8-29T. Curh Ireld 5 110 14 HamillW Hdcp 14 FairyFlwerl25,OvcrA11120,FlygCall 126 JuL24-29T. Curh Ireld 2 S 123 8 DoyleJ 10 WildCorn 118, TyrolLady 12G,Denny 121 S MV29-J1T. Curh Ireld g 23 12C 5 HamillW 17 Junius 121,ConsWater 12i,QueensI"kllC S , Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Jubilation "1 1 O Br. g, 4 M, by Sea Bock Little Fox, by Zeus. Work: June 28 3-4. .l:23sv J--1-0 Trainer. P J. Fox. Owner Mrs. P. Fox. Jun-SAqu tx2 f 1:20 ft 50 1121210 7s 44 HarifordB" 1500 17 Trajectyll2,D.Dremerll2Epidvn 112 Mayll-32Jam 3 1:14 gd 50 120 11 10 12" 12" LongJ10 150U 12 Afrmativel20, Yancey 115,Seasaint 110 JuL 8-318Aqu 3 1:14 m 6 110 7 Fell. RemirrdP 2000 9 HieawayllO,Highwdll5.Mchonock 115 Jua30-31cAqu 1 1:39 ft 30 112 1 6 64 6" MalleyT 2000 8 SunFriar 118,ImperiaIAirll7,Lindy US Juo20 31Aqu 1 1:27 ft 100 120 2 5 64 6 MalleyT8 Allw 16 Arab 120,SirJohnAIdenl20,Skyway 120 r- Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 8 1932 record .. 2 Boundary 11 Ch. c, 3 M, by lucullUe Outline, by Chicle. Work: June 291-2 -52ft J-- M Trainer, J. Higione. Owner, J. Gonelli. Mayl6-321Bel 3 wc 1:12 ft 100 115 7 16 15" 14" WattersE1 Maid 24 WiseMoneyll5,W.PIayedll5,Panax 115 AprJam 3 1:13 ft 100 109 1 3 54 6 ArrioldG 1500 12 TdThreadsl09,Noioycel23,Reproof 118 JuL 9-31Aqu 1 1:02 ft 100 105 7 12.134 134 CraigM 2000 14 Rocktrll2,TvvdThrdsll2,Dstemoffll2 JuL6-3rAqu il:00sy 60 117 4 12 12" 12" StevensF" Maid 12 HpyPlayin.WrHeroil.SctMasterin JuL 1-31Aqu 1 :59 ft 40 113 4 7 8" 8" WallsP4 3500 8 Contributel22,Princcl 115,Bl.Dasc 105 Mac 4-31Mia a 1 :32 ft 62e 113 6 84 810 KummerE Allw 12 Frederick 113,DonRed 122,Impeach 118 riZ. -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record.. 6 0 0 1 $ 75 1932 record. . 2 Pro Bono 1 1 K Br. c, 3 M, by Chicle Bonus, by AU Gold. Work: June 293-8.. :35sl --LtJ Trainer, W. Brennan. Owner. Greentree Stable. Jua24-32sAqu 1 1:39 ft 12 120 7 6 5 5" KtsingerC Allw 7 SctMasterl26,Tug o Warl26,Checla 126 Jual8-32Aqu 1 1:25 gd 5 120 10 4 34 34 KsingcrC14 Maid 15 Chcela 120,Integrity 120,GdSwper 120 Junl5-32sAqu 1 1:39 m 8 115 7 3 3 34 KtsingerC Maid 10 SctMasrllS.CheelallS.WishgStar 115 Jun.7-321Bel 1 1:25 ft 8 106 4 5 54 54 KtsingerC Allw 6 Rob.Crusoell0,Panaxl05,CockcdHatl09 frSIBcI 8.WC S " f S T, KsinSerC" Maid 13 Economic 116,Makalu 116,TheBuIl 116 May23-315Ber 4wc 4 m 9-5e c 115 7 6 71 614 WkmanR Allw 7 Scion 117, Don Red 120, The Crane 120 Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. W-. - . 1331 record.. 2 1932 record. . 4 0 0 2 $ 100 Good Time Walt 1 1 K Ch. c, 3 M, by Sweep On Sweet Mary, by Dick Welles. Work June 29 3-4 l-16sl J-J- Trainer, N. Tallman. Owner, Good Time Stable. Jual8-32Aqu l:25gd 30e 120 911 94 81 RichardsH" Maid 15 Dieela 120,Intcgrity 120,ProBono 120 Sepl2-31eBel 5vc 1K5 ft 50 117 7 17 17" 18" MundenF8 Maid 18 ScotchGoldll7,Byzantinell7,JackB. 117 Sep. 8-315Bel 5wc 1K6 ft 40 115 10 11 11" 11" MundenF Maid 11 Rob.Crusoell5,Byzntinell5,Bkmk 115 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. . 2 1932 record. . 1 Sun Spear 1 1 B. c, 3. M, by Sun Briar Mary Agnes S., by Assagai. Work: June 2 3-4. ... .l:18ft Trainer. J. P. Jones. Owner. Mrs. X. Viau. Jua24-328Aqu 11:39 ft 60.120 1 4 64 6" SniderA Allw 7 SctMasterl26,Tug o Warl26,ChceIa 126 Jual8 32Aqu 1 1:25 gd 40 120 14 9 104 10" SnidorA Maid 15 Chcela 120,Integrity 120,ProBono 120 Jun.l5 32sAqu 1 1:39 m 30 115 6 6 6" 6" SnydcrA Maid 10 ScoutMasr 115,ChecIall5,ProBono 115 May 7-325Jam 3 1:14 gd 2e 110 .8 9 8" 8" SteffenE Allw 10 Spngr:everllO,BeguiIel20,RedCoat 110 . Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 4 Brandon Light X 1 1 Br M y SuB Charmer Perigourdine. by Aeronaut. Trainer, F. M. Bray. Owner. Brandon Stable. Jua25-32Aqu 6 f 1:20 ft 8 10713 14 i5" 12" ReynoldsC 1500 17 Trajectyll2,D.Dremerll2,EPidW 112 Jual3-32sAqu 1 1:41 sy 20 108 3 3 54 5" LongJ7 1000 11 Alcman lll,Sultryl09,Airs a. Gces 102 May23-32JBel J 1:24 ft 40 112 6 13 13" 13 KelsayW4 Allw 17 Tug o Warll2,WchHimll2,P!oBar 112 Mayl6-32Bel 3 wc 1:12 ft 30 11012 19 19" 16" HendrickF" Maid 24 WiscMoneyll5,W.Playedll5,Panax 115 Oct 7 31 Jam g IKX ft 3e 107 9 11 114 11" PascumaA" 1500 14 Johnny 100, Joust 104,LastAttempt 112 . Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .22 0 2 3 $ 580 1932 record.. 4 ilfoiulay 11 Ch. c, 3 M, by Hydromel Bosa Mundi, by Plaudit. X 1 O Trainer, R. A. Smith. Owner, Brookmeade Stable. Oct 2-315Aqu -g 1:00 ft 10 118 7 7 54 5l FatorL Maid 12 Evcrll8,MamySingerll8,BIackmk 118 . Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record.. 1 "Why Wait 11 B. g. 3 M, by Bracadale Pyrope, by Sir Wilfred. J. J.U Trainer, N. Ray. Owner, W. W. Adams. Jua25-32Aqu 6"fl:20 ft 107 SCRATCHED. 1500 17 Trajectyll2,D.Dremerll2,Epidwn 112 , Starts 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., March Step 1 1 PC Ch. c. 3 M, by light Brigade Flower of Yarrow, by Sunstar. LXt Trainer, P. M. Burch. Owner, Mrs. T. H. Somsrville. , Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-x , Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 6th Aqueduct Purse 00 3Year-OIds and Upward. Claiming. Lad-11-16 Miles kin, June 17, 1924 1:43 3 122. NOTE Claiming price, ,250; if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 50 to ,750. 3-year-olds, 116 pounds; older, 120 pounds. Non-winners of 50 since April 1, 1932, allowed 3 pounds; of 50 in 1932, 5 pounds; non-winners in 1931-32, 7 pounds. Index Best at Distance Wt. Claim Index -BestatDistance Wt. Claim No. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price No. Horse. Track.Wt. "Time. AeeToday Irire 72206 Marcasite 3 102X 1750 72384 Gael:c Prince Aqu 111 1:48 4 113.. 2250 72251 Glendair 3 102X 1750 72248 Flaming Mamie... 72248 Bonnie Prince Aqu 114 l:47sy 3 111.. 1750 Aqu 102 1:48 3 101.. 2250 72455 Portam Pim 104 l:51s 3 104X 2250 72107 John Milton M. 3 109.. 2250 72455 First Mission Jam 103 1:46 7 115X 2250 72455 Gallop Along .A.C 101 1:45 3 109X 1750 72341 Home Work .Aqu 110 l:46m 3 109.. 2000 72248 Recede Emp 107 l:47sy 5 103X 2000 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dls. Time Tr. Odds WL St. Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company Marcasite X 109 Ch f 3 by Bunantell Marka, by Sir Martin. Work: June 293-8 -39sl J- Trainer. C. Phillips. Owner, Mrs. C. Phillips. Jua21-32JAqu 1 1:39 ft 4 102 2 1 lk 1 MillsH9 1000 9 MakeHaste 106,Croyden 114,Epoch 107 JunllAqu 11:39 ft 12 1031311 810 .7" ReynoldsC 1500 15 Charon 108, Zanwell 103, Please 117 Jun.6-32Bel 2mcl:13 m 30 100 JO 7 7Ti 7i HebertS 3000 14 Contnbutel08,Anubis 107,SgleStar 110 MaySlBei 5 1:26 ft 20 103 18 18 16Ti 151 HebertS" 300018 AllRowesl07,S.Burdonl09,GaltLass 102 Aprl2-32sBow 5 f 1:08 si 6-5 108 3 7 7" 7" WattersE Allw 8 Marlene HO.Delicacy 104,Marciana 104 . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record. .20 5 3-1 $ 5,400 1932 record. . 7 1 0 0 $ 650 . Glendair X 1 OP Ch c 3 ty Wildair Glen Flora, by Glencairn. Work: June 295-8 l:06ft Trainer, C. Buxton. Owner. J. H. Louchheim. Jua28-326Aqu 1 1:52 m . 107 SCRATCHED. 2000 10 McGoniglell2,Stellanova 107,Abeth 102 Jua22-325Aqu 14.12 gd 11-5 105 5 1 14 T ReynoldsC4 1500 8 Negopoli 112,StelIanovall4,Traumel 104 Jun.l7-324Aqu 1 1:39 m 9-5 104 10 1 14 l4 ReynoldsC10 1200 15 YoungJohn HO.Taoist HO.Chicatie 116 Jun.ll-32sAqu 1 1:39 ft 4-5 110 6 5 61" 6" HornFs 1500 15 Charon 108, Zanwell 103, Please 117 Jun. 3-32Bel 1 1:39 ft 3! 110 5 2 2 2 RoseG 2000 12 PckAIIeylOS.CharonllO.FlgMamielOei May27-32Bel 1 1:38 ft 13-5 109 Left at post. HornF7 2500 13 Swatter 111, Colossal 116, CallPlay 111 , Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won. StartB. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record. . 3 0 0 .1 $ 100 1932 record. .10 3 10 ,025 Bonnie Prince 111 B. c, 3, by Spanish Prince II. Bonnie Bonero, by Tony Bonero Work- June 15 lm l-43m lrainrr. A. Schuttmger. Owner, A. Schuttinger. Jua22-322Aqu 1 1:39 gd 9-5 116 7 2 V V WkmanR1 2250 9 Colossal 123,F.Mamiel02,Tryandin 104 JunJ8-32sAqu 12:13gd 3i 109 2 2 24 3 JamesE1 3000 5 Crim.Roscl04,Dunfrnlll,HyGrve 106 Jual3-32IAqu ls 1:47 sy 35 114 5 5 34 2i FatorL4 2900 6 FltFlagll5,BrdnPcel09,Swincraft 112 May30-327Bel 1 1:45 ft 8 100 4 4 6" 8" DiliddoA9 3000 9 Swatter 116,Dunfern 116,FIeetFIag 106 May21-32sBel 1 1:38 ft 7 109 5 4 5U 6U RobtsonA5 5000 8 GIidelial02,St.Donsonl04,Chrrgh 110 Mayl8-32Bel 1 1:38 ft 7 108i 6 2 2 2 RobtsonA 4000 17 Action 107,BrdonRosel02,Dexterityl03i . : Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record.. 16 1 10 $ 1,125 1932 record. . 8 12 1 ,000 Portam X 1 CA. Cl1 3 by r"18 Porter AmaryUis, by Star Hawk. Work: June 2a 5-8.... 1:03ft J-"1 Trainer, W. R. Midgloy. Owner. C. J. Eissnhardt. Jun27-32iAqu 1 1:39 ft 6 102 9 6 54 34 ReynoldsG4 2500 11 S.Shadowl09,DexterityllO,A!Nman 114 Jun22-322Aqu 1 1:39 gd 6 118 6 4 51 641 HanfordB1 2500 9 BniePrincell6,Colossal 123.FgMe 102 Jual7-32!Aqu 1 1:38 m 3 112 -5 4 44 5SJ GilbertJ4 3500 6 Action 111, General A. 118, Seb 113 Jual4-326Aqu 6 f 1:19 m 18-5 117 2 6 64 3s ElstonH 3500 14 Seb 112, Zaidee 107, Beguile 117 Jun. 7-32Bel li 1:49 ft 15 104 5 3 3 4" GilbertJ1 4000 8 CharIeighll5,Swatterll6,NtPafroI 106 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record. .10 2 2 0 $ 3,210 1932 record. .15 0 2 3 ,600 First Mission X 11" Ch 6 7 by Chatterton B. First, by Cunard. Work- June 265-8 l-09ft Trainer, R. D. Carter. Owner, Miss B. Watson. Jun27-32sAqu ll:39ft 8 109 1 11 ll8i ll,s StudleyW1 250011 S.Shadowl09,Dexterity HO.Portam 102 Jua23-32Aqu 1 1:46 ft 20 106 1 1 2k 4s MillsH1 3500 4 DonPedro 115,Caplin 114,Watenvay 111 Jua20-328Aqu 1 1:46 ft 30 104 4 4 4 41 ReynoldsC 4000 4 SemaphrelO5.WarPlanel05,CharlghllO May 5 32Jam 1 1:46 ft 6 109 1 2 25 2 KnappL1 4500 3 Little-Nap 113, Black Feather 109 Apr29 323Jam 1" 1:43 ft 8 111 2 3 54 51 KnappL4 3100 6 Lit.Napll3,DlyNewsl04,Avaricious 122 , Starts, lst. ind. 3rd. Won.- . Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record.. 15 3 0 1 $ 2,604 1932 record. .18 14 1 ,150 Home Work 1 HQ Ch" 3 by Broomsticl1 Marchesa n., by Rabelais. Work- June 29 1-2 -55ft Trainer, F. E. Moore. Owner, F. E. Moore. Jua27-32Aqu 1 l:39"ft 111 SCRATCHED. 2000 11 S.Shadowl09,Doxterity 110,Portam 102 Jua24-325Aqu 11:26 ft 30 113 1 2 34 34 WestH1 2000 17 Charon 114,Inarage 107,Whileaway 116 Jua22-32JAqu 1 1:39 gd 12 116 4 1 64 74 ElstonH" 2000 9 BniePrincell6,CoIossaI 123,FgMe 102 JuatfAqu 1A 1:46 m 12 110 1 2 24 34 StudleyW8 2000 7 Negopoli lll.Robrack 112,Dunstan 107 Jual3-32Aqu 1and 1:47 sy 50 111 4 6 9" 94 DiliddoA 3500 9 Magyar 112,Action lll.DonTasker 111 , Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. " Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , 1932 record. .30 7 3 4 $ 5,150 Gaelic Prince 1 1 Q B. c, 4, by Prince Galahad Pentstemon, by Eainault. Work- June 24 1-2 -48ft Trainer,-T. H. McCreery. Owner. Howe Stable. Jua25-32sAqu 10-2:12 ft 15 106 4 4 44 4 CoucciS 5000 4 Dunfernlll.CrisonRoselOl.Fr.Bird 111 Jun. 7-325Bel U 1:49 ft 20 llli 8 8 6" 6" BejshakJ5 3250 8 Charleighll5,Swatterll6,NtPatrol 106 Mayl8-32Bel 11:38 ft 30 110 4 4 4s?. 4" BejshakJ4 Allw 4 Brnheiml20,Pari Mutl U2.Crmontlll Apr22-32IJam 1 1:13 ft 12 120 8 8 T 84 EIlisG Allw 9 D.Secrct 115.Byzantinell5,D.Pedro 120 Aptl6-32sJam 1" 1:44 ft 4 115 1 3 3 3s SandeE 6000 4 Flammglll.Avicious 115,Houssain 111 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , ; Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 2 1932 record. . 5 0 0 1 $ 100 Flaming Mamie 101 Ch. f. 3, by Blazes Mabel A., by Ballot. Work: June 261-2. . :48ft U -1 Trainer. J. B. Belk. Owner. J. B. Belk. JuiL22-32IAqu 1 1:39 gd 15 102 2 6 2U 3 CruzH 2000 9 BniePrincell6,ColossaI 123,Tgain 104 Jun.l5-32Aqu 6 f 1:19 m 8 105 10 10 91 4s CoucciS1 1500 15 Charon 109,Inarage lll.YoungJohn 104 JuolCWAqu 1A 1:47 ft 7 102 2 5 34 2 CoucciS1 2000 11 GriaMarisl07,Epochl07.HoneyGrovell2 Jun. 3-32Bel 1 1:39 ft 30 106i 2 7 5 44 CatroneF19 2000 12 PVkAlley 105,Glendair HO.Charon 110 Ma-12-32Pim 1 1:17 hy 27 105 11 10 810 64 MeadeDT 2500 12 Hagcrstnl08,Ptabitl09,Wthingtn 110 . Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. W.m.- 1931 record. .16 2 3 1 $ 2.450 1932 record. .9 0 1 1 $ 200 John Miiton " OQ Ch 3 3y SweeP On Mary Hunter, by Orison. Work: June 29 lm. .1:44;1 -LV J Trainer. M. Hirsch. Owner, Goodtime Stable. Jun.l8-32,Aqu 1 1:25 gd 30o 120 13 7 7 7,! ColtilcttiF11 Maid 15 Chcela 120,Integrity 120,ProBono 120 Oct28-31Emp 5i 1:11 ft 20 118 9 8 10s 83 ColIinsA5 2500 14 Am.QueenllJ.ImaginelOS.L.AmptllS Oct24 31Emp 5if im ft 15 118 8 9 94 13" AmbroseE9 Maid 13 Vrosoll8,Panaxll8.ChfsTradour 118 Oct21-31Emp 5i f 1:11 ft 20 118 9 7 54 710 GhesuierV0 Maid 10 Swcraftll8,Spfairll8,CsTbadour 118 Octl5-31sJam 1:14 ft 100 110 7 5 5,,B 5,s GhesqerV Maid 11 WysFolIyl07,IrnCzarllO,01dMasr 111 . Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. . Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. . 4 1932 record. . 1 Gallop Along X 1 O Q B c 3 by Wrack Virginia L., by McGee. Work: June 24 5-8. .l:05ft -LW7 Trainer. J. A. Best. Owner. J. A. Best. Jun27-326Aqu 1 1:39 ft 30 110 8 8 94 9" WholeyR 250011 S.Shadowl09,Dexterity 110,Portam 102 Jun.16 326Aqu 6 f 1:20 sy 20 105 13 13 10 104 HebertS 250013 Hggrsnl05,Chickmyll0,Trajecty 105 May25 32Bel 1 1:38 ft 12 103 9 9 11" 11" CoucciS 300013 ChIcighll4,Jamisonll4,Bdon Rose 103 Mar20 32"A.C 1 1:45 ft 39-10 106 2 5 4 4 2 RenoT1 2500 8 DailyNews90,Voltearl05.BoIgnLass 108 Marll 324A.C 1 1:45 ft 5i 101 2 4 34 1" CoucciS 2000 7 Panda 107, Ono 103, Sir Dean 102 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .14 12 1 $ 1,200 1932 record. .13 4 2 1 ,720 Recede X 10 B. m, 5, by Sir Martin Recession, by Woolsthorpe. JO Trainer. BT. Jacobs. Owner, B. B. Stable. Jua22-32Aqu 1 1:39 gd 4i 113 8 7 74 54 MillsH 2500 9 BniePrincell6,CoIossal 123,FgMc 102 May25-32Bel 1 1:38 ft 10 10912 8 84 54 RobtsonA9 300013 ChIeighll4,Jamisonll4,Bdon Rose 103 Mayl6-323Bel 1 1:39 ft 41 10116 12 74 74 ReynoldsC1 2500 16 LkyJackl03.McrlyOnl08,DyNews 103 May 6-32C.D 1and 1:47 ft 1 109 2 3 2 34 HornF 1500 7 Deemstrll3,B. ofLiIiesl08,Typhon 113 May 4-32C.D 1 154 ft 17-10 110 6 1 2 4 HornF 180011 WdRiverll3,LaFeria 105,HighStm 108 Aptl9-32Jam 1and 1:46 ft 3 102 4 3 4 4,B ReynoldsC 3000 7 DyNewsl03,FirstMsionl07,H.Grovell2 . Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record. .13 4 4 0 $ 3,600. 1932 record. . 7 0 0 1 $ 100