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1 HAVRE DE GRACE HAVRE DE GRACE. MD., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1932. Havre de Grace 1 mile. Ninth day. Harford Agricultural and Breeders Association. Autumn meeting of 12 days. -Waite Stall Gate used. Weather clear. - Steward Representing tho Maryland Racing Commission, George Brown, Jr. Stewards of Mee.ting,.H. P. Conkling, Baker Waters and George. Brown, Jr. Judges, H. J. Morris, J. McLennan and J. P; Turner. Starter, James Milton. Racing Secretary, J. McLennan. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, 1:15 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; 7 pounds; 10 pounds.- TflAKK FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. Sarazen, April 21, 19251:114129. Purse ,000. 2-year-r P,?, olds. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 50; third, 00; Sept.-28-32-HdG fourthy 5q. claiming price, ,500. Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt Yx Str Fin Jockeys Owners EqulvOdds Strt 76054STEALINGAWAY wb 114 9 2 14 14 T 14 MeadeD K E Hitt 395-100 73589 METAURUS . w114. 7 5 5 -41 23 2J MartinR Audley Farm Stabl 105.-100 760543INDIAN BOY wb 114 10 4 44 3,l 34 3s McCoyJ J Marsch 1450-100 75035 PURE PACT wb 114 8 3 2" 55 44 41 BejshakJ Sagamore Stable 1720-100 76054 LEZEV wb 111 4 10 10" 11s 71 51 EamesC J V Taylor 3625-100 750363FAIR CREST w 114 6 9 91 81 6l 64 WorkmahR H P Hoadley 1350 100 76054 POST BRIGADE- wb 114 11 11 11 8 81 7 GarnerM Mrs A Getz - 13645-100 74627 PROM GIRL w 111 12 1 3l 21 51 81 HanfordB M Hirsch 1360-100 75985 DUNORA will 2 8 8" 101 104 93 OMalloyJ Mrs J M Black 12555100 76126 AL JOLSON - - wb 114 1 7 6 61 9l 104 SteffenE C T Grayson 1255-100 73692 NUTRIMENT wb 111 3 6 7 71 11s ll4 Elstonll Mrs N Ray t, 75831 BEAU MYSTERE w l09 512 12 12 12 12 WisncrV M Delporte . t fMutuel field. Time, :24, :49, 1:16. Track muddy. , MUTUELS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODTJS , STEALINGAWAY .90 $ 3.80 $ 3.30 395100 90100 65100 METAURUS 3.00 2.50 50100 25100 INDIAN BOY 3.50 75100 Winner B. c, by Ed Crump Whatll I Do, by Eternal trained by T. Rodrock; bred by Mrs. K. E. Hitt. Winner "entered to be claimed for ,500. i WENT TO POST 2:15. AT POST 1 minute. j Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. STEALINGAWAY, at home "in the going, raced PURE PACT into defeat and, hard urged, outlasted METAURUS. The latter, close up under restraint, challenged gamely near the stretch. INDIAN BOY raced forwardly throughout. PURE PACT, interfered with when midway" of the. turn, failed to recover.. LEZEV closed a big gap. FAIR CREST was outrun. PROM GIRL quit after showing early speed. Scratched 74419 Axon, 114: 76177 Sky Haven, 109; 76126 Running Play, 114; 76054 Hut, 111; Half Hour, 114; 73785 Bravissima. 111. Overweight Fair Crest, 3 pounds. TJfiAKfl SECOND RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Victorian, Sept. 26, 1928 1:44 3 113. Purse ,000. . ntir..!. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 50; third Sept.-28-32-HdG 00; fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,000. , Index Horses EitA WtPPSt Yi. Vs Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 76132TRINCE FOX w 3 103 8 7 4 4 3 2" 14 1 CruzH W C Weant 280-100 76131 MUD wb 5 108 10 4 1 11 11 2l 240MalleyJ Justa Farm Stablt 685-100 76131MARPL0T wb 4 116 2 2 21 24 3 3" 3 ElstonH J Tigho 310-100 76241FORT DEARBORN w5116 6 5 5s 5 43 4 4 HanfordB G W Ogle 235-100, 76241 VIMONT wb 6 113 910 8" 74 5 5s 5 EamesC Mrs C Middleton 1940-100 76237TINITA wb7105 1 112 101 8si 6 6 StudleyW B Long 6220-100 76237 LUCKY CHINA wb 4 111 12 8 91 81 9 7 7 LaurinL Mrs D Yates J17445-10O 75879YOU DARLING w 3 100 7 9 11411s 11s 9 8 ShcrryJ E Fetter 19935-100 75620MASTER SINGER wb 3 103 4 11 6" 64 61 84 9 ToddW J B Respess 2315-100 75833 TENANT wb 5 113 11 6 3" 4fc 71 101 10l WatsonR W H Toomey . 29860-100 76291 GOLDEN ROCK w6108 5 3 71.9S10411 11 AustinS M C Cooper t1 76178 HEIGHE BOB wb 3 109 312.10412 12 12 12 AmbrosoE Mrs J W Garth fMutuel field. JCoupled as Mrs. D. Yates and, M. C. Cooper entrv. - I Time, :24, :50, 1:16. 1:43; 1:50. "Track muddy. , MUTUELS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS PRINCE FOX .60 .40 $ 2.80 280100 .120100 40100 MUD 7.10 4.00 255100 100100 MARPLOT .-. ..- 2.80 40100 Winner !-B. g, by Prince Val Lady Fox, by Moss Fox trained by W. C. Weant; bred by Mr. iy.C Weant. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 2:45. AT POST 1 minutes. ... Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. PRINCE FOX, partial to the going and, racing into a forward position, went to the outside of the leaders and, taking the lead in the last eighth, drew away. MUD, hurried to the front, withstood contention from MARPLOT, was placed to punishment entering the stretch and held on gamely. MARPLOT was held safo in the final drive. FORT DEARBORN could not get up. VIMONT was easily best of the others. Scratched 76237 Irish Maiden, 105; 76132 Chosen Pal, 108; 75989 Shaun Padraic, 108; 76131 Coady,108t Overweight Lucky China, 3 pounds; Heighe Bob, 4. , 7 ft A K 7 THIRD RACE 1 1-16 Miles. .Victorian, Sept. 26, 1928 1:44 3 113. Purse ,000. c Mwulir 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies and mares. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; Sept.-Z8-3Z-HdG second, 50; third, 00; fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,500; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Index Horses EqtA AVtPPSt Yi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir. Odds Strt 76409BLACK PATRICIA w 6 105 3 2 ll l1 14 1 1 CoucciS R Green 230-100 76240MISS CORINNE w 3 103 5 4 6 4 4 31 24 ToddW Mrs R. Pollard 245-100 75298JBUBOLA w 4 113 2 1 31 21 2k 2l 33 WatsonR C O Ferguson 325-100 76359 MOCKER wb 3 108 1 5 5" 3 33 44 44 HorvathK Lc Mar Stock Farm Stable 1090-100 76131FRESHET w 4 1031 7 6 84 81 6" 51 51 StudleyW R S Clark 11510-100 76183DUSKY MAIDEN wb 5 105 8 9 9 9 84 6 65 FischerHL R C Utz 22550-100 70199 LUCKY RACKET w 3 105 6 7 71 71 7l 7" 73 BellizziD C Moss 4530-100 76183SOUTHTOUR w3100 4 3 41 51 54 8 81J CruzH Mrs W W Vaughn 2210-100 75836BESSIE S. wb 3 100 10 8 2" 64 9 9 9 ShcrryJ A Mazzeo 70651 LILLYBET w3105 9 Left at post. MeadeD RParr 1400-100 -fMutuel field. Time, :24, :50, 1:16. 1:43, 1:50. Track muddy. r MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS i BLACK PATRICIA $ 6.60 $ 3.50 $ 2.50 230100 75100 25100 MISS CORINNE 3.70 2.70 85100 35103 BUBOLA 2.70 35100 Winner Blk. m, by Alibi Mary Patricia, by Huon trained by R. McKeown; bred by Mr. J. J. Tighe Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 3:20. AT POST minute. Start bad out of machine. Won easily; second and third the same. BLACK PATRICIA outran the others to the first turn, was rated in front and drew out without effort in. the last quarter. MISS CORINNE improved her position on the outside and finished gamely. BUBOLA challenged repeatedly in the first three-quarters, but tired in tho stretch. MOCKER, close up, tired in tha final drive. FRESHET was never a factor. BESSIE S. showed speed for half a mile. LILLYBET was behind the starting gate and not in line for the start and was left flat footed. Scratched 764093Boki9 B., 105. Overweight Freshet, 3 pounds. r7fiAKand FOURTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Victorian, Sept. 26, 1928 1:44 3 113. Purse ,000. .ooiJp,. 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies and mares. Claiming.. Net value to winner 00; bept.-B-3-HdG second, 50; third, 00; fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,500; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt Yi Yt Mr Fin Jockeys Owners Equir. Odds Strt 75545 STAR LASSIE w 5 114 9 5 61 53 34 1" 11 WorkmanR G C Milton 295-100 76236 FERVID wb 4 113 2 7 24 11 l1 24 24 GilbertJ Mrs J M Franklin 255-100 76132VILLAGE VAMP wb 3 103 3 4 5 3" 44 33 3 CoucciS H P Headley 235-100 76059ANNA V. L. wb 3 102 6 3 31 21 2" 43 4" BellizziD M J Miles 1590-100 76292BLUE DAMSEL wb 3 1031 4 8 9 9 81 52 51 StudleyW S I Greenfield 1840-100 76019THOUGHTS wb 3 100 1 1 11 4k 51 64 63 ToddW M Briener 1470-100 76183 PAULA L. wb 6 110 8 9 84 83 6" 75 7s AllenC Kensico Stabla 8095-100 709523MERRY MACK wb 5 110 7 6 71 74 71 83 84 OMalleyJ Mrs M Chavis 4055-100 75586 INFERNAL w 3 105 5 2 4" 6s 9 9 9 MeadeD W W Keith 5535-100 Time, :24, :49, 1:18. 1:43, 1:50. Track muddy. , ?2 MUTUELS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , STAR LASSIE $ 7.90 $ 4.20 $ 2.80 295100 110100 40100 FERVID 3.70 2.70 85100 35100 VILLAGE VAMP 2.40 20-100 Winner-Ch. m, by Ladkin Star Class, by Star Shoot trained by G. C. Milton; bred by Hamitlon Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 3:50. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. STAR LASSIE, well handled and close up, overtook the leaders leaving the back stretch and outlasted FERVID near the end. The latter shook off THOUGHTS early, saved ground and continued gamely. VILLAGE VAMP, sent up on the inside on tho back stretch, was blocked repeatedly and closed gamely. ANNA V. L. tired after racing close up. BLUE DAMSEL closed fast. THOUGHTS tired early. INFERNAL had no mishaps. Scratched 76183 French Honey, 100; 73887 Flageolet, 100; 76241sMargarct Mc, 105. Overweight Star Lassie, 1 pound; Anna V. L., 2; Blue Damsel, 3. TfSJ.fQ FIFTH RACE-3-4 Mile. Sarazen, April 21, 19251:114129. Twentieth Running el u EASTERN SHORE HANDICAP. 0,000 added. 2-year-olds. Net value to winner Sept.-28-32-HdG 0,000; second, ,000; third, ,500; fourth, 00. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt and Yi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 75941 CATERWAUL wb 117 1 7 3" 2" 11 l3 WorkmanR CV Whitney 1450-100 76287 WAVE ON wb10810 2 lk 11 2 2l BejshakJ Sagamore Stable 590-100 76128POPPYMAN wb112 4 6 5" 5" 41 31 LeischnR Mrs J H Whitney 670-100 76356 ILLUSIVE w 108 3 9 44 4k 54 4 GilbertJ Miss M Corning - . 761283OKAPI wb 1081 615 181 10-" 9" 5 NcalP Brookmeade Stable -: 76166BALIOS wb 116 7 1 10" 8k 6" 64 MillsH H C Phipps - 1635-100 763563MUSLET w 102 8 8 7s 6" 71 7" MeadeD Mrs M Rieser - 3250-100 75941 :LADYSMAN wb 128 21 21 21 21 151 81 JoncsR W R Coe 180-100 75605 GOLDEN WAY wn 111 14 13 lff15 131 9" GarnerM J E Widener 3415-100 75173 THE DARB wb 110,19 16 14 141 101 101 RobtsonA C V Whitney - j Continued on twelfth page HAVRE DE GRACE Continued from ninth page. 75941KERRY PATCH vb 123 9 12 ll1 Hi 12 Hi WallsP L Rosenberg 1570-100 74570HEAD PLAY w 120 5 10 61 71 82 121 FisherHW Mrs W Crump 1595-100 76180JCUTIE FACE w 104 2 5 2l 33 3" 131 BellizziD Mrs G M Seglin t 76180TECHNIQUE w 112 11 3 8" 12s" 143 143 ElstonH H P Headley t 76287POMPONIUS w 114 12 11 90k 91 11 153 McCrosnC W R Coe 5 76287 MISS PURRAY w 109 13 14 12" 133 16J 161! SteffenE Tranquility Farm Stable t 74702 UNION wb 106 17 18 13" 161 17 173 CallahanH M L Schwartz t 75740 EASY DAY w 112 16 20 191 19" 191 181 KsingerC Greentree Stable 12295-100 76287RUSH HOUR wb 113115 17 163 lTlB1 191! WoolfG S W Labrot t 75238MISGUIDE wb 113 20 19 20s 203 203 20s HanfordB Le Mar Stock Farm Stable 76287 ACAUTAW wb 106 18 4 171 18" 21 21 ToddW H Bruce t fMutucl field. Coupled as C. V. Whitney entry; W. R. Coe entry. Time, :23, :47, 1:14. Track muddy. , MUTUELS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS C. V. WHITNEY ENTRY 1.00 $ 5.30 $ 3.70 450100 165100 85100 WAVE ON Field 4.60 3.00 130100 50100 POPPYMAN 4.20 110100 Winner Blk. c, by Mad Hatter Purr, by Thunderer trained by T. J. Healey; bred by Mr. H. P. Whitney estate. WENT TO POST 4:30. AT POST 5 -J- minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. - CATERWAUL, securing racing room on the inside to hold a forward position, came around WAVE ON and CUTIE FACE when reaching the stretch and, kept under strong urging, finished with speed in reserve at the end. WAVE ON, away quickly, raced CUTIE FACE into defeat, saved ground, but could not stay when challenged by the winner. POPPYMAN worked his way up on the outside and finished willingly. ILLUSIVE, going forwardly under severe urging, held on with good courage. OKAPI weaved his way through between his field and was racing stoutly at the end. BALIOS finished with good speed. MUSLET went forwardly and showed a good effort. LADYSMAN broke slowly on the extreme outside and could never reach a contending position. GOLDEN WAY had a rough trip. KERRY PATCH was in tight quarters until reaching the stretch. TECHNIQUE met with interference midway of the turn. RUSH HOUR was outrun. Scratched 76356Disdainful, 115; 76353 Tiger Cat, 105; 76287 Trace Call, 104; 752382Tho Pelican, 112; 76128 Jungle King, 106; 75941 Barn Swallow, 115; 75941 Crowning Glory, 117. Overweight Wave On, 2 pounds ; Okapi, I5 ; Union, 1 ; Rush Hour, 3. VandAandSl SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Victorian, Sept. 26, 1928 1:44 3 113. Purse o oH.Y- ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 50; Sept.-23-32-HdG thirdi 00; fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,000; if for ,500, allowed 3 lbs. Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 760593UNENCUMBERED wb 3 106 6 2 PI P P P P CoucciS P A Markey 275-100 76183FLAMING MAMIE wb 3 100 4 1 4 4a 23 23 24 CruzH J B Belk 1005-100 76359JOLLY PILOT w 3 111 7 5 33 3" 43 31! 31! BcjshakJ Audley Farm Stable 430-100 76292WRD-IN-CHANRY wb 3 1091 3 7 65 51 510 41 4s EamesC S Mason 2960-100 762402BLACKSTRAP w 3 108 1 4 23 21 31 5" 5" JonesR C S Bancroft 475-100 72289JUSTA KING w 3 106 5 3 7 7 7 6s 6s OMalleyJ Justa Farm Stable 11295-100 76182 LONELY BOY w 3 108 8 6 5s 65 61! 7 7 CalhanH F J Hughes 27575-100 76182SDODGSON wb 7 109 2 Lost rider. BelizziD Everglade Stable 240-100 Time, :24, :48. 1:14, 1:41. 1:47. Track muddy. , MUTUELS PAID , , -OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS UNENCUMBERED S 7.50 $ 4.20 $ 3.20 275100 110100 60100 FLAMING MAMIE 8.80 5.50 340100 175100 JOLLY PILOT 3.40 70100 Winner B. g, by Sweep On Blue Jeans, by Helmet trained by R. E. Potts; bred by Mr. S. H. Stone. Winner entered to be claimed for ,300. WENT TO POST 5:04. AT POST 8 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third the same. UNENCUMBERED, favored -by improved handling, sprinted into an easy lead, raced under restraint until the stretch and held sway thereafter. FLAMING MAMIE, sent up on the inside midway of the turn, was eased back, went to the outside of the winner, but was not good enough. JOLLY PILOT followed close to the leaders, then tired. WARD-IN-CHANCERY closed a gap in the .late stages. BLACKSTRAP was done after five-eighths. DODGSON stumbled and unseated his rider soon after the start. Overweight Ward-in-Chancery, 1 pounds; Justa King, 1. F7iAZ-and SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Victorian, Sept. 26, 1928 1:44 3 113. Purse A 5JtcUJL ,000. 3-year-olds and upvard. Claiming. Net value to winner 700; second, 50; Sept.-28-32-HdG third, 00; fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,000. Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt 4 34 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 7641 0-GENERAL LEJEUNE wb 3 108 9 3 31 2h 21 13 P CalhanH C C Smithson 755-100 758343HOME WORK wb 3 103 2 2 PI P 13 23 21! CoucciS F E Moore 515-100 76131 ZONE w 4 108 1 1 2" 33 31 3" 31 McCoyJ J Marsch 4645-100 76291 POTENTATE w 4 108 6 6 53 5 4h 45 4h BellizziD Brookmeadc Stable 395-100 762923GARLIC wsb 4 113 4 7 81! 73 61 5s 5s GarnerM A Papa 275-100 76237RUANE w 8 111 7 9 9 83 71 63 61 CruzH W R Kirkpatrick 925-100 76292IFLYING MAX wb 5 116 8 4 4" 4" 51! 7 7s JamesE S A Neilsen 470-100 76183 FIFE wb 3 106 5 8 63 6s 810 810 8" OMalleyJ I E Tawney 7385-100 75878SPURN w 6 108 3 5 T3 9 9 9 9 ShcrryJ II Norwood 37520-100 Time, :24, :48, 1:14and. 1:41, 1:48j. Track muddy. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS N GENERAL LEJEUNE 7.10 $ 7.80 $ 5.70 755100 990100 185100 HOME WORK 6.00 4.60 200100 130100 ZONE 15.90 695100 Winner Br. g, by General Thatcher Columbia -II., by Master Good trained by C. C. Smithson; bred by Mr. P. M. Burch. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 5:45. AT POST minute. .... - Start good out of machine. Won ridden out; second and third driving. j , GENERAL LEJEUNE, close to HOME WORK from the start, went to the outside entering the stretch and, disposing of the pacemaker, drew out under pressure. HOME WORK, rushed into the lead and steadied along, tired in the last eighth. ZONE, placed to punishment early, continued gamely in the stretch. POTENTATE, always close up, tired in the stretch. GARLIC did not menace the loaders. RUANE was never a factor. FLYING MAX, sent up on the inside on the last turn, was badly blocked and fell back steadily. Scratched 68004 Lady Blue, 100; 76292 Little Stokes, 108; 76292 Tuffy G., 108; 76237 Vandal, 113; 763542Worthington, 105; 760242Zcmbla, 100. Overweight Fife, 1 pound. OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT HAVRE DE GRACE Wednesday 3 Races, 6.40; 5 Races, 31.90; 7 Races, 21.60