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l F b be g A g 1 I a c SSVlTjiirTHS HAN WHO ROUTED THeTI i MYTElf lAU V Chicago bookies $ 1 WH 1W ffl ACCIWMED BY EVERY HEWSPAPERNjrHI. f C m COUNTRY FOR MY SUCCESS.. . - J-f I 1 WR-SULLIVAN V vtw KXSJ YESTERDAYS LAUREL PARLAY: M0NJYS LAUREL PARLAY: THE PELICAN, .60, WON TRUE SWEEP, 2.90, WON HYGRO. .40, WON POLITEN, 3.60, WON Not so hot yesterday, BUT we cant have ?50- WIN This parlay WON and .WfJS PARLAYS every day. IF WE DID, thera wouldnt army of followers sure SLAUGHTERED tha bookies any BOOKIES left. I fr SPLENTY?. DO YOURSELF SOME GOOD. Dont be feeding the horses all the time. Come on "MR. AJ" give this service a trial. YOU CANT GO WRONG. A fair trial will convinca YOU I CAN MAKE YOU BIG WINNER." Sullivan. I?- "I KNOW SOMETHING TODAY" "TWO LONG SHOTS" m AT LINCOLN FIELDS THAT YOU CAN BET THE R0LL$, AND YOU SHOULD GET 0- B- ALSO "FREE" LAUREL PARLAY TODAY THAT WILL PAY 150 FOR m Just to show YOU "I HAVE THE GOODS," I am giving this PARLAY free to subscribers. TERMS, A DAY CHICAGO PLAYERS, "STOP-LOOK-READ" It will pay you to drop up to my office and see whats going on. YOURE UNDER "NO OBLIGATIONS will show you PROOF that 5 have the GOODS. IF YOU CANT COME, 0 and I will send you my PARLAY in sealed envelope with messenger. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR : Mto SENGER SERVICE 1 Out-of-town players, send your and you will get my PARLAY by FAbT WiKb. WAITING. Parlay sent immediately on receipt of your subscription. "Mysterious" MR. SULLIVAN, 127 N. Dearborn St., Room 1327, Chicago, HI. - ; , The "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 Cents REGREN PICKS 8 "DAILY DOUBLE" REGREN FOLLOWERS had the "Daily Double" at Lincoln Fields Monday, which paid 8 20 for . The winners of the second and third races, picked by Regren, were: GYRO, 0.54, and NORTHERN SIR, 3.44. THEYLL PICK THAT NEW YORK CARD YET! A FEW DAYS AGO Regren gave five jarinners and one second on the New York track. Monday McCARTYS GOOD ODDSauplicated that feat. Vespa, his first pick, finished second and paid 4 to 1 for the place. The winners ranged in prices from 11 to 10 to 5 to 1. "PINK SHEET" PICKS FOR PRICES LOOK! MERRY CHATTER, Regren Jamaica Tip, . 10-1, WON CAIUS, McCarty Lincoln Fields Tip, 5Jt WON NORTHERN SIR, Regren Lincoln Fields Tip, 13.44, WON GYRO, Regren Lincoln Fields Tip, 10.54, WON BROWN WISDOM, Bassett Lincoln Fields Tip, 9-78, WON 1 BELL CAP, Regren-McCarty Fairmount Tip, 11.58, WON iWT ROLLING SEA, .04, was a Free Code Winner. Brown Wisdom was L Lucky Larrys bet. WEDNESDAYS FREE CODE HORSES: : LINCOLN FD3LDS Erie-30-35-46. LAUREL Mare-41r42-28. TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, DLL. Mail per Month by Air Mail j per Month by First Class PAY AFTER YOU WIN Yesterdays . Strictly One Horse: FLYING MAX, 6.50, WON All clients remit promptly so I, can wire you my next long shot winner. WILLING TO PLAY BALL WINNINGS OF A STRAIGHT PLAY v WITH HONEST PLAYERS ONLY. MY TERMS If interested, wire correct name and. address. All city clients desiring a faster and more personal s service, please I call i person for todays release or PHON RANKLIN 8057-PHONE MARTY WATSON, 64 West Randolph St., Room 712, Chicago, III.